Even McDonalds Can’t Survive in Leftist California

Read the article. A thirty year franchise southwest of SF is closing. You might want to pay attention to the number of Pizza Huts that are closing in CA as well.
All is not going well for the statist lefties in Washington, Ore-gone & Commiefornia for sure. Three states/three secession movements. While Olympia squashed our "State of Liberty" project FOR THE TIME, Idaho has okayed with enthusiasm to take aboard several of eastern Oregon's counties to create the state of "Greater Idaho". Meanwhile Northern Californians are still pushing to secede from Commiefornia & create the state of Jefferson. The statist lefties are obviously wearing out their welcome!


All normal Americans can do in these situations is keep fighting for their independence from the statist left marxinazis Power/Control(PC) obsession.
Walk down any main street in California.

McDonald's everywhere..

When I see a McDonalds close I'll be sure and let you know.
No you wont. Youll ignore the closing that youll eventually see near you (if you live in California), just like youre ignoring up THIS closing. :dunno:
I couldn't care less what happens in SF. I haven't seen a McDonalds close in my CA area and doubt any will close.

And why do you care, is that place your local place to get fat at?
Its Prog politics in less wealthy areas that caused the people in Flint, Michigan to have issues with their water. And of course, Republicans got the lame. MTG and the eyelash Representative would tell you why. Eyelash cookie cutter leaders. Time after time after time there is no strength to do the hard work necessary and someone else pays for it.

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