Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I'm aware that The Scattering has been underway for far longer than the 70AD Sack of Jerusalem by Titus and the final Roman-Judean Wars of the 70-150 AD timeframe.

But the Sack of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple represent a turning point in The Scattering which served to intensify Jewish determination to return one day.

And, as pockets of Jews, scattered around the Mediterranean Basis and Asia Minor and Persian and the Caucuses eventually came to interact routinely with each other, through trade and commerce and migration and intermarriage, it would seem that The Return became a focal point for all or most of those pockets; a state of affairs which lasted for the better part of 2000 years; and giving them the appearance (by-and-large) of speaking with one voice on that particular matter.

Or so I understand it.

Others with a better grounding in Jewish commonalities throughout the Diaspora may shed some light on this, one way or another.

Syrian Jews derive their origin from two groups: those who inhabited Syria from early times and the Sephardim who fled to Syria after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
(1492 AD). There were large communities in Aleppo, Damascus, and Qamishli for centuries.

Whether or not Jewish settlement goes back to a time as early as King David, both Aleppo and Damascus certainly had Jewish communities early in the Christian era.

After the Second Temple

In Roman times about 10,000 Jews lived at Damascus, governed by an ethnarch. Paul of Tarsus succeeded, after a first rebuff, in converting many of the Jews of Damascus to Christianity (49 AD).

Did you read the link I posted ?

Western European Jews were emancipated and had no interest in Zionism.. Eastern European Jews became early socialists and Bolshevics.

For those who do not know-----the propaganda to which persons living in
Shariah cesspits are exposed ----is far more INTRICATE regarding jews
and israel-----than was written by nazis in the 1930s. It is HIGHLY
developed and taught in schools and mosques and using public media
in shariah cesspits. I know about it because my informants are
educated------mostly medical school graduates ------getting into medical
school is a feat accomplished by LEARNING THAT WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED
TO LEARN----as a child. Much of the propaganda was written by
german nazis who escaped the Nuremberg trials----by fleeing to Egypt
and syria I know the propaganda because I read it as a child.-----
I know it is taught in muslim countries----because I have socialized---in the
course of my life with scores and scores of muslim physicians educated in
muslim lands. The post of SHAAR ---reflects that which is considered
"fact" in muslim countries-----IRREFUTABLE FACT It is not his fault.
My introduction to the nonsense came about STRONGLY---when I was but
19 years old -----and since.

I find it interesting that a recent poster insisted that she was BUSTING
"zionist myths" when she stated that there were jews living outside of
Israel/Judea in the time of jesus------ I have never met a jew
any reasonable education who did not know there were jews outside
Israel Judea way back then and BEFORE Sorry Shaar---and ---
----clone The MTYH is your concept that jews are not fully aware
of that fact --------it is part of our WRITTEN HISTORY----very carefully
and very accurately recorded. What you guys are doing is playing
SOPHISTRY with information ----WE GAVE YOU--you do not have a
recorded history being from people only very recently literate

PS----the statement that european jews were not interested in zionism---
is utterly idiotic--------of course one can find some----just as one can find
saudis who have absolutely no intention of going back there or ever visiting
mecca------right here in the USA

When I first heard the islamo version of jewish history----from muslims who
before meeting me ---had never met a jew-----I actually believed that they
could not possibly continue holding their nonsensical beliefs for long.
I was dead wrong. THE BS is FIRM BELIEF

What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
"...Did you read the link I posted?..."
No. I tend not to read anything from Socialist websites.

Here is some related feedback from a Jewish-American website that I dug up with a 5-second Google search...

"...The Zionist ideal of a return to Israel has profound religious roots. Many Jewish prayers speak of Jerusalem, Zion and the Land of Israel. The injunction not to forget Jerusalem, the site of the Temple, is a major tenet of Judaism. The Hebrew language, the Torah, laws in the Talmud, the Jewish calendar and Jewish holidays and festivals such as Shavuot all originated in Israel and revolve around its seasons and conditions. Jews pray toward Jerusalem and recite the words "next year in Jerusalem" every Passover. Jewish religion, culture and history make clear that it is only in the land of Israel that the Jewish commonwealth can be built..." [/QUOTE]

This seems to confirm my own soft-and-fuzzy understanding that Judaism has contained an embedded Hope of Return throughout much of the past 2000 years, and that modern-day Zionism is merely the most recent and half-secularized incarnation of this Hope of Return.

Again, someone with far better credentials than I in Jewish Diaspora history and philosophy and collective ambitions can probably do this topic better service than I can, but this ambition to return does not seem to be a 19th Century Zionist Movement invention, but the most modern and successful of several manifestations of those old hopes.
The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.

Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
I looked and can't find any mention of Palestine but I can find Israel, Zion, Judea.
As for the water into wine, hell, I can turn wine into piss. Beer into piss. No biggie.

muslim children are taught that the story about Jesus turning water to wine
is an OBVIOUS LIE------since Jesus was a muslim and did not drink wine----
I am not joking-----of course the water into wine story is not so IDIOTIC
as is the nonsense about "turning the cheek" Obviously as a muslim prophet---
Jesus or his followers would KILL anyone who insulted Jesus.
The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.
I looked and can't find any mention of Palestine but I can find Israel, Zion, Judea.
As for the water into wine, hell, I can turn wine into piss. Beer into piss. No biggie.

muslim children are taught that the story about Jesus turning water to wine
is an OBVIOUS LIE------since Jesus was a muslim and did not drink wine----
I am not joking-----of course the water into wine story is not so IDIOTIC
as is the nonsense about "turning the cheek" Obviously as a muslim prophet---
Jesus or his followers would KILL anyone who insulted Jesus.

Turning the other cheek is Jesus teaching the people how to passively resist the Roman occupation. Turning water into wine is about the message of the Christ satisfying spiritual thirst.
I looked and can't find any mention of Palestine but I can find Israel, Zion, Judea.
As for the water into wine, hell, I can turn wine into piss. Beer into piss. No biggie.

muslim children are taught that the story about Jesus turning water to wine
is an OBVIOUS LIE------since Jesus was a muslim and did not drink wine----
I am not joking-----of course the water into wine story is not so IDIOTIC
as is the nonsense about "turning the cheek" Obviously as a muslim prophet---
Jesus or his followers would KILL anyone who insulted Jesus.

Turning the other cheek is Jesus teaching the people how to passively resist the Roman occupation. Turning water into wine is about the message of the Christ satisfying spiritual thirst.

Turning the other cheek is a reflection of PHARISEE IDEOLOGY----Jesus got most
of his stuff from a scholar very popular during his time HILLEL-----The
concept is not at all restricted to the ROMANS ---in fact Jesus celebrated
the holiday CHANUKAH which is a MILITARY DEFEAT of the
greek/syrian jerk ANTIOCHUS. The violent incursion into the
Why did he not turn the cheek instead of overturning the tables
of the money changers?

Turning water into wine was supposed to be a MIRACLE that proves
jesus had magical powers-------In fact the occassion was not people dying of
thirst------it was a WEDDING PARTY He saved the wedding party-----your
interpretation is actually childish. It is good that you paid attention in
sunday school What crayon did you use to color the lamb?
Syrian Jews derive their origin from two groups: those who inhabited Syria from early times and the Sephardim who fled to Syria after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
(1492 AD). There were large communities in Aleppo, Damascus, and Qamishli for centuries.

Whether or not Jewish settlement goes back to a time as early as King David, both Aleppo and Damascus certainly had Jewish communities early in the Christian era.

After the Second Temple

In Roman times about 10,000 Jews lived at Damascus, governed by an ethnarch. Paul of Tarsus succeeded, after a first rebuff, in converting many of the Jews of Damascus to Christianity (49 AD).

Did you read the link I posted ?

Western European Jews were emancipated and had no interest in Zionism.. Eastern European Jews became early socialists and Bolshevics.

For those who do not know-----the propaganda to which persons living in
Shariah cesspits are exposed ----is far more INTRICATE regarding jews
and israel-----than was written by nazis in the 1930s. It is HIGHLY
developed and taught in schools and mosques and using public media
in shariah cesspits. I know about it because my informants are
educated------mostly medical school graduates ------getting into medical
school is a feat accomplished by LEARNING THAT WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED
TO LEARN----as a child. Much of the propaganda was written by
german nazis who escaped the Nuremberg trials----by fleeing to Egypt
and syria I know the propaganda because I read it as a child.-----
I know it is taught in muslim countries----because I have socialized---in the
course of my life with scores and scores of muslim physicians educated in
muslim lands. The post of SHAAR ---reflects that which is considered
"fact" in muslim countries-----IRREFUTABLE FACT It is not his fault.
My introduction to the nonsense came about STRONGLY---when I was but
19 years old -----and since.

I find it interesting that a recent poster insisted that she was BUSTING
"zionist myths" when she stated that there were jews living outside of
Israel/Judea in the time of jesus------ I have never met a jew
any reasonable education who did not know there were jews outside
Israel Judea way back then and BEFORE Sorry Shaar---and ---
----clone The MTYH is your concept that jews are not fully aware
of that fact --------it is part of our WRITTEN HISTORY----very carefully
and very accurately recorded. What you guys are doing is playing
SOPHISTRY with information ----WE GAVE YOU--you do not have a
recorded history being from people only very recently literate

PS----the statement that european jews were not interested in zionism---
is utterly idiotic--------of course one can find some----just as one can find
saudis who have absolutely no intention of going back there or ever visiting
mecca------right here in the USA

When I first heard the islamo version of jewish history----from muslims who
before meeting me ---had never met a jew-----I actually believed that they
could not possibly continue holding their nonsensical beliefs for long.
I was dead wrong. THE BS is FIRM BELIEF

What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

I am a jewish source. You cited a TYPICAL British POV from 1920----
My paternal grandmother came to the USA from England approximately
1918----with her first two children and then my father was born in the USA
I still have relatives in MERRY OLD----from both paternal and maternal lines,

LOL do you ever read? you quoted a Brit in the EMPIRE's foreign
service ----- his style recaps that of T E Lawrence

you are being silly
muslim children are taught that the story about Jesus turning water to wine
is an OBVIOUS LIE------since Jesus was a muslim and did not drink wine----
I am not joking-----of course the water into wine story is not so IDIOTIC
as is the nonsense about "turning the cheek" Obviously as a muslim prophet---
Jesus or his followers would KILL anyone who insulted Jesus.

Turning the other cheek is Jesus teaching the people how to passively resist the Roman occupation. Turning water into wine is about the message of the Christ satisfying spiritual thirst.

Turning the other cheek is a reflection of PHARISEE IDEOLOGY----Jesus got most
of his stuff from a scholar very popular during his time HILLEL-----The
concept is not at all restricted to the ROMANS ---in fact Jesus celebrated
the holiday CHANUKAH which is a MILITARY DEFEAT of the
greek/syrian jerk ANTIOCHUS. The violent incursion into the
Why did he not turn the cheek instead of overturning the tables
of the money changers?

Turning water into wine was supposed to be a MIRACLE that proves
jesus had magical powers-------In fact the occassion was not people dying of
thirst------it was a WEDDING PARTY He saved the wedding party-----your
interpretation is actually childish. It is good that you paid attention in
sunday school What crayon did you use to color the lamb?

Jesus was teaching a radical new theology... called non-violent liberation theology to defeat the Roman and by shaming them. Gandhi got it and so did MLK.

The money changers.. the inheritors of the Levites were cheating the poor.
Sherri doesn't even know that Zionism began around 145O BCE with the Hebrew's exodus from Egypt. Thus the yearning for a Jewish homeland of which even Jesus & his followers were a part of & supported. And oh has Zionism grown ever since thanks to Jesus & his followers.
Jihad Sherri doesn't wanna know.
Syrian Jews derive their origin from two groups: those who inhabited Syria from early times and the Sephardim who fled to Syria after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
(1492 AD). There were large communities in Aleppo, Damascus, and Qamishli for centuries.

Whether or not Jewish settlement goes back to a time as early as King David, both Aleppo and Damascus certainly had Jewish communities early in the Christian era.

After the Second Temple

In Roman times about 10,000 Jews lived at Damascus, governed by an ethnarch. Paul of Tarsus succeeded, after a first rebuff, in converting many of the Jews of Damascus to Christianity (49 AD).

Did you read the link I posted ?

Western European Jews were emancipated and had no interest in Zionism.. Eastern European Jews became early socialists and Bolshevics.

For those who do not know-----the propaganda to which persons living in
Shariah cesspits are exposed ----is far more INTRICATE regarding jews
and israel-----than was written by nazis in the 1930s. It is HIGHLY
developed and taught in schools and mosques and using public media
in shariah cesspits. I know about it because my informants are
educated------mostly medical school graduates ------getting into medical
school is a feat accomplished by LEARNING THAT WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED
TO LEARN----as a child. Much of the propaganda was written by
german nazis who escaped the Nuremberg trials----by fleeing to Egypt
and syria I know the propaganda because I read it as a child.-----
I know it is taught in muslim countries----because I have socialized---in the
course of my life with scores and scores of muslim physicians educated in
muslim lands. The post of SHAAR ---reflects that which is considered
"fact" in muslim countries-----IRREFUTABLE FACT It is not his fault.
My introduction to the nonsense came about STRONGLY---when I was but
19 years old -----and since.

I find it interesting that a recent poster insisted that she was BUSTING
"zionist myths" when she stated that there were jews living outside of
Israel/Judea in the time of jesus------ I have never met a jew
any reasonable education who did not know there were jews outside
Israel Judea way back then and BEFORE Sorry Shaar---and ---
----clone The MTYH is your concept that jews are not fully aware
of that fact --------it is part of our WRITTEN HISTORY----very carefully
and very accurately recorded. What you guys are doing is playing
SOPHISTRY with information ----WE GAVE YOU--you do not have a
recorded history being from people only very recently literate

PS----the statement that european jews were not interested in zionism---
is utterly idiotic--------of course one can find some----just as one can find
saudis who have absolutely no intention of going back there or ever visiting
mecca------right here in the USA

When I first heard the islamo version of jewish history----from muslims who
before meeting me ---had never met a jew-----I actually believed that they
could not possibly continue holding their nonsensical beliefs for long.
I was dead wrong. THE BS is FIRM BELIEF

What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
You should speak to some Middle Eastern Jews who have fled Muslim animals.

It appears that the children of Israel have indeed gathered in the promised land, from all over the world, as predicted in the Old Zionist and New Testaments. Praise to Allah for the Children of Israel are back home.


The Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries or Jewish exodus from Arab countries (Arabic: هجرة اليهود من الدول العربية والإسلامية* hijrat al-yahūd min ad-duwal al-ʻArabīyah wal-Islāmīyah) was the departure, flight,[1] migration and expulsion of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Muslim countries, mainly from 1948 until the early 1970s.
Though Jewish migration from Middle Eastern and North African communities began in the late 19th century and Jews began leaving some Arab countries in the 1930s and early 1940s, it did not happen on a large scale until after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Although estimates vary, about 800,000 Jews lived in Arab countries prior to the creation of Israel in 1948, of which just under two-thirds lived in the colonial-controlled Maghreb region, 15-20% in the Kingdom of Iraq, approximately 10% in the Kingdom of Egypt and approximately 7% in the Kingdom of Yemen. A further 200,000 lived in Pahlavi Iran and the Republic of Turkey. Today around 6,500 Jews live in Arab countries and around 30,000 in Iran and Turkey.

Of the nearly 900,000 Jewish emigrants, approximately 680,000 emigrated to Israel and 235,000 to France; the remainder went to other countries in Europe as well as to the Americas.

The majority of Jews in Arab countries eventually immigrated to the modern State of Israel, and by 2003 they and their offspring, (including those of mixed lineage) comprised 3,136,436 people, or about 61% of Israel's Jewish population. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees to Israel were temporarily settled in the numerous tent camps. Those were later transformed into ma'abarot (transit camps), where tin dwellings were provided to house up to 220,000 residents.
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Turning the other cheek is Jesus teaching the people how to passively resist the Roman occupation. Turning water into wine is about the message of the Christ satisfying spiritual thirst.

Turning the other cheek is a reflection of PHARISEE IDEOLOGY----Jesus got most
of his stuff from a scholar very popular during his time HILLEL-----The
concept is not at all restricted to the ROMANS ---in fact Jesus celebrated
the holiday CHANUKAH which is a MILITARY DEFEAT of the
greek/syrian jerk ANTIOCHUS. The violent incursion into the
Why did he not turn the cheek instead of overturning the tables
of the money changers?

Turning water into wine was supposed to be a MIRACLE that proves
jesus had magical powers-------In fact the occassion was not people dying of
thirst------it was a WEDDING PARTY He saved the wedding party-----your
interpretation is actually childish. It is good that you paid attention in
sunday school What crayon did you use to color the lamb?

Jesus was teaching a radical new theology... called non-violent liberation theology to defeat the Roman and by shaming them. Gandhi got it and so did MLK.

The money changers.. the inheritors of the Levites were cheating the poor.
Nope. Judeah was under Roman occupation and there was a lot of dissatisfaction and unrest and finger pointing at the establishment for causing the situation. The Romans were a brutal occupation force that had already crucified many Jews. Jesus was a Zionist Jewish rabbi who was trying to save his people (like many at the time) and rebuild Israel to its glory days, and he saw the pharesee leaders and the scribes at fault. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize what was happening at the time.

Israel was finally invaded 70 years after Jesus' death and Jesus' a new faith was created so that it may save their nation. The jury is still out.

In anicent times religion played a big role in everything that happened. Things were good, God wanted it becuse you pleased Him. Things were bad, you must have done something to make God mad. That mindset is still around. Look at a few of Jihad Sherri's posts. LOL
Last edited:
For those who do not know-----the propaganda to which persons living in
Shariah cesspits are exposed ----is far more INTRICATE regarding jews
and israel-----than was written by nazis in the 1930s. It is HIGHLY
developed and taught in schools and mosques and using public media
in shariah cesspits. I know about it because my informants are
educated------mostly medical school graduates ------getting into medical
school is a feat accomplished by LEARNING THAT WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED
TO LEARN----as a child. Much of the propaganda was written by
german nazis who escaped the Nuremberg trials----by fleeing to Egypt
and syria I know the propaganda because I read it as a child.-----
I know it is taught in muslim countries----because I have socialized---in the
course of my life with scores and scores of muslim physicians educated in
muslim lands. The post of SHAAR ---reflects that which is considered
"fact" in muslim countries-----IRREFUTABLE FACT It is not his fault.
My introduction to the nonsense came about STRONGLY---when I was but
19 years old -----and since.

I find it interesting that a recent poster insisted that she was BUSTING
"zionist myths" when she stated that there were jews living outside of
Israel/Judea in the time of jesus------ I have never met a jew
any reasonable education who did not know there were jews outside
Israel Judea way back then and BEFORE Sorry Shaar---and ---
----clone The MTYH is your concept that jews are not fully aware
of that fact --------it is part of our WRITTEN HISTORY----very carefully
and very accurately recorded. What you guys are doing is playing
SOPHISTRY with information ----WE GAVE YOU--you do not have a
recorded history being from people only very recently literate

PS----the statement that european jews were not interested in zionism---
is utterly idiotic--------of course one can find some----just as one can find
saudis who have absolutely no intention of going back there or ever visiting
mecca------right here in the USA

When I first heard the islamo version of jewish history----from muslims who
before meeting me ---had never met a jew-----I actually believed that they
could not possibly continue holding their nonsensical beliefs for long.
I was dead wrong. THE BS is FIRM BELIEF

What I want is Jewish sources. ... or British sources. Do you attend Muslim schools or Mosques? I don't.

This was written in 1920.

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
You should speak to some Middle Eastern Jews who have fled Muslim animals.

It appears that the children of Israel have indeed gathered in the promised land, from all over the world, as predicted in the Old Zionist and New Testaments. Praise to Allah for the Children of Israel are back home.

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries or Jewish exodus from Arab countries (Arabic: هجرة اليهود من الدول العربية والإسلامية* hijrat al-yahūd min ad-duwal al-ʻArabīyah wal-Islāmīyah) was the departure, flight,[1] migration and expulsion of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Muslim countries, mainly from 1948 until the early 1970s.
Though Jewish migration from Middle Eastern and North African communities began in the late 19th century and Jews began leaving some Arab countries in the 1930s and early 1940s, it did not happen on a large scale until after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Although estimates vary, about 800,000 Jews lived in Arab countries prior to the creation of Israel in 1948, of which just under two-thirds lived in the colonial-controlled Maghreb region, 15-20% in the Kingdom of Iraq, approximately 10% in the Kingdom of Egypt and approximately 7% in the Kingdom of Yemen. A further 200,000 lived in Pahlavi Iran and the Republic of Turkey. Today around 6,500 Jews live in Arab countries and around 30,000 in Iran and Turkey.

Of the nearly 900,000 Jewish emigrants, approximately 680,000 emigrated to Israel and 235,000 to France; the remainder went to other countries in Europe as well as to the Americas.

The majority of Jews in Arab countries eventually immigrated to the modern State of Israel, and by 2003 they and their offspring, (including those of mixed lineage) comprised 3,136,436 people, or about 61% of Israel's Jewish population. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees to Israel were temporarily settled in the numerous tent camps. Those were later transformed into ma'abarot (transit camps), where tin dwellings were provided to house up to 220,000 residents.

You might want to check the population data of these Arab countries by year..
The myth debunked is that the majority of the people in Palestine when Jesus lived there were Jews, they were not.

Maybe it's no big deal, but for me it simply explains more clearly how it is that Jesus in His Ministry meets such a diverse group of people, that you read about from the beginning of His Ministry.

And it is obvious the boundaries of Palestine as addressed by Edersheim are based on lands the Israelites claimed a right to, at least that is at least one perspective one can look at to define such boundaries.

My Community Bible Study this year is on Judges and Samuel, so this is familiar to me right now, these borders being discussed.

Truly, the boundaries of Palestine have never seemed clear, not 2000 years ago or today either.

>>Now Cyrenius, a Roman senator, and one who had gone through other magistracies, and had passed through them till he had been consul, and one who, on other accounts, was of great dignity, came at this time into Syria, with a few others, being sent by Caesar to be a judge of that nation, and to take an account of their substance. Coponius also, a man of the equestrian order, was sent together with him, to have the supreme power over the Jews. Moreover, Cyrenius came himself into Judea, which was now added to the province of Syria, to take an account of their substance, and to dispose of Archelaus's money;<<Josephus
Jihad Sherri:
Palestinians are not murdering anyone...

SERIOUSLY! A people who's name over the last 60 years has become synonymous with terrorism, suicide bombings, intentional murders of women and children in schools and pizzerias, brainwashing of their own kids and turning them into suicide bombers, using their civilians as human shields?

Ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho.

Have you tried comedy jihadist Sherri?!
Jihad Sherri:
Palestinians are not murdering anyone...

SERIOUSLY! A people who's name over the last 60 years has become synonymous with terrorism, suicide bombings, intentional murders of women and children in schools and pizzerias, brainwashing of their own kids and turning them into suicide bombers, using their civilians as human shields?

Ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho.

Have you tried comedy jihadist Sherri?!

Palestinians are right not firing rockets at gaza, trying to kill Israelis
Turning the other cheek is Jesus teaching the people how to passively resist the Roman occupation. Turning water into wine is about the message of the Christ satisfying spiritual thirst.

Turning the other cheek is a reflection of PHARISEE IDEOLOGY----Jesus got most
of his stuff from a scholar very popular during his time HILLEL-----The
concept is not at all restricted to the ROMANS ---in fact Jesus celebrated
the holiday CHANUKAH which is a MILITARY DEFEAT of the
greek/syrian jerk ANTIOCHUS. The violent incursion into the
Why did he not turn the cheek instead of overturning the tables
of the money changers?

Turning water into wine was supposed to be a MIRACLE that proves
jesus had magical powers-------In fact the occassion was not people dying of
thirst------it was a WEDDING PARTY He saved the wedding party-----your
interpretation is actually childish. It is good that you paid attention in
sunday school What crayon did you use to color the lamb?

Jesus was teaching a radical new theology... called non-violent liberation theology to defeat the Roman and by shaming them. Gandhi got it and so did MLK.

The money changers.. the inheritors of the Levites were cheating the poor.

I already know the nazi filth. I lived amongst people like you as a child---
even attended some sunday school with a friend If Jesus was teaching a
"radical new theology" he certainly kept that fact quiet. Where does
the term NON VIOLENT LIBERATTION THEOLOGY appear in the bible?

by "shaming" the romans? gee----you never learned much about
the romans either

In what manner were the money changers "cheating the poor"? Do you have
any idea who controlled the temple back then and WHO HATED THEM?

The money changers functioned to serve a need for people who traveled to
Jerusalem----from outside of Israel/Judea----people who needed local
coin. Such people are generally not "the poor" but I do appreciate
your candor in presenting typical WASP BS Even the wicked
INN KEEPER was CHEATING THE POOR I remember it all well
How about you parrot some of the nonsense I heard as a child----like
or the high priests who were also the rabbis and the pharisees?----
See---I did some time in Sunday school too.----I think the one I did the
most time was LUTHERAN-----but I may have had some episcopalian
time. Episcopalian was big in my town----GEORGE WASHINGTON -
spent some time there or so was the claim

Isn't it time for you to light candles for SAINT PONTIUS PILATE----who
desperately tried to save Jesus from the blood thirsty jews?
Turning the other cheek is a reflection of PHARISEE IDEOLOGY----Jesus got most
of his stuff from a scholar very popular during his time HILLEL-----The
concept is not at all restricted to the ROMANS ---in fact Jesus celebrated
the holiday CHANUKAH which is a MILITARY DEFEAT of the
greek/syrian jerk ANTIOCHUS. The violent incursion into the
Why did he not turn the cheek instead of overturning the tables
of the money changers?

Turning water into wine was supposed to be a MIRACLE that proves
jesus had magical powers-------In fact the occassion was not people dying of
thirst------it was a WEDDING PARTY He saved the wedding party-----your
interpretation is actually childish. It is good that you paid attention in
sunday school What crayon did you use to color the lamb?

Jesus was teaching a radical new theology... called non-violent liberation theology to defeat the Roman and by shaming them. Gandhi got it and so did MLK.

The money changers.. the inheritors of the Levites were cheating the poor.

I already know the nazi filth. I lived amongst people like you as a child---
even attended some sunday school with a friend If Jesus was teaching a
"radical new theology" he certainly kept that fact quiet. Where does
the term NON VIOLENT LIBERATTION THEOLOGY appear in the bible?

by "shaming" the romans? gee----you never learned much about
the romans either

In what manner were the money changers "cheating the poor"? Do you have
any idea who controlled the temple back then and WHO HATED THEM?

The money changers functioned to serve a need for people who traveled to
Jerusalem----from outside of Israel/Judea----people who needed local
coin. Such people are generally not "the poor" but I do appreciate
your candor in presenting typical WASP BS Even the wicked
INN KEEPER was CHEATING THE POOR I remember it all well
How about you parrot some of the nonsense I heard as a child----like
or the high priests who were also the rabbis and the pharisees?----
See---I did some time in Sunday school too.----I think the one I did the
most time was LUTHERAN-----but I may have had some episcopalian
time. Episcopalian was big in my town----GEORGE WASHINGTON -
spent some time there or so was the claim

Isn't it time for you to light candles for SAINT PONTIUS PILATE----who
desperately tried to save Jesus from the blood thirsty jews?

The different factions of Jews were fighting each other by the first century.. with a predictable outcome. Vespasian would have stood back, watched and let them, but he was called to Rome.. Titus was not as experienced as his father.. so the Temple was destroyed. Pilot was a minor prelate... who just wanted to keep the peace and his job.

The money taken from the poor by the money changers was to maintain the Temple.

They changed Roman coin for Shekels and charged a fee for their services.
Jesus was teaching a radical new theology... called non-violent liberation theology to defeat the Roman and by shaming them. Gandhi got it and so did MLK.

The money changers.. the inheritors of the Levites were cheating the poor.

I already know the nazi filth. I lived amongst people like you as a child---
even attended some sunday school with a friend If Jesus was teaching a
"radical new theology" he certainly kept that fact quiet. Where does
the term NON VIOLENT LIBERATTION THEOLOGY appear in the bible?

by "shaming" the romans? gee----you never learned much about
the romans either

In what manner were the money changers "cheating the poor"? Do you have
any idea who controlled the temple back then and WHO HATED THEM?

The money changers functioned to serve a need for people who traveled to
Jerusalem----from outside of Israel/Judea----people who needed local
coin. Such people are generally not "the poor" but I do appreciate
your candor in presenting typical WASP BS Even the wicked
INN KEEPER was CHEATING THE POOR I remember it all well
How about you parrot some of the nonsense I heard as a child----like
or the high priests who were also the rabbis and the pharisees?----
See---I did some time in Sunday school too.----I think the one I did the
most time was LUTHERAN-----but I may have had some episcopalian
time. Episcopalian was big in my town----GEORGE WASHINGTON -
spent some time there or so was the claim

Isn't it time for you to light candles for SAINT PONTIUS PILATE----who
desperately tried to save Jesus from the blood thirsty jews?

The different factions of Jews were fighting each other by the first century.. with a predictable outcome. Vespasian would have stood back, watched and let them, but he was called to Rome.. Titus was not as experienced as his father.. so the Temple was destroyed. Pilot was a minor prelate... who just wanted to keep the peace and his job.

The money taken from the poor by the money changers was to maintain the Temple.

They changed Roman coin for Shekels and charged a fee for their services.

Since you have stated that "Pilot was a minor prelate," could you tell us what airline he flew for? Meanwhile, I am not a Bible scholar as you want the readers to believe you are, but the Jews came from all over, such as Greece, and the money changers were there to change the money from their original countries into the local currency.
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