Even U.S. Media now reports that Israel broke truce with attack on Hamas leader.

Quite a bit of drivel in an unsuccessful attempt to claim that Israel is anything but a terrorist state, using terrorism to try to force non-Jews under their control to submit and accept oppression, occupation and rule by a Jewish minority. Yes, Jews control and rule over more non-Jews than Jews.
Turkey and Bolivia have courageously categorized Israel as a terrorist state, more countries will be doing so as time goes on.
Turkey - a terrorist-supporting state with an ottomaniacal ass-head presidente. Bolivia? Movement toward socialism! They're all che-guevaras. Any palistanian bullshitter welcome, revolución-liberación.
Go easy on Phoney.

It sound like he's close to having a breakdown.
Phoney - if you are feeling that way, call this number: 0800 085 2721

Shows how much you actually know, is your I.Q. getting in the way of common sense and real intelligence
fanger, Phoenall, et al,


Recently, HAMAS Sheikh Saleh Arouri admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students.
You Made that Part up,
Wrong as it is all over the interweb for all to see, and the source is Turkish
He Praised the event, He never "admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students". Rocco Made that Part up

Posted in: Middle East Posted: August 21, 2014 The Inquisitr
Link> Hamas Finally Admits To Kidnapping And Killing Israeli Teens
The big reveal occurred Wednesday, when senior Hamas sheikh Saleh Arouri announced at a press conference in Turkey that “Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, [had] carried out what he described as [the] ‘heroic operation’ with the broader goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.” What Hamas had not intended to do, he said, was “ignite [such] a large battle, but Allah has chosen and willed that a large battle would be ignited.”

By Leonard Greene August 22, 2014 | 3:00am New York Post
Link> Senior Hamas figure admits group kidnapped Israeli teens
Saleh Arouri, a senior Hamas religious figure, told a conference in Turkey Wednesday that the group’s military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, carried out the “heroic operation” with the goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.
“It was an operation by your brothers from al-Qassam Brigades,” he told sympathizers in, adding Hamas had hoped to exchange the youths for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
I didn't make anything up. I try (my very best) not to mislead anyone. Look at the Posting again.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:

Don't quote half a sentence and then say, I made something up.

Recently, HAMAS Sheikh Saleh Arouri admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students.
You Made that Part up,

If you are going to challenge a salient point I have made, at least use the entire point. Don't try this half sentence challenge.

Most Respectfully,
Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.
fanger, Phoenall, et al,


Recently, HAMAS Sheikh Saleh Arouri admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students.
You Made that Part up,
Wrong as it is all over the interweb for all to see, and the source is Turkish
He Praised the event, He never "admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students". Rocco Made that Part up

Posted in: Middle East Posted: August 21, 2014 The Inquisitr
Link> Hamas Finally Admits To Kidnapping And Killing Israeli Teens
The big reveal occurred Wednesday, when senior Hamas sheikh Saleh Arouri announced at a press conference in Turkey that “Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, [had] carried out what he described as [the] ‘heroic operation’ with the broader goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.” What Hamas had not intended to do, he said, was “ignite [such] a large battle, but Allah has chosen and willed that a large battle would be ignited.”

By Leonard Greene August 22, 2014 | 3:00am New York Post
Link> Senior Hamas figure admits group kidnapped Israeli teens
Saleh Arouri, a senior Hamas religious figure, told a conference in Turkey Wednesday that the group’s military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, carried out the “heroic operation” with the goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.
“It was an operation by your brothers from al-Qassam Brigades,” he told sympathizers in, adding Hamas had hoped to exchange the youths for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
I didn't make anything up. I try (my very best) not to mislead anyone. Look at the Posting again.

Most Respectfully,

I don't question your links but the news first came out by Israel, and all the papers followed suit. Unreliable.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is absolute nonsense.

Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.

Israel (the Israeli Defense Force) did NOT target the anyone other than the suspected location of Hamas Military Chief Mohammed Deif. Any other deaths associated with the strike were collateral casualties. The strike was conducted in accordance with Rule 14 --- Proportionality in Attack (Customary International Humanitarian Law) wherein the "concrete and direct military advantage anticipated" was the neutralization of a key hostile military commander conducting active operations against the State of Israel. Such attacks, most unfortunately, "may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof."

Your flawed logic is that you see the home and the residence as the target. But in reality, the target was something altogether different. We call this "twisting the facts to suit the opposing agenda." The target was a Hostile Palestinian Military Commander directly responsible for ordering indiscriminate indirect fire on Israeli non-combatants. If there is a violation of law, it rests with the HAMAS terrorists.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is absolute nonsense.

Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.

Israel (the Israeli Defense Force) did NOT target the anyone other than the suspected location of Hamas Military Chief Mohammed Deif. Any other deaths associated with the strike were collateral casualties. The strike was conducted in accordance with Rule 14 --- Proportionality in Attack (Customary International Humanitarian Law) wherein the "concrete and direct military advantage anticipated" was the neutralization of a key hostile military commander conducting active operations against the State of Israel. Such attacks, most unfortunately, "may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof."

Your flawed logic is that you see the home and the residence as the target. But in reality, the target was something altogether different. We call this "twisting the facts to suit the opposing agenda." The target was a Hostile Palestinian Military Commander directly responsible for ordering indiscriminate indirect fire on Israeli non-combatants. If there is a violation of law, it rests with the HAMAS terrorists.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you, Rocco, for regurgitating Israel's bullshit.

may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life

Targeting a family home is not "incidental."
Rule 14. Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited.
Customary IHL - Rule 14. Proportionality in Attack
(bolded the part Rocco left out)
Attacking the home of a combatant who was not present at the time would be an unlawful attack on a civilian object that if carried out intentionally would constitute a war crime. A civilian home does not lose its protected status as a civilian object merely because it is the home of a militant who is not present there. Insofar as the attack is designed to harm the combatants’ family, it would also be a prohibited form of collective punishment
Q&A: 2014 Hostilities between Israel and Hamas | Human Rights Watch
Last edited:
Penelope, et al,

Yes, I can understand that.

I don't question your links but the news first came out by Israel, and all the papers followed suit. Unreliable.

The startling revelation was made at a International Union of Islamic Scholars (IUMS) (fourth) conference. The actual introduction to the Internet of the HAMAS comments were when IUMS posted it on their website (Home base Doha, Qatar) nearly simultaneously with Turkish Media. No one really doubts that "Saleh al-Arouri, one of the founders of Hamas's military wing, made his comments at a conference in Istanbul, where he lives in exile. A tape of his comments was posted online by conference organizers." (The Guardian, Thursday 21 August 2014)

Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri is considered by many as an un-indicted, co-conspirator for murder under Israeli Law, parallel to the criminal statutes of the International Criminal Court.

It will be interesting to see what the reaction is from IUMS and the rest of the Islamic World. But initial observations, thus far, is that much of the revelry in Islam centers on the taste for blood. They Islamic Scholars have embraced HAMAS as a representative of their faith. All the more reason for the world to take a suspicious look at anything Islamic.

Most Respectfully,
Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.
Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.

Not when the home is also a military installation and has weapons stored there, then it becomes a valid target and not a war crime. His family knew what he was and so were accessories to terrorism making them valid military targets. What is a war crime is firing ILLEGAL CHEMICAL/BIOLOGICAL weapons at targets that are predominantly children. This is done by hamas and it is admitted by hamas making every hamas member a valid terrorist target under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW
fanger, Phoenall, et al,


Recently, HAMAS Sheikh Saleh Arouri admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students.
You Made that Part up,
Wrong as it is all over the interweb for all to see, and the source is Turkish
He Praised the event, He never "admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students". Rocco Made that Part up

Posted in: Middle East Posted: August 21, 2014 The Inquisitr
Link> Hamas Finally Admits To Kidnapping And Killing Israeli Teens
The big reveal occurred Wednesday, when senior Hamas sheikh Saleh Arouri announced at a press conference in Turkey that “Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, [had] carried out what he described as [the] ‘heroic operation’ with the broader goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.” What Hamas had not intended to do, he said, was “ignite [such] a large battle, but Allah has chosen and willed that a large battle would be ignited.”

By Leonard Greene August 22, 2014 | 3:00am New York Post
Link> Senior Hamas figure admits group kidnapped Israeli teens
Saleh Arouri, a senior Hamas religious figure, told a conference in Turkey Wednesday that the group’s military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, carried out the “heroic operation” with the goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.
“It was an operation by your brothers from al-Qassam Brigades,” he told sympathizers in, adding Hamas had hoped to exchange the youths for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
I didn't make anything up. I try (my very best) not to mislead anyone. Look at the Posting again.

Most Respectfully,

I don't question your links but the news first came out by Israel, and all the papers followed suit. Unreliable.

WRONG the news first came out via Turkey on a facebook page, that showed the conference and the words spoken. It was an Israeli news outlet that picked it up and reported it, but the source was still from Turkey. Your definition of the evidence is what is unreliable as you don't see past your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is absolute nonsense.

Israelis kill Hamas leader's wife and child, and another civilian breaking the truce. The European press was clear on this but in the U.S. press bought the Israeli line and claimed that the Palestinians broke the truce. No wonder there are so many Israel Firsters in the US. They just get Israeli propaganda as news. At least one U.S. newspaper, The Chicago Tribune, has reluctantly published the truth:

Israel launches lethal airstrikes, Hamas responds - Chicago Tribune

"militants in the Gaza Strip fired rockets at Israel for a second day on Wednesday after fighting resumed with the collapse of truce talks and an Israeli air strike that killed three people in Gaza."
Thursday's strike came just 36 hours after Israel tried to assassinate Hamas military chief Mohammed Deif, who has topped its most wanted list for more than a decade.

That attack levelled a six-storey building in Gaza City, killing two women and three children, among them Deif's wife, his infant son and three-year-old daughter.

Hamas executes Israel 'collaborators' in Gaza, EU seeks new truce - Yahoo News

Targeting homes is targeting women and children.

A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.

Israel (the Israeli Defense Force) did NOT target the anyone other than the suspected location of Hamas Military Chief Mohammed Deif. Any other deaths associated with the strike were collateral casualties. The strike was conducted in accordance with Rule 14 --- Proportionality in Attack (Customary International Humanitarian Law) wherein the "concrete and direct military advantage anticipated" was the neutralization of a key hostile military commander conducting active operations against the State of Israel. Such attacks, most unfortunately, "may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof."

Your flawed logic is that you see the home and the residence as the target. But in reality, the target was something altogether different. We call this "twisting the facts to suit the opposing agenda." The target was a Hostile Palestinian Military Commander directly responsible for ordering indiscriminate indirect fire on Israeli non-combatants. If there is a violation of law, it rests with the HAMAS terrorists.

Most Respectfully,
Thank you, Rocco, for regurgitating Israel's bullshit.

may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life

Targeting a family home is not "incidental."

It is under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW and the GENEVA CONVENTIONS that say the target was not the family home but the military commander who was instrumental in targeting Israeli children.
They should all be hung for their crimes and save the world a small fortune in not having to keep them
Sounds like the IDF got three Hamas leaders and missed one... hell, that's a .750 batting average.

Send in a clean-up batter, so that the fourth one can join his comrades.

The best Hamas is a dead Hamas... even if it costs a few dead Hamas relatives to get them.
Rule 14. Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited.
Customary IHL - Rule 14. Proportionality in Attack
(bolded the part Rocco left out)
Attacking the home of a combatant who was not present at the time would be an unlawful attack on a civilian object that if carried out intentionally would constitute a war crime. A civilian home does not lose its protected status as a civilian object merely because it is the home of a militant who is not present there. Insofar as the attack is designed to harm the combatants’ family, it would also be a prohibited form of collective punishment
Q&A: 2014 Hostilities between Israel and Hamas | Human Rights Watch

Point 1 did you read the link you put up, and if you did why did you ignore the facts. As for your attempted get out clause as far as the Israelis believed he was in residence at the time of the attack, and this was shown to be true when it was reported he had either been killed or injured in the attack.

Point 2 anything that HRW reports about Israel is biased in the extreme so is not a valid source of information

Criticism of Human Rights Watch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HRW has been accused of bias against the state of Israel[28][29][30][31][32][33] of issuing one-sided and hostile reports attacking Israel[34] and of having an anti-Israel agenda[25][35][36][37][38][39] by general circulation newspapers
fanger, Phoenall, et al,


Recently, HAMAS Sheikh Saleh Arouri admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students.
You Made that Part up,
Wrong as it is all over the interweb for all to see, and the source is Turkish
He Praised the event, He never "admitted to the kidnapping and murder of three students". Rocco Made that Part up

Posted in: Middle East Posted: August 21, 2014 The Inquisitr
Link> Hamas Finally Admits To Kidnapping And Killing Israeli Teens
The big reveal occurred Wednesday, when senior Hamas sheikh Saleh Arouri announced at a press conference in Turkey that “Hamas’s military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, [had] carried out what he described as [the] ‘heroic operation’ with the broader goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.” What Hamas had not intended to do, he said, was “ignite [such] a large battle, but Allah has chosen and willed that a large battle would be ignited.”

By Leonard Greene August 22, 2014 | 3:00am New York Post
Link> Senior Hamas figure admits group kidnapped Israeli teens
Saleh Arouri, a senior Hamas religious figure, told a conference in Turkey Wednesday that the group’s military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, carried out the “heroic operation” with the goal of sparking a new Palestinian uprising.
“It was an operation by your brothers from al-Qassam Brigades,” he told sympathizers in, adding Hamas had hoped to exchange the youths for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
I didn't make anything up. I try (my very best) not to mislead anyone. Look at the Posting again.

Most Respectfully,

I don't question your links but the news first came out by Israel, and all the papers followed suit. Unreliable.

WRONG the news first came out via Turkey on a facebook page, that showed the conference and the words spoken. It was an Israeli news outlet that picked it up and reported it, but the source was still from Turkey. Your definition of the evidence is what is unreliable as you don't see past your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED

I am suppose to believe a link on a Facebook age. Are you for real? Nazi, Socialized Nation, look it up, there were many Socialized Nations back then and still are several today who are doing very well.
Anti Semitic would mean I am against all who speak Semitic languages which is false.
Hatred, of Jews , not all , but many , the ones who try to control the US and lead us into wars, the ones involved in PNAC and involved in 911, the ones in the UCLA that think the Government should pay for abortions, the ADL sucks big time and spreads hatred , the ones who lobby (buy) our congressman, that's all for now, but yes I have a problem with many of them.
Targeting homes is targeting women and children. A war crime for sure and Israel has done this many times.
If hamass doesn't get their fems and children dead for allah, how can it claim "jews are bad"? On the other hand, we're sure hamass registers their thugs as fems and children.

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