Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

sure parrots wlike you who parrot the governments version of course love to ignore facts and the truth and claim its idiotic.:cuckoo:

Yeah its such an idiotic claim thats why Johnson just like he did with Kennedys policy on vietnam,reversed his policy on the printing of united states notes as well one day after the assassination,he stopped the printing of them.

Yeah its such an idiotic claim

The first thing you've said that you didn't pull out of your ass.

reversed his policy on the printing of united states notes as well one day after the assassination,he stopped the printing of them

They were placed into circulation until 1971.
Why would the Fed care if US Notes continued to be printed?

placed into circulation till 1971? yep,where DID you pull that out of your ass from? have to resort to lies when getting your ass handed to you on platter just like dawgshit.:lol::lol:

knowing the way you debate,your going to claim that bastard Nixon-also linked to the JFK assassination like his pal Johnson,that him taking us off the gold standard was when they stopped printing right? lol the bankers getting their wish and able to elimate and have Johnson stop the printing of his silver certificates is WHY Nixon was so succesfful at getting us off it.o

therwise he wouldnt have,had the executive order still been operating then in 71.:lol:

placed into circulation till 1971? yep,where DID you pull that out of your ass from?

It's from your favorite source.

United States Note - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

therwise he wouldnt have,had the executive order still been operating then in 71

Hey, you mumbling fuck, United States Notes are different than Silver Certificates. :lol:
I love how the two agent trolls LIAR ability sock puppet and dawgshit,the proven resident troll liars of USMB are the ones to come on and thank another agent troll.

3 farts in a row from the agent troll TODDSTER PARROT.:9::9::9:

fellow paid agent trolls LIAR ability sock puppet troll and Dawgshit troll have taught you well how to lie when your cornered and cant refute facts.

you exposed yourself for the lying troll you are denying facts saying Jefferson never said that even though its public record or Johnson did not reverse Jfk's exective order.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

since you pull things out of your ass and ignore facts making yp lies to try and save face when your cornered-"no surprise whatsoever though since you do the same exact same thing in your 9/11 debates ignoring witness testimonys and what EXPERTS say.:lmao::lmao:"

i thought you MIGHT Be more open minded about JFK.some 9/11 frady cat deniars are.they can handle the truth the CIA killed JFK, but they close their ears and eyes anytime you try and tell them they were behind 9/11 as well. you do it in BOTH these discussions lying about events and ignoring facts same as your 9/11 debates.you have been exposed as ther paid shill you are sent here to try and derail this thread but your a miserable failure troll. tell your boss this is what I have to say to him.:fu: oh and same with you LIAR ABILITY sock puppet and dawgshit.:fu:
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I love how the two agent trolls LIAR ability sock puppet and dawgshit,the proven resident troll liars of USMB are the ones to come on and thank another agent troll.

3 farts in a row from the agent troll TODDSTER PARROT.LIAR ability and dawgshit have taught you well how to lie when your cornered and cant refute facts.
you exposed yourself for the lying troll you are denying facts saying Jefferson never said that even though its public record or Johnson did not revers Jfk's exective order.

Sorry, deflation in regards to money supply was never used during Jefferson's lifetime.

Why don't you show me exactly which portion of that EO was reversed by Johnson?
When? How?
Spell it out, dumbass.
I love how the two agent trolls LIAR ability sock puppet and dawgshit,the proven resident troll liars of USMB are the ones to come on and thank another agent troll.

3 farts in a row from the agent troll TODDSTER PARROT.LIAR ability and dawgshit have taught you well how to lie when your cornered and cant refute facts.
you exposed yourself for the lying troll you are denying facts saying Jefferson never said that even though its public record or Johnson did not revers Jfk's exective order.

And while you're pulling stuff out of your ass, post the proof that "his executive order had eliminated their printing of federal reserve notes"
the fact your handler sent you so SOON to troll IMMEDIATELY shows your a paid shill.hahahahahaha

you have proved in your 9/11 debates you only see what you WANT to see AGAIN ignoring what experts say just like dawgshit and liar ability and you lost your credibility saying jefferson never said that and they did not stop after his assassination so you would just tplay dodgeball if i DID post it for you the same way you always did in your 9/11 debates troll so your not worth the effort till you grow up and stop lying saying jefferson never said.you REALLY lost your credibilty there agent.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

any serious reseracher knows johnson reversed all of kennedys policys you dumbfuck troll.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: you wont look at the evidence as you have proven so many times in our 9/11 discussions and NOW you want me to waste my time posting poof so you'll ignore it on JFK again as well? not going to work troll,tell your handlers you will have to waste yourt time with someone elese.:fu::fu::fu::fu:
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Like I said,you gave it away your an agent just like dawgshit,rat in the ass, and liar ability coming on here IMMEDIATELY like they ALWAYS do trying to derail this thread with lies like THEY always do troll.

your handlers sure are getting worried.that whats agents do come on IMMEDIATELY to try and derail facts like you and your miserable failues on here have tried to do.:lmao::lmao:

again this is not only just for you,but pass this on to your boss as well for your lies and trolling ways.:fu::fu::fu:

i hope your boss is reading this that you failed miserably troll.:fu:

again if you had not run away and changed the subject so many time sin our previous debates on 9/11 when you were cornered with facts you could not refute,I MIGHT waste my time on you but again,you proved back then your an agent troll who only sees what he WANTS to see.
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the fact your handler sent you so SOON to troll IMMEDIATELY shows your a paid shill.hahahahahaha

you have proved in your 9/11 debates you only see what you WANT to see AGAIN ignoring what experts say just like dawgshit and liar ability and you lost your credibility saying jefferson never said that and they did not stop after his assassination so you would just tplay dodgeball if i DID post it for you the same way you always did in your 9/11 debates troll so your not worth the effort till you grow up and stop lying saying jefferson never said.you REALLY lost your credibilty there agent.

any serious reseracher knows johnson reversed all of kennedys policys you dumbfuck troll. you wont look at the evidence as you have proven so many times in our 9/11 discussions and NOW you want me to waste my time posting poof so you'll ignore it on JFK again as well? not going to work troll,tell your handlers you will have to waste yourt time with someone elese.

grow up and stop lying saying jefferson never said.

Sorry, I won't let your silly fake quote go unchallenged.

any serious reseracher knows johnson reversed all of kennedys policys

That explains why you won't post the proof. Got it.
oh and one last thing before i leave you to talk to yourself.your such a dumbfuck troll.you and your hanlders know you cant find EVERYTHING on the net.you have proven you dont care about the corruption thats going on in government ignoring facts in our 9/11 discussions that 9/11 was an inside job.if you were a serious researcher,you would know that its all in there in the national archioves in washington dc,that congress discovered it in the 70's.its all been exposed in national discussions troll.you wont go to them so your ignorant to this fact.:cuckoo: its not my fault you refuse to look at facts and make up lies when your cornered.:cuckoo:
you exposed yourself for the lying troll you are denying facts saying Jefferson never said that even though its public record

snopes.com: Thomas Jefferson on Banks

Attributed to THOMAS JEFFERSON. Although Jefferson was opposed to paper money, this quotation is obviously spurious. Inflation was listed in Webster’s dictionary of 1864, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but the OED gives 1920 as the earliest use of deflation.
oh and one last thing before i leave you to talk to yourself.your such a dumbfuck troll.you and your hanlders know you cant find EVERYTHING on the net.you have proven you dont care about the corruption thats going on in government ignoring facts in our 9/11 discussions that 9/11 was an inside job.if you were a serious researcher,you would know that its all in there in the national archioves in washington dc,that congress discovered it in the 70's.its all been exposed in national discussions troll.you wont go to them so your ignorant to this fact.:cuckoo: its not my fault you refuse to look at facts and make up lies when your cornered.:cuckoo:

Ohh by the way agent toddster parrot of the governments versions of events,I actually DID find something on the net about how johnson stopped it and if this was the first time i had ever discussed anything with you, I would show it to you but again,since you have been caught trolling so many times in the past in our 9/11 debates blatantly ignoring facts that 9/11 was an inside job and there were controlled demolitions that brought down the towers ignoring what witnesses said,we both know you'll just ignore this as well.otherwise i would post it.if you were a newbie or soementhing and you appeared open minded which we both know your NOT.

Nobody can have a rational discussion with you because of your warped logic you have.You ask me to post something about johnson stopping kennedys printing of those notes, yet according to your warped logic and trolling posts you have,I cant post it here on the net because you just said earlier when i posted that thing about Jefferson warning the american people about the dangers of the banks taking over america,you just go and say that because it was posted on the NET,then its not valid.:cuckoo: remember? or do you got memory comprehension problems as well as reading comprehension problems also ?:cuckoo:

You're such a dumbfuck agent troll,that you shoot yourself in the foot with your pathetic rules you make up.:lol::lol::lol: hate to break your heart but it was written in books WAYYYYYYYYYYYY before even the net was invented,that jefferson said that because its a matter of public record.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

oh and i since nothing on the NET is acceptable to you in your warped logic and rules you set up,then i COULD refer you to books about it as well where they document Johnson reversed the printing of the notes but i have never in my life encountered a 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists like yourself who ever takes me up on the challenge of reading a book that exposes 9/11 as an inside job so you wont be the first of over 200 people i have spoken to over the years on the net who would do this NOW with kennedy as we both know.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Nobody can have a rational and rasonable conversation with you about government corruption with your logic and rules you set up.nothing thats typed on the NET is good enough for you,but then there are books out there i can refer you to,but you trolls never read them when challeneged.so like all 9/11 trolls,its impossible to to have any kind of rational discussion with you dumbfucks.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

you would be laughed out a debating hall in minutes the way you debate not taking someone up on a challenge to read a book and debunk it since the NET isnt good enough for you.:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:

i see like all agent trolls your desperate for attention also since your talking to yourself.:lol:

Better call the loony bin,thats scary when someone has converstions with themselves,:lol: you agents do that here all the time.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Getting back to the point of the thread:

So what? There probaly was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Hell, Lee Harvey Oswald conspired to kill Kennedy and he did.

Proves nothing at all.

On second thought I see why we are off the subject of the OP. It was pretty fucking idiotic.
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you definetely learned how to debate from fellow paid agent Dawgshit.Ias seen here in this post# 154 here I showed SEVERAL pages of facts that prove oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy tkill JFK,and his rebutall in the post# 155 right after mine is bullshit.:lol: he sure showed me and put me in my place with that great rebutall.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:


yeah you obviously leanrned to troll form him because your posts are as laughable as his are.:lol::lol::lol: and you really need to work on not exposing it that your an agent giviing it away by having your handlers tell you to come here IMMEDIATELY after a post.like your fellow agent troll dawgshit and toehr agents always do,you expose yourself that way coming on IMMEDIATELY after a post exposes governemnt corruption.pass that pn to your handlers as a tip.:lol::lol::lol: and i hope you passed it on to them that i flipped them off also.lol.
here it is all about the government stopping the printing of the federal reserve notes one day after the event.


notice those pics of the three tramps? for years independent researchers thought one of them was E HOWARD HUNT who ran covert wars for the CIA.Hunt denied for decades that was pic was him but on his deathbed confession,he taped recorded him giving the conefession he WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation to kill JFK.
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Getting back to the point of the thread:

So what? There probaly was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Hell, Lee Harvey Oswald conspired to kill Kennedy and he did.

Proves nothing at all.

On second thought I see why we are off the subject of the OP. It was pretty fucking idiotic.

Its funny that you are posting this when you have me on ignore yet you expect me to reply to it.:lol::lol: this thread proves YOU are an idiot who can easily be brainwashed by the media and government because thats ALL you have said in your patehtic ramblings in your posts since day one when you first got here is that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

well your at least making progress which is a lot more than i can say for other fellow trolls dawgshit,rat in the ass,namvet,liar ability and others who have come on here and clung to the official version of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao:

thats the first step in the right direction for you ADMITTING you were lied to by the govermment all these years and decades that oswald was the lone assassin,admitting that the government is STILL lying to the american people because they STILL despite what the HSCA investigation concluded,STILL says oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo: propping up news reports and special endorcing the warren commission.

oh and i cant believe I am actually thanking you here because i wish EVERYBODY here would stick to the topic itself that even the HSCA investigation said there were two shooters yet the CIA controlled media STILL says oswald was the loen assassin today.:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:

oh and you just admitted you read what I said,did you finally after all these years decide to take me off ignore?:lol:
here it is all about the government stopping the printing of the federal reserve notes one day after the event.


notice those pics of the three tramps? for years independent researchers thought one of them was E HOWARD HUNT who ran covert wars for the CIA.Hunt denied for decades that was pic was him but on his deathbed confession,he taped recorded him giving the conefession he WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation to kill JFK.

here it is all about the government stopping the printing of the federal reserve notes one day after the event.

Never happened.
someone farted in here.:9:

hey agent troll toodparrot,I can see you are too stupid to figure out my fart jokes mean you are on ignore since you ignore facts.:lol: :lmao::lmao:
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this is an article that refutes posners lies in his book Case Closed and actually proves the case is OPEN.huge read but its well worth the read.there arent any serious reseachers here that will read the link though so i dont know why i bother posting it.

HASTY JUDGMENT: A Reply to Gerald Posner (240k)

HASTY JUDGMENT: A Reply to Gerald Posner (240k)
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someone farted in here.:9: was wondering where you had disappeared to dawgshit.Must have been seriously injured and been in the hopital or something,only think that makes any sense why your handlers hadnt had you trolling in so long.
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