Every Accusation Against Moore Officially DEBUNKED, Media Silent


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Of course they’re fake. That’s why he’s going to win by a landslide.

The final accuser’s story fell apart almost the moment she made the accusation. Tina Johnson reached out to Al.com and claimed that Roy Moore grabbed her butt as she was leaving his office. She was there signing over custody of her son to her mother. It was a very bitter lawsuit and Moore filed numerous affidavits accusing her of being a deadbeat mom, violence and theft of numerous checks belonging to her relatives. If you hated a lawyer who made these accusations and he grabbed your behind, would you keep silent? She said nothing to anybody. Moore was in private practice at the time and had no power to punish her.

Good thing Alabamans are not as easy to fool as liberal voters are.

Full piece @ REPORT: Every Accusation Against Moore Officially DEBUNKED, Media Silent … This Needs To Go Viral - Tea Party News
That is what you call "debunked"...well that explains why you are such a Trump fan. Inteligence and supporting Trump do not really go hand in hand!
Throwing someone under the bus without evidence is what the left does.

Look at communism, mere disagreement is enough to warrant a death sentence. And sometimes not even that is needed.

"The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and with the specious title of religion to cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation." Baruch Spinoza

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard
After all of the intense Media Coverage of Roy Moore, the Polls have shifted back in Moore’s favor as the Voters of Alabama seem to Trust the Man they have known for Decades vs the Man the Media has portrayed him to be.
They are giving the middle finger to the fake ass media and their abhorrent witch hunts.

Can't wait these Marxists to face the free market, either serve their customers or have a new job as toilet cleaner with your beloved illegals. (both admittedly good options for a leftist).
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Of course they’re fake. That’s why he’s going to win by a landslide.

The final accuser’s story fell apart almost the moment she made the accusation. Tina Johnson reached out to Al.com and claimed that Roy Moore grabbed her butt as she was leaving his office. She was there signing over custody of her son to her mother. It was a very bitter lawsuit and Moore filed numerous affidavits accusing her of being a deadbeat mom, violence and theft of numerous checks belonging to her relatives. If you hated a lawyer who made these accusations and he grabbed your behind, would you keep silent? She said nothing to anybody. Moore was in private practice at the time and had no power to punish her.

Good thing Alabamans are not as easy to fool as liberal voters are.

Full piece @ REPORT: Every Accusation Against Moore Officially DEBUNKED, Media Silent … This Needs To Go Viral - Tea Party News
Yeah sure


There’s an unbiased source :lol:
After all of the intense Media Coverage of Roy Moore, the Polls have shifted back in Moore’s favor as the Voters of Alabama seem to Trust the Man they have known for Decades vs the Man the Media has portrayed him to be.

Actually they just do not mind 30ish year old hitting on teens as it is the "biblical" thing to do. Moore was just trying to be like Jesus earthly daddy.
Alabamans have not stopped at defending Moore, thu have also defended child rape and molestation. They cite the bible. Those perverted freaks will certainly elect Moore.

You're getting boring. You have no proof of your assertions, although you've been given ample time, and yet you keep repeating exaggerated charges against Moore, over and over and over again.

Take the day off and go visit the zoo. Hanging out with other parrots, might do you some good. At least you'll have someone to talk to.
Of course they’re fake. That’s why he’s going to win by a landslide.

The final accuser’s story fell apart almost the moment she made the accusation. Tina Johnson reached out to Al.com and claimed that Roy Moore grabbed her butt as she was leaving his office. She was there signing over custody of her son to her mother. It was a very bitter lawsuit and Moore filed numerous affidavits accusing her of being a deadbeat mom, violence and theft of numerous checks belonging to her relatives. If you hated a lawyer who made these accusations and he grabbed your behind, would you keep silent? She said nothing to anybody. Moore was in private practice at the time and had no power to punish her.

Good thing Alabamans are not as easy to fool as liberal voters are.

Full piece @ REPORT: Every Accusation Against Moore Officially DEBUNKED, Media Silent … This Needs To Go Viral - Tea Party News
Yeah sure


There’s an unbiased source :lol:

Refute the information then. Oh sorry, you can't

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