Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

as all serious researchers here are aware of Gary Mack is a sellout and a traiter to the american people.For years,for over 3 decades, he USED to be a serious reseacher writing articles and presenting evidence at conferences around the country that Johnson and Nixon had a hand in the assassination and facts that proved the CIA's involvement in it.

Now however as most researchers know,he is a traiter and sellout and now endorces the lies of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin being the curater of the 6th floor museum endorcing their lies.

He obviously got paid off and went for the big bucks.Sad that he thinks money is going to buy him happiness.He will find out in the end he is gravely mistaken.

thats what happens when you get too close and 3 men in black have a little talk with you explaining the consequences if you continue on that course.

"Traiter (sic) and sellout" = "He no longer says what I want him to say!" :eusa_boohoo:

I realize this is way outside your ability to comprehend, but when people originally come out and say something contrary to the government position then later change it to a position that is no longer contrary or makes them look like a liar, that means they have been threatened.

If you dont understand now that it is brought down to the level that a 2 year old can get it I guess we will just have to conclude you od'd on stoopid pills.
thats what happens when you get too close and 3 men in black have a little talk with you explaining the consequences if you continue on that course.

"Traiter (sic) and sellout" = "He no longer says what I want him to say!" :eusa_boohoo:

I realize this is way outside your ability to comprehend, but when people originally come out and say something contrary to the government position then later change it to a position that is no longer contrary or makes them look like a liar, that means they have been threatened.

If you dont understand now that it is brought down to the level that a 2 year old can get it I guess we will just have to conclude you od'd on stoopid pills.

I'm not the one babbling about "The Official Pentagon Light Pole Mower" and snipers in the sewer while believing tongue-in-cheek remarks, son. :lol:
as all serious researchers here are aware of Gary Mack is a sellout and a traiter to the american people.For years,for over 3 decades, he USED to be a serious reseacher writing articles and presenting evidence at conferences around the country that Johnson and Nixon had a hand in the assassination and facts that proved the CIA's involvement in it.

Now however as most researchers know,he is a traiter and sellout and now endorces the lies of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin being the curater of the 6th floor museum endorcing their lies.

He obviously got paid off and went for the big bucks.Sad that he thinks money is going to buy him happiness.He will find out in the end he is gravely mistaken.

thats what happens when you get too close and 3 men in black have a little talk with you explaining the consequences if you continue on that course.

Indeed,so very true.
thats what happens when you get too close and 3 men in black have a little talk with you explaining the consequences if you continue on that course.

"Traiter (sic) and sellout" = "He no longer says what I want him to say!" :eusa_boohoo:

I realize this is way outside your ability to comprehend, but when people originally come out and say something contrary to the government position then later change it to a position that is no longer contrary or makes them look like a liar, that means they have been threatened.

If you dont understand now that it is brought down to the level that a 2 year old can get it I guess we will just have to conclude you od'd on stoopid pills.

He smokes too much crack everyday.thats the only explanation that makes any sense why posts like like this one of yours are too complicated for his warped little brain to comprehend.:D

Looks like a lot of great stuff there.over an hours worth of information.Great to see you have been doing some serious research on this lately.:clap2:

dont have time to watch the video today but i will thats for sure.thanks for posting it here.appreciate it.

here is some great information how the secret service was complicit in the assassination.This author has researched the secret service angle exhaustively devoting years to it.He knows more about it than any of us.

Vince Palamara: Secret Service-JFK Fact Sheet
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againt truthseeker,thanks for posting that video,its just too bad nobody else here will probabably watch it.
so much for the trolls who have come on here in the past like dawgshit and rat in the ass who insist oswald was the lone assassin.:lol:

No Gunman in the Window

A home movie by a spectator, Robert Hughes, showed the easternmost sixth–floor window as the president’s car passed directly underneath, no more than five seconds before the shooting started. The three TSBD employees in the fifth–floor window are clearly visible, but there appears to be no–one in the sixth–floor window. Another spectator, Charles Bronson, filmed the window six minutes earlier, at about the time when the motorcade had been due to pass by. Again, the window appears to be empty.

I have seen that photo taken seconds before,during,and after the shooting of the Hughes film and you see three black men in the fifth floor window below oswalds alleged snipers nest,but NOBODY is in the alleged snipers nest,the 6th floor window.that alone clears oswald.
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matter of fact as you can see from this link yourself,senator richard sprague who served on the house select committe on assassinations,he viewed the photos of the 6th floor window that were taken at the time of the assassination and he himself said he found NOBODY in the alleged 6th floor window.


Now, the most important thing initially that happened in
finding the photos was discovering a number of photographs-
-films and still photos--that showed the sixth floor window
empty with nobody in it. This is what originally convinced
me that we had a different sort of conspiracy going than one
involving Lee Harvey Oswald, because if he wasn't in the
window--and nobody was in the window--then what happened?
Who fired the shots? And where from?
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this is interesting.i see nobody in the 6th floor window,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDkgTOMYWa0]JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube[/ame]
Meanwhile, 9/11 Rimjob is still spewing spittle and making not the first bit of sense.

These Kennedy Conspiracy Cretins are a laugh a minute -- if you bother to try to figure out whatever the fuck they are attempting to grunt out.

9/11 Rimjob, for example, might be one of the ones who believes the driver's hair is a gun!

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9/11 Rimjob, for example, might be one of the ones who believes the driver's hair is a gun!


He does. :cuckoo:

What these granola bars are calling a gun in the Zapruder film, is clearly the top of the front seat passenger's head. Point this out to them, though, and they come back with "The Zapruder film has been altered, you fool!!!1!!1one!!!" :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They'd have taken out Ron Paul too if he wasn't such a public and popular figure.
so much for the lies that oswald killed kennedy.:lmao:

Read the paragraphs below.These two women Sandra Styles and Victoris Adams went down the stairs from the 4th floor after the shots were fired and according to the warren commissions timeframe,Oswald would had to pass them and they never saw him pass her.they also INSISTED the warren commission altered their testimonys,something they did with MANY witnesses which itself is a crime the commission members should have gone to jail for.

And it was through Lane’s book that Barry was introduced to the heroine of the second story he will tell. That second story is about the plight of one of these ordinary people who was swept up by events: Victoria Adams, the notable “girl on the stairs.” She was an employee who worked in the same building as one Lee Harvey Oswald. The problem caused by her presence is very simple and easily summarized. Adams, along with her friend Sandra Styles, stood on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the murder. She testified to hearing three shots, which from her vantage point appeared to be coming from the right of the building (i.e., from the grassy knoll). She and Styles then ran to the stairs to head down. This was the only set of stairs that went all the way to the top of the building. Both she and her friend took them down to the ground floor. She did not see or hear Oswald. Yet, she should have if he were on the sixth floor traveling downwards. Which is what the Commission said he did after he shot Kennedy.

This is the first problem, in a nutshell. Why did Adams not see a scrambling Oswald, flying down the stairs in pursuit of his Coca-Cola? Because of the Warren Commission’s timeline, we know Oswald had to have gone down the stairs during this period in order to be accosted in time by a motorcycle policeman. In addition, as we are later to discover, Adams also reports seeing Jack Ruby on the corner of Houston and Elm, “questioning people as though he were a policeman.”

From here the parallel stories broaden out. For Barry began to read more books critical of the Commission. And he would then compare what was in these books with the testimony and evidence in the 26 volumes. Like many people before him, he found something rather disturbing: the evidence and testimony did not completely back up the summary conclusions in the Warren Report. The Commission had selectively chosen evidence to make their case. And they had deliberately tried to discredit witnesses and testimony that contradicted their guilty verdict about Oswald. And the witness that they did this to that really kindled Barry’s curiosity was Victoria Adams. As the author writes at the end of Chapter 1, “What if she was right?”

Adams did not find the government eager to hear her story. This is why they badgered her day and night: the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Sheriff’s Department. And Victoria noticed something discriminatory about all the attention she was getting: the other witnesses in her office did not receive it, e.g., Sandy Styles who ran down the stairs with her, or Elsie Dorman or Dorothy May Garner who watched the motorcade with her.

The attention didn’t stop. In fact, even when she moved to a different address these agents followed her. Even though she had left no forwarding address and her new apartment was not in her name. But they still found her. They followed her when she went to lunch. They followed her when she walked around town. When she sent a letter to a friend in San Francisco describing what she saw and did that day as a witness, the friend never got the letter. The question they posed was always the same: When did you run down the stairs after the shooting?

Then, another odd thing happened. When David Belin and the Warren Commission requested her to testify, it was her alone. Sandra Styles was not with her. In fact, Barry could find no evidence that the Commission questioned Styles at all. Further, during her appearance, Belin had handed her a diagram of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the place where she and Oswald worked at that time. He asked her to point out where she saw two other employees (i.e., William Shelley and Billy Lovelady) when she arrived at the bottom of the stairway. When Barry went to look up this exhibit in the Commission volumes—Commission Exhibit 496—he discovered something odd. It was not the document in the testimony. It was a copy of the application form Oswald filled out for his job at the Depository.

Further, although Styles did not testify that day, or at all, both Lovelady and Shelley did. And as Barry read their testimony it appeared to him that the Commission was making use of them to discredit Adams. Commission lawyer Joe Ball made sure he asked Shelley when and if he saw Adams after the shooting. And when Barry read Lovelady’s testimony his mouth flew open. Lovelady brought up Adams’ name before Ball did! And he called her by her nickname, “Vickie.” Barry was puzzled as to what prompted this spontaneous reference to Adams. Did Lovelady know in advance that Ball was going to specifically ask about her?

Indeed, when she read her own testimony in the Warren Commission—and the Commission’s use of it—Adams was startled to find major discrepancies, including the time interval as to when she started down the stairs after she heard the shots. This began for her a lifelong burden of living in the shadows, avoiding any publicity dealing with her testimony or her treatment at the hands of the Commission. When her employer, publishing house Scott Foresman, offered her a chance to transfer out of Dallas to Chicago in 1966, she took it. (p. 35) While there, she actually now began to read the Warren Report. She now noted what they had done with Lovelady and Shelley. This stupefied her. Because she did not recall seeing either man after she and Styles arrived on the first floor. (p. 36)
so much for the lies that oswald killed kennedy.:lmao:

Read the paragraphs below.These two women Sandra Styles and Victoris Adams went down the stairs from the 4th floor after the shots were fired and according to the warren commissions timeframe,Oswald would had to pass them and they never saw him pass her.they also INSISTED the warren commission altered their testimonys,something they did with MANY witnesses which itself is a crime the commission members should have gone to jail for.

And it was through Lane’s book that Barry was introduced to the heroine of the second story he will tell. That second story is about the plight of one of these ordinary people who was swept up by events: Victoria Adams, the notable “girl on the stairs.” She was an employee who worked in the same building as one Lee Harvey Oswald. The problem caused by her presence is very simple and easily summarized. Adams, along with her friend Sandra Styles, stood on the fourth floor of the Texas School Book Depository at the moment of the murder. She testified to hearing three shots, which from her vantage point appeared to be coming from the right of the building (i.e., from the grassy knoll). She and Styles then ran to the stairs to head down. This was the only set of stairs that went all the way to the top of the building. Both she and her friend took them down to the ground floor. She did not see or hear Oswald. Yet, she should have if he were on the sixth floor traveling downwards. Which is what the Commission said he did after he shot Kennedy.

This is the first problem, in a nutshell. Why did Adams not see a scrambling Oswald, flying down the stairs in pursuit of his Coca-Cola? Because of the Warren Commission’s timeline, we know Oswald had to have gone down the stairs during this period in order to be accosted in time by a motorcycle policeman. In addition, as we are later to discover, Adams also reports seeing Jack Ruby on the corner of Houston and Elm, “questioning people as though he were a policeman.”

From here the parallel stories broaden out. For Barry began to read more books critical of the Commission. And he would then compare what was in these books with the testimony and evidence in the 26 volumes. Like many people before him, he found something rather disturbing: the evidence and testimony did not completely back up the summary conclusions in the Warren Report. The Commission had selectively chosen evidence to make their case. And they had deliberately tried to discredit witnesses and testimony that contradicted their guilty verdict about Oswald. And the witness that they did this to that really kindled Barry’s curiosity was Victoria Adams. As the author writes at the end of Chapter 1, “What if she was right?”

Adams did not find the government eager to hear her story. This is why they badgered her day and night: the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Sheriff’s Department. And Victoria noticed something discriminatory about all the attention she was getting: the other witnesses in her office did not receive it, e.g., Sandy Styles who ran down the stairs with her, or Elsie Dorman or Dorothy May Garner who watched the motorcade with her.

The attention didn’t stop. In fact, even when she moved to a different address these agents followed her. Even though she had left no forwarding address and her new apartment was not in her name. But they still found her. They followed her when she went to lunch. They followed her when she walked around town. When she sent a letter to a friend in San Francisco describing what she saw and did that day as a witness, the friend never got the letter. The question they posed was always the same: When did you run down the stairs after the shooting?

Then, another odd thing happened. When David Belin and the Warren Commission requested her to testify, it was her alone. Sandra Styles was not with her. In fact, Barry could find no evidence that the Commission questioned Styles at all. Further, during her appearance, Belin had handed her a diagram of the first floor of the Texas School Book Depository, the place where she and Oswald worked at that time. He asked her to point out where she saw two other employees (i.e., William Shelley and Billy Lovelady) when she arrived at the bottom of the stairway. When Barry went to look up this exhibit in the Commission volumes—Commission Exhibit 496—he discovered something odd. It was not the document in the testimony. It was a copy of the application form Oswald filled out for his job at the Depository.

Further, although Styles did not testify that day, or at all, both Lovelady and Shelley did. And as Barry read their testimony it appeared to him that the Commission was making use of them to discredit Adams. Commission lawyer Joe Ball made sure he asked Shelley when and if he saw Adams after the shooting. And when Barry read Lovelady’s testimony his mouth flew open. Lovelady brought up Adams’ name before Ball did! And he called her by her nickname, “Vickie.” Barry was puzzled as to what prompted this spontaneous reference to Adams. Did Lovelady know in advance that Ball was going to specifically ask about her?

Indeed, when she read her own testimony in the Warren Commission—and the Commission’s use of it—Adams was startled to find major discrepancies, including the time interval as to when she started down the stairs after she heard the shots. This began for her a lifelong burden of living in the shadows, avoiding any publicity dealing with her testimony or her treatment at the hands of the Commission. When her employer, publishing house Scott Foresman, offered her a chance to transfer out of Dallas to Chicago in 1966, she took it. (p. 35) While there, she actually now began to read the Warren Report. She now noted what they had done with Lovelady and Shelley. This stupefied her. Because she did not recall seeing either man after she and Styles arrived on the first floor. (p. 36)

The Chinese called. They would really like their wall back.


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