Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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I never heard this Silly Sally tale before, Jews all calling each other the son of god.

I do not believe it.
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LOL - No, you just claimed it illustrated a lesson taught by Jesus *as opposed to* what you imagined Judaism teaches. Which was dead wrong.

It's hardly a 'strawman' when the facts contradict your ignorance : )) In your attempt to illustrate what you supposed was a *difference* you appeared to prove a commonality instead.

Is it really a commonality? That's why I gave you the source link: usually content in a sermon has been well-researched, particularly if it touches upon theology.
Wrong again, dumbass!

My comments had nothing to do with Judaism, you fucking freak!

Your "comment" was based on a rather famous Midrash, which is a part of Judaism. It's quite ridiculous of you to make such assertions - not to mention the fact that you couldn't accurately identify the source.
Incorrect. The Jews were his people. His ministry focused upon his own people. It was only at the end - prior to his disappearance - that Jesus tasked his surviving disciples to go out into the world and to preach his message amongst the Gentiles.
There is no such thing as a "chosen" people. God does not choose. We are all equal in HIS eyes. HE doesn't pick one over the other.

With respect to what I want for the State of Israel - there is truth in what you say. Fortunately for me, I"ve never claimed to be a particularly good Christian and any judgment on my soul will be between me and my God; not according to your guidelines.
I face the same fate.

I don't know about narcissim and selfishness, but I do, indeed, support Israel's re-conquest of its spiritual homeland, and have adopted a to-the-victor-go-the-spoils mindset with respect to Israeli territorial gains.
That's another thing that is opposite from the teachings of Christ.

Material gains were not important to him.

I do not presume nor pretend to know the mind of God.
I do. HE sent me an email a week ago, Tuesday. It said, "Who the fuck is this Kondor3 prick? I don't think I like him!"
Stop lying!

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.
You don't think, period.

Gallup poll results have been posted a million times on this board. Take your head out of the sand, ostrich. This is not some Middle eastern shithole of hatred and persecution you keep talking so highly about. Ha ha ha.
I never heard this Silly Sally tale before, Jews all calling each other the son of god.

I do not believe it.

You should try reading actual Jewish writings by actual Jews-practicing-Judaism, especially historical sources of the Second Temple period....

There's a lot of areas where you know nothing, l'il sherriturd: the beginning of wisdom is realizing one's ignorance.

OTOH, you presume that if **you** haven't heard of something before, it isn't 'real' or 'true' or whatever.....pretty fine example of aggressive stupidity there : ))
I will believe Jesus words are true when He says He is the Son of God.

Why would I believe some Italian guy who was not there, over Jesus, who was?

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations in the US believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

The USA has always been a pro Israel Zionist country beginning with the Founding Fathers and will always continue to be so.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

Years and years ago some Italian guy did a study of the Jews around the time of Jesus, and he said that it was very common that they would refer to themselves as the Son of God, the way people now say "Children of God."

In a mental institution people can believe whatever they want to believe amd post about it all day long.. It makes the staff happy that the people are sitting quietly all day in front of a computer believing what they want to believe. This way apparently the staff doesn't have to work as hard.
Are you too old to read?

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway[

I read the New Testament-----and I actually do not recall----any credible statement
which attributes to him the statement "I AM THE SON OF GOD---I AM GOD ON
preaching the kind of ethics which was the partyline of the pharisees of his day and
preaching in a manner of various poet prophets fairly contemporary with his time.
People who LATER wrote about him----incorporated some of the latest concepts
in mysticism of the time. I recall that he was crucified in the same manner that tens
of thousands of jews were crucified by the romans during that time. He was one of
MANY persons who some jews decided "maybe HE IS THE MESSIAH" Some of the
stuff written about him recapitulates some of the mystic writings found in the
dead sea scrolls. Try as he would----a "true believer" could not find a single
word in the dead sea scrolls that referred to the person ---Jesus-----but there were
lots of concepts about "sons of darkness" "sons of light" and weird surrealistic
visions as in the weird writings of the unknown or unknowns whose nom de plume was "JOHN" "JOHN" shows up as a name for the person who christian scholars
identify as "ELIJAH" to wit----John the Baptist-----who himself was a mystic
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Why should anyone believe a word you say?

No sources, as always.

Further, you added nothing to the discussion at all.

Are you called the son of god?

I never heard this Silly Sally tale before, Jews all calling each other the son of god.

I do not believe it.

You should try reading actual Jewish writings by actual Jews-practicing-Judaism, especially historical sources of the Second Temple period....

There's a lot of areas where you know nothing, l'il sherriturd: the beginning of wisdom is realizing one's ignorance.

OTOH, you presume that if **you** haven't heard of something before, it isn't 'real' or 'true' or whatever.....pretty fine example of aggressive stupidity there : ))
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Your "comment" was based on a rather famous Midrash, which is a part of Judaism. It's quite ridiculous of you to make such assertions - not to mention the fact that you couldn't accurately identify the source.
I could care less what that story means to you. Obviously nothing, when looking at your posts. But it had nothing to do with my point to Kondy.
I never heard this Silly Sally tale before, Jews all calling each other the son of god.

I do not believe it.

You should try reading actual Jewish writings by actual Jews-practicing-Judaism, especially historical sources of the Second Temple period....

There's a lot of areas where you know nothing, l'il sherriturd: the beginning of wisdom is realizing one's ignorance.

OTOH, you presume that if **you** haven't heard of something before, it isn't 'real' or 'true' or whatever.....pretty fine example of aggressive stupidity there : ))

Some people in mental institutions think they are Napoleon, and evidently others think that they actually were living in the time of Jesus and knew exactly they Jews didn't refer to themselves. There are many people who are scholars and have studied that time period and the writings that came out of it, and they certainly know more than Mrs. Sherri who is a "good Christian" via the Internet.
Are you too old to read?

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway[

QUOTE=irosie91;8491572]I read the New Testament-----and I actually do not recall----any credible statement
which attributes to him the statement "I AM THE SON OF GOD---I AM GOD ON
preaching the kind of ethics which was the partyline of the pharisees of his day and
preaching in a manner of various poet prophets fairly contemporary with his time.
People who LATER wrote about him----incorporated some of the latest concepts
in mysticism of the time. I recall that he was crucified in the same manner that tens
of thousands of jews were crucified by the romans during that time. He was one of
MANY persons who some jews decided "maybe HE IS THE MESSIAH" Some of the
stuff written about him recapitulates some of the mystic writings found in the
dead sea scrolls. Try as he would----a "true believer" could not find a single
word in the dead sea scrolls that referred to the person ---Jesus-----but there were
lots of concepts about "sons of darkness" "sons of light" and weird surrealistic
visions as in the weird writings of the unknown or unknowns whose nom de plume was "JOHN" "JOHN" shows up as a name for the person who christian scholars
identify as "ELIJAH" to wit----John the Baptist-----who himself was a mystic

Sherri----you quoted a passage from a GROUP OF WRITINGS of unknown authorship---
that are TOGETHER attributed to a NOM DE PLUMB---to wit JOHN The writings
of JOHN are in GREEK There is no evidence---even from the writings that the
persons who wrote the stuff ever met Jesus. The writings are in the Style of
PARABLES The USE of parables was very MUCH a part of the writings of
those times and not really meant ot be taken as HISTORY---but rather as a means
of ILLUSTRATION Some real idiots do not know that the same is true of the
TALMUD -----lots of parables----not to be taken as HISTORIC FACT---but
as "lessons"------. It is not at all clear that a person NICODEMUS had an
interaction with a person called JESUS----- Paul ---most certainly did not.
There is no clear evidence that a person named JOHN was part of the entourage
of Jesus. I have never believed that BALAAM actually had a conversation with
his DONKEY or that EVE conversed with a "SNAKE" or that there was an

MONSTER. ---------there is an actual name for that condition-----

*********TOXIC DELERIUM**************

even toxic delerium can respond o anti psychotics

does anyone here really believe that some guy approached HILLEL and said---
"teach me all of judaism whilst I stand on one foot""'?????????????????
Zionism began with the Israelite exodus from Egypt around 1450 BCE. And has grown ever since with Jesus & his followers. Thanks to Jesus & the Christians.
These are words of Jesus recorded by the Disciple John.

Are you too old to read?

For God So Loved the World

“For*God so loved*the world,*that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not*perish but have eternal life.*For*God did not send his Son into the world*to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.*Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not*believed in the name of the only Son of God.*And this is the judgment:*the light has come into the world, and*people loved the darkness rather than the light because*their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light,*lest his works should be exposed.*But whoever*does what is true*comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

John 3 - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway[

QUOTE=irosie91;8491572]I read the New Testament-----and I actually do not recall----any credible statement
which attributes to him the statement "I AM THE SON OF GOD---I AM GOD ON
preaching the kind of ethics which was the partyline of the pharisees of his day and
preaching in a manner of various poet prophets fairly contemporary with his time.
People who LATER wrote about him----incorporated some of the latest concepts
in mysticism of the time. I recall that he was crucified in the same manner that tens
of thousands of jews were crucified by the romans during that time. He was one of
MANY persons who some jews decided "maybe HE IS THE MESSIAH" Some of the
stuff written about him recapitulates some of the mystic writings found in the
dead sea scrolls. Try as he would----a "true believer" could not find a single
word in the dead sea scrolls that referred to the person ---Jesus-----but there were
lots of concepts about "sons of darkness" "sons of light" and weird surrealistic
visions as in the weird writings of the unknown or unknowns whose nom de plume was "JOHN" "JOHN" shows up as a name for the person who christian scholars
identify as "ELIJAH" to wit----John the Baptist-----who himself was a mystic

Sherri----you quoted a passage from a GROUP OF WRITINGS of unknown authorship---
that are TOGETHER attributed to a NOM DE PLUMB---to wit JOHN The writings
of JOHN are in GREEK There is no evidence---even from the writings that the
persons who wrote the stuff ever met Jesus. The writings are in the Style of
PARABLES The USE of parables was very MUCH a part of the writings of
those times and not really meant ot be taken as HISTORY---but rather as a means
of ILLUSTRATION Some real idiots do not know that the same is true of the
TALMUD -----lots of parables----not to be taken as HISTORIC FACT---but
as "lessons"------. It is not at all clear that a person NICODEMUS had an
interaction with a person called JESUS----- Paul ---most certainly did not.
There is no clear evidence that a person named JOHN was part of the entourage
of Jesus. I have never believed that BALAAM actually had a conversation with
his DONKEY or that EVE conversed with a "SNAKE" or that there was an

MONSTER. ---------there is an actual name for that condition-----

*********TOXIC DELERIUM**************

even toxic delerium can respond o anti psychotics

does anyone here really believe that some guy approached HILLEL and said---
"teach me all of judaism whilst I stand on one foot""'?????????????????[/QUOTE]
The term "Zionism" was first introduced in 1893 by Nathan Birmbaum, but Theodor Hertzel, an Austrian Jew born to a prosperous, emancipated Budapest family, is recognized as the founder of the Zionist idealogy when he published his book in 1896, "The Jewish State", where he declared that the cure for anti-semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state. As he saw it, the best place to establish this state was in Palestine.

While Hertzel claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure anti-Semitism, he also promoted anti-Semitism to further his cause.

Quotes from Theodor Hertzel, the father of Zionism

The word Zionism appears nowhere in The Bible.

Zionism began with the Israelite exodus from Egypt around 1450 BCE. And has grown ever since with Jesus & his followers. Thanks to Jesus & the Christians.
try again sherri------JOHN is a cover name for a whole gaggle of
writings-------none of which provide any evidence at all that they
are written by anyone who met Jesus. ---------they are compiled parables
and mystical things -----like that WHORE on THE SEVEN HEADED MONSTER.

John is a reasonable name for such a role. It means "G-d's GRACE"----also
it is the same name as the KNOWN MYSTIC-----JOHN THE BAPTIST----
did you know that the JOHN THE BAPTIST of the New Testament----came
from the same ---OBSCURE DESERT TOWN from which hailed ELIJAH
(the old testament prophet) Legend has it that ELIJAH will hail the
coming of the MESSIAH ----when he gets here. Christian scholars do
ID john the baptist with ELIJAH the bible is an interesting book---
read it some time. Jews still leave a cup of wine for Elijah on passover---
but I do not believe that he comes around and drinks it-------do you?
And the Zionist as always produces no sources to back up any of his Zionist lies.

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.

Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High
Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered from Palestine before Jesus.

And Alfred Edersheim, raised as a Jew, calls the land Palestine too, in this book he wrote in 1883.
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