Even the government itself admitted in the 70's there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They'd have taken out Ron Paul too if he wasn't such a public and popular figure.

well they would have taken him out if he had had any chance of winning the office of the presidency but whomever they want in office,they always rig it so he gets in.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

since he was never a threat to become president,they werent worried about Ron Paul.
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not an expert on Kennedy Assassination, but I have enough common sense to know that it was not a lone shooter, not some nut case. My basis for this belief is the understanding of Zionist agenda and the things Kennedy said and planned to do while in office. It is acceptable to say those things to get elected, but not to actually do them. I am talking about things like ending government secrecy, ending federal reserve, not listening to the masters etc.

I believe that today, a real man could not be an American president alone. I know I could never be an American president with a democrat/republican congress as it is or was 5, 10 years ago - I would either start drinking or go nuts and pull out the automatic weapons on stage in one of the meetings. I really would have no patience to argue or deal with these animals, and I am not saying this because I want any attention from some secret service agency, I am saying this because this is true and that is why I have no plans to be an American president as Obama/Bush/Clinton.
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.
I hardly argue with people on these forums any more, I sort of came to conclusion that I am living in a world of illusions, and the notion that the world has 7 billion people must be just my imagination, or perhaps the trillions of leaves around me are more intelligent than those people because at least they do not argue against reason.

I am more interested in uniting the few people like you than educating those who do not want to be educated.
Amazing how there are so many american sheople here STILL in denial about this all these years later that there was at least one other shooter involved in the assassination of JFK.:cuckoo:

It was no surprise to see the usual trolls Whitehall,Predfan,rightwinger and other lone nut theorist trolls play dodgeball and dodge all the facts and evidence that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK on this thread here


and as usual,it got highjacked by the paid trolls i have listed in my sig and this thread will as well by them as well no doubt.

Its pretty clear cut that posters like whitehall, predfan,and rightwinger who never watch videos or read links that shread to pieces the warren commission,have ever done any research into this and everything they know about this event is what they got from the CIA controlled mainstream media and their textbooks in our corrupt school system which STILL to this day tells the official lie that oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo:

Whats really funny about that is even the house select committe on investigations in the 1970's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter and a probable conspiracy and yet there are so many idiots here like those I mentioned, who STILL say oswald was the lone assassin even though they THEMSELVES admitted they were wrong.:lmao::rofl::cuckoo:

Truthseeker tried to spell it out to them dummies style with this post below but they ignored it of course.no surprise.

What do you mean hard evidence? The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations ruled President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. And chastised the Warren Commission for it's inept investigation and only looking at the lone gunman theory.

well MAYBE they will take it seriosuly if they hear it from wikipedia then.I wouldnt hold my breath or bet on it though.It would be a miracle if they actutally read the link.

United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They'd have taken out Ron Paul too if he wasn't such a public and popular figure.

well they would have taken him out if he had had any chance of winning the office of the presidency but whomever they want in office,they always rig it so he gets in.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

since he was never a threat to become president,they werent worried about Ron Paul.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

Changing the rules didn't prevent him from getting the nomination.
How many states did he win?
I am beyond arguing with people who believe Ron Paul would not have beaten any idiot of the establishment media if he was presented as an equal contender on election day -
Any person who has logic and some curiosity can go to Google trends, type in a name Ron Paul, their own favorite candidate, and see the difference between public demand search and the media coverage of the candidates, and everything becomes clear. but the imbeciles in the political world are either paid, brain dead and out of work, retired citizens, kids or other way mentally special people.
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.
I hardly argue with people on these forums any more, I sort of came to conclusion that I am living in a world of illusions, and the notion that the world has 7 billion people must be just my imagination, or perhaps the trillions of leaves around me are more intelligent than those people because at least they do not argue against reason.

I am more interested in uniting the few people like you than educating those who do not want to be educated.
another classic conspiracy theorist dodge.
They'd have taken out Ron Paul too if he wasn't such a public and popular figure.

well they would have taken him out if he had had any chance of winning the office of the presidency but whomever they want in office,they always rig it so he gets in.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

since he was never a threat to become president,they werent worried about Ron Paul.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

Changing the rules didn't prevent him from getting the nomination.
How many states did he win?
He did not win any states
well they would have taken him out if he had had any chance of winning the office of the presidency but whomever they want in office,they always rig it so he gets in.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

since he was never a threat to become president,they werent worried about Ron Paul.

They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

Changing the rules didn't prevent him from getting the nomination.
How many states did he win?
He did not win any states

Yes and nothing they did at the convention would have changed that.
He's nuttier than squirrel poop.
They came up with new rule changes at the last minute at the RNC convention to make sure he did not get the republican nomination.

Changing the rules didn't prevent him from getting the nomination.
How many states did he win?
He did not win any states

Yes and nothing they did at the convention would have changed that.
He's nuttier than squirrel poop.

Somebody said poop in here. :poop:

It happened at 06:49 PM. :lol:
two farts in a row from the agent trolls.
I hardly argue with people on these forums any more, I sort of came to conclusion that I am living in a world of illusions, and the notion that the world has 7 billion people must be just my imagination, or perhaps the trillions of leaves around me are more intelligent than those people because at least they do not argue against reason.

I am more interested in uniting the few people like you than educating those who do not want to be educated.
another classic conspiracy theorist dodge.
If you have a question I will be happy to answer if I can.
I hardly argue with people on these forums any more, I sort of came to conclusion that I am living in a world of illusions, and the notion that the world has 7 billion people must be just my imagination, or perhaps the trillions of leaves around me are more intelligent than those people because at least they do not argue against reason.

I am more interested in uniting the few people like you than educating those who do not want to be educated.
another classic conspiracy theorist dodge.
If you have a question I will be happy to answer if I can.
you already have...thanks!:lol::eusa_whistle:
someone farted in here.:poop: wow there were actually 6 farts in a row from the agent trolls after your last post on the previous page PVSI.:lol::D:poop:
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