Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

I recently started reading Henry Ford's "International Jew".

How did you like Mein Kampf? I heard it got mixed reviews.

Poland had no more to do with the Holocaust than the Kosher people had.

I'm quite frankly completely fed up with your people 100%.

You people are sure a disgusting horde trying to control every aspect of society for your own gain & get in peoples faces,
Pushing your chutzpha

for a group who claims to not know why they are hated,
you sure
keep doing everything to be hated.

You will be despised by most Polish people, because you lie, you make up cr@p, and I'm tired of your disgusting, very disgusting lies against my people.

polish people despised jews LONG before you catholic hero ADOLF showed up.

What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.
Dude, iRosie is batshit crazy, a dreidel-diddled, matzoh ball-addled, Bolshedick-sucking, wild-eyed lunatic. Shrug and walk away.

^^^^^^^ he's very jealous
I recently started reading Henry Ford's "International Jew".

How did you like Mein Kampf? I heard it got mixed reviews.

I haven't gotten to Mein Kampf yet. But I'm discovering that the more a book has been denounced as anti-Semitic, the more truthful it is. It's almost as if the term "anti-Semitic" is a weapon Jews use to keep Gentiles ignorant of what Jews are up to.

Hmm..you don't suppose there is any connection to the ADL and SPLC working with Amazon, et al., to ban books that "promote hate", do you? I mean, if books that accurately describe what Jews are up to would cause readers to hate Jews, that doesn't seem like a reason to ban the books. It seems more like a reason for Jews to stop doing hateful things.

Btw: Ron Unz has all the books the ADL has banned off Amazon for sale.
The simple facts are on my side.
What side is that? Have you made a point yet?
Jews value education over drink and premarital sex.
Yes, they do. Did anyone say otherwise?
Jews are educated
Yes, they are. Did anyone say otherwise? Do you have a point?
and trusted and get the high profile positions.
No, jews aren't trusted. They get into high profile positions by education, ability, and nepotism & contacts. Just like everybody else. None of which negates the fact that the tiny minority of jews overwhelmingly dominates finance and media.
All you have are bullshit sites
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Attack the source of the information they wish wasn't true.
that infer Hitler and other non-Jewish mass murderers are, in fact, Jews.
Which none of the pieces I referenced did. 'Twas you who implied that Hitler was a jew.
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Misrepresent the facts as presented.
Mainly because you’re an idiot.
Standard tactic of those with weak or no arguments: Name-calling and insults directed at those with strong/superior arguments.
Let’s ignore the Pogroms that preceded that reaction.
As we ignore the fact that the Bolshevik revolution and the millions of deaths that followed we jewish in origin and execution.

When the Jews took power in Russia in `1917, thousands of churches were razed, the clergy hunted down and slaughtered like animals with their wives and children. The synagogues and rabbinate were left unscathed.
Plus, he gave his fellow jews an autonomous region.
The only recording of Lenin's voice includes him calling "anti-Semitism" counter-revolutionary.
And the jews go: "Nothing to see here." "Pogroms! Pogroms! Oh, poor us!" "But, but, but ... Hitler!"
Not one of you here can properly debate an opponent without kicking & screaming like an obnoxious vindictive twerp.
Which accusing their debate opponent of kicking and screaming.
They know they can't argue based on facts. All they have is insults and baseless attacks.

I accused some Kosher people of fighting with the Nazis.
Jews, Indians, blacks, and other non-Europeans fought in the military of National Socialist Germany. Plenty of proof is available.

It's disrespectful to spend 2,000 years resisting assimilation to your host nations.
You'd think that after being thrown out of their host countries over 100 times, the jews might engage in a little collective introspection..
Your disgusting ilk is so Uncivilized , desperate, and shouldn't even be living
Showing NO tolerance or respect for ANY religion or ethnicity other then their own ( HEIL HITLER)
Your ilk can't debate anyone without name calling. kicking and screaming like the scared little obnoxious Waste Product we all know you are
And here, class, we see an example of several poor tactics typically employed by those who have no solid support for their position in a debate or argument.
- Insulting their opponents. Note the desperation evident is the expressed desire to see all opponents of their views dead.
- Unabashedly misrepresenting the position of their opponents.
- Inappropriate ad counter-factual invocation of Hitler and "Nazism."
- Accusing their opponents of engaging in exactly the sort of desperately flailing behavior (eg, name-calling) they display themselves.

Tell every Muslim, Chinese, Hindu, etc, etc, that you see that they don't belong in the USA
They don't. Regardless, deflection with a straw-man is another tactic typically employed by some people when the facts aren't on their side. It's very popular with jews when someone points out facts concerning them that they'd rather folks not think about.
I have come across a few adolf hitler ass lickers who imagine that jews are DA COMMUNISTS
Jews aren't the communists. Jews created communism and are, today, prominent in it's promotion.
but I lived in a very red-neck place------that did not allow a N^%%@ into the whole town until very recently
Must have been a wonderful place to live.

As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
The Bolsheviks were predominantly jews and the leadership was entirely jews. Stalin turned on them.
He was, indeed, a genocidal pig.
National Socialist Germany fought against him. England and the USA fought with him.
Does that tell you anything?
No, didn't think so.
Hi! I run a successful multi-{million}{billion} dollar, multi-facited business.
I sent my kids to the best schools and they spent the first 20+ years of their life studying.
I think I’ll have an alcoholic, sex-addict take over my business.
Good for you. Good for your kids.
Do they know that their parent is a bigot who thinks all gentiles are sex-addicted alcoholics?
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

I can't think of a heck of a lot of people not superior to you on this forum.
Thank you?????????

please let the pizza delivery guy KNOW THAT I IS A JEW
So ... small tip? :)
nor do I vomit blood because of chronic ingestion of wodka
Schnapps or Manichewitz?
btw what is THE LAST WORD????
Depends...For the one with the valid argument, a concluding statement. For the one without, the last think they say before running away from the discussion.
for a group who claims to not know why they are hated,
you sure
keep doing everything to be hated.
Well said!

What's wrong with Zionism? Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel. I don't see how this is a problem. That way they will not cause more world wars in other countries any more.
I've often said the same but there re two caveats that make the proposition difficult:
- The Arabs who were there and still remain.
- It would have to be contained so that it doesn't serve as a sort of base of operations (a role it fills partially now).

The Jews who push the notorious New World Order propaganda, e.g., Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and George Soros, are not what one would call "Zionist." In fact, they are completely on the opposite side of the political spectrum from Zionism, in alignment with the Palestinians, Hamas, Antifa, PLO, Intifada, etc.
They're jews. The jews have always liked playing all sides. It's the best way to assure you come out on top.

well I agree-----the world order people------conspiracy ARE NOT DA JOOOS For world order thingy------go for the top-----POPE FRANCIS is a BIG TIME GLOBALIST---KISS ISLAMIC ASS ------REICH/CALIPHATE top dog. I agree that lots of jews are severely afflicted. Soros definitely----likely Bloomberg. Schumer has been rendered insane by the conflicts of his mind -----but most jews are simply more and
more drifting away from the filth. GLOBALIST is not the same as "citizen of the
Standard distraction. No one's buying it.

The USA was founded as s White Nation?
Then YOU walk the streets of New York, stop ALL people of color, stop at EVERY Temple, Mosque, Buddhist, Hindu, Chinese, etc. etc. places of worship and tell them THEY don’t belong here
Repeating a straw-man argument doesn't make it any more valid.

The USA was founded as a White nation. That's not even debatable.
The Naturalization Act of 1790 set out who may become a citizen of the new nation. It states explicitly: "any alien, being a free White person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States, for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof…" The Declaration of Independence mentions Indian (aboriginals) savages. The constitution distinguishes Indians and balcks, therin called "other persons."
You make a fabulous Jew.

Thank you. Actually, I was told I would by a boss that I had back in the 1980s, who was Jewish. Judaism seems to afford a good spiritual home, particularly since the catholics and the evangelicals are running amuck. So you do reject the Buddha?

You must be very ignorant, if you think Kosher people are so innocent.
Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence.
"Jews are educated and knowledge does not bestow innocence."
Speaking of loans, when is Poland going to pay back for the homes and businesses confiscated by the Germans and taken by the Poles after the war?
When the Jews pay back the Russians, Poles, Germans, Hungarians, Czecks, Ukranians,Serbs, et al., the property stolen by the Communists and looted by the Jews. Let's start with the property of the Romanovs that the Jew Armand Hammer brought to New York after Jews murdered the Tsar and his wife and children.

The Russian Orthodox Church authorities have revived the Jewish 'blood libel' in the murder of the Tsar's family

Another lie. Keep posting
It's not libel if it is true.

American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

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