Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered before Jesus.

I have never met a jew who did not agree that the DIASPORA preceded the time
of Jesus------in fact it even precedes the time of the desruction of the first temple--
BEFORE HERODOTUS-------so? where is the MYTH?------you are simply agreeing
that the jewish version of jewish history is TRUE The IRANIAN JEWISH COMMUNIY ---
preceded Jesus------and the filth of meccaism ------now its all but gone---same
is true of BABYLON ---to wit Iraq. now all gone. same is true of
ALEXANDRIA -----just about all gone. Your guys excel at GENOCIDE

oh---I forgot-----the jewish community of arabia far preceded the filth of
the meccaist rapist pig I never met a jew who claimed that voluntary
living ouside of Israle was "GOD's PUNISHMENT"------the issue was the forced
condition FORCED BY ISA RESPECTING RAPIST PIGS. Jews were actually
never a highly PROVINCIAL people
BTW when you state that "JEWS WERE A MINORITY IN PALESTINE-----how are you
defining "palestine"?? like Herodotus? including syria and lebanon and parts of
todays JORDAN and EGYPT???----and---of course Israel/Judea ??? Please try to
maintain a modicum of intellectual honesty
So, recap, Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine when Jesus lived there.

Where are the reliable sources which prove that allegation? Why should any Jew believe what some apostate wrote down a hundred some years ago - he wasn't old enough to have been there!

Where are the figures from the Roman censuses?
So, recap, Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine when Jesus lived there.

Where are the reliable sources which prove that allegation? Why should any Jew believe what some apostate wrote down a hundred some years ago - he wasn't old enough to have been there!

Where are the figures from the Roman censuses?

Ms hunter-----sherri defines PALESTINE as per HERODOTUS-----it is SYRIA and PARTS
of LEBANON and PARTS OF EGYPT and PARTS OF JORDAN ---and also Israel/Judea

I cannot find the source of sherri's cut and paste----you found it? What
apostate wrote that Israel/Judea was MOSTLY NON JEWS when jesus was born?

are we considering the ROMANS as permanent residents of Israel Judea?

Are we pretending that the samaritins are not jews?---how about
the edomites who converted to Judaism?

It is certainly true that ----there were jews spread around the whole known
world at that time-----some jews------here and there. -----of course there
were also greeks ----spread around------and people migrating across
the BERING STRAITS. The HUMAN SPECIES does move about
Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered from Palestine before Jesus.

And Alfred Edersheim, raised as a Jew, calls the land Palestine too, in this book he wrote in 1883.

Josephus Wrote after the jewish wars. Stabro wrote of the Babylonian diaspora, he also spoke of the temple of Jerusalem, zion, as honoured and venerated. Philo respected the jews and based his work on Jewish law.
I read in Edersheims book that the nation, the vast majority of which was dispersed over the whole inhabited earth, had ceased to be a special, and become a world nation. But Jerusalem remained a special place to the dispersed people.

References are to Josephus.

Comp. Jos. Antiq. 12.3.1 ff; 13.10.4; 13.13.1; 14.6.2; 14.8.1; 14.10.8

Among those dispersed, differences emerged, Pharisaism in its pride of legal purity and of the possession of traditional lore , made no secret of its contempt for the Hellenists and openly declared the Grecian far inferior to the Babylonian dispersion.

The Babylonian dispersion were considered superior to the Jews who had remained in Palestine, as far as purity of descent was concerned. Purity of descent mattered greatly, great care went into preserving full records to establish purity of descent. Nor was it just purity of descent of which the Eastern dispersion could boast in. Palestine owed all to Ezra the Babylonian, a man so distinguished that according to tradition the Law would have been given by him if Moses had not previously obtained that honor

The language in Palestine was no longer Hebrew, it was Aramaic/Aramaean spoken and written. Common people were ignorant of pure Hebrew, which became the language of students and of the Synagogue. Even there a Methurgeman or interpreter had to be used to translate into the vernacular portions of Scripture read in the public services, and the addresses delivered by the Rabbis. This was the origin of Targums/Targumim, or paraphrases of Scripture, that began to be collected into books, these spoken words.
The myth is that the majority in Palestine were Jews, and they were not. Jews were a minority when Jesus lived there.

Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered before Jesus.

I have never met a jew who did not agree that the DIASPORA preceded the time
of Jesus------in fact it even precedes the time of the desruction of the first temple--
BEFORE HERODOTUS-------so? where is the MYTH?------you are simply agreeing
that the jewish version of jewish history is TRUE The IRANIAN JEWISH COMMUNIY ---
preceded Jesus------and the filth of meccaism ------now its all but gone---same
is true of BABYLON ---to wit Iraq. now all gone. same is true of
ALEXANDRIA -----just about all gone. Your guys excel at GENOCIDE

oh---I forgot-----the jewish community of arabia far preceded the filth of
the meccaist rapist pig I never met a jew who claimed that voluntary
living ouside of Israle was "GOD's PUNISHMENT"------the issue was the forced
condition FORCED BY ISA RESPECTING RAPIST PIGS. Jews were actually
never a highly PROVINCIAL people
I read in Edersheims book that the nation, the vast majority of which was dispersed over the whole inhabited earth, had ceased to be a special, and become a world nation. But Jerusalem remained a special place to the dispersed people.

References are to Josephus.

Comp. Jos. Antiq. 12.3.1 ff; 13.10.4; 13.13.1; 14.6.2; 14.8.1; 14.10.8

Among those dispersed, differences emerged, Pharisaism in its pride of legal purity and of the possession of traditional lore , made no secret of its contempt for the Hellenists and openly declared the Grecian far inferior to the Babylonian dispersion.

The Babylonian dispersion were considered superior to the Jews who had remained in Palestine, as far as purity of descent was concerned. Purity of descent mattered greatly, great care went into preserving full records to establish purity of descent. Nor was it just purity of descent of which the Eastern dispersion could boast in. Palestine owed all to Ezra the Babylonian, a man so distinguished that according to tradition the Law would have been given by him if Moses had not previously obtained that honor

The language in Palestine was no longer Hebrew, it was Aramaic/Aramaean spoken and written. Common people were ignorant of pure Hebrew, which became the language of students and of the Synagogue. Even there a Methurgeman or interpreter had to be used to translate into the vernacular portions of Scripture read in the public services, and the addresses delivered by the Rabbis. This was the origin of Targums/Targumim, or paraphrases of Scripture, that began to be collected into books, these spoken words.

so??? no where did any of your persons INSIST that the CITIZENS OF
Israel/Judea consitituted only a MINORITY OF THE PEOPLE
OF ISRAEL JUDEA. In fact all of your people simply confirmed that jews know
their own history back then and now. The fact of DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES
OF JEWS -----thruout the KNOWN world (ie --what was considered "world"--
then did not include the americas and barely the far east and barely northern
parts of europe or asia and barely---subsaharan africa)

Jews still use ARAMAIC it is the language of the talmud. In one of
the synagogues hubby and I attend they STILL DO THE ARAMAIC TARGUM--
weird but true My marriage contract is written in ARAMAIC (all other
jews too) You again MADE NO POINT. I am delighted that you
managed to learn so much about jewish history----you seem to have
missed the point that jews know it too----actually a lot better
than do you. BTW----parts of the "OLD" testament are also written
in aramaic eg the book of DANIEL

Jews are familiar with aramaic usages which is why you can never under-
stand the new testament-----Jesus spoke TALMUDIC ARAMAIC. If you
really want to understand quotations reliably attributed to him----
do not ask me----ASK A REAL TALMUDIST. Jesus does talmudic type
parables and proverbs ALL THE TIME according to some of the writers
of the "new" testament.

can you cite the "myths' you imagine you have debunked?
You want to see aramaic in written form?------get a jewish prayer book---
or bible
we will help you to know which are in Hebrew and which in aramaic.

How long have you been this dim?
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Chapter 7 is an entire chapter on the land and Palestine boundaries seems complex.

Example: I read that we cannot expect any accurate demarcation of them because the question was determined by ritual and theological, not by geographical considerations. Thus, a neighborhood like Ascalon and the wall of a city might be Palestinian, but the city itself be regarded as outside the sacred limits.

And Edersheim goes on to say you could look at the land of Palestine ideally as all God had covanted to give to Israel even if not possessed or in a more restricted sense only consider it land taken possession of, when the people came from Egypt and land conquered by David.
Chapter 7 is an entire chapter on the land and Palestine boundaries seems complex.

Example: I read that we cannot expect any accurate demarcation of them because the question was determined by ritual and theological, not by geographical considerations. Thus, a neighborhood like Ascalon and the wall of a city might be Palestinian, but the city itself be regarded as outside the sacred limits.

And Edersheim goes on to say you could look at the land of Palestine ideally as all God had covanted to give to Israel even if not possessed or in a more restricted sense only consider it land taken possession of, when the people came from Egypt and land conquered by David.

what else is new? have you ever considered the BORDERS OF EUROPEAN
COUNTRIES? I do not even know in which countries my great great
grandparents were born------jews of that time knew only that FRANZ JOSEF ---
as the EMPEROR of something called the AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG EMPIRE-----
whose borders moved around like the extensions of an ameba. They spoke
Yiddish----so language does not help now tell me that the PERSIAN EMPIRE---
never shifted about------go right ahead and make more of an idiot of yourself

PS----the USA shifted about too.
The myth debunked is that the majority of the people in Palestine when Jesus lived there were Jews, they were not.

Maybe it's no big deal, but for me it simply explains more clearly how it is that Jesus in His Ministry meets such a diverse group of people, that you read about from the beginning of His Ministry.

And it is obvious the boundaries of Palestine as addressed by Edersheim are based on lands the Israelites claimed a right to, at least that is at least one perspective one can look at to define such boundaries.

My Community Bible Study this year is on Judges and Samuel, so this is familiar to me right now, these borders being discussed.

Truly, the boundaries of Palestine have never seemed clear, not 2000 years ago or today either.
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I agree that shifting boundaries is not abnormal.

Chapter 7 is an entire chapter on the land and Palestine boundaries seems complex.

Example: I read that we cannot expect any accurate demarcation of them because the question was determined by ritual and theological, not by geographical considerations. Thus, a neighborhood like Ascalon and the wall of a city might be Palestinian, but the city itself be regarded as outside the sacred limits.

And Edersheim goes on to say you could look at the land of Palestine ideally as all God had covanted to give to Israel even if not possessed or in a more restricted sense only consider it land taken possession of, when the people came from Egypt and land conquered by David.

what else is new? have you ever considered the BORDERS OF EUROPEAN
COUNTRIES? I do not even know in which countries my great great
grandparents were born------jews of that time knew only that FRANZ JOSEF ---
as the EMPEROR of something called the AUSTRIAN HAPSBURG EMPIRE-----
whose borders moved around like the extensions of an ameba. They spoke
Yiddish----so language does not help now tell me that the PERSIAN EMPIRE---
never shifted about------go right ahead and make more of an idiot of yourself

PS----the USA shifted about too.
I will believe Jesus words are true when He says He is the Son of God.

Why would I believe some Italian guy who was not there, over Jesus, who was?

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations in the US believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

The USA has always been a pro Israel Zionist country beginning with the Founding Fathers and will always continue to be so.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

Years and years ago some Italian guy did a study of the Jews around the time of Jesus, and he said that it was very common that they would refer to themselves as the Son of God, the way people now say "Children of God."
I believe Jesus words are true when he says people like you are going to Hell.

It's really pretty obvious to us mere mortals, and you don't have to be a prophet or Gods son even.
The myth debunked is that the majority of the people in Palestine when Jesus lived there were Jews, they were not.

And it is obvious the boundaries of Palestine as addressed by Edersheim are based on lands the Israelites claimed a right to, at least that is at least one perspective one can look at to define such boundaries.

My Community Bible Study this year is on Judges and Samuel, so this is familiar to me right now, these borders being discussed.

Truly, the boundaries of Palestine have never seemed clear, not 2000 years ago or today either.

SINCE YOU CANNOT DEFINE PALESTINE-----your comment is utterly idiotic Jews
never DEFINED "palestine" either. Palestine is a construct of genocidal
isa-respesting rapists and baby murderers. It goes all the way back to the
GENOCIDAL PIG Antiochus. The good news is that the pharisee jew---Yeshua--
celebrated the DEFEAT OF THAT PIG. (btw---yeshua is an aramaic form
for YEHOSHUA----in english that is rendered JOSHUA) I am delighted that
you are finally learning all about the jewish history------is it not fascinating?
Maybe someday you will actually read the bible. btw---do you have some
evidence that the real Jesus ever UTTERED THE WORD 'palestine'?? or
"palestina"? (not the pig isa----the REAL JESUS---a nazarene born in
JUDEA) <<< that is jewish judea----NEW DEHLI was at one time part of
Another myth debunked is the idea Jews were forced to leave Palestine. They freely left, I expect seeing greater opportunities elsewhere.

I also read that the Jews in Babylonia are mostly there because most did not return from the exile in 537 BC and 459-458 BC. Only 50000 returned.
The myth is that the majority in Palestine were Jews, and they were not. Jews were a minority when Jesus lived there.

Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered before Jesus.

I have never met a jew who did not agree that the DIASPORA preceded the time
of Jesus------in fact it even precedes the time of the desruction of the first temple--
BEFORE HERODOTUS-------so? where is the MYTH?------you are simply agreeing
that the jewish version of jewish history is TRUE The IRANIAN JEWISH COMMUNIY ---
preceded Jesus------and the filth of meccaism ------now its all but gone---same
is true of BABYLON ---to wit Iraq. now all gone. same is true of
ALEXANDRIA -----just about all gone. Your guys excel at GENOCIDE

oh---I forgot-----the jewish community of arabia far preceded the filth of
the meccaist rapist pig I never met a jew who claimed that voluntary
living ouside of Israle was "GOD's PUNISHMENT"------the issue was the forced
condition FORCED BY ISA RESPECTING RAPIST PIGS. Jews were actually
never a highly PROVINCIAL people
Majority of Jerusalem were Jews in the late 1800's and early 1900's. That is, before the Arab hoards invaded.

True story, look it up. :cool:
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Another myth debunked is the idea Jews were forced to leave Palestine. They freely left, I expect seeing greater opportunities elsewhere.

I also read that the Jews in Babylonia are mostly there because most did not return from the exile in 537 BC and 459-458 BC. Only 50000 returned.
Jihad Sherri thinks just because some scum sucking Islamist website "debunked a myth" that means it really happened.

She is a legend in her own mind.
There were so many Jews in Babylonia and they viewed so highly, under one view of Judaism , Babylonia as well as Syria as far north as Antioch were regarded as forming part of the land of Israel. Ber. R.17. Every other country waa considered outside the land , as Palestine was called, with the exception of Babylonia.

THE point, there were many different ideas about boundaries of Palestine .
Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
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