Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?
Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

Deflection. You don’t like Jewish Views on Christianity but you accept Christian Views on the Jewish Religion?
A typical Pro Hitler Pollack Mentality Go light your matches

Because we support the love of Christ
You despise & mock Christ.
They're jews. The jews have always liked playing all sides. It's the best way to assure you come out on top.

That's another stupid barbershop-and-whorehouse argument over who is a Jew and who is not a Jew.

When you call yourself Jewish, and at the same time call all your enemies Jews, then you can rest assured that Jews will win the fight, but then that is a matter of language and semantics, not world conspiracy.

And everybody is Jewish, all Jews are Semites, and everybody who has an argument with anybody else is an anti-Semite.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.

My grandmother said to my mother, that they the Koshers say we drink too much, but they cheat on their wives too much, as perverts.

Hmm, yes it's a real pattern, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, Jared Fogle, Ludwig Fainberg, Zwi Migdal, James Tobacker, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, Elliot Spitzer, among others.
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

Stalin did not fight WITH England and the USA-----Russia and England and
the USA all fought Germany. The historic fact is that Germany posed a
threat to all three. Is that historic fact beyond your ken?

When the primary motivation of your life is to deny the Holocaust and blame everything on Jews ... historical integrity isn't your highest priority.

What's worse, blaming Poland for the Holocaust, or denying the Holocaust?

I'd say what you do is worse, because you're blaming WW2 victims for the Holocaust, like idiots.
What's wrong with Zionism? Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel. I don't see how this is a problem. That way they will not cause more world wars in other countries any more.

Sure, it got the Kosher problem out of Europe, and holds them accountable for their actions as a National collective, instead of hiding behind the Goyim,
we don't have to accept their war crimes, one after another, just because they are Kosher.

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

first prove "poles never killed jews out of the filth of their
idiot hatreds"------- is a correct statement? I stated some
time ago----one of my school teachers was a polish jew who
survived world war II as a child in a RUSSIAN kinda POW camp
----used to hold poles. His uncle was murdered by poles because he
returned to Poland to claim his own house------hanged from his own
tree--------prove that stuff did not happen

After the war?

You mean when Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel butchered Probably some 10,000 Poles & jailed 100,000's of Polish political prisoners?

yes----after the war when lots of catholic baptized poles were murdering both
jews and each other as well as looting and raping. The Morel person went over
to the Russian side as did many jews seeking to survive the filth of Poland.
Morel lost all of his family in Poland I do understand that it is the opinion of
the nuns and priests that jews imposed communism on Poland WATTA JOKE

So, Witold Pilecki had it coming as well?

Yeah, Kosher Roman Romkowski & Kosher Jozef Rozanski who tortured, and sentenced to death, the Polish Catholic patriot Witold Pilecki?


Because he volunteered to be captured by Nazis, and sent to Auschwitz, so he could escape & documented the Holocaust in Witold's Report,
which he sent to the Allies, so the Allies knew the Holocaust was legit.

Who Witold Pilecki fought Nazis through out WW2, most notable in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising.

What was his crime?
Being a Goyim against Kosher Communism?

Enough is enough about your tribe, and it's lies.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.

My grandmother said to my mother, that they the Koshers say we drink too much, but they cheat on their wives too much, as perverts.

Hmm, yes it's a real pattern, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, Jared Fogle, Ludwig Fainberg, Zwi Migdal, James Tobacker, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, Elliot Spitzer, among others.
Keep repeating the 30 or so names of the Catholic Jews if it makes you feel better.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.

My grandmother said to my mother, that they the Koshers say we drink too much, but they cheat on their wives too much, as perverts.

Hmm, yes it's a real pattern, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, Jared Fogle, Ludwig Fainberg, Zwi Migdal, James Tobacker, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, Elliot Spitzer, among others.
Keep repeating the 30 or so names of the Catholic Jews if it makes you feel better.

Yeah, sure, Secular Koshers must be Catholic, Haha good one.

What about Rabbi Weberman, and his Hasidim community who threw a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted Pedophile?
some Hasidim even bullied the family, having bribed & intimidated the family who's child was abused by the sick Rabbi Weberman.

Also note a Rabbi Rosenberg who exposed Hasidim pedos, got bleach thrown in his face.

sure, what ever it's just "Secular Koshers"
What ever you say.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.

My grandmother said to my mother, that they the Koshers say we drink too much, but they cheat on their wives too much, as perverts.

Hmm, yes it's a real pattern, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, Jared Fogle, Ludwig Fainberg, Zwi Migdal, James Tobacker, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, Elliot Spitzer, among others.
Keep repeating the 30 or so names of the Catholic Jews if it makes you feel better.

Yeah, sure, Secular Koshers must be Catholic, Haha good one.

What about Rabbi Weberman, and his Hasidim community who threw a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted Pedophile?
some Hasidim even bullied the family, having bribed & intimidated the family who's child was abused by the sick Rabbi Weberman.

Also note a Rabbi Rosenberg who exposed Hasidim pedos, got bleach thrown in his face.

sure, what ever it's just "Secular Koshers"
What ever you say.
They learned from the pedo priests!

When the primary motivation of your life is to deny the Holocaust and blame everything on Jews ... historical integrity isn't your highest priority.
Speaking of Holocaust Denial, I see where Holocaust, Inc can no longer keep the lid on David Irving's scholarship. They've quietly been allowing Irving's "quibble" that while there was perhaps never a directive from Hitler actually ordering the Final Solution, Nazis were nevertheless big meanies everybody should hate for their general awfulness and insufficient Jew-worship and plus lots of Jews died in WWII and stuff. So, it seems, just as we elect literally Hitler president, it turns out that literally Hitler wasn't.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.
for a group who claims to not know why they are hated,
you sure
keep doing everything to be hated.
Well said!

What's wrong with Zionism? Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel. I don't see how this is a problem. That way they will not cause more world wars in other countries any more.
I've often said the same but there re two caveats that make the proposition difficult:
- The Arabs who were there and still remain.
- It would have to be contained so that it doesn't serve as a sort of base of operations (a role it fills partially now).

The Jews who push the notorious New World Order propaganda, e.g., Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and George Soros, are not what one would call "Zionist." In fact, they are completely on the opposite side of the political spectrum from Zionism, in alignment with the Palestinians, Hamas, Antifa, PLO, Intifada, etc.
They're jews. The jews have always liked playing all sides. It's the best way to assure you come out on top.

well I agree-----the world order people------conspiracy ARE NOT DA JOOOS For world order thingy------go for the top-----POPE FRANCIS is a BIG TIME GLOBALIST---KISS ISLAMIC ASS ------REICH/CALIPHATE top dog. I agree that lots of jews are severely afflicted. Soros definitely----likely Bloomberg. Schumer has been rendered insane by the conflicts of his mind -----but most jews are simply more and
more drifting away from the filth. GLOBALIST is not the same as "citizen of the
Standard distraction. No one's buying it.

The USA was founded as s White Nation?
Then YOU walk the streets of New York, stop ALL people of color, stop at EVERY Temple, Mosque, Buddhist, Hindu, Chinese, etc. etc. places of worship and tell them THEY don’t belong here
Repeating a straw-man argument doesn't make it any more valid.

The USA was founded as a White nation. That's not even debatable.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 set out who may become a citizen of the new nation. It states explicitly: "any alien, being a free White person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States, for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof…" The Declaration of Independence mentions Indian (aboriginals) savages. The constitution distinguishes Indians and balcks, therin called "other persons."

I don't exactly understand the Palestinians in Israel problem, because on paper Israel has Arabic as one of its official state languages, also taught in schools. On paper. I have never travelled to the Middle East though.
Your disgusting ilk is so Uncivilized , desperate, and shouldn't even be living
Showing NO tolerance or respect for ANY religion or ethnicity other then their own ( HEIL HITLER)
Your ilk can't debate anyone without name calling. kicking and screaming like the scared little obnoxious Waste Product we all know you are
And here, class, we see an example of several poor tactics typically employed by those who have no solid support for their position in a debate or argument.
- Insulting their opponents. Note the desperation evident is the expressed desire to see all opponents of their views dead.
- Unabashedly misrepresenting the position of their opponents.
- Inappropriate ad counter-factual invocation of Hitler and "Nazism."
- Accusing their opponents of engaging in exactly the sort of desperately flailing behavior (eg, name-calling) they display themselves.

Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA
They don't. Regardless, deflection with a straw-man is another tactic typically employed by some people when the facts aren't on their side. It's very popular with jews when someone points out facts concerning them that they'd rather folks not think about.

Drinking again I see !
And now Class,
The Pollack believes that The Jewish people don’t “ assimilate” because they are not Christian living in “ Christian Countries” , I mention many others who are Not Christian who live here and in “ Christian Countries” and the present poster defends that . Two words; HEIL HITLER

In the Christian West, no one cares how you express your relationship with the Divine. It is an intensely private matter and, as long as it stays that way, we are an immensely tolerant people. Before WWI, Germany was the most tolerant of all. They were repaid by the Jews betraying them and bringing the US into the war against them.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

There are many religions who don’t believe in “ Jesus” What is your problem?

They may be agnostic to Christ, but don't outrightly deny and reject Him like the Jews and the Muslims do. It is possible to speculate, that the Jews wrote the Quran, to repackage and sell Judaism that Jesus discredited.
What's wrong with Zionism? Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel. I don't see how this is a problem. That way they will not cause more world wars in other countries any more.

Sure, it got the Kosher problem out of Europe, and holds them accountable for their actions as a National collective, instead of hiding behind the Goyim,
we don't have to accept their war crimes, one after another, just because they are Kosher.

If you don't accept their war crimes, then they phone their global socialist network, and start a war crime tribunal on you.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

I am a jew-----I read the New Testament as a child. , from where did you get your information about Jews? Have you read the Koran? How about the
RAMAYANA. --------uhm the Iliad? feel free to ask questions-----you are very confused------you worship pineapples
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

There are many religions who don’t believe in “ Jesus” What is your problem?

They may be agnostic to Christ, but don't outrightly deny and reject Him like the Jews and the Muslims do. It is possible to speculate, that the Jews wrote the Quran, to repackage and sell Judaism that Jesus discredited.

^^^^^^ another tidbit from your catechism whore "xxxxlife"???? Jesus
"discredited Judaism" ? is that what Sister Listerine taught you?
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.

My grandmother said to my mother, that they the Koshers say we drink too much, but they cheat on their wives too much, as perverts.

Hmm, yes it's a real pattern, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Roman Polanski, Jared Fogle, Ludwig Fainberg, Zwi Migdal, James Tobacker, Matt Lauer, Al Franken, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, Elliot Spitzer, among others.
Keep repeating the 30 or so names of the Catholic Jews if it makes you feel better.

Yeah, sure, Secular Koshers must be Catholic, Haha good one.

What about Rabbi Weberman, and his Hasidim community who threw a fundraiser dinner for the eventually convicted Pedophile?
some Hasidim even bullied the family, having bribed & intimidated the family who's child was abused by the sick Rabbi Weberman.

Also note a Rabbi Rosenberg who exposed Hasidim pedos, got bleach thrown in his face.

sure, what ever it's just "Secular Koshers"
What ever you say.
They learned from the pedo priests!

Where does Metzitzah B'Peh come from?
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

I am a jew-----I read the New Testament as a child. , from where did you get your information about Jews? Have you read the Koran? How about the
RAMAYANA. --------uhm the Iliad? feel free to ask questions-----you are very confused------you worship pineapples

Worship pine Apples?
Like you don't worship the Devil as an anti-Christ?

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