Even Jesus Is A Zionist

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Watch "Israel - Occult Zionism - Hell on Earth - Documentary - WW3 - NWO" on YouTube
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What I do is tell everyone what Jesus says, that He is the Son of God.

And you told it 20 consecutive hours yesterday, 28 consecutive hours Friday and Saturday, 15 consecutive hours so far today, 100 posts a day and you tell us you have a life? I'll bet you have a stack of pizza boxes 6 feet high. Are you posting from an asylum?
I am not ashamed of the Gospel.of Christ and I am called to proclaim it.

Words Jesus spoke to the first disciples, follow me.

That is Jesus message to all who believe in Him, follow me.

Jesus is the truth and the life and the way.

He is not a political ideology or a follower of one.

Jesus is the Son of God.

He is the Christ risen.
False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.


Most American Christians support Israel and believe that Jesus was Zionist.
According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations in the US believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

The USA has always been a pro Israel Zionist country beginning with the Founding Fathers and will always continue to be so.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL
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False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.


Most American Christians support Israel and believe that Jesus was Zionist.

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel.of Christ and I am called to proclaim it.

Words Jesus spoke to the first disciples, follow me.

That is Jesus message to all who believe in Him, follow me.

Jesus is the truth and the life and the way.

He is not a political ideology or a follower of one.

Jesus is the Son of God.

He is the Christ risen.
Cut the crap, you aren't a follower of Jesus, you're just one person among many who man this member name "Sherri" on a 24 hour basis. Your mission from hell is to spread all the anti Semitic anti Zionist bullshit theories you can. Whether it be religious or political.

This morning I checked the time, and realized that you two dipshits were posting at 4 AM. FOUR AM! Ha ha ha. What kind of depraved, lame, mentally ill garbage of humanity is up at 4 Am posting Jew hate on the internet. Wow.
And the Zionist as always produces no sources to back up any of his Zionist lies.

False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.
False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.
You don't think, period.

Gallup poll results have been posted a million times on this board. Take your head out of the sand, ostrich. This is not some Middle eastern shithole of hatred and persecution you keep talking so highly about. Ha ha ha.
And the Zionist as always produces no sources to back up any of his Zionist lies.

According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.
I don't have to. Look it up. Are you incapable of doing a simple search now? You guys are so adept at digging all the Islamist anti Israel garbage sites out there, but suddenly you're incapable of processing a basic search? Ha ha ha. Get lost. Call in the third shifter.
I read the New Testament-----and I actually do not recall----any credible statement
which attributes to him the statement "I AM THE SON OF GOD---I AM GOD ON
preaching the kind of ethics which was the partyline of the pharisees of his day and
preaching in a manner of various poet prophets fairly contemporary with his time.
People who LATER wrote about him----incorporated some of the latest concepts
in mysticism of the time. I recall that he was crucified in the same manner that tens
of thousands of jews were crucified by the romans during that time. He was one of
MANY persons who some jews decided "maybe HE IS THE MESSIAH" Some of the
stuff written about him recapitulates some of the mystic writings found in the
dead sea scrolls. Try as he would----a "true believer" could not find a single
word in the dead sea scrolls that referred to the person ---Jesus-----but there were
lots of concepts about "sons of darkness" "sons of light" and weird surrealistic
visions as in the weird writings of the unknown or unknowns whose nom de plume was "JOHN" "JOHN" shows up as a name for the person who christian scholars
identify as "ELIJAH" to wit----John the Baptist-----who himself was a mystic
And the Zionist as always produces no sources to back up any of his Zionist lies.

I don't think so... Most Americans know that any hope for a separate Palestinian state ended a decade ago.

I don't have to. Look it up. Are you incapable of doing a simple search now? You guys are so adept at digging all the Islamist anti Israel garbage sites out there, but suddenly you're incapable of processing a basic search? Ha ha ha. Get lost. Call in the third shifter.

Look at a map of the West Bank settlements.. That's about as basic as you can get.
False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.


Most American Christians support Israel and believe that Jesus was Zionist.
According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations in the US believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

The USA has always been a pro Israel Zionist country beginning with the Founding Fathers and will always continue to be so.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

Years and years ago some Italian guy did a study of the Jews around the time of Jesus, and he said that it was very common that they would refer to themselves as the Son of God, the way people now say "Children of God."
Watch "Christian Zionism: Roadmap to Armageddon? 1. Historical Roots Part 2 of 2" on YouTube
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LOL - No, you just claimed it illustrated a lesson taught by Jesus *as opposed to* what you imagined Judaism teaches. Which was dead wrong.

It's hardly a 'strawman' when the facts contradict your ignorance : )) In your attempt to illustrate what you supposed was a *difference* you appeared to prove a commonality instead.

Is it really a commonality? That's why I gave you the source link: usually content in a sermon has been well-researched, particularly if it touches upon theology.
Wrong again, dumbass!

My comments had nothing to do with Judaism, you fucking freak!
And the Zionist as always produces no sources to back up any of his Zionist lies.

I don't have to. Look it up. Are you incapable of doing a simple search now? You guys are so adept at digging all the Islamist anti Israel garbage sites out there, but suddenly you're incapable of processing a basic search? Ha ha ha. Get lost. Call in the third shifter.

Look at a map of the West Bank settlements.. That's about as basic as you can get.

What do the farms and houses in Judea/samaria have to do with anything?
Jesus was Judean----born in Bethlehem which christian scholars BELIEVE was
his ancestral land thru the patrilineal line. Is the issue the ancestral land of
Jesus thru his father Joseph?
I will believe Jesus words are true when He says He is the Son of God.

Why would I believe some Italian guy who was not there, over Jesus, who was?

False and False

Claims supported by nothing, no sources, nothing.

All we hear are lies and more lies from Zionists.

There simply is no truth in a Zionist.

Christians believe Jesus is who He says He is, the Son of God who saves and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.
According to Gallup and many legitimate polling organizations support for Israel is at record highs. And dislike of Paleshitians is at record highs as well. Look it up dipweed. You can't mutilate science the way you do the bible. It's pretty black and white.

And conversely, most Americans are indeed Christians and most of the Christian denominations and organizations in the US believe in the Jewish Biblical rights to the land of a Israel, aka Zionism.

The USA has always been a pro Israel Zionist country beginning with the Founding Fathers and will always continue to be so.

Now cough up some more blood. LOL

Years and years ago some Italian guy did a study of the Jews around the time of Jesus, and he said that it was very common that they would refer to themselves as the Son of God, the way people now say "Children of God."
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