Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.


Daws is being deliberately obtuse about the impostor in Mexico City.

Which is probably the best evidence so far that he is a troll representing sinister interests.

if only that were fact....since it's not ..it's fine example of your highly tenuous grip on reality.
You didnt answer the question though about did you know about his mistress coming out revealing how oswald successfully reverted a plot in chicago previously before dallas to kill kennedy and have you seen that video before?

oh and had you heard that before of what she mentioned of that smirk on his face in that pic was also faked to make it look like he was smiling about killing JFK? that pic was obviously fake as well just like she says since he obviously denied he did the shooting.:D Like i said,makes no sense why he would be smiling as agents like Posner in his book case close claim since he already said he did not kill kennedy.:cuckoo:

that to me,always made no sense,NOW i totally understand that pic now.Just like the backyard photgraph,it ALSO was forged just like she said.

As to the mechanics of who killed JFK and why?

I leave that task to scholars willing to devote their lives to separating the real information wheat from the disinformation chaff.

But just look at the official narrative holistically...it's pretty damned thin and demands that we suspend disbelief to accept it as fact:

A demented "lone gunman" with a magic bullet takes down the most powerful person in the Western world .:eusa_eh:

The same lone gunman just happened to have been a traitor who moved to Russiastay there for years, got married to a Russian national and then inexplicably was allowed to move back to the USA just in time to off JFK?:doubt:

Meanwhile the list of enemies who might have wanted JFK removed reads like a Who's who of rich and powerful, both in the country and out of it, both on the side of the law, and over the line of the law too.:eek:

With the benefit of 50 years hindsight, we see that the seachange that is still occurring TO this nation STARTED on November22, 1963.:wtf:

I have absolutely NO evidence to support my belief, but I believe that the JFK assonation (folowed closely by the assination of his brother) was a highly successful


What's more I believe that essantially the same clandestine forces that murdered our POTUS have been murdering our REPUBLIC ever since.


Indeed.what you mentioned on how it was so easy for oswald to get in and out of russia back then during the HEIGHTH of the cold war was a joke.I covered that a few pages back in my second post on page 13 here as you can see.

If you look at all the presidents we have had since then,every president with the exception of carter,has been more evil and corrupt than the previous one.

Ford was much worse than carter participating in the coverup on the warren commission and getting handsomely rewarded for it in the process the future of the office of the POTUS.

Matter of fact its well known that Reagan stole the election from Carter.That it was rigged.
Carter like Jfk,also tried to do the right thing and get rid of the CIA.

He did not have enough time to implement his plan so he was never able to succeed.The CIA knew he was on his way out of office soon within the year so they were not worried about Carter.

at that time they had technology to rig elections with voting machines that they did not have in 63 so thats why they had to get rid of JFK since he was so immensely popular for good reason serving the people instead of the bankers and following the constituion something a president had not done in DECADES!!!

so they were going to make sure he did not leave dallas alive that day.

Carter when he got in office matter of fact,he cleaned up the corruption of the CIA firing Fords appointee for CIA director George Bush sr who of course is involved knee deep in the assassination.Firing Bush and appointing Stansfield Turner as new CIA director.

Turner got in and he cleaned house firing many covert operations officers in the CIA and started to reform the CIA ceasing covert operations the CIA had been running.

Then the establishments boy Reagan got in and he of course fired and replaced Turner and the CIA got back to normal again with new CIA director Casey something as the new appointee and then CIA covert operations and the corruption that ran previously under Ford,got back to its normal operations of corruption again and has gotten more and mnore out of control worse ever since then with each president letting the CIA run amok.

contrary to the statement that Kennedy made after the disasterous bay of pigs invasion where the CIA lied to him and tried to trick him into ordering a military invasion of cuba.after that,Kennedy made the mistake of making the public statement that he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces.

If only he had lived and had been able to fulfil that wish.america would be NOTHING like the corrupt government it is now.
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This is WHY both presidents LIncoln and Kennedy were killed.same reason.


Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy
Two great presidents of the United States Assassinated for the cause of justice


by Melvin Sickler

November 22, 2003 marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and a majority of Americans still believe that there was a conspiracy behind this assassination. Both Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated while they held the high office of President of the United States. Both of these former presidents had also created their own money system to run the United States while they were in office. Is this just a coincidence?

Why assassinate a President? Why must everything be kept so covered up? What are they trying to hide from the American people? The facts will speak for themselves.

Abraham Lincoln

During the Civil War (1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and went away greatly distressed, for he was a man of principle and would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back.

Eventually President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point he wrote:

“... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...”

The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them “Greenbacks”.

Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service employees, and bought supplies for war.

Shortly after that happened, “The London Times” printed the following: “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all coun*tries will go to North America. That govern*ment must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing, I repeat, the only thing that is a threat to their power is sovereign govern*ments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money. They know it would break the power of the international Bankers.

In retaliation

After this was published in "The London Times", the British Government, which was controlled by the London and other European Bankers, moved to support the Confederate South, hoping to defeat Lincoln and the Union, and destroy this government which they said had to be destroyed.

They were stopped by two things. First, Lincoln knew the British people, and he knew that Britain would not support slavery, so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slavery in the United States was abolished. At this point, the London Bankers could not openly support the Confederacy because the British people simply would not stand for their country supporting slavery.

Second, the Czar of Russia sent a portion of the Russian navy to the United States with orders that its admiral would operate under the command of Abraham Lincoln. These ships of the Russian navy then became a threat to the ships of the British navy which had intended to break the blockade and help the South.

The North won the War, and the Union was preserved. America remained as one nation.

Of course, the Bankers were not going to give in that easy, for they were determined to put an end to Lincoln's interest-free, debt-free Greenbacks. He was assassinated by an agent of the Bankers shortly after the War ended.

Thereafter, Congress revoked the Green*back Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned and the national bank notes they issued were to be interest bearing. The Act also provided that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation as soon as they came back to the Treasury in payment of taxes.

In 1972, the United States Treasury Department was asked to compute the amount of interest that would have been paid if that 400 million dollars would have been borrowed at interest instead of being issued by Abraham Lincoln. They did some computations, and a few weeks later, the United States Treasury Department said the United States Government saved 4 billion dollars in interest because Lincoln had created his own money. So you can about imagine how much the Government has paid and how much we owe solely on the basis of interest.

The Federal Reserve Act

There were changes in the money and banking laws for the next fifty years. Finally, in 1913, the Bankers were able to get their Federal Reserve Act passed through Congress which replaced the National Banking Act that had earlier replaced the Greenback Law. If the Government would have continued the policy of Abraham Lincoln, the warnings given in “The London Times” would have come to pass. America would be a debt-free nation, the most prosperous in the world. And the brains and the wealth of the world would have come to America.

But with this Federal Reserve Act being passed, Congress gave up Its power to create its own money that it was given in the United States Constitution, and gave this power over to private Bankers who called themselves the Federal Reserve. The Bankers had achieved their ultimate goal, for now the United States operated under a central bank that was privately owned. They now had the power to run the country by controlling the creation of the money, and were free to charge the interest they so desired.

As Mayer Anselm Rothschild once said: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws...”

John F. Kennedy

No United States president since Abraham Lincoln dared to go against the system and create his own money, as many of these so-called elected presidents were actually only instruments or puppets of the Bankers. That is until President John F. Kennedy came into office.

President Kennedy was not afraid to “buck the system”, for he understood how the Federal Reserve System was being used to destroy the United States. As a just and honorable man, he could not tolerate such a system, for it smelled corruption from A to Z. Certainly he must have known about the Greenbacks which Abraham Lincoln created when he was in office.

On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Exec*utive Order 11110, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money to run the country, money that would belong to the people, an Interest and debt-free money. He had printed United States Notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve.

Our records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. It was perfect*ly obvious that Kennedy was out to under*mine the Federal Reserve System of the United States.

But it was only a few months later, In November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President Kennedy's assassination. No reason was given, of course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it did — not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. For surely, President Kennedy must have had It in mind to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return back to the United States Congress the power to create its own money.

It is interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes, which Kennedy had issued, were called out of circulation. Was this through an executive order of the newly installed president, Lyndon B. Johnson? Was President Johnson afraid of the Bankers? Or was he one of their instruments? At any rate, all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. And not a word was said to the American people.

A lesson to learn

There is much that can be learned from our past history. Here we are in 2003, and the United States is still operating under the Federal Reserve System. It has already plunged this country over six trillion dollars into debt – Federal debt, (the total debt, including that of individuals and corporations, is over 20 trillion) a debt it will never be able to pay, and has been responsible for every kind corruption imaginable. Yet, barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American people.

All the Bankers have to do to keep their power is to get rid of the few politicians who are honestly working for a reform in our economic system, and the people at large remain ignorant and controlled. It is obvious the American people need to be awakened to the truth.

The population at large must be educated on the Federal Reserve, and then unite together to put pressure on the Government to get the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 repealed. Otherwise, it will spell disaster for the United States.

There can be no peace without justice, and there can be no justice without a reform in our economic system, for the financiers are behind all the corruption in our Govern*ment.

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy both had the courage to stand up for principles and to fight for justice. They have both gone down in history as being true patriots of the United States. But do we, as citizens, have the courage to follow their example?

Melvin Sickler

This article was published in the Oct.-Nov.-December, 2003 issue of “Michael”.

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This is WHY both presidents LIncoln and Kennedy were killed.same reason.

* * * *

Yes. The SAME reason. Lincoln was sleeping with a mob boss' bitch AND he had tried to kill Castro after that failed Bay of Pigs invasion in the Civil War.

9/11 Rimjob gets dumber by the microsecond.

hey pathetic sock puppet troll of LIAR,ability.your handlers sure are worried the way they sent you here to shit all over the floor in my thread.

they sure are scared these facts are getting out how they sent you here so quickly.

pretty soon your fellow paid trolls rat in the ass and dawgshit will be here i have no doubt.love all your lies you been spreading in all your threads your handlers have instructed you to create.they are getting worried.
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hey pathetic sock puppet troll of LIAR,ability.your handlers sure are worried the way they sent you here to shit all over the floor in my thread.

they sure are scared these facts are getting out how they sent you here so quickly.

pretty soon your fellow paid trolls rat in the ass and dawgshit will be here i have no doubt.love all your lies you been spreading in all your threads your handlers have instructed you to create.they are getting worried.


9/11 Rimjob thinks people have to have "handlers" and must be "agents" to disagree with his lunatic rambling incoherent conspiracy stupidity.

like all agent trolls,you are so desperate for attention from me,you aksed your handlers to send you here IMMEDIATELY after my post to post.what a pathetic sad troll you are.hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa

Rimjob doesn't just drool when he falls asleep.

He drools all the time.

Pure retard, that one.

Meanwhile I don't think the poor deluded dishones scumbag twoofer rat twat ever admitted that one committee in one house of one branch of the government is NOT the same thing AS "the government."

But shhhhh. Don't tell him. Let's keep it a secret. Like one of his pet conspiracies.
you and rat in the ass have an obession with me the way you ask your handlers to send you here so quickly after i post.

oh and it is so funny watching you thrown temper tantrems in your posts getting mad at patriots like oliver stone and assange for doing the right thing.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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you and rat in the ass have an obession with me the way you ask your handlers to send you here so quickly after i post.

oh and it is so funny watching you thrown temper tantrems in your posts getting mad at patriots like oliver stone and assange for doing the right thing.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

^ "handlers." :lmao: :lol::lol:

What a douche you are, 9/11 Rimjob.

You flatter yourself, though, fart boi.

Nobody is obsessed with you. Indeed, the only obsessions displayed are demonstrated by conspiracy-morons like you and ageof7forever. Those obsessions are the ones YOU and your fellow twoofers post so often about. The driver's haircut killed Kennedy. "Orbs" took down the Twin Towers! OMG! You have provided hours of pure hilarity, you incredibly dense stupid silly motherfucker.

You drooling idiot. :lol:

I am very entertained by what a complete idiot you are. I also like the fact that you are incapable of editing -- even with the help of a built-in and easy to use spell check tool.

Please never stop posting here.


Inside Job, why even notice Ilar Liar's postings?

He's just doing his usual faecal frothing at the mouth.


Inside Job, why even notice Ilar Liar's postings?

He's just doing his usual faecal frothing at the mouth.


9/11 Rimjob is a conspiracy nut. Like you, he is a mental case.

You seem determined to attend to my every word, you dishonest poseur, yet you give advice to a scumbag idiot like Rimjob to ignore me.


noman, you are a lot of things, none of them good. But you certainly are not a man.

Now, be the usual idiot cowardly disease you are and go toddle off somewhere.

That's a good little rodent. Scat. :lol::lol:

Inside Job, why even notice Ilar Liar's postings?

He's just doing his usual faecal frothing at the mouth.


well Numan,I cant get you to reply to my facts i been posting so i got to find SOMEONE who will help keep my thread alive.

Trolls like him actually do come in handy and help do me a favor in that regard helping me keep the thread alive.I could STILL do it by posting facts like I have,but he REALLY helps me keep it alive even more so and remain at the top though by shitting all over the floor like he does.:lol::D:lmao:

Like I said,if you would reply to my posts,I wouldnt give him the attention he seeks from me.Believe me,I hate feeding the trolls like many others ignorantly do here,but since others arent replying,i got to find some way to keep it alive now and they HELP me out in that way when they post here helping me keep it at the top.:)
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Inside Job, why even notice Ilar Liar's postings?

He's just doing his usual faecal frothing at the mouth.


9/11 Rimjob is a conspiracy nut. Like you, he is a mental case.

You seem determined to attend to my every word, you dishonest poseur, yet you give advice to a scumbag idiot like Rimjob to ignore me.


noman, you are a lot of things, none of them good. But you certainly are not a man.

Now, be the usual idiot cowardly disease you are and go toddle off somewhere.

That's a good little rodent. Scat. :lol::lol:

what does any of that drivel have to do with who killed JFK ?

Inside Job, why even notice Ilar Liar's postings?

He's just doing his usual faecal frothing at the mouth.


9/11 Rimjob is a conspiracy nut. Like you, he is a mental case.

You seem determined to attend to my every word, you dishonest poseur, yet you give advice to a scumbag idiot like Rimjob to ignore me.


noman, you are a lot of things, none of them good. But you certainly are not a man.

Now, be the usual idiot cowardly disease you are and go toddle off somewhere.

That's a good little rodent. Scat. :lol::lol:

what does any of that drivel have to do with who killed JFK ?


Liar ability sock puppet here claims the report did not say there were two shooters but he has no answers to these facts from the report.hee hee.

2.Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not preclude the possibility of two gunmen firing at the President. Scientific evidence negates some specific conspiracy allegations.
3.The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy.
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I suspect that most Americans who have any opinion at all regarding the JFK assassination do NOT believe the offical story.

I know I surely do not.

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