Every Democrat should volunteer himself/herself to be aborted retroactively

Every Democrat should volunteer himself/herself to be aborted retroactively
Only a fetus can be aborted, not a person
Abort yourself, fetus.
See? Another one who is not really anti-abortion.
How dare YOU!

I'm PRO-Choice!


Evidently the only thing they believe should be a "choice" is killing babies. : /

But I still don't call them "pro-choice" because they are not truly pro-choice. If they were truly pro-choice, they'd give the victim the choice on whether to live or die... but they take that choice away, playing God.
The Republicans introduced a bill in the Senate that would have outlawed infanticide. The Democrats, with three exceptions, voted against it.

2020 Democrats voted against an anti-infanticide bill because the press will let them get away with it

This can only be described as an appalling development, the Democratic Party is now on record for favoring the killing of babies AFTER THEY ARE BORN.

Every Democratic Senator who is running for President voted against this bill.

Or we can do it the Republican way and let them slowly starve to death or be malnutrition in poverty and that's if they were born healthy.
The Republicans introduced a bill in the Senate that would have outlawed infanticide. The Democrats, with three exceptions, voted against it.

2020 Democrats voted against an anti-infanticide bill because the press will let them get away with it

This can only be described as an appalling development, the Democratic Party is now on record for favoring the killing of babies AFTER THEY ARE BORN.

Every Democratic Senator who is running for President voted against this bill.
It's simply a political PLOY by the Republicans for this election season.


The 2002 Born Alive Infants Protection Act federally made it illegal back in 2002, and States have added even stronger State laws regarding such.
It is redundant, the law already exists. You all are being played like a Violin, which is the usual... par for the course, during election season.

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress. It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush.
Long title: Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002
Enacted by: the 107th United States Congress
U.S.C. sections created: 1 U.S.C. § 8
It is always fun to read Blackrook's posts from Deep Space 9, in whatever alternative universe he resides....
The Republicans introduced a bill in the Senate that would have outlawed infanticide. The Democrats, with three exceptions, voted against it.

2020 Democrats voted against an anti-infanticide bill because the press will let them get away with it

This can only be described as an appalling development, the Democratic Party is now on record for favoring the killing of babies AFTER THEY ARE BORN.

Every Democratic Senator who is running for President voted against this bill.
If Republicans cared about children, they wouldn't work tirelessly to arm school shooters.

And they certainly wouldn't make fun of the victims.

The Republicans introduced a bill in the Senate that would have outlawed infanticide. The Democrats, with three exceptions, voted against it.

2020 Democrats voted against an anti-infanticide bill because the press will let them get away with it

This can only be described as an appalling development, the Democratic Party is now on record for favoring the killing of babies AFTER THEY ARE BORN.

Every Democratic Senator who is running for President voted against this bill.
If Republicans cared about children, they wouldn't work tirelessly to arm school shooters.

And they certainly wouldn't make fun of the victims.


You do know David Hogg is white? Huh?
I've been saying this for years.

These are the people who insist the earth is over populated, people are destroying the planet....

Put the muzzle where your mouth is bed wetters.

Just like serial killers. If only they'd just kill themselves first, the innocent could be spared.
Or we can do it the Republican way and let them slowly starve to death or be malnutrition in poverty and that's if they were born healthy
As President Trump continues to lower the poverty rate among ALL including blacks and Hispanics

Yet we have plenty of white kids that fall through the the cracks around here. You seem to believe that only blacks and browns are in poverty. There are more Whites in poverty than them yet they don't get a whole lot of special treatment.

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