Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

I cannot believe anybody would actually try to reason with dawgshit.
He wont watch videos that corner him with facts there were multiple shooters so its kinda fool hardly to keep feeding the troll.You've heard the old saying.:trolls:
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And, sadly, just the sort of answer I have come to expect from you and the other trolls swarming about this topic.

No facts, no rational arguments or rebuttals, not even logic -- just insults, and fluff, and non sequiturs.
the truth about the jfk assassination is simple, on the other hand the conspiracy legend that has grown around it is complicated.
How quickly you have justified my complaint, Daws !!

What kind of silly statement is that?

Mythology is simple -- science is complex.

Lies are often simple, and truth is usually complicated.

As so often, you have written something which makes no sense.


Dawgshit is actually telling the truth on his first statement here that the truth about the JFK assassination is simple.

Its simple to see that the CIA killed him.

I already proved that in post #139 on page 10 which every magic bullet theorist troll on here ignored,ran off and did not address knowing they were cornered...http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...-s-there-was-a-conspiracy-to-kill-jfk-10.html so yeah the truth about the JFK assassination IS simple.

Its simple to see that it was a conspiracy carried out by elements in the CIA and its simple to see that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent.Here in fact I proved on this thread that was made sometime back in post #154 on this page that oswald was innocent.


Look at Dawgshits reply to it in post# 155.as always,he knows he is cornered and cant refute the facts so look at the reply he comes back with.priceless.

He sure showed me and put me in my replace with that great rebutall.:D:lmao::lmao::rofl:
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I cannot believe anybody would actually try to reason with dawgshit.
He wont watch videos that corner him with facts there were multiple shooters so its kinda fool hardly to keep feeding the troll.You've heard the old saying.:trolls:
now that's fucking hilarious ... coming from the most ignorant person ever reason.....you have no idea what reason even means!!!!!
back to troll again as soon as you could immediately after my post I see Dagwshit.your just like rat in the ass,you got an irrational obsession with me.:cuckoo:obviously you hate it that the truth is being told and cant stand it.
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If it is simple then give us the answer. Who did it?
you already know who did it.. accepting it as fact, seems to be beyond your comprehension...

Are you too afraid to give us a name?

He is too afraid to tell the truth that he has been taken to school throughout this entire thread by everybody that there is no evidence that oswald was the lone assassin but plenty of evidence given that there were multiple shooters there acting on orders by rogue elements in the CIA.:D
the truth about the jfk assassination is simple, on the other hand the conspiracy legend that has grown around it is complicated.
How quickly you have justified my complaint, Daws !!

What kind of silly statement is that?

Mythology is simple -- science is complex.

Lies are often simple, and truth is usually complicated.

As so often, you have written something which makes no sense.


Dawgshit is actually telling the truth on his first statement here that the truth about the JFK assassination is simple.

Its simple to see that the CIA killed him.

I already proved that in post #139 on page 10 which every magic bullet theorist troll on here ignored,ran off and did not address knowing they were cornered...http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...-s-there-was-a-conspiracy-to-kill-jfk-10.html so yeah the truth about the JFK assassination IS simple.

Its simple to see that it was a conspiracy carried out by elements in the CIA and its simple to see that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent.Here in fact I proved on this thread that was made sometime back in post #154 on this page that oswald was innocent.


Look at Dawgshits reply to it in post# 155.as always,he knows he is cornered and cant refute the facts so look at the reply he comes back with.priceless.

He sure showed me and put me in my place with that great rebutall.:D:lmao::lmao::rofl:

commenting further on this post from earlier,The JFK assassination is actually simple if you want to believe in the lies of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.the explanation is simple and quick to the point.

However that leaves the government the chance to rewrite history and tell lies so if your interested in the TRUTH,
when you look at the facts and evidence,and you start talking about the truth that there was a conspiracy,its a lot more complicated to explain and get into and thats why a lot of american sheeple wont look into the facts or evidence because saying oswald did it and was the lone assassin, is taking the easy way out and its a lot less complicated to try and figure out.

But when you start digging for the truth,it becomes a lot more complicated and a lot harder to explain and understand which is why so many americans dont want to dig into it because its a little scary for them to have to face reality that the truth of the JFK assassination was carried out by elements of people in high positions of power within the government.

When they start digging and the facts emerge that thats who orchestrated the events,thats when they go back into their own comfortable world they live in and try to convince themselves that oswald did it because the explnation is a lot easier to understand and doesnt require any thinking and thats what they are comfortable with so they accept the explanation of the governments.

Then there of course are others out there like a buddy of mine i was talking to the other day when I asked him if he believed in the magic bullet theory of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone assassin and he then replied saying No.

so I then asked him if he then knew that it was the CIA that did it and he replied saying-No I dont think the CIA did it but at the same time,I dont believe in the warren commission that oswald did it.That magic bullet theory of theirs,that dont hunt. He is a different tryoe of sheeple.

He has enough common sense and rational thinking to not believe in magic bullets,but he doesnt want to look at the facts that the CIA did it so he wants to live in his world and believe the mafia did it all by themselves and that the HSCA investigation was the one that told the truth.

Well the HSCA investigation told the truth that there was a conspiracy to kill him,that oswald wasnt the lone assassin,admitting there was another shooter,but thats as far as they wanted to go with it though.It was a more serious investigation than the warren commission but it wasnt set out to find the entire truth either.there has never been a REAL investigation into the crime.
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you already know who did it.. accepting it as fact, seems to be beyond your comprehension...

Are you too afraid to give us a name?

He is too afraid to tell the truth that he has been taken to school throughout this entire thread by everybody that there is no evidence that oswald was the lone assassin but plenty of evidence given that there were multiple shooters there acting on orders by rogue elements in the CIA.:D

I asked daws to answer, NOT YOU.
While munching on shit, 9/11 Rimjob posts more stupid nonsense.

9/11 Rimjob, the shit eater, cannot even comprehend that President Kennedy WAS shot from behind.
He is too afraid to tell the truth that he has been taken to school throughout this entire thread by everybody that there is no evidence that oswald was the lone assassin but plenty of evidence given that there were multiple shooters there acting on orders by rogue elements in the CIA.:D

I asked daws to answer, NOT YOU.
and I did!

No you didn't. You gave a cowardly "you already know who did it.. accepting it as fact, seems to be beyond your comprehension..."

Who did it daws? Does he/she/they have a name(s)?
While munching on shit, 9/11 Rimjob posts more stupid nonsense.

9/11 Rimjob, the shit eater, cannot even comprehend that President Kennedy WAS shot from behind.

yeah thats what your posts are Liar ability,stupid nonsense.thanks for proving what a chickenshit coward you are LIAR ability just like Dawgshit.

Like Dawgswhit,you wont watch those videos i have posted since they prove there were MULTIPLE shooters there that day.:clap2: and as always, you demonstrate what an idiot you are saying he was shot from behind when there is NO EVIDENCE of that as you already know sock puppet troll.:lmao::lmao: yeah all those doctors in dallas are wrong that he was shot from the front and your right.whatever.:cuckoo::lmao: have fun continuing making an idiot out of yourself.
and I did!

No you didn't. You gave a cowardly "you already know who did it.. accepting it as fact, seems to be beyond your comprehension..."

Who did it daws? Does he/she/they have a name(s)?
you already know who did it my first answer stands ..
your answer just proves my point.

WOW, you truly are a coward. If I knew who did it I would provide a name. But I honestly don't know who did it. I do know it was not one gunman with a bolt action rifle. But you made the claim 'the truth about the jfk assassination is simple'

Why are you so afraid to tell us who did it?
That is a very curious point of view -- one which would make me doubt the sanity of anyone who espoused it, or else make me wonder who they worked for.

Clearly, the most important reason for uncovering a conspiracy is to make sure it doesn't happen again!!!!!!

Those who killed Kennedy got away with their crime!!!

At the very least, this fact would embolden others to follow the same path!!!

To uncover conspiracies, to punish and revile the conspirators and their allies to the maximum extent possible, to undertake steps to prevent such crimes in the future -- that is the best method guarding against such outrages.

I certainly wonder how many great crimes of state might have been prevented if people had known the truth about Kennedy -- and been on the lookout for similar conspracies.

For one thing, 9/11 probably would not have happened.

It is supremely important to reveal the truth about all conspiracies to the maximum extent possible.

It might destroy the childish illusions people have about the societies in which they live, it might make them more suspicious of their rulers, it might undermine the foundations of corrupt governments. That would create problems, but the alternative of great crimes being unpunished and unrevealed -- that, step by step, would lead to greater and greater crimes, as the most vile dregs of society and government discover that they can "get away with it."
Just the sort of answer I expected... all blow and no go..
And, sadly, just the sort of answer I have come to expect from you and the other trolls swarming about this topic.

No facts, no rational arguments or rebuttals, not even logic -- just insults, and fluff, and non sequiturs.

One is led to wonder why it is so important to you that no truth about this assassination be revealed.

Yep thats typical of the way Dawgshit,LIAR ability,namkid and all these other magic bullet theorists trolls debate.,they never use arguments,no rebuttals,just insults and name calling anytime when they are cornered.

they wouldnt last ONE MINUTE in a debating hall,they would be laughed out of it in that timeframe.you got to actually TRY and counter the facts your opponent presents.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

9/11 for sure NEVER would have happened had Jfk lived because he was going to get rid of the CIA who was behind that event along with the mossad.Numerous crimes the CIA have been behind the last decades could have all been prevented had he lived.
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With the benefit of 50 years worth of hindsight I think it was a coup de etat.
uh yeah,only a retarded idiot would think otherwise.:lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl:
No you didn't. You gave a cowardly "you already know who did it.. accepting it as fact, seems to be beyond your comprehension..."

Who did it daws? Does he/she/they have a name(s)?
you already know who did it my first answer stands ..
your answer just proves my point.

WOW, you truly are a coward. If I knew who did it I would provide a name. But I honestly don't know who did it. I do know it was not one gunman with a bolt action rifle. But you made the claim 'the truth about the jfk assassination is simple'

Why are you so afraid to tell us who did it?
how unoriginal, the coward ploy..btw you've answered your question .
also ,you have no proof it was not one man with a bolt action rifle ..just unprovable speculation.
you already know who did it my first answer stands ..
your answer just proves my point.

WOW, you truly are a coward. If I knew who did it I would provide a name. But I honestly don't know who did it. I do know it was not one gunman with a bolt action rifle. But you made the claim 'the truth about the jfk assassination is simple'

Why are you so afraid to tell us who did it?
how unoriginal, the coward ploy..btw you've answered your question .
also ,you have no proof it was not one man with a bolt action rifle ..just unprovable speculation.

1) Numerous witnesses including Secret Service Agents and local lawmen said the cadence of the shots was:

BANG.........................BANG BANG.

The last two shots were almost simultaneous. IMPOSSIBLE with the 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano. And the particular weapon recovered was not a fast acting rifle. According to one of the Warren Commission testers: "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"

2) Prior to November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was a nobody. Please tell me WHY a month before the assassination someone visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald?
WOW, you truly are a coward. If I knew who did it I would provide a name. But I honestly don't know who did it. I do know it was not one gunman with a bolt action rifle. But you made the claim 'the truth about the jfk assassination is simple'

Why are you so afraid to tell us who did it?
how unoriginal, the coward ploy..btw you've answered your question .
also ,you have no proof it was not one man with a bolt action rifle ..just unprovable speculation.

1) Numerous witnesses including Secret Service Agents and local lawmen said the cadence of the shots was:

BANG.........................BANG BANG.

The last two shots were almost simultaneous. IMPOSSIBLE with the 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano. And the particular weapon recovered was not a fast acting rifle. According to one of the Warren Commission testers: "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"

2) Prior to November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was a nobody. Please tell me WHY a month before the assassination someone visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald?
ear witness testimony unreliable and not evidence.
you want fries with that?
how unoriginal, the coward ploy..btw you've answered your question .
also ,you have no proof it was not one man with a bolt action rifle ..just unprovable speculation.

1) Numerous witnesses including Secret Service Agents and local lawmen said the cadence of the shots was:

BANG.........................BANG BANG.

The last two shots were almost simultaneous. IMPOSSIBLE with the 6.5 mm Mannlicher Carcano. And the particular weapon recovered was not a fast acting rifle. According to one of the Warren Commission testers: "the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target"

2) Prior to November 22, 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was a nobody. Please tell me WHY a month before the assassination someone visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald?
ear witness testimony unreliable and not evidence.
you want fries with that?

Of course it's reliable, especially when so many witnesses say the SAME thing. Especially when professionals like Secret Service Agents and police officers all say the same thing.

You only failed attempting to answer HALF my questions. What about the imposter in Mexico City?

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