Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I read the school of Arum, the sages, the great ones of the world had long settled it that study was before works.

"And how could it well be otherwise since the studies which engaged His chosen children on earth, equally occupied their Almighty Father in heaven?" ( Ab. Z. 3b)
Palestine, all was dominated by the all absorbing idea of religion.

It penetrated every facet of life.

It was inseparably connected with the soil, as well.as the people, at least so long as the Temple stood

The abhorrence , and contempt, of all.Gentile ways and thoughts and associations

The self righteousness

The worship of the letter of the law

The pride of descent

The even greater pride of knowledge

And antagonism to a Messiah unlike them and their ideals
Jesus: The Son of God

Zionism: A Political Ideology

"Early Zionist leaders believed that a Jewish state could be established anywhere (Uganda, Argentine, and Turkey were both considered at different times); it was a thoroughly secular movement. But the founder of the modern Zionist movement, Theodore Herzl, recognized that linking Zionism to Palestine would gain wider support among more Jews. Herzl also believed that a Jewish state could only be created with the support of a colonial sponsor, and he travelled the imperial capitals of the world seeking a patron."

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation*:*What is Zionism? Do all Jews support Zionism?
Jesus would shoot noone.

But Zionists burn to death children with chemical weapons.

Zionists have killed 1519 children since 9/2000.

More proof Jesus is not a Zionist.
Jesus would shoot noone...
True, based upon what we know of him.

"...But Zionists burn to death children with chemical weapons..."
It's what happens when you position war-assets inside of schools and tightly-packed residential areas in a cowardly fashion, in order to avoid IDF retaliatory strikes, and when the IDF hits back with Willy-Pete.

"...Zionists have killed 1519 children since 9/2000..."
How many of those poor kids were intentional targets?

How many of those poor kids merely had the misfortune to be near Hamas or other militia personnel and war-assets when the IDF struck them - thereby rendering them accidental civilian collateral casualties rather than intentional killings?

Don't want your children killed?

Stop launching rockets and positioning combatant personnel and war assets right next to or in the midst of civilian residential areas.

"...More proof Jesus is not a Zionist."
It does no such thing - complete disconnect.
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Modern Jewish history begins with the French Revolution. In the wake of its revolutionary ideals of "liberty, equality and brotherhood," Jews won emancipation throughout Western Europe. The old ghetto walls were torn down. Jews gained new civil rights, and were able to join professions that had been closed to them for generations. The vast majority of European Jews welcomed emancipation. They wanted to be able to assimilate and participate as equal members in society.

But emancipation never reached Eastern Europe, where the majority of the world’s Jewish population lived. In the Tsarist Empire, Jews lived in poverty and isolation, confined to industrially undeveloped areas in Poland and the Ukraine called the Pale of Settlement. There was no heavy industry in the Pale so most Jews worked in small shops or were part of the permanently unemployed. Life in the Pale was punctuated by the bloody pogroms–violent race riots against Jewish communities that were stoked by government officials and local police. The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky described the pogroms of 1905:

continued excerpts

International Socialist Review

Until the 1880s, the Zionist movement consisted of a handful of fanatical religious sects. Jews who were enjoying the fruits of emancipation felt no need for religious utopias. For example, in 1862, Moses Hess, a Marxist-turned-Zionist wrote a book called Rome and Jerusalem. It’s now considered a Zionist classic, but at the time of its publication, most Jews, if they heard about Hess at all dismissed him as a crank. In its first year the book it sold only 160 copies and the publisher had to ask Hess to buy back the remaining copies!6

The revival of anti-Semitism was epitomized by the Dreyfus Affair, in which the French government framed and convicted a Jewish army officer for treason. The 1894 trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus launched an international movement against anti-Semitism. But for an Austrian journalist named Theodor Herzl, who covered the trial in France, the Dreyfus Affair meant that no matter how assimilated Jews were in society, they would never be safe until they had a state of their own. In 1896, Herzl published The State of the Jews, the manifesto for a new political Zionist movement.
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This is Jesus.

Watch "Amazing Love -Jesus- With Lyrics" on YouTube

This is Zionism.

Watch "Rain of Fire White Phosphorus in Gaza by Human Rights Watch" on YouTube
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Sherri doesn't even know that Zionism began around 145O BCE with the Hebrew's exodus from Egypt. Thus the yearning for a Jewish homeland of which even Jesus & his followers were a part of & supported. And oh has Zionism grown ever since thanks to Jesus & his followers.
"Until the 1880s, the Zionist movement consisted of a handful of fanatical religious sects..."
I am not Jewish, nor well-read in the matter of Diaspora Judaism keeping faith with the idea of an eventual return to the Holy Land.

It is my understanding that The Return was a long-standing and widespread dream of Judaism throughout all of the centuries of the Diaspora, intensifying by several orders of magnitude once the Jews had lost Jerusalem and Israel-Judah-Judea to the Romans.

If true, then this seems to contradict the idea of The Return being limited to a handful of fanatical religious sects.

But I leave that to Jewish Folks with some historical background, to comment upon further.
"Until the 1880s, the Zionist movement consisted of a handful of fanatical religious sects..."
I am not Jewish, nor well-read in the matter of Diaspora Judaism keeping faith with the idea of an eventual return to the Holy Land.

It is my understanding that The Return was a long-standing and widespread dream of Judaism throughout all of the centuries of the Diaspora, intensifying by several orders of magnitude once the Jews had lost Jerusalem and Israel-Judah-Judea to the Romans.

If true, then this seems to contradict the idea of The Return being limited to a handful of fanatical religious sects.

But I leave that to Jewish Folks with some historical background, to comment upon further.

Evidently it was NOT a 2000 year old yearning.

I posted the link to raise the level of discussion.

The Diaspora began long, long before the Roman occupation. See Elephantine Island in Egypt.

By 70 BC there were 10,000 Jews in Alexandria.. Other populations in Rome, what is now Turkey.. Berbers were converting ...
Sherri doesn't even know that Zionism began around 145O BCE with the Hebrew's exodus from Egypt. Thus the yearning for a Jewish homeland of which even Jesus & his followers were a part of & supported. And oh has Zionism grown ever since thanks to Jesus & his followers.

I would date zionism ----to, sorta-----Abraham and his buying of Hebron. The
discussion is marred because of the confusion regarding the ENGLISH term
"zioinism" A very simple explanation is----- Using the english term (or french
or german) ---the Naturei Karta
claim to be "anti-zionist" when ---IN FACT ----they VERY STRONGLY believe
that the erstwhile Israel/Judea is 1000% jewish land and the site where
all jews will end up in an ALL JEWISH land. They strongly believe that it is their
job to destroy the "secular" style israel in favor of a COMPLETE NATUREI KARTA
control. So adamant are they ----and that is about it. Most of the "anti zionist"
crap that sherri posts comes DIRECTLY from Naturei Karta propaganda.

Please note I said "a very simple explanation"-----in fact---the naturei karta
use their "anti-zionist" stance as a way to gain LEVERAGE in the politics of
Israel--------to put that simply-----they are game players. They play Israel's
enemies against the Israeli government-----as a kind of black mail game>>>>

"give us what we want-----or we will kiss the ----'arabs', cossacks, nazis ....
etc etc. They are actually highly dependent on both Israel and the jews
abroad for their existence. It is a weird kind of symbiosis. Zionists and
Naturei Karta do not kill each other over the issue
Judaism & Christianity are of the same identical root. The only major rift is over the question as to the true messiah. Christian Zionists represent well over 10 times the number of Jewish Zionists. What Sherri refers to as "a handful of religious sects."

"Until the 1880s, the Zionist movement consisted of a handful of fanatical religious sects..."
I am not Jewish, nor well-read in the matter of Diaspora Judaism keeping faith with the idea of an eventual return to the Holy Land.

It is my understanding that The Return was a long-standing and widespread dream of Judaism throughout all of the centuries of the Diaspora, intensifying by several orders of magnitude once the Jews had lost Jerusalem and Israel-Judah-Judea to the Romans.

If true, then this seems to contradict the idea of The Return being limited to a handful of fanatical religious sects.

But I leave that to Jewish Folks with some historical background, to comment upon further.
"Until the 1880s, the Zionist movement consisted of a handful of fanatical religious sects..."
I am not Jewish, nor well-read in the matter of Diaspora Judaism keeping faith with the idea of an eventual return to the Holy Land.

It is my understanding that The Return was a long-standing and widespread dream of Judaism throughout all of the centuries of the Diaspora, intensifying by several orders of magnitude once the Jews had lost Jerusalem and Israel-Judah-Judea to the Romans.

If true, then this seems to contradict the idea of The Return being limited to a handful of fanatical religious sects.

But I leave that to Jewish Folks with some historical background, to comment upon further.

Evidently it was NOT a 2000 year old yearning.

I posted the link to raise the level of discussion.

The Diaspora began long, long before the Roman occupation. See Elephantine Island in Egypt.

By 70 BC there were 10,000 Jews in Alexandria.. Other populations in Rome, what is now Turkey.. Berbers were converting ...

I'm aware that The Scattering has been underway for far longer than the 70AD Sack of Jerusalem by Titus and the final Roman-Judean Wars of the 70-150 AD timeframe.

But the Sack of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple represent a turning point in The Scattering which served to intensify Jewish determination to return one day.

And, as pockets of Jews, scattered around the Mediterranean Basis and Asia Minor and Persian and the Caucuses eventually came to interact routinely with each other, through trade and commerce and migration and intermarriage, it would seem that The Return became a focal point for all or most of those pockets; a state of affairs which lasted for the better part of 2000 years; and giving them the appearance (by-and-large) of speaking with one voice on that particular matter.

Or so I understand it.

Others with a better grounding in Jewish commonalities throughout the Diaspora may shed some light on this, one way or another.
I am not Jewish, nor well-read in the matter of Diaspora Judaism keeping faith with the idea of an eventual return to the Holy Land.

It is my understanding that The Return was a long-standing and widespread dream of Judaism throughout all of the centuries of the Diaspora, intensifying by several orders of magnitude once the Jews had lost Jerusalem and Israel-Judah-Judea to the Romans.

If true, then this seems to contradict the idea of The Return being limited to a handful of fanatical religious sects.

But I leave that to Jewish Folks with some historical background, to comment upon further.

Evidently it was NOT a 2000 year old yearning.

I posted the link to raise the level of discussion.

The Diaspora began long, long before the Roman occupation. See Elephantine Island in Egypt.

By 70 BC there were 10,000 Jews in Alexandria.. Other populations in Rome, what is now Turkey.. Berbers were converting ...

I'm aware that The Scattering has been underway for far longer than the 70AD Sack of Jerusalem by Titus and the final Roman-Judean Wars of the 70-150 AD timeframe.

But the Sack of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple represent a turning point in The Scattering which served to intensify Jewish determination to return one day.

And, as pockets of Jews, scattered around the Mediterranean Basis and Asia Minor and Persian and the Caucuses eventually came to interact routinely with each other, through trade and commerce and migration and intermarriage, it would seem that The Return became a focal point for all or most of those pockets; a state of affairs which lasted for the better part of 2000 years; and giving them the appearance (by-and-large) of speaking with one voice on that particular matter.

Or so I understand it.

Others with a better grounding in Jewish commonalities throughout the Diaspora may shed some light on this, one way or another.

Syrian Jews derive their origin from two groups: those who inhabited Syria from early times and the Sephardim who fled to Syria after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
(1492 AD). There were large communities in Aleppo, Damascus, and Qamishli for centuries.

Whether or not Jewish settlement goes back to a time as early as King David, both Aleppo and Damascus certainly had Jewish communities early in the Christian era.

After the Second Temple

In Roman times about 10,000 Jews lived at Damascus, governed by an ethnarch. Paul of Tarsus succeeded, after a first rebuff, in converting many of the Jews of Damascus to Christianity (49 AD).

Did you read the link I posted ?

Western European Jews were emancipated and had no interest in Zionism.. Eastern European Jews became early socialists and Bolshevics.
Evidently it was NOT a 2000 year old yearning.

I posted the link to raise the level of discussion.

The Diaspora began long, long before the Roman occupation. See Elephantine Island in Egypt.

By 70 BC there were 10,000 Jews in Alexandria.. Other populations in Rome, what is now Turkey.. Berbers were converting ...

I'm aware that The Scattering has been underway for far longer than the 70AD Sack of Jerusalem by Titus and the final Roman-Judean Wars of the 70-150 AD timeframe.

But the Sack of Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple represent a turning point in The Scattering which served to intensify Jewish determination to return one day.

And, as pockets of Jews, scattered around the Mediterranean Basis and Asia Minor and Persian and the Caucuses eventually came to interact routinely with each other, through trade and commerce and migration and intermarriage, it would seem that The Return became a focal point for all or most of those pockets; a state of affairs which lasted for the better part of 2000 years; and giving them the appearance (by-and-large) of speaking with one voice on that particular matter.

Or so I understand it.

Others with a better grounding in Jewish commonalities throughout the Diaspora may shed some light on this, one way or another.

Syrian Jews derive their origin from two groups: those who inhabited Syria from early times and the Sephardim who fled to Syria after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain
(1492 AD). There were large communities in Aleppo, Damascus, and Qamishli for centuries.

Whether or not Jewish settlement goes back to a time as early as King David, both Aleppo and Damascus certainly had Jewish communities early in the Christian era.

After the Second Temple

In Roman times about 10,000 Jews lived at Damascus, governed by an ethnarch. Paul of Tarsus succeeded, after a first rebuff, in converting many of the Jews of Damascus to Christianity (49 AD).

Did you read the link I posted ?

Western European Jews were emancipated and had no interest in Zionism.. Eastern European Jews became early socialists and Bolshevics.

For those who do not know-----the propaganda to which persons living in
Shariah cesspits are exposed ----is far more INTRICATE regarding jews
and israel-----than was written by nazis in the 1930s. It is HIGHLY
developed and taught in schools and mosques and using public media
in shariah cesspits. I know about it because my informants are
educated------mostly medical school graduates ------getting into medical
school is a feat accomplished by LEARNING THAT WHICH ONE IS SUPPOSED
TO LEARN----as a child. Much of the propaganda was written by
german nazis who escaped the Nuremberg trials----by fleeing to Egypt
and syria I know the propaganda because I read it as a child.-----
I know it is taught in muslim countries----because I have socialized---in the
course of my life with scores and scores of muslim physicians educated in
muslim lands. The post of SHAAR ---reflects that which is considered
"fact" in muslim countries-----IRREFUTABLE FACT It is not his fault.
My introduction to the nonsense came about STRONGLY---when I was but
19 years old -----and since.

I find it interesting that a recent poster insisted that she was BUSTING
"zionist myths" when she stated that there were jews living outside of
Israel/Judea in the time of jesus------ I have never met a jew
any reasonable education who did not know there were jews outside
Israel Judea way back then and BEFORE Sorry Shaar---and ---
----clone The MTYH is your concept that jews are not fully aware
of that fact --------it is part of our WRITTEN HISTORY----very carefully
and very accurately recorded. What you guys are doing is playing
SOPHISTRY with information ----WE GAVE YOU--you do not have a
recorded history being from people only very recently literate

PS----the statement that european jews were not interested in zionism---
is utterly idiotic--------of course one can find some----just as one can find
saudis who have absolutely no intention of going back there or ever visiting
mecca------right here in the USA

When I first heard the islamo version of jewish history----from muslims who
before meeting me ---had never met a jew-----I actually believed that they
could not possibly continue holding their nonsensical beliefs for long.
I was dead wrong. THE BS is FIRM BELIEF
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The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.

Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
I looked and can't find any mention of Palestine but I can find Israel, Zion, Judea.
As for the water into wine, hell, I can turn wine into piss. Beer into piss. No biggie.
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