Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Your post makes no sense.

You embarrass yourself.

The myth is that the majority in
Palestine were Jews, and they were not. Jews were a minority when Jesus lived there.

I have never met a jew who did not agree that the DIASPORA preceded the time
of Jesus------in fact it even precedes the time of the desruction of the first temple--
BEFORE HERODOTUS-------so? where is the MYTH?------you are simply agreeing
that the jewish version of jewish history is TRUE The IRANIAN JEWISH COMMUNIY ---
preceded Jesus------and the filth of meccaism ------now its all but gone---same
is true of BABYLON ---to wit Iraq. now all gone. same is true of
ALEXANDRIA -----just about all gone. Your guys excel at GENOCIDE

oh---I forgot-----the jewish community of arabia far preceded the filth of
the meccaist rapist pig I never met a jew who claimed that voluntary
living ouside of Israle was "GOD's PUNISHMENT"------the issue was the forced
condition FORCED BY ISA RESPECTING RAPIST PIGS. Jews were actually
never a highly PROVINCIAL people
Majority of Jerusalem were Jews in the late 1800's and early 1900's. That is, before the Arab hoards invaded.

True story, look it up. :cool:
There were so many Jews in Babylonia and they viewed so highly, under one view of Judaism , Babylonia as well as Syria as far north as Antioch were regarded as forming part of the land of Israel. Ber. R.17. Every other country waa considered outside the land , as Palestine was called, with the exception of Babylonia.

THE point, there were many different ideas about boundaries of Palestine .
Yeah it was a meaningless moving smudge on the map, that didn't signify a people, a country, or ANYTHING. Certainly the three major religions did think it was worth mentioning. No Palestine in the OT, NT, or Koran. Ha ha ha. What a crock of shit.
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Your post makes no sense.

You embarrass yourself.

The myth is that the majority in
Palestine were Jews, and they were not. Jews were a minority when Jesus lived there.
Majority of Jerusalem were Jews in the late 1800's and early 1900's. That is, before the Arab hoards invaded.

True story, look it up. :cool:
Look up the demographics retard. What's the use of educating someone who insists on being an ignorant moron?
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Chapter 7 is an entire chapter on the land and Palestine boundaries seems complex.

Example: I read that we cannot expect any accurate demarcation of them because the question was determined by ritual and theological, not by geographical considerations. Thus, a neighborhood like Ascalon and the wall of a city might be Palestinian, but the city itself be regarded as outside the sacred limits.

And Edersheim goes on to say you could look at the land of Palestine ideally as all God had covanted to give to Israel even if not possessed or in a more restricted sense only consider it land taken possession of, when the people came from Egypt and land conquered by David.
Is this your best attempt at sounding educated? I give you an A for effort, but unfortunately you get an F for content.
Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered from Palestine before Jesus.

And Alfred Edersheim, raised as a Jew, calls the land Palestine too, in this book he wrote in 1883.

Josephus Wrote after the jewish wars. Stabro wrote of the Babylonian diaspora, he also spoke of the temple of Jerusalem, zion, as honoured and venerated. Philo respected the jews and based his work on Jewish law.

for the record----PHILO was a jew-----of alexandria. as to the idiot statement---
"ALFRED EDERSHEIM,, raised as a jew----calls the land "palestine" too" (in 1883)

what else is new? Jews have been calling the land stolen from them by genocidal
romans-------PALESTINE ----since romans started doing it----generally
around 300 AD. In fact PALESTINE is a word so used by jews that as a child
I thought it was a hebrew word Written in hebrew it is obviously a foreign word---
it has TOO MANY LETTERS How does the fact that roman fascist genocidal
conquorers decided to call Israel/Judea PALESTINE circa 300 AD ----support your general filth?
The fact that jews adopted a word FOISTED ON THEM for COMMON USAGE excites
you? Jews have a long experience living OUT THERE IN THE WORLD. If the
dominant roman world decided to use the word "palestine" -----jews did so too.
Jews call the UNITED STATES------the UNITED STATES too. and the MOON is.

the word for TELEPHONE in hebrew today is guess what TELEPHONE

The jews of IRAN had a language ------I have no idea what they call it---but it is
a HEBRAIZED form of Farsi Aramaic ----which is used by jews is an Hebraized
form of the aramaic of Mesopotamia ------so glad you have finally developed an
interest in this fascinating topic
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The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.

Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
Back to the topic, I'm happy to announce that nothing has changed in the last one hour.

Majority of American Christians still strongly support Israel, and Believe that Jesus and the New Testament are Zionist.

Can we hear a "Praise Allah"?
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This book is thoroughly researched, it has voluminous source references, and it is addressing specifically the time preceding Jesus birth. So, the author uses the word Palestine because that is what the land was called. We have over a dozen chapters going into substantial.detail on this.

Palestine in the days of Christ

The Life and Times of Jesus The Messiah

Palestinian Jews were a minority in Palestine.

The majority of the nation of Israel constituted what was known as the dispersion, which no longer had its original meaning of banishment by the judgment of God since absence from Palestine was entirely voluntary. And Josephus reminded his countrymen in his writings, War 2.16.4, that there was no nation in the world which had not among them part of the Jewish people, since the people were widely dispersed over all the world among its inhabitants. War 7.3.3

Not just Josephus recording this dispersion of the Jewish people, it was also recorded by Strabo and Sibyl and Philo.

Philo writes his countrymen are in all cities of Europe, in the provinces of Asia and in the islands.

Another Zionist myth debunked.

Jews were scattered from Palestine before Jesus.

And Alfred Edersheim, raised as a Jew, calls the land Palestine too, in this book he wrote in 1883.

Josephus Wrote after the jewish wars. Stabro wrote of the Babylonian diaspora, he also spoke of the temple of Jerusalem, zion, as honoured and venerated. Philo respected the jews and based his work on Jewish law.

for the record----PHILO was a jew-----of alexandria. as to the idiot statement---
"ALFRED EDERSHEIM,, raised as a jew----calls the land "palestine" too" (in 1883)

what else is new? Jews have been calling the land stolen from them by genocidal
romans-------PALESTINE ----since romans started doing it----generally
around 300 AD. In fact PALESTINE is a word so used by jews that as a child
I thought it was a hebrew word Written in hebrew it is obviously a foreign word---
it has TOO MANY LETTERS How does the fact that roman fascist genocidal
conquorers decided to call Israel/Judea PALESTINE circa 300 AD ----support your general filth?
The fact that jews adopted a word FOISTED ON THEM for COMMON USAGE excites
you? Jews have a long experience living OUT THERE IN THE WORLD. If the
dominant roman world decided to use the word "palestine" -----jews did so too.
Jews call the UNITED STATES------the UNITED STATES too. and the MOON is.

the word for TELEPHONE in hebrew today is guess what TELEPHONE

The jews of IRAN had a language ------I have no idea what they call it---but it is
a HEBRAIZED form of Farsi Aramaic ----which is used by jews is an Hebraized
form of the aramaic of Mesopotamia ------so glad you have finally developed an
interest in this fascinating topic
The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.

Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
Nope. The Romans invaded Israel 70 years after the death of Jesus, and renamed the region "Palestine" after Israel's old enemies the Philistines. World history 101. That means Jesus was born in Judeah not Palestine, which is why there is no mention of Palestine in the New Testament. Tissue?
This book is thoroughly researched, it has voluminous source references, and it is addressing specifically the time preceding Jesus birth. So, the author uses the word Palestine because that is what the land was called. We have over a dozen chapters going into substantial.detail on this.

Josephus Wrote after the jewish wars. Stabro wrote of the Babylonian diaspora, he also spoke of the temple of Jerusalem, zion, as honoured and venerated. Philo respected the jews and based his work on Jewish law.

for the record----PHILO was a jew-----of alexandria. as to the idiot statement---
"ALFRED EDERSHEIM,, raised as a jew----calls the land "palestine" too" (in 1883)

what else is new? Jews have been calling the land stolen from them by genocidal
romans-------PALESTINE ----since romans started doing it----generally
around 300 AD. In fact PALESTINE is a word so used by jews that as a child
I thought it was a hebrew word Written in hebrew it is obviously a foreign word---
it has TOO MANY LETTERS How does the fact that roman fascist genocidal
conquorers decided to call Israel/Judea PALESTINE circa 300 AD ----support your general filth?
The fact that jews adopted a word FOISTED ON THEM for COMMON USAGE excites
you? Jews have a long experience living OUT THERE IN THE WORLD. If the
dominant roman world decided to use the word "palestine" -----jews did so too.
Jews call the UNITED STATES------the UNITED STATES too. and the MOON is.

the word for TELEPHONE in hebrew today is guess what TELEPHONE

The jews of IRAN had a language ------I have no idea what they call it---but it is
a HEBRAIZED form of Farsi Aramaic ----which is used by jews is an Hebraized
form of the aramaic of Mesopotamia ------so glad you have finally developed an
interest in this fascinating topic
Back to the topic, I'm happy to announce that nothing has changed in the last hour.

Majority of American Christians still strongly support Israel, and Believe that Jesus and the New Testament are Zionist.

Can we hear a "Praise Allah"?

ALLAHUAKBARRRR I have found this evening a delight-----sherri
has TAUGHT us----about aramaic ---are we not fortunate to benefit
from her REMARKABLE erudition? -------and---BTW ---iraqi-----she mentioned
the fact that Baghdadi jews are DAMNED ARROGANT sheesh
there is nothing new under the sun
Lies remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

And your post is one lie after another supported by nothing.

Back to the topic, I'm happy to announce that nothing has changed in the last one hour.

Majority of American Christians still strongly support Israel, and Believe that Jesus and the New Testament are Zionist.

Can we hear a "Praise Allah"?
Lies remain lies no matter how many times you repeat them.

And your post is one lie after another supported by nothing.

Back to the topic, I'm happy to announce that nothing has changed in the last one hour.

Majority of American Christians still strongly support Israel, and Believe that Jesus and the New Testament are Zionist.

Can we hear a "Praise Allah"?

sorry Iraqi------you lied again-----OBVIOUSLY you were not gone for an hour---
ask sherri Now----if you need some HISTORY OF THE JEWS OF IRAQ---
ask sherri-------she has become a SHATTERER of the myths you -----as a zonist---
believe. She just figured out that there wre jews in Iraq----for a LONG TIME---
IS SHE NOT BRILLIANT-----always coming up information NEW TO YOU AND ME
There was no Arab invasion and influx of Arabs in the late 1800's and early 1900's , moron.

YOU made the claim, back it up, scumbag.

But we know of course you will not, you never back up your lying slanderous Zionist claims.

Your post makes no sense.

You embarrass yourself.

Majority of Jerusalem were Jews in the late 1800's and early 1900's. That is, before the Arab hoards invaded.

True story, look it up. :cool:
Look up the demographics retard. What's the use of educating someone who insists on being an ignorant moron?
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.

Another myth debunked is that there actually was Palestinian people or country, ever. They're just 20 century Arab invaders who got up one sunny morning in the 1967 and decided to call themselves "Palestinian", a name exclusive to Jews of the region only.

Palestine = World's greatest hoax.
Nope. The Romans invaded Israel 70 years after the death of Jesus, and renamed the region "Palestine" after Israel's old enemies the Philistines. World history 101. That means Jesus was born in Judeah not Palestine, which is why there is no mention of Palestine in the New Testament. Tissue?
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give up roudy-------it is important for her to insist that MOSES STOOD ON A MOUNTAIN
TOP AND ANNOUNCED "ONWARD TO PALESTINE" where is charlton heston
when we need him? can he be taught to say that in arabic----the language of ISA??
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

The land was called Palestine when Jesus lived there.

But this problem of defining boundaries of Palestine perhaps is the explanation the word does not appear in The New Testament.

So many views are set forth by Edersheim, leading me to think there was a lot of disagreement about this and the use of the word Palestine would cause confusion.

I think about Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. There are about three different Canas, one even in Lebanon.. There is. disagreement which Cana this occurred in.

Syria is referred to.
Nope. The Romans invaded Israel 70 years after the death of Jesus, and renamed the region "Palestine" after Israel's old enemies the Philistines. World history 101. That means Jesus was born in Judeah not Palestine, which is why there is no mention of Palestine in the New Testament. Tissue?

Sorry demented woman, nothing you say or link has any credibility. You're wasting your time.
Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Nope. The Romans invaded Israel 70 years after the death of Jesus, and renamed the region "Palestine" after Israel's old enemies the Philistines. World history 101. That means Jesus was born in Judeah not Palestine, which is why there is no mention of Palestine in the New Testament. Tissue?

Sorry demented woman, nothing you say or link has any credibility. You're wasting your time.

The palestinians are murdering children in the TENS OF THOUSANDS----
Aleppo, Palestine is swiming in blood
Enter Palestine, a land of Jews and Gentiles, mutual relations and feelings, and "The Wall of Separation "(this phrase is actually part of the title of Chapter 7 of Edersheim s book.)

I read, God had created the world on account of Israel. Yalkut Section 2. And the world was created for their merit, making preparation for them long before their appearance on the scene, just as a king who forsees the birth of his son. I read Israel had been in God's thoughts not only before anything had actually been created but even before every other creative thought. Ber. R.1

Certainly, we see a people who thought very highly of themselves.
Palestinians are not murdering anyone, you got it backwards. They are being killed, in Occupied Palestine and in Syria.

Watch "Herodotus on Palestinians 2460 years ago.mpg" on YouTube

Sorry demented woman, nothing you say or link has any credibility. You're wasting your time.

The palestinians are murdering children in the TENS OF THOUSANDS----
Aleppo, Palestine is swiming in blood
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