Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Jesus would shoot noone.

But Zionists burn to death children with chemical weapons.

Zionists have killed 1519 children since 9/2000.

More proof Jesus is not a Zionist.


In Jordan?

Estimates of the number of the people killed in the ten days of Black September range from three thousand to more than five thousand, although exact numbers are unknown.

The Palestinian death toll in 11 days of fighting was estimated by Jordan at 3,400, while Palestinian sources often cite the number 5,000, mainly civilians, killed. Arafat at some point claimed that 10,000 had been killed. The Western reporters were concentrated at the Intercontinental Hotel, away from the action.[

Depends on which Islamic source you believe doesn't it. I believe the middle figures given by the inmates of the concentration camps, who do you believe?
Jesus never burnt to death a child with white phosphorous chemical weapons, but Zionists have burnt to death many children and innocent civilians with white phosphorous chemical weapons.

Hamas never killed anyone with white phosphorous either.

Hamas resembles Jesus more than Zionists do, a more accurate statement would be the distance that separates Jesus from Zionism is further then the distance that separates Jesus from Hamas.

she thinks she wrote something clever
"...Hamas resembles Jesus more than Zionists do, a more accurate statement would be the distance that separates Jesus from Zionism is further then the distance that separates Jesus from Hamas."

He/she/it/they have finally and completely lost it...
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This is Jesus

Watch "God of Wonders" on YouTube

This is Zionism

Watch "Teaching Israeli Children to Hate Palestinians" on YouTube

Focus, Zionazi, the thread topic is slanderous statements your Zionazi Klan have made about Jesus. The issue is not lies of Zionists about Hamas.

Wow, if I lived like a Zionist , every time a child was murdered I would go murder one to keep up with them. That's the morality of a Zionist.

You do realise that hamas also uses white phosphorus don't you, only not to light up the area but to harm children


Israel: Phosphorus bombshells launched from Gaza - CSMonitor.com

Jesus was a Zionist. Your constant denial does not change this very simple fact.
And the fact that you keep posting such nonsense shows you really don't have an argument at all and that you are frustrated. It's kind of amusing actually :D
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The different factions of Jews were fighting each other by the first century.. with a predictable outcome. Vespasian would have stood back, watched and let them, but he was called to Rome.. Titus was not as experienced as his father.. so the Temple was destroyed. Pilot was a minor prelate... who just wanted to keep the peace and his job.

The money taken from the poor by the money changers was to maintain the Temple.

They changed Roman coin for Shekels and charged a fee for their services.

Since you have stated that "Pilot was a minor prelate," could you tell us what airline he flew for? Meanwhile, I am not a Bible scholar as you want the readers to believe you are, but the Jews came from all over, such as Greece, and the money changers were there to change the money from their original countries into the local currency.

So I made a typo........ big deal.

There really is no excuse for anyone being so hostile and calling others "filth".... It reflects badly on you both.

nothing at all wrong with calling FILTH --filth. Libel is the galvanizing
factor of ALL GENOCIDES------those of your ilk have murdered 100s of millions
using the same devices for the past 1700 years and COUNTING -----the first of
your filth I learned about was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-------interesting thing----
it was justified by the same code of Laws that formed the basis for the
nuremburg laws. Considering who the AREMENIANS are historically----its like
it BACKFIRED on them Constantine justified the hands on murder of some
two million of his own. Constantine can be called THE FATHER OF GENOCIDE.
including as an outgrowth thereof----THE FILTH OF SHARIAH
Focus, Zionazi, the thread topic is Jesus.

Jesus did not kill with drones.

Zionists attack innocent civilians with drones.

Jesus is not a Zionist.

this is jesus

watch "the life of jesus, part 2" on youtube

this is zionism

watch "gaza civilians killed by israeli drone launched missiles" on youtube

black september 50,000 mass murdered in palestine by jordanian troops, mostly women and chidren.
So why are you more concerned about 1519 killed accidently by israel defending its citizens from terrorist attacks
Since you have stated that "Pilot was a minor prelate," could you tell us what airline he flew for? Meanwhile, I am not a Bible scholar as you want the readers to believe you are, but the Jews came from all over, such as Greece, and the money changers were there to change the money from their original countries into the local currency.

So I made a typo........ big deal.

There really is no excuse for anyone being so hostile and calling others "filth".... It reflects badly on you both.

nothing at all wrong with calling FILTH --filth. Libel is the galvanizing
factor of ALL GENOCIDES------those of your ilk have murdered 100s of millions
using the same devices for the past 1700 years and COUNTING -----the first of
your filth I learned about was the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE-------interesting thing----
it was justified by the same code of Laws that formed the basis for the
nuremburg laws. Considering who the AREMENIANS are historically----its like
it BACKFIRED on them Constantine justified the hands on murder of some
two million of his own. Constantine can be called THE FATHER OF GENOCIDE.
including as an outgrowth thereof----THE FILTH OF SHARIAH

I find it very funny when someone types "Pilot" instead of "Pilate." This happened with someone else years ago who sounded just like Sharoona does now, and I at that time also asked what airline he flew for. Some typo!!! Meanwhile, you will notice that Sharoona said nothing about the visiting Jews coming from different areas, but still, I imagine, clings to her statement about the currency. I can't remember exactly, but weren't there big banks in the U.S. where your U.S. currency could be exchanged for the currency of the country you were planning to visit, such as dollars for francs? I would equate these banks with the money changers in the temple courtyard.
Focus, Zionazi, the thread topic is slanderous statements your Zionazi Klan have made about Jesus. The issue is not lies of Zionists about Hamas.

Wow, if I lived like a Zionist , every time a child was murdered I would go murder one to keep up with them. That's the morality of a Zionist.

This is Jesus.

Watch "Amazing Love -Jesus- With Lyrics" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Rain of Fire White Phosphorus in Gaza by Human Rights Watch" on YouTube

You do realise that hamas also uses white phosphorus don't you, only not to light up the area but to harm children


Israel: Phosphorus bombshells launched from Gaza - CSMonitor.com

You fool no one with your rhetoric you are a member of some islamonazi cyberterrorist group that is trying to enlist new members. I wonder if the anti terror squad are aware of your whereabouts yet...............
Jesus never burnt to death a child with white phosphorous chemical weapons, but Zionists have burnt to death many children and innocent civilians with white phosphorous chemical weapons.

Hamas never killed anyone with white phosphorous either.

Hamas resembles Jesus more than Zionists do, a more accurate statement would be the distance that separates Jesus from Zionism is further then the distance that separates Jesus from Hamas.

So Hamas are Zionists too? Now I know you are posting from an asylum. Did you happen to read my post where Egypt says they are going to take Hamas out? Your heroes are about to get bitch slapped.
Jesus never burnt to death a child with white phosphorous chemical weapons, but Zionists have burnt to death many children and innocent civilians with white phosphorous chemical weapons.

Hamas never killed anyone with white phosphorous either.

Hamas resembles Jesus more than Zionists do, a more accurate statement would be the distance that separates Jesus from Zionism is further then the distance that separates Jesus from Hamas.

So Hamas are Zionists too? Now I know you are posting from an asylum. Did you happen to read my post where Egypt says they are going to take Hamas out? Your heroes are about to get bitch slapped.

HAMAS IS ISA The same ISA that magda goebbels worshipped and
who she served when she shoved cyanide down the throats of her five small
children. the same Isa that jihadi sluts serve as the tie bombs to their over
used asses
I looked and can't find any mention of Palestine but I can find Israel, Zion, Judea.
As for the water into wine, hell, I can turn wine into piss. Beer into piss. No biggie.

It has become a cottage industry in the UK to turn water into wine, the trick is to get it to taste like the best French vintage. You can use anything that flavours to produce wine and I have made an acceptable carrot whiskey using the freezing method.
The drawback is it takes time to produce the alcohol and flavours

I never thought of CARROT whiskey------carrots have a high sugar content---
SHEEESH send me the recipe

Very simple to make get 10lb of carrots, the smaller and fresher the better. peel and grate finely. Add 4 pints of water and 2lb of sugar and bring to the boil. Allow to cool and add the juice of one lemon, add another 4pints of cold water and check that the temperature is about blood heat. ( a drop on the inside of the forearm as if testing baby formula ) Add a good quality champagne yeast or a sherry yeast and ferment for 2 weeks. Check that there is no activity by adding a teaspoon of sugar to the potion. Bottle and leave for a month, turn the bottles upside down and freeze the necks. Remove the frozen must and water and recork, repeat at least twice to increase the alcohol content. Then place in a dark cool place for 6 months after first topping up the bottles from one of the batch. Drink the half empty bottle as a light table wine...............hic

Enjoy responcibly
What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The very first line gives away the fact that the author as a RABID RACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER

You certainly didn't bother to read it.

Wrong as here is the part I found very racist, anti semitic and offensive

THAT the Jews, once a powerful tribe and perhaps almost a nation, should, after the lapse of so many centuries, cherish aspirations to become a modern nation with a country of their own
Jesus never burnt to death a child with white phosphorous chemical weapons, but Zionists have burnt to death many children and innocent civilians with white phosphorous chemical weapons.

Hamas never killed anyone with white phosphorous either.

Hamas resembles Jesus more than Zionists do, a more accurate statement would be the distance that separates Jesus from Zionism is further then the distance that separates Jesus from Hamas.

Lets see I have never burnt a child in any way whatsoever, yet I am still a Zionist. I have never eaten the flesh of a human and I am still a Zionist.

Yet hamas has done both these things and you put them above innocent children.
As we speak, who are Palestinians at this moment murdering?

As usual you are a Zionist liar spewing Zionist lies.

And you dishonestly took only a part of my statement out of the full sentence I posted and dishonestly attributed it to me.

What lowlife Zionist scum you are.

Jihad Sherri:
Palestinians are not murdering anyone...

SERIOUSLY! A people who's name over the last 60 years has become synonymous with terrorism, suicide bombings, intentional murders of women and children in schools and pizzerias, brainwashing of their own kids and turning them into suicide bombers, using their civilians as human shields?

Ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho.

Have you tried comedy jihadist Sherri?!
So the swine has a problem because Israel is good at preventing the animals from killing their innocent civilians? Good.
"Zionazi : A word that describes the behavior and mentality by certain subscribers to a cult like behavior being practiced by mostly Jews and some Christian supporters in the United States as indoctrination from the old testament. As a result, Zionazi's exercised a ruthless relentless fascist like behavior to achieve their goal of ethnicity cleansing Palestine of its indigenous Palestinian population at any cost."

Zionazi Watch

Your post discloses you are a Zionazi racist pig.

What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

The very first line gives away the fact that the author as a RABID RACIST ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER

Your very presence on the boards points to you being a DEFENDER OF CHILD RAPE, MASS MURDER AND ISLAMIC TERRORISM IN ITS MOST BRUTAL FORM.
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