Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

They're certainly atypical, and or mixed Poles who were leaders among a very Kosher Cheka / OGPU.

For starters, the Polish nation fought the Bolsheviks in 1919 - 1921, while these scumbags fought with the Bolsheviks.

Menzhynsky was of Russian & Polish heritage, and born in Saint Petersburg.
He definitely look more like a Russian, or even an Ukrainian rather than a Pole.
for Dzerzhinsky his surname is from Dzyarzhynsk in Belarus.
Honestly he looked like Tatar mixed with Kosher.
Well, I agree with you that these two were the Poles only by heritage, and in everyday life they maybe were more Russians than Poles.
But wasnt to some extent the similar situation with leaders of Bolsheviks of Jewish origin? Bolshewism itself contradicts the Jewish way of living.

Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Lenin was 25% Kosher
Trotsky 100% Kosher.
Well, I agree with you that these two were the Poles only by heritage, and in everyday life they maybe were more Russians than Poles.
But wasnt to some extent the similar situation with leaders of Bolsheviks of Jewish origin? Bolshewism itself contradicts the Jewish way of living.

Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?
check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

I am a jew-----I read the New Testament as a child. , from where did you get your information about Jews? Have you read the Koran? How about the
RAMAYANA. --------uhm the Iliad? feel free to ask questions-----you are very confused------you worship pineapples

Worship pine Apples?
Like you don't worship the Devil as an anti-Christ?

there is no devil as in the Christian model of a man in red carrying a pitch fork and living DOWN UNDER -----there is no "anti-Christ" either. These figures
were derived from Roman mythology ---Pluto is the devil for romans----sorry,
he s no longer even a planet-----just an asteroid. ----pluto/ pineapple <<< same stupidity

Demons are experienced in all cultures both in present & historical terms.

You ought to know Pollack
Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
Well, I agree with you that these two were the Poles only by heritage, and in everyday life they maybe were more Russians than Poles.
But wasnt to some extent the similar situation with leaders of Bolsheviks of Jewish origin? Bolshewism itself contradicts the Jewish way of living.

Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.

Notice the Pollack had nothing to say about Muslims, Hindus, Chinese, and other Religions? A POLLACK Hypocrite
Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by preyending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.

And you are Filth and Garbage. You have continued” nothing” and you never will
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by preyending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.

And you are Filth and Garbage

a pile of rotted pierogis
Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

You’re right.,,, We do deny it. Another Hypocrite who doesn’t believe in freedom of Religion
When asked about other Religions who don’t believe the Morons have no answer
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

It’s the first one
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

It’s the first one
The Canon is in Political Order, not chronological.
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

Jesus spoke Yiddish & mocked himself as boiling in Hell or Gehenna in excrement?

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

It’s the first one
The Canon is in Political Order, not chronological.

oh ----I did not know------in fact I never cared----but what is the FIRST ONE?
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

Jesus spoke Yiddish & mocked himself as boiling in Hell or Gehenna in excrement?


to whom did he speak Yiddish?------QUITE A MIRACLE!!!!!!!! now I believe
Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.

the book of revulsions? one of the johns?
Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

Jesus spoke Yiddish & mocked himself as boiling in Hell or Gehenna in excrement?


to whom did he speak Yiddish?------QUITE A MIRACLE!!!!!!!! now I believe

The New Testament warned us of fake Kosher people, the Synagogue of Satan.
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

Jesus spoke Yiddish & mocked himself as boiling in Hell or Gehenna in excrement?

You didn’t answer my question.
I thought you were Mr. Knowledge Base?
Moron...Who wrote the first Epistle and when?

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

Jesus spoke Yiddish & mocked himself as boiling in Hell or Gehenna in excrement?


to whom did he speak Yiddish?------QUITE A MIRACLE!!!!!!!! now I believe

The New Testament warned us of fake Kosher people, the Synagogue of Satan.

read it again------your catechism whore got it very wrong

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