Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

polish people despised jews LONG before you catholic hero ADOLF showed up.

What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.

You’re Pro Hitler Scum

Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none
What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.

You’re Pro Hitler Scum

Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none

What a bunch of cr@p.
You are either extremely ignorant, or extremely pathological lying.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd Protestant.

Catholics were killed, tortured, or imprisoned in mass numbers, even Catholic clergy, most notable being Max Kolbe, or Leon Stepniak.

You are such lying beasts, you get that from your parent the Devil.
I don't speak polish------not a word-----neither did those of my ancestors
who were born there in the 19th century. Not did those who were murdered
in the POLISH CITY called Oświęcim

You admit your family lived in Poland, but never spoke Polish.

You think Auschwitz is Polish,
when the camps were built by Kosher people on Nazi German annexed lands.

You wonder why Poles don't like you?

Because you are the most disrespectful, disgusting, ignorant, dirty & everything else wrong people the World has ever seen.

I know why poles do not like jews-------I have had the misfortune of working
in hospitals filled with blood vomiting poles

A drunken Pole has 100X more dignity, than an ignorant, biased, manipulative oaf like you, who's been told 100 times Nazi Germans did the Holocaust,
repeat the lies over & over again of some Polish Holocaust, because you are the scum of Humanity.
POLLACKS are the SCUMBAGS of the planet earth

Polaks saved you ungrateful rats from extinction, as refugees.

Oh, I feel sort of bad,
insulted Rats, by comparing them to you & your ilk.

wrong again ----MOST POLISH JEWS died in the holocaust created by catholics.
A few escaped -----most of those had the sense to flee to Russia ---where jews
were murdered but less died in proportion to numbers than died in Poland.
Hungarian jews also died in droves because Hungary is a catholic country
like Poland-----same is true of Austrian jews (my family)
Jews killed almost none

We got our licks in too ...


Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.

You’re Pro Hitler Scum

Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none

What a bunch of cr@p.
You are either extremely ignorant, or extremely pathological lying.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd Protestant.

Catholics were killed, tortured, or imprisoned in mass numbers, even Catholic clergy, most notable being Max Kolbe, or Leon Stepniak.

You are such lying beasts, you get that from your parent the Devil.

I did not discuss Germany. I specifically discussed Austria, Poland and Hungary. Where is the lie. Most of the HIGHER UPS in the Nazi party in
Germany ----were Catholics------the biggie Protestant was Adolf Eichmann
You admit your family lived in Poland, but never spoke Polish.

You think Auschwitz is Polish,
when the camps were built by Kosher people on Nazi German annexed lands.

You wonder why Poles don't like you?

Because you are the most disrespectful, disgusting, ignorant, dirty & everything else wrong people the World has ever seen.

I know why poles do not like jews-------I have had the misfortune of working
in hospitals filled with blood vomiting poles

A drunken Pole has 100X more dignity, than an ignorant, biased, manipulative oaf like you, who's been told 100 times Nazi Germans did the Holocaust,
repeat the lies over & over again of some Polish Holocaust, because you are the scum of Humanity.
POLLACKS are the SCUMBAGS of the planet earth

Polaks saved you ungrateful rats from extinction, as refugees.

Oh, I feel sort of bad,
insulted Rats, by comparing them to you & your ilk.

wrong again ----MOST POLISH JEWS died in the holocaust created by catholics.
A few escaped -----most of those had the sense to flee to Russia ---where jews
were murdered but less died in proportion to numbers than died in Poland.
Hungarian jews also died in droves because Hungary is a catholic country
like Poland-----same is true of Austrian jews (my family)

You're definitely not a Human, it's like you're a Satanic Gorilla.

Nazi Germany was mostly Protestant (Lutheran)

As for most of the high ranking Nazis, many were Pagans, and or Islamic.

You are too dumb, or too manipulative for words.\

You are to the T. Why everywhere you things go, why you are treated like mangy Rats.
Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.

You’re Pro Hitler Scum

Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none

What a bunch of cr@p.
You are either extremely ignorant, or extremely pathological lying.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd Protestant.

Catholics were killed, tortured, or imprisoned in mass numbers, even Catholic clergy, most notable being Max Kolbe, or Leon Stepniak.

You are such lying beasts, you get that from your parent the Devil.

I did not discuss Germany. I specifically discussed Austria, Poland and Hungary. Where is the lie. Most of the HIGHER UPS in the Nazi party in
Germany ----were Catholics------the biggie Protestant was Adolf Eichmann

Here's a New Flash, Catholics don't kill Catholic friars like Max Kolbe.

Catholics don't do Euthanasia.

You're too dumb for words.

Many high ranking Nazis actually favored Paganism & Islam.

As for the entire Nazi ideology, it was founded by Protestant Alfred Rosenberg, who was anti-Catholic.
I know why poles do not like jews-------I have had the misfortune of working
in hospitals filled with blood vomiting poles

A drunken Pole has 100X more dignity, than an ignorant, biased, manipulative oaf like you, who's been told 100 times Nazi Germans did the Holocaust,
repeat the lies over & over again of some Polish Holocaust, because you are the scum of Humanity.
POLLACKS are the SCUMBAGS of the planet earth

Polaks saved you ungrateful rats from extinction, as refugees.

Oh, I feel sort of bad,
insulted Rats, by comparing them to you & your ilk.

wrong again ----MOST POLISH JEWS died in the holocaust created by catholics.
A few escaped -----most of those had the sense to flee to Russia ---where jews
were murdered but less died in proportion to numbers than died in Poland.
Hungarian jews also died in droves because Hungary is a catholic country
like Poland-----same is true of Austrian jews (my family)

You're definitely not a Human, it's like you're a Satanic Gorilla.

Nazi Germany was mostly Protestant (Lutheran)

As for most of the high ranking Nazis, many were Pagans, and or Islamic.

You are too dumb, or too manipulative for words.\

You are to the T. Why everywhere you things go, why you are treated like mangy Rats.

nope ---almost all were catholics in Germany. It is true that the general populations were more protestant than catholic
You’re Pro Hitler Scum

Hitler killed mostly Christians.
Keep in mind up to 85 million people died in WW2, and only 6 million Kosher people,
something like 7% of WW2 deaths were Kosher,
you take like 99% of the credit hogging.

No wonder why so many people in the REAL WORLD hate you & your ilk.

you hero catholic adolf did not kill all the people who were killed in world war II----
poles killed too. It would be correct to say that of the 85 million who died----
the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY were killed by catholics-------try to be a little
accurate. Jews killed almost none

What a bunch of cr@p.
You are either extremely ignorant, or extremely pathological lying.

Nazi Germany was 2/3rd Protestant.

Catholics were killed, tortured, or imprisoned in mass numbers, even Catholic clergy, most notable being Max Kolbe, or Leon Stepniak.

You are such lying beasts, you get that from your parent the Devil.

I did not discuss Germany. I specifically discussed Austria, Poland and Hungary. Where is the lie. Most of the HIGHER UPS in the Nazi party in
Germany ----were Catholics------the biggie Protestant was Adolf Eichmann

Here's a New Flash, Catholics don't kill Catholic friars like Max Kolbe.

Catholics don't do Euthanasia.

You're too dumb for words.

Many high ranking Nazis actually favored Paganism & Islam.

As for the entire Nazi ideology, it was founded by Protestant Alfred Rosenberg, who was anti-Catholic.

wrong again MENGELE was catholic ------and so was HIMMLER etc etc
Some of your idiots have claimed "Rosenberg" was a jew-------you guys are so funny
You Pollacks are the lowest of the low; Just plain filth and garbage , and one of the most desperate. Your own History STINKS so much you can't even face up to it,
YOU live in the State of NY???? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Have you EVER been in N.Y.C. or anywhere in the five boroughs or even Long Island? Why don't you tell THOSE NON CHRISTIAN PEOPLE ( there are a lot of them) that they don't belong.
You won't; because you dpn't have the guts, You're a POLLACK COWARD except when you have a can of gasoline and a match in your hand.
Don't think people from the South have ever met a POLLACK and hopefully never will

Polish history is the best in terms of morality, we even saved the worst scum on the planet as refugees, your Synagogue of Satan, and you show no gratitude, and never assimilated.

What's wrong with wanting a more homogeneous society?

Oh no, it's so wrong to wish to preserve cultures & restrict chaotic conflicts by remaining Homogeneous more, or less?

The USA was founded as a White nation by the USA Founding Fathers, according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.

polish history stinks to high heaven------you insist on HOMOGENEITY ----ok
I wish it upon you

Kosher history stinks,
You don't even deserve the life Polish people gave you by accepting your Kosher Refugees through out the ages.

You are 100% the scum of Humanity,
are the Russian Mafia,
you were Murder INC,
you were Zwi Migdal,
you were the first modern notable terrorists in the Middle-East the Irgun.
made up more of the NKVD than Russians in the mid 1930's.
made the Gulag system,
invented Communism with Marx.
invented Globalism.
Talmud says Jesus Christ is boiling in Hell in excrement.

^^^^ this idiot pole is claiming that he read the Talmud. -----tell us in WHICH BOOK OF THE TALMUD does Jesus end up boiling in hell. -----did you ever
actually read ANY BOOK in your life?

Rabbi Shahak stated it.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

Wikipedia states it.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

Peter Schafer a theology expert stated it.


Where's the refute?

Here, This is only ONE example you Stupid, Dumb Pollack

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"
polish people despised jews LONG before you catholic hero ADOLF showed up.

What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.

poles are shit-----whores and pimps and alcoholics

Don't project your Wh)res & Pimps of Zwi Migdal on us.
or like Epstein, or Ludwig Fainberg, or Harvey Weinstein, and the rest of your filth.
Just because you're the trash of Humanity, doesn't mean we are.

But you are the Trash of Humanity. If possible, you're below it
One cannot help but notice that those on the "philo-Semitic" side in this thread have replied with derision but haven't addressed any facts (though one did offer an historical explanation for the jews' dominance of Hollywood, that doesn't address the impact of such overwhelming dominance).

The fact is that jews do own and operate the world's central banks.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on all business operations that depend, for production or sales, on credit.
The fact is that the defense industry is deeply reliant on credit.
The fact is that this control over the world's money gives them enormous influence on governments.
The fact is that jews are the wealthiest overall sub-group in the US.
The fact is that this gives them even more influence over political candidates and office-holders in the world's most influential country.
The fact is that jews operate 5 of the 6 largest media companies.
The fact is that jews own America's most influential newspapers.
The fact is that this dominance of major media gives jews control over roughly 90% of all information consumed in the West.
The fact is that jews dominate new-media (such as Facebook and Alphabet).
The fact is that this gives jews gatekeeper power over a huge amount of internet-based information.

There are more such facts but posts can only go so so long.

The op was actually being fair and generous in making a distinction between "the jews" and all the jewish people.

It's only paranoia if it's baseless.

I’ll answer you; We are dominant. :lastword:
I’ll answer you; We are dominant.

Who cares whether Jews dominate, for example, the media? It's the evil, amoral, subversive, genocidal, supremacist use of it we object to. I recently started reading Henry Ford's "International Jew". I thought I was woke before. I'm wide awake now, and sitting bolt upright.
What's wrong with Zionism? Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel. I don't see how this is a problem. That way they will not cause more world wars in other countries any more.

nor impose kosher pickles on unwilling gentiles

Actually I love the jewish pickles!

Oh wait. Gentile girls prefer them circumscized too.

oh----ok you are an HONEST GENTILE sorry if gefilter fish has been

Looks like a very good dish, must be a real work to put it together though.
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
Rosie, we all wish you would take up needlepoint or something. You only clutter up this board with foolish nonsense.

Bolsheviks were Jews, funded by Jews, and celebrated by Jews in NYC when they took over Christian Russia. Stalin was one of the very few Gentiles in the upper ranks of the Bolsheviks, but he was married to a Jewess, who would be about your age now, Rosie, if he hadn't strangled her in the library with a chicken bone. He married dozens of Jews, actually, and killed even more. He was a monster who, it's rumored, received confession before he died. Before he took full power, the Jewish Bolsheviks had been enjoying inflicting the Red Terror on Christian Russia. They were why Hitler ran against "Jewish Communism" and won.
reality-----Russian jews did support REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA------because Russia stank like shit. As to BOLSHEVIKS-------dem was gentiles------Stalin was a DIVNITY STUDENT of the Russian orthodox church-----he hated jews. He was also a genocidal pig
Rosie, we all wish you would take up needlepoint or something. You only clutter up this board with foolish nonsense.

Bolsheviks were Jews, funded by Jews, and celebrated by Jews in NYC when they took over Christian Russia. Stalin was one of the very few Gentiles in the upper ranks of the Bolsheviks, but he was married to a Jewess, who would be about your age now, Rosie, if he hadn't strangled her in the library with a chicken bone. He married dozens of Jews, actually, and killed even more. He was a monster who, it's rumored, received confession before he died. Before he took full power, the Jewish Bolsheviks had been enjoying inflicting the Red Terror on Christian Russia. They were why Hitler ran against "Jewish Communism" and won.

your suuday school teacher was very creative
The preconception that every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy should be guarded against.

The Jews who push the notorious New World Order propaganda, e.g., Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and George Soros, are not what one would call "Zionist." In fact, they are completely on the opposite side of the political spectrum from Zionism, in alignment with the Palestinians, Hamas, Antifa, PLO, Intifada, etc.

In other words, the world conspiracy which you call Zionist, is actually in all probability anti-Zionist.

The role the average Jew plays in the conspiracy

Since the so-called Great Diaspora of the Jews, there is not (and cannot be) any special role for the "average Jew" apart from the role of the average "Gentile" of any of "the nations" among which they have allegedly been dispersed.
Henry Ford sacrificed a lot to publish "The International Jew". It's pretty remarkable.
wrong again --------Poles fought the germans just as did Stalin------HOWEVER both harbored their own GENOCIDAL DOGS since long before 1934

Poland had no more to do with the Holocaust than the Kosher people had.

I'm quite frankly completely fed up with your people 100%.

You people are sure a disgusting horde trying to control every aspect of society for your own gain & get in peoples faces,
Pushing your chutzpha

for a group who claims to not know why they are hated,
you sure
keep doing everything to be hated.

You will be despised by most Polish people, because you lie, you make up cr@p, and I'm tired of your disgusting, very disgusting lies against my people.

polish people despised jews LONG before you catholic hero ADOLF showed up.

What hero of Adolf?

Judging by this forum, then your Koshers hate Poles more than vice versa.

You & your tribe are ungrateful ingrates of Biblical proportions.

Judging from history and experience-----poles stink. I wish upon you a PURE POLISH CATHOLIC POLAND ----forever

Poland accepted millions of your refugees.

You show no gratitude, because you're even less than Animals.

Even Animals show gratitude.

You are pure Demonic anti-Christ scum.
Dude, iRosie is batshit crazy, a dreidel-diddled, matzoh ball-addled, Bolshedick-sucking, wild-eyed lunatic. Shrug and walk away.

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