Even with Volatile Stock Market, Personal Retirement Accounts Are Better, Safer than Social Security

Hey. Social Security is only 3 percent of your gross income. So go ahead and invest another 3 percent in whatever you like. See how that turns out.
6.2. Medicare 1.45.
Right. 6.2.

So invest 6.2 percent and see which performs better.
I did, and cashed out of my 401K with over $500,000 cash. I put that in an IRA and it has doubled. Next question.
It could have just as easily have dropped by half, hence the problem.

It did, twice. The first time I got online and made two or three trades a day until I got it back. The second time I just let it ride, and it came back in spades.
Case in point, people shouldn't have retirement funds in the stock market. That's not what it's for in the first place.
It is funny to see how complacent people are about government behavioral modification programs until one comes along that sticks in their craw. Then they balk. Too late.

America demanded all those redistributive tax laws. As long as it was working to your favor, you were okay with it, right? Mortgage interest deduction. Works for me, since I have a mortage. So I go along with it even though its cost comes out of other people's pockets.

But now one comes along that is advantageous to someone else at my expense, and suddenly it is an OUTRAGE!
Those tax credits I got for energy saving windows and clothes' dryer were the cat's meow.
And those credits were paid for by the same people who paid for your roads. This is what most people do not comprehend about deductions, exemptions, and credits.

Deductions and exemptions are not the same thing as a credit. The later is the same as getting a check from the government. The two former don't need to be "paid for."
6.2. Medicare 1.45.
Right. 6.2.

So invest 6.2 percent and see which performs better.
I did, and cashed out of my 401K with over $500,000 cash. I put that in an IRA and it has doubled. Next question.
It could have just as easily have dropped by half, hence the problem.

It did, twice. The first time I got online and made two or three trades a day until I got it back. The second time I just let it ride, and it came back in spades.
Case in point, people shouldn't have retirement funds in the stock market. That's not what it's for in the first place.

Is that why Unions don't invest their pension funds in the stock market? . . . . . Well, no, they do invest their pension funds in the stock market!
Yes, they are so much safer than Social Security that a company like American general can't buy a company like National Life, then raid the employees' pension plans to help pay for the purchase. Naw, that could never happen. Oh wait, they can, and did, and even got the blessing of the SCOTUS to do it.
And, so?
Is that why Unions don't invest their pension funds in the stock market? . . . . . Well, no, they do invest their pension funds in the stock market!
I seriously doubt that. Most of them have strict rules about only investing in AAA-rated investment products.
No, SS should just be an option. Surely, you agree with that.
Nope. Because once you rubes opt out of SS and then lose your ass on whatever MLM commemorative gold coin scam sold to you by the advertisers on AM talk radio, you would come whining to the government to support you in your old age for free.

OK, so you're against personal freedoms also.
I'm against stupidity.

Govt forcing citizens to buy a product is stupidity.
The government has been extorting us to buy products for a very long time, and I am not talking about SS. Sorry you have just now noticed.

We have noticed. So you think the fact that they did it in the past means they should keep doing it in the future?
Seniors were seriously struggling before SS. Their quality of life has dramatically improved as a result of SS.

Simple fact.

Everybody was struggling during the Depression, numskull.
Is that why Unions don't invest their pension funds in the stock market? . . . . . Well, no, they do invest their pension funds in the stock market!
I seriously doubt that. Most of them have strict rules about only investing in AAA-rated investment products.

ROFL! Horseshit.
You really need to stop speaking out of your ass.

Puhleeze. The bulk of funds that hedge fund managers are investing is union and corporate pension funds.

Who do you think you're kidding?
Puhleeze. The bulk of funds that hedge fund managers are investing is union and corporate pension funds.

Who do you think you're kidding?
They are not investing that money in stocks. They are investing in bonds and securities.
The lying government has spent every last dime of my Social Security contributions on other crap even the extra money they forced me to pay into the system, and I'm supposed to believe the stock market is riskier?
Social Security is a Pay As You Go system, not a Savings Account. You were OPM for others and when you retire you will be living on OPM. Your money never was.

Another name for that is "Ponzi scheme."

a Ponzi scheme has a short lifetime because it can't be fixed, There are at least a dozen ways to solve the SS shortfall ..

your mental shortfall, not so much.

Yes seniors are quite familiar with the many ways government tries to "fix" the problem. This, I'm sure, are the feelings of many seniors left out there on the receiving end, addressing those representatives in Washington who are responsible.

1) As a career Politician you have been on the public dole (tit) for Fifty Years.

2) I have been paying Soc Security taxes for 48 years since I was 15 years old and now I'm 63 yrs old )

3) My Soc Security Payments and those of millions of other Americans were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, on the way to nearly bankrupting the system and turning it into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4) Recently like Lucy and Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts from age 65 to 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goal-posts YET AGAIN.

5) I and millions of Amerians have been paying into Medicare from DAY ONE and now you morons propose to change the rules of the game. WHY ? Because you idiots mismanged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6) I and millions of other Americans have been paying income taxes our entire lives and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why ? Beause you "incompetent B#stads" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt. To add insult to injury, you label us"GREEDY" for your incompetence.

Well Captain Bulls### I have a few questions for YOU.

1) Howmuch money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50 year political career ?

2) At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American Taxpayer ?

3) How much do you pay for YOUR Govt provided heatlhcare insurance ?

4) What CUTS in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal or as usual have you exempted YOURSELF and political cronies? It is YOU, Captain BullS### and your political co-conspirators called congress who are the GREEDY ONES.

It is YOU and YOUR fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from Millions of loyal patriotic taxpayers. And for what ? Votes and your job and retirement securityat our expense you lunk-headed leech. That's right sir and you know it....we know it and you know we know it.

Why would anyone trust their government for their financial retirement needs and future, when Washington is so financially irresponsible?
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The government has been extorting us to buy products for a very long time, and I am not talking about SS. Sorry you have just now noticed.

We have noticed. So you think the fact that they did it in the past means they should keep doing it in the future?
My point is that it is hypocritical for someone to go along with this system as long as it benefits them at the expense of others, and oppose those things which benefit others at their expense. This is the underlying hypocrisy behind those who whine about things like the health insurance mandate.

So not only do I oppose this system going forward, I believe the entire structure should be pulled down.

And that is when you hear the hypocrites begin screaming like welfare queens. "No, no, no. Take way THEIR government gifts, but not MINE!"
The government has been extorting us to buy products for a very long time, and I am not talking about SS. Sorry you have just now noticed.

We have noticed. So you think the fact that they did it in the past means they should keep doing it in the future?
My point is that it is hypocritical for someone to go along with this system as long as it benefits them at the expense of others, and oppose those things which benefit others at their expense. This is the underlying hypocrisy behind those who whine about things like the health insurance mandate.

So not only do I oppose this system going forward, I believe the entire structure should be pulled down.

And that is when you hear the hypocrites begin screaming like welfare queens. "No, no, no. Take way THEIR government gifts, but not MINE!"

In other words, since we did in the past, we have to keep doing it in the future. Once we start a boondoggle, we can never end it. In fact, we have a moral obligation to approve new and bigger boondoggles.

That is the stupidity of your "logic."
Because unlike you, they and I can do math.

Apparently not.
They, they know the numbers while you obviously do not.

Apparently not. Read the chart I posted. What part of that says "paying off will be no problem?"
The part that says all you have to do is move the money around. Raise the tax, means-test, raise the retirement age, problem solved.

Yeah, just raise taxes. How did I know that was going to be your solution. Fuck your kids and your grand kids. Have them working like borrowed mules for 16 hours a day to pay off the debt you ran up.

What a great Christian you are! What a humanitarian!
Fuck your kids and grandkids? What do you care, you hate your parents and probably don't have any kids.
Apparently not.
They, they know the numbers while you obviously do not.

Apparently not. Read the chart I posted. What part of that says "paying off will be no problem?"
The part that says all you have to do is move the money around. Raise the tax, means-test, raise the retirement age, problem solved.

Yeah, just raise taxes. How did I know that was going to be your solution. Fuck your kids and your grand kids. Have them working like borrowed mules for 16 hours a day to pay off the debt you ran up.

What a great Christian you are! What a humanitarian!
Fuck your kids and grandkids? What do you care, you hate your parents and probably don't have any kids.

Hmm, is that you're way of saying you're OK with fucking your kids and your grand children?
They, they know the numbers while you obviously do not.

Apparently not. Read the chart I posted. What part of that says "paying off will be no problem?"
The part that says all you have to do is move the money around. Raise the tax, means-test, raise the retirement age, problem solved.

Yeah, just raise taxes. How did I know that was going to be your solution. Fuck your kids and your grand kids. Have them working like borrowed mules for 16 hours a day to pay off the debt you ran up.

What a great Christian you are! What a humanitarian!
Fuck your kids and grandkids? What do you care, you hate your parents and probably don't have any kids.

Hmm, is that you're way of saying you're OK with fucking your kids and your grand children?

Why are you sooo into incest?

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