Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

Stalin did not fight WITH England and the USA-----Russia and England and
the USA all fought Germany. The historic fact is that Germany posed a
threat to all three. Is that historic fact beyond your ken?
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

Stalin did not fight WITH England and the USA-----Russia and England and
the USA all fought Germany. The historic fact is that Germany posed a
threat to all three. Is that historic fact beyond your ken?

When the primary motivation of your life is to deny the Holocaust and blame everything on Jews ... historical integrity isn't your highest priority.
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

Stalin did not fight WITH England and the USA-----Russia and England and
the USA all fought Germany. The historic fact is that Germany posed a
threat to all three. Is that historic fact beyond your ken?

When the primary motivation of your life is to deny the Holocaust and blame everything on Jews ... historical integrity isn't your highest priority.

but the manipulations necessary to maintain the ideology are fascinating
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.

Stalin did not fight WITH England and the USA-----Russia and England and
the USA all fought Germany. The historic fact is that Germany posed a
threat to all three. Is that historic fact beyond your ken?

When the primary motivation of your life is to deny the Holocaust and blame everything on Jews ... historical integrity isn't your highest priority.

but the manipulations necessary to maintain the ideology are fascinating

Yes, it's impressive...

Your disgusting ilk is so Uncivilized , desperate, and shouldn't even be living
Showing NO tolerance or respect for ANY religion or ethnicity other then their own ( HEIL HITLER)
Your ilk can't debate anyone without name calling. kicking and screaming like the scared little obnoxious Waste Product we all know you are
And here, class, we see an example of several poor tactics typically employed by those who have no solid support for their position in a debate or argument.
- Insulting their opponents. Note the desperation evident is the expressed desire to see all opponents of their views dead.
- Unabashedly misrepresenting the position of their opponents.
- Inappropriate ad counter-factual invocation of Hitler and "Nazism."
- Accusing their opponents of engaging in exactly the sort of desperately flailing behavior (eg, name-calling) they display themselves.

Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA
They don't. Regardless, deflection with a straw-man is another tactic typically employed by some people when the facts aren't on their side. It's very popular with jews when someone points out facts concerning them that they'd rather folks not think about.

Drinking again I see !
And now Class,
The Pollack believes that The Jewish people don’t “ assimilate” because they are not Christian living in “ Christian Countries” , I mention many others who are Not Christian who live here and in “ Christian Countries” and the present poster defends that . Two words; HEIL HITLER
Last edited:
Your disgusting ilk is so Uncivilized , desperate, and shouldn't even be living
Showing NO tolerance or respect for ANY religion or ethnicity other then their own ( HEIL HITLER)
Your ilk can't debate anyone without name calling. kicking and screaming like the scared little obnoxious Waste Product we all know you are
And here, class, we see an example of several poor tactics typically employed by those who have no solid support for their position in a debate or argument.
- Insulting their opponents. Note the desperation evident is the expressed desire to see all opponents of their views dead.
- Unabashedly misrepresenting the position of their opponents.
- Inappropriate ad counter-factual invocation of Hitler and "Nazism."
- Accusing their opponents of engaging in exactly the sort of desperately flailing behavior (eg, name-calling) they display themselves.

Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA
They don't. Regardless, deflection with a straw-man is another tactic typically employed by some people when the facts aren't on their side. It's very popular with jews when someone points out facts concerning them that they'd rather folks not think about.

And now Class,
The Pollack believes that The Jewish people don’t “ assimilate” because they are not Christian living in “ Christian Countries” , I mention many others who are Not Christian who live here and in “ Christian Countries” and the present poster defends that . Two words; HEIL HITLER

I once lived in a neighborhood which was predominantly jewish-----but there was
an UNGRATEFUL hindu next door who refused to light candles on Friday nite
anyone out there willing to discuss FAVORITE LIBELS? I have known people
from the Philippine Islands who ------when "back home" ate cooked dogs----
especially at weddings. Dog is considered fancy fare. Does that fact bother anyone? Good for a LIBEL?
If I lived in the Philippines -----and got invited to a wedding-----I might be
UNGRATEFUL enough not to eat the cooked dog------libel?
Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none

What a bunch of cr@p.
You are either extremely ignorant, or extremely pathological lying.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd Protestant.

Catholics were killed, tortured, or imprisoned in mass numbers, even Catholic clergy, most notable being Max Kolbe, or Leon Stepniak.

You are such lying beasts, you get that from your parent the Devil.

I did not discuss Germany. I specifically discussed Austria, Poland and Hungary. Where is the lie. Most of the HIGHER UPS in the Nazi party in
Germany ----were Catholics------the biggie Protestant was Adolf Eichmann

Here's a New Flash, Catholics don't kill Catholic friars like Max Kolbe.

Catholics don't do Euthanasia.

You're too dumb for words.

Many high ranking Nazis actually favored Paganism & Islam.

As for the entire Nazi ideology, it was founded by Protestant Alfred Rosenberg, who was anti-Catholic.

wrong again MENGELE was catholic ------and so was HIMMLER etc etc
Some of your idiots have claimed "Rosenberg" was a jew-------you guys are so funny

Himmler was most certainly more pro-Pagan..
Polish history is the best in terms of morality, we even saved the worst scum on the planet as refugees, your Synagogue of Satan, and you show no gratitude, and never assimilated.

What's wrong with wanting a more homogeneous society?

Oh no, it's so wrong to wish to preserve cultures & restrict chaotic conflicts by remaining Homogeneous more, or less?

The USA was founded as a White nation by the USA Founding Fathers, according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.

polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
Rosie, we all wish you would take up needlepoint or something. You only clutter up this board with foolish nonsense.

Bolsheviks were Jews, funded by Jews, and celebrated by Jews in NYC when they took over Christian Russia. Stalin was one of the very few Gentiles in the upper ranks of the Bolsheviks, but he was married to a Jewess, who would be about your age now, Rosie, if he hadn't strangled her in the library with a chicken bone. He married dozens of Jews, actually, and killed even more. He was a monster who, it's rumored, received confession before he died. Before he took full power, the Jewish Bolsheviks had been enjoying inflicting the Red Terror on Christian Russia. They were why Hitler ran against "Jewish Communism" and won.

Irosie likes to blame Poles for the Holocaust, when the SS was 0% Polish.
While she likes to deny the Kosher role for the Soviet atrocities, when the NKVD (The Soviet version of the SS) was 40% Kosher.

It's ALWAYS been with these feral people, not about honesty, but about getting theirs at all costs.

Even after they are told 100 times that Poles weren't the Nazis.
They still repeat it.

So, these people must be either very, very ignorant, or very, very manipulative.
polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?
polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

Deflection. You don’t like Jewish Views on Christianity but you accept Christian Views on the Jewish Religion?
A typical Pro Hitler Pollack Mentality Go light your matches
Last edited:
polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

first prove "poles never killed jews out of the filth of their
idiot hatreds"------- is a correct statement? I stated some
time ago----one of my school teachers was a polish jew who
survived world war II as a child in a RUSSIAN kinda POW camp
----used to hold poles. His uncle was murdered by poles because he
returned to Poland to claim his own house------hanged from his own
tree--------prove that stuff did not happen
polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

sobie----can you SPECIFY a few of those "anti-Semitic views"
that you wish to discuss?
The simple facts are on my side.
What side is that? Have you made a point yet?
Jews value education over drink and premarital sex.
Yes, they do. Did anyone say otherwise?
Jews are educated
Yes, they are. Did anyone say otherwise? Do you have a point?
and trusted and get the high profile positions.
No, jews aren't trusted. They get into high profile positions by education, ability, and nepotism & contacts. Just like everybody else. None of which negates the fact that the tiny minority of jews overwhelmingly dominates finance and media.
All you have are bullshit sites
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Attack the source of the information they wish wasn't true.
that infer Hitler and other non-Jewish mass murderers are, in fact, Jews.
Which none of the pieces I referenced did. 'Twas you who implied that Hitler was a jew.
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Misrepresent the facts as presented.
Mainly because you’re an idiot.
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Name-calling and insults directed at those with strong/superior arguments.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
As we ignore the fact that the Bolshevik revolution and the millions of deaths that followed we jewish in origin and execution.

When the Jews took power in Russia in `1917, thousands of churches were razed, the clergy hunted down and slaughtered like animals with their wives and children. The synagogues and rabbinate were left unscathed.
Plus, he gave his fellow jews an autonomous region.
The only recording of Lenin's voice includes him calling "anti-Semitism" counter-revolutionary.
And the jews go: "Nothing to see here." "Pogroms! Pogroms! Oh, poor us!" "But, but, but ... Hitler!"
It’s obvious you don’t read anything you post or you would have been too embarrassed to post this nonsense that negates the posts to which it is referring.
Either that or your ability to learn one fact from another is close to nill.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
Only the several hundred I have worked with since the 80s.
It doesn’t mean they’re not great people or excellent at what they do.
Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

first prove "poles never killed jews out of the filth of their
idiot hatreds"------- is a correct statement? I stated some
time ago----one of my school teachers was a polish jew who
survived world war II as a child in a RUSSIAN kinda POW camp
----used to hold poles. His uncle was murdered by poles because he
returned to Poland to claim his own house------hanged from his own
tree--------prove that stuff did not happen

After the war?

You mean when Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel butchered Probably some 10,000 Poles & jailed 100,000's of Polish political prisoners?
^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

first prove "poles never killed jews out of the filth of their
idiot hatreds"------- is a correct statement? I stated some
time ago----one of my school teachers was a polish jew who
survived world war II as a child in a RUSSIAN kinda POW camp
----used to hold poles. His uncle was murdered by poles because he
returned to Poland to claim his own house------hanged from his own
tree--------prove that stuff did not happen

After the war?

You mean when Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel butchered Probably some 10,000 Poles & jailed 100,000's of Polish political prisoners?

yes----after the war when lots of catholic baptized poles were murdering both
jews and each other as well as looting and raping. The Morel person went over
to the Russian side as did many jews seeking to survive the filth of Poland.
Morel lost all of his family in Poland I do understand that it is the opinion of
the nuns and priests that jews imposed communism on Poland WATTA JOKE

First prove that anti-Semitic views are wrong?

first prove "poles never killed jews out of the filth of their
idiot hatreds"------- is a correct statement? I stated some
time ago----one of my school teachers was a polish jew who
survived world war II as a child in a RUSSIAN kinda POW camp
----used to hold poles. His uncle was murdered by poles because he
returned to Poland to claim his own house------hanged from his own
tree--------prove that stuff did not happen

After the war?

You mean when Kosher Jakub Berman & Kosher Salomon Morel butchered Probably some 10,000 Poles & jailed 100,000's of Polish political prisoners?

yes----after the war when lots of catholic baptized poles were murdering both
jews and each other as well as looting and raping. The Morel person went over
to the Russian side as did many jews seeking to survive the filth of Poland.
Morel lost all of his family in Poland I do understand that it is the opinion of
the nuns and priests that jews imposed communism on Poland WATTA JOKE

Morel the Kosher Commie was saved by a Catholic Pole Righteous Among the Nations.

Morel the ungrateful scum used Former Nazi concentration camps
Torture, enslave & butcher Poles like at the Camp Jaworzno & the Zgoda Labour Camp.

He also butchered Polish anti-Nazi fighters Armia Krajowa at Lublin Castle.

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