Ever Notice How Slow Lefties Are???


Jul 27, 2012
Take Obama's "you didn't build that" statement.

This Euro-socialism loving, "the government built you", fundamental disaster goes off script and gives us a glimpse into his own psyche with a Maxine Waters moment and all the mindless little drones react immediately in frantic attempts to rationalize the clearly stunning statement.

Some pundit says this, another campaign operative says that and slowly but surly the narrative explaining the inexplicable takes shape after which leftist mental midgets block out the implications of the statement and focus on the excuse they've been starving for.

The next thing you know it's simply a given that we all owe our very existence to the federal government and even the sharpest of leftists never question it again.

Enter the roads and bridges fanatics. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Take Obama's "you didn't build that" statement.

This Euro-socialism loving, "the government built you", fundamental disaster goes off script and gives us a glimpse into his own psyche with a Maxine Waters moment and all the mindless little drones react immediately in frantic attempts to rationalize the clearly stunning statement.

Some pundit says this, another campaign operative says that and slowly but surly the narrative explaining the inexplicable takes shape after which leftist mental midgets block out the implications of the statement and focus on the excuse they've been starving for.

The next thing you know it's simply a given that we all owe our very existence to the federal government and even the sharpest of leftists never question it again.

Enter the roads and bridges fanatics. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

To these people.. Got a question?! There's a government answer to that! Need money?! There's a government department for that! And on and on.. More government is the answer for everything.. and the reason for everything..
More government? When Obama is reducing the public employee sector and cutting expenses we are increasing govt. Well, how is the land of denial today?
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This is a weeks old worn out topic that this guy is now starting a new thread on...

...speaking of slow...
Perhaps it something that shouldn't be forgotten, like Fast and Furious, a scandal not yet solved; Solyndra mess that cost the Us $504 million; the slow response and blaming of the Gulf oil spill that could have been dealt with better if we had had a real leader; the poor vetting of a senator who had ties to Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and did nothing but vote "present,"

Some things just should not be forgotten...

and an economy that is still in the toilet, 2 creditdowngrades, the firsst in history; 41 months of unemployment above 8 percent....
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Perhaps it something that shouldn't be forgotten, like Fast and Furious, a scandal not yet solved; Solyndra mess that cost the Us $504 million; the slow response and blaming of the Gulf oil spill that could have been dealt with better if we had had a real leader; the poor vetting of a senator who had ties to Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and did nothing but vote "present,"

Some things just should not be forgotten...

and an economy that is still in the toilet, 2 creditdowngrades, the firsst in history; 41 months of unemployment above 8 percent....

how quick did you dupes drop the F and F bullshit when the facts came out?
Take Obama's "you didn't build that" statement.

This Euro-socialism loving, "the government built you", fundamental disaster goes off script and gives us a glimpse into his own psyche with a Maxine Waters moment and all the mindless little drones react immediately in frantic attempts to rationalize the clearly stunning statement.

Some pundit says this, another campaign operative says that and slowly but surly the narrative explaining the inexplicable takes shape after which leftist mental midgets block out the implications of the statement and focus on the excuse they've been starving for.

The next thing you know it's simply a given that we all owe our very existence to the federal government and even the sharpest of leftists never question it again.

Enter the roads and bridges fanatics. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I read that whole thing and have to admit that I don't know what the fuck you are babbling about?
Dumbfuck liberals compare China bringing their country to the modern era with new roads, bridges, etc to the USA, the most modern country on the planet. China has some areas with no running water or electricity, but of course the state of NY suffers through this problem too in the shallow minds of liberals.
Perhaps it something that shouldn't be forgotten, like Fast and Furious, a scandal not yet solved; Solyndra mess that cost the Us $504 million; the slow response and blaming of the Gulf oil spill that could have been dealt with better if we had had a real leader; the poor vetting of a senator who had ties to Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and did nothing but vote "present,"

Some things just should not be forgotten...

and an economy that is still in the toilet, 2 creditdowngrades, the firsst in history; 41 months of unemployment above 8 percent....

how quick did you dupes drop the F and F bullshit when the facts came out?

The facts are being covered up by Executive Privilege.
More government? When Obama is reducing the public employee sector and cutting expenses we are increasing govt. Well, how is the land of denial today?

If he's decreasing government then how come it costs more every year?
Perhaps it something that shouldn't be forgotten, like Fast and Furious, a scandal not yet solved; Solyndra mess that cost the Us $504 million; the slow response and blaming of the Gulf oil spill that could have been dealt with better if we had had a real leader; the poor vetting of a senator who had ties to Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and did nothing but vote "present,"

Some things just should not be forgotten...

and an economy that is still in the toilet, 2 creditdowngrades, the firsst in history; 41 months of unemployment above 8 percent....

how quick did you dupes drop the F and F bullshit when the facts came out?

Dupe? Nobody has dropped it, I assure you... Dope.
Take Obama's "you didn't build that" statement.

This Euro-socialism loving, "the government built you", fundamental disaster goes off script and gives us a glimpse into his own psyche with a Maxine Waters moment and all the mindless little drones react immediately in frantic attempts to rationalize the clearly stunning statement.

Some pundit says this, another campaign operative says that and slowly but surly the narrative explaining the inexplicable takes shape after which leftist mental midgets block out the implications of the statement and focus on the excuse they've been starving for.

The next thing you know it's simply a given that we all owe our very existence to the federal government and even the sharpest of leftists never question it again.

Enter the roads and bridges fanatics. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Go open up a business in Mogadishu, Somalia. They have very little infrastructure, no regulations and very little tax. A conservative wet dream.
Take Obama's "you didn't build that" statement.

This Euro-socialism loving, "the government built you", fundamental disaster goes off script and gives us a glimpse into his own psyche with a Maxine Waters moment and all the mindless little drones react immediately in frantic attempts to rationalize the clearly stunning statement.

Some pundit says this, another campaign operative says that and slowly but surly the narrative explaining the inexplicable takes shape after which leftist mental midgets block out the implications of the statement and focus on the excuse they've been starving for.

The next thing you know it's simply a given that we all owe our very existence to the federal government and even the sharpest of leftists never question it again.

Enter the roads and bridges fanatics. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Go open up a business in Mogadishu, Somalia. They have very little infrastructure, no regulations and very little tax. A conservative wet dream.

Somalia??? Way to address the OP!

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