Even MSM admits it: Layoffs are coming

Layoffs? For real?
That’s never happened before. :rolleyes:

and if you look at the companies in the article they are all almost all tech companies that expanded too fast based on demand during COVID when people were not going out as much.
Layoffs? For real?
That’s never happened before. :rolleyes:
If they don't have any bad news to report about the economy because we added 400,000 jobs last month, make up some shit about the upcoming economy. If you are right, you can say told you so. If you are wrong, so what right?
and every time it goes down there will be a thread letting us know
I remember when Obama was president. If the stock market went up, they said yea but what about the debt? What about REAL unemployment? What about the struggling blue collar workers? What about GDP? What has Obama done that made the stock market go up? President's don't have anything to do with that....

Then Trump got in and they said look how the stock market went up. And debt didn't matter. Unemployment was suddenly real and they believed the numbers were real suddenly and they believed Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers of any president ever. Suddenly they believed those unemployment numbers and they said Trump was the greatest president to blacks, maybe even better than Lincoln was to them.

And when we said Obama was doing a good job they pointed to his 2.2% growth. They said PATHETIC. Trump would have 3, 4 or even maybe 5% growth. And after that massive tax break he shouldn't have passed kicked in, Trump only got 2.3% growth in 2019.

Point is, when we bragged about all the good things happening on Obama's watch, Republicans were able to cherry pick things that weren't great. But those same things weren't great on Trump's watch either. What did they say then? Have you seen the stock market? It's doing great!
I remember when Obama was president. If the stock market went up, they said yea but what about the debt? What about REAL unemployment? What about the struggling blue collar workers? What about GDP? What has Obama done that made the stock market go up? President's don't have anything to do with that....

Then Trump got in and they said look how the stock market went up. And debt didn't matter. Unemployment was suddenly real and they believed the numbers were real suddenly and they believed Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers of any president ever. Suddenly they believed those unemployment numbers and they said Trump was the greatest president to blacks, maybe even better than Lincoln was to them.

And when we said Obama was doing a good job they pointed to his 2.2% growth. They said PATHETIC. Trump would have 3, 4 or even maybe 5% growth. And after that massive tax break he shouldn't have passed kicked in, Trump only got 2.3% growth in 2019.

Point is, when we bragged about all the good things happening on Obama's watch, Republicans were able to cherry pick things that weren't great. But those same things weren't great on Trump's watch either. What did they say then? Have you seen the stock market? It's doing great!

This is a game both sides play equally well
This is a game both sides play equally well
I only see us (ME) doing it to them to point out their hypocrisy. Did you hear the Democrats make an issue out of the debt when Trump was president? I don't think so.

Did my party make a big deal out of how much GOLF Trump was doing? Nope. But we all remember the Republicans made a very big deal out of how much Obama golfed. The Trump doubled that time and not a peep from us about how much he golfs. They should be pointing out the hypocrisy but they don't.

Real GDP increased 2.3 percent in 2019 (from the 2018 annual level to the 2019 annual level), compared with an increase of 2.9 percent in 2018

I remember when Obama was president. If the stock market went up, they said yea but what about the debt? What about REAL unemployment? What about the struggling blue collar workers? What about GDP? What has Obama done that made the stock market go up? President's don't have anything to do with that....

Then Trump got in and they said look how the stock market went up. And debt didn't matter. Unemployment was suddenly real and they believed the numbers were real suddenly and they believed Trump had the lowest unemployment numbers of any president ever. Suddenly they believed those unemployment numbers and they said Trump was the greatest president to blacks, maybe even better than Lincoln was to them.

And when we said Obama was doing a good job they pointed to his 2.2% growth. They said PATHETIC. Trump would have 3, 4 or even maybe 5% growth. And after that massive tax break he shouldn't have passed kicked in, Trump only got 2.3% growth in 2019.

Point is, when we bragged about all the good things happening on Obama's watch, Republicans were able to cherry pick things that weren't great. But those same things weren't great on Trump's watch either. What did they say then? Have you seen the stock market? It's doing great!
The only reason why the brown turd Obammy's stock market went up, was all that free money that Janet Yellow printed and gave away at 0 percent interest, which made the rich very rich while making the poor and middle class poorer. But you are too stupid to understand that, because if you did, you would of never voted for the brown turd's VP.

You Republicans better produce more jobs for all the babies who aren't going to be aborted this year.

Under federal child labor laws, the minimum age to work is 14 with some exceptions.

2036 these kids are going to need work. Their parents are poor and you guys ended all government programs that help the poor. The Supreme Court ruled them all unconstitutional.
You do know there is no Federal Ban as of yet, so get your state to do it job to grant you the right to abort!
The only reason why the brown turd Obammy's stock market went up, was all that free money that Janet Yellow printed and gave away at 0 percent interest, which made the rich very rich while making the poor and middle class poorer. But you are too stupid to understand that, because if you did, you would of never voted for the brown turd's VP.

Now you are worried about the gap between rich and rest of us getting wider? Better late than never.
A lot of this recession is due to the "great resignation " and compounded by the political volatility.

Local civil government workers have been quitting their jobs in droves. Everyone from school bus drivers to teachers and permit/licensing offices. Just about every local government is short staffed past the point of being functional.

This has caused a huge backlog in EVERY state as a severe lack of qualified applicants apply for such jobs. They do not want to be in the headlines as some sort of hit piece that is targeted because of politics. So the economy is stalling because of legislation that these governments can't process.

Can't start a new business or revamp an existing one without permits. And without permits you can't do anything.

Can't have a public school without bussing or an IT department maintaining an internet connection for online learning. Or even a maintenance department emptying trash cans.

A lot of this recession is due to the "great resignation " and compounded by the political volatility.

Local civil government workers have been quitting their jobs in droves. Everyone from school bus drivers to teachers and permit/licensing offices. Just about every local government is short staffed past the point of being functional.

This has caused a huge backlog in EVERY state as a severe lack of qualified applicants apply for such jobs. They do not want to be in the headlines as some sort of hit piece that is targeted because of politics. So the economy is stalling because of legislation that these governments can't process.

Can't start a new business or revamp an existing one without permits. And without permits you can't do anything.

Can't have a public school without bussing or an IT department maintaining an internet connection for online learning. Or even a maintenance department emptying trash cans.

My brother's boss just quit. She makes over a million dollars a year. I think my brother is going to quote. He makes about $1 million a year. And everyone around him high up the chain of command are quitting. They have enough money and realize life is short. Can't take it with you. And they got used to staying at home because we did it for 2 years.

Still college students are having a hard time finding work because they don't have any experience. We have an intern working for us this summer. He goes to University of Michigan. Now that he has us on his resume, suddenly recruiters are talking to him.

Anyways, long story short. This is the greatest time in America for people who want to make more. There is no better time than now. Companies are hiring. People are quitting. So you may be able to get a job that you would have never gotten before the pandemic. And you may get a promotion now that would have normally taken 10 more years because your bosses are all quitting.

This is all good stuff!
Now you are worried about the gap between rich and rest of us getting wider? Better late than never.
Dude, during the last admin, the income gap between the rich and poor was decreasing, but since you are a moron, you voted him out, because you would rather "Bite your nose off just to spite you face", and vote for the VP of the brown turd Obammy.
My brother's boss just quit. She makes over a million dollars a year. I think my brother is going to quote. He makes about $1 million a year. And everyone around him high up the chain of command are quitting. They have enough money and realize life is short. Can't take it with you. And they got used to staying at home because we did it for 2 years.

Still college students are having a hard time finding work because they don't have any experience. We have an intern working for us this summer. He goes to University of Michigan. Now that he has us on his resume, suddenly recruiters are talking to him.

Anyways, long story short. This is the greatest time in America for people who want to make more. There is no better time than now. Companies are hiring. People are quitting. So you may be able to get a job that you would have never gotten before the pandemic. And you may get a promotion now that would have normally taken 10 more years because your bosses are all quitting.

This is all good stuff!
In some cases it is a good thing...
The "old guard" was often reluctant to utilize newer technologies to make themselves more efficient. AND the new blood is streamlining their jobs and getting more efficient in their new jobs.
In other cases its a disaster. Some jobs require finesse that only comes with experience. It isn't taught in books, there isn't an app for your phone to make things progress. It takes decades of experience to get things done. Usually an unquantifiable understanding of motivating and mitigating factors from the various parties.

Young people wanting to get ahead? You are right...this is their shot. However...millennials tend to discount everything including opportunities. By nature they are going to blow it.

So we shall see what comes over the next decade.

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