Every Jew has secret knowledge of a Zionist world conspiracy? Not true.

If Jesus fufills God he fulfills King David / Abraham.

We have continued Abraham.

You are the Synagogue of Satan.
You have hijacked history by pretending to be more than being founded by Judas Iscariot.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.

the book of revulsions? one of the johns?
The Book Of James...
Chronologically closest to Jesus.
You’ll never guess what James has to say about The Law of Moses.
But it’s all there in Black & White and so it was placed at the end of the Canon.

Jesus reformed your Moses, properly.

The Founding Father of Christianity is Jesus,
the Founding Father of the Synagogue of Satan is Judas Iscariot.

What's so hard to get?
Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Bolsheviks killed mostly Russians.... Certainly not a pro-Russian aspiration.

Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Lenin was 25% Kosher
Trotsky 100% Kosher.

Lenin's GREAT GRANDFATHER was Jewish who later converted and you are a POLLACK :ahole-1:

In 1896, Bronshteyn joined a small cell of underground socialists in Odessa. Since socialism was illegal, he was arrested two years later by tsarist police and eventually exiled to Siberia, a common punishment for political prisoners. In 1902, Bronshteyn, who now went by the name Trotsky as a means of masking his identity in exile, escaped and ended up in London where he met Georgy Plekhanov, founder of the Social Democrats, the Marxist party that would spawn the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. In London, Trotsky also met the future leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin. Trotsky, Plekhanov, and Lenin worked together on the Social Democrats’ newspaper Iskra (The Spark), the future Pravda, mouthpiece of world communism.


In 1905, during the first leftist attempt to overthrow the tsars, Trotsky returned to Russia and in St. Petersburg he organized the first revolutionary soviet–a city council run by popular election. This was the socialists’ attempt to organize rule from below, by the workers of the city, rather than from above by the tsars. At age 26, Trotsky was appointed president of the Petersburg soviet. After the tsars agreed to relinquish autocratic power and set up a parliament called the Duma, ending the 1905 revolution, Trotsky, whose politics were still too radical, was again arrested, imprisoned, and exiled to Siberia. However, he managed to escape once more, this time to Vienna.

Trotsky worked as a journalist in Vienna, and he eventually became an editor of the underground Pravda. He kept a close eye on Russian affairs, and wrote bitterly about the 1913 Beilis trial, when a Jewish factory owner, Mendel Beilis, was put on trial under false charges that he ritually murdered a Christian child around the time of Passover. Trotsky argued that the case proved that tsarist Russia was intrinsically anti-Semitic, and the only solution to anti-Semitism in Russia was to overthrow the regime.

With the outbreak of World War I, Trotsky began another nomadic period. He moved to Zurich in 1914 and then to Germany, where he was briefly imprisoned for opposing the war, which socialists understood as a conflict between imperial capitalist leaders, being unnecessarily fought by the working classes of each nation.

In 1915 he moved to Paris, editing the socialist weekly Nashe Slovo (Our Word), but he was expelled from France for anti-war activities. After a short stay in New York as the editor of the socialist newspaper Novy Mir (New World), Trotsky returned to Russia in 1917. He joined the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg and established the magazine Forward (Vperyod), related only to the more famous Yiddish-language Forverts by their socialist politics.

Come the Revolution!

In October 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, and Trotsky’s politics became mainstream.

The establishment of the Soviet Union exposed Trotsky’s ambivalence about his Jewishness. At first Trotsky refused a high position in the Bolshevik government, because he thought it would not serve the interests of the new communist regime if too many Jews occupied important positions. He ultimately accepted, and during the civil war that broke out after the Bolshevik takeover, he became head of the Red Army and a member of the Politburo, the decision-making body of the fledgling government.

In the chaos of civil war, new waves of anti-Jewish pogroms broke out throughout Ukraine, and Trotsky considered, but ultimately rejected, the idea of organizing special Jewish sections within the Red Army. When the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Jacob Maze, asked Trotsky personally for extra security to protect Russian Jews from these pogroms, Trotsky answered that he was a Bolshevik and did not consider himself a Jew.

Silencing the Renegade Socialist
After Lenin’s death in 1924, a fight for power among leading Bolsheviks ensued, and Joseph Stalin strengthened his own position in the government. Stalin and Trotsky differed on some fundamentals of the communist revolution. While Stalin concentrated on the development of communism in the Soviet Union, Trotsky was dedicated to the belief that Russia should catalyze worldwide communist revolution.

In 1926 Trotsky was expelled from the Politburo because of these differences of opinion. In 1927, he was exiled to Kazakhstan, and then two years later, from the Soviet Union.

Trotsky lived in Turkey (1929-33), France (1933-35), Norway (1935-36), and finally found asylum in Mexico (1936-1940), where many socialist Jewish exiles from Nazi Germany and elsewhere had settled. By then, Trotsky had become one of the world’s most outspoken critics of Stalin and his political system. In 1938 Trotsky established the Fourth International, a socialist, anti-Stalinist international movement.

Trotsky’s name became the terrifying bogeyman of the Stalinist Soviet Union during the Great Purges of 1936-1938, as one after another Communist Party leader was accused of supporting the exiled renegade. In the United States, on the other hand, Trotskyism enjoyed support of influential critics and intellectuals, some associated with the journal Partisan Review, and many of whom were Jewish.

During his period of exile, with the rise of Nazism and state-sponsored anti-Semitism, Trotsky began responding more openly to Jewish issues. In several interviews, he reaffirmed both his opposition to Zionism and his support for Jewish workers making common cause with workers of the countries in which they live. He also recognized the centrality of Jewish workers to the socialist movement in America, and the potential importance of organizing in Yiddish.

As Trotsky became louder in his criticism of Stalin, Stalin became more committed to silencing him. On August 21, 1940, Ramon Mercador, a Stalinist agent who had infiltrated Trotsky’s Mexico City community of socialists, killed him with an ice pick.

Trotsky’s most important biographer, Isaac Deutscher, coined the phrase “non-Jewish Jew” to describe Trotsky and his generation of universalist thinkers. Like Rosa Luxemburg (“Red Rosa”), who was murdered in 1919 for being too far left of the emerging socialist order in post-World War I Berlin, Trotsky’s life was cut short for being a loud-mouthed socialist. Despite his aversion to any self-identification as a Jew, Trotsky’s biography of universal ideas, constant physical movement, and dramatic assassination, reads like a very Jewish 20th-century story.

You have people in this Country TODAY, many young some a lot older who are embracing Socialism, You are too stupid to understand it

In a letter to Stalin in 1932 — six years after Lenin's death — Anna Ulyanova, Lenin's older sister, wrote that their maternal grandfather "came from a poor Jewish family and was, according to his baptismal certificate, the son of Moses Blank." Blank was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine. In her letter, Ulyanova said her brother "had always thought highly of Jews." She also urged Stalin to reveal Lenin's Jewish background, concluding that "it would be wrong to hide it from the masses."

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com
Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Yiddish wasn't developed until 900 years after Jesus died.
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Yiddish wasn't developed until 900 years after Jesus died.

Yeah, because they're NOT Ancient Hebrews, they're a bunch of German speakers rejecting Christ.
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Yiddish wasn't developed until 900 years after Jesus died.

Yeah, because they're NOT Ancient Hebrews, they're a bunch of German speakers rejecting Christ.

WTF is your major hangup?
Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Yiddish wasn't developed until 900 years after Jesus died.

Yeah, because they're NOT Ancient Hebrews, they're a bunch of German speakers rejecting Christ.

Notice how the FIRE SETTING POLLACK doesn’t mention other Religions that reject Christ?'''''

Just an example of other Religions, When he's finished with his EST maybe he'll comment

What are the most widely practiced religions of the world?

Electroconvulsive Therapy and Other Depression Treatments
Last edited:
Jesus was a Christian.
What you support is against God.
You are sons & daughters of Judas Iscariot the anti-Christ.
Jesus wasn't a Christian. Christianity didn't exist while he was alive.
He was born a Jew. Lived as a Jew. Preached as a Jew. Died as a Jew. Capiche?

So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected himself?

They're not the same people, genius. (Rolls eyes)

They are the Synagogue of Satan, duh. They say they are Kosher, but they're fake Koshers following Satan.
Yiddish wasn't developed until 900 years after Jesus died.

Yeah, because they're NOT Ancient Hebrews, they're a bunch of German speakers rejecting Christ.

WTF is your major hangup?

Notice how NotSober will not address The Book Of James.

Such Impatient twerps, like most of you & your ilk.

I had more important things to do, rather than dealing with you at that moment.
You have nothing more important than finding out from his contemporary that Ayesha was a lying piece of shit?
I didn’t make it up; it’s The Book of James.
You didn’t answer my question.
Either you’re an ignoramus or you know the answer and the answer will cause your entire argument to collapse.

I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.

the book of revulsions? one of the johns?
The Book Of James...
Chronologically closest to Jesus.
You’ll never guess what James has to say about The Law of Moses.
But it’s all there in Black & White and so it was placed at the end of the Canon.

Jesus reformed your Moses, properly.

The Founding Father of Christianity is Jesus,
the Founding Father of the Synagogue of Satan is Judas Iscariot.

What's so hard to get?
That you’re intellectually dishonest based on the NT.
Russia was embroiled in a CIVIL WAR-----Russians certainly did kill Russians----
as it turned out----eventurally by the Millions------under stalin-------the would be
church priest

You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Lenin was 25% Kosher
Trotsky 100% Kosher.

Lenin's GREAT GRANDFATHER was Jewish who later converted and you are a POLLACK :ahole-1:

In 1896, Bronshteyn joined a small cell of underground socialists in Odessa. Since socialism was illegal, he was arrested two years later by tsarist police and eventually exiled to Siberia, a common punishment for political prisoners. In 1902, Bronshteyn, who now went by the name Trotsky as a means of masking his identity in exile, escaped and ended up in London where he met Georgy Plekhanov, founder of the Social Democrats, the Marxist party that would spawn the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. In London, Trotsky also met the future leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin. Trotsky, Plekhanov, and Lenin worked together on the Social Democrats’ newspaper Iskra (The Spark), the future Pravda, mouthpiece of world communism.


In 1905, during the first leftist attempt to overthrow the tsars, Trotsky returned to Russia and in St. Petersburg he organized the first revolutionary soviet–a city council run by popular election. This was the socialists’ attempt to organize rule from below, by the workers of the city, rather than from above by the tsars. At age 26, Trotsky was appointed president of the Petersburg soviet. After the tsars agreed to relinquish autocratic power and set up a parliament called the Duma, ending the 1905 revolution, Trotsky, whose politics were still too radical, was again arrested, imprisoned, and exiled to Siberia. However, he managed to escape once more, this time to Vienna.

Trotsky worked as a journalist in Vienna, and he eventually became an editor of the underground Pravda. He kept a close eye on Russian affairs, and wrote bitterly about the 1913 Beilis trial, when a Jewish factory owner, Mendel Beilis, was put on trial under false charges that he ritually murdered a Christian child around the time of Passover. Trotsky argued that the case proved that tsarist Russia was intrinsically anti-Semitic, and the only solution to anti-Semitism in Russia was to overthrow the regime.

With the outbreak of World War I, Trotsky began another nomadic period. He moved to Zurich in 1914 and then to Germany, where he was briefly imprisoned for opposing the war, which socialists understood as a conflict between imperial capitalist leaders, being unnecessarily fought by the working classes of each nation.

In 1915 he moved to Paris, editing the socialist weekly Nashe Slovo (Our Word), but he was expelled from France for anti-war activities. After a short stay in New York as the editor of the socialist newspaper Novy Mir (New World), Trotsky returned to Russia in 1917. He joined the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg and established the magazine Forward (Vperyod), related only to the more famous Yiddish-language Forverts by their socialist politics.

Come the Revolution!

In October 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, and Trotsky’s politics became mainstream.

The establishment of the Soviet Union exposed Trotsky’s ambivalence about his Jewishness. At first Trotsky refused a high position in the Bolshevik government, because he thought it would not serve the interests of the new communist regime if too many Jews occupied important positions. He ultimately accepted, and during the civil war that broke out after the Bolshevik takeover, he became head of the Red Army and a member of the Politburo, the decision-making body of the fledgling government.

In the chaos of civil war, new waves of anti-Jewish pogroms broke out throughout Ukraine, and Trotsky considered, but ultimately rejected, the idea of organizing special Jewish sections within the Red Army. When the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Jacob Maze, asked Trotsky personally for extra security to protect Russian Jews from these pogroms, Trotsky answered that he was a Bolshevik and did not consider himself a Jew.

Silencing the Renegade Socialist
After Lenin’s death in 1924, a fight for power among leading Bolsheviks ensued, and Joseph Stalin strengthened his own position in the government. Stalin and Trotsky differed on some fundamentals of the communist revolution. While Stalin concentrated on the development of communism in the Soviet Union, Trotsky was dedicated to the belief that Russia should catalyze worldwide communist revolution.

In 1926 Trotsky was expelled from the Politburo because of these differences of opinion. In 1927, he was exiled to Kazakhstan, and then two years later, from the Soviet Union.

Trotsky lived in Turkey (1929-33), France (1933-35), Norway (1935-36), and finally found asylum in Mexico (1936-1940), where many socialist Jewish exiles from Nazi Germany and elsewhere had settled. By then, Trotsky had become one of the world’s most outspoken critics of Stalin and his political system. In 1938 Trotsky established the Fourth International, a socialist, anti-Stalinist international movement.

Trotsky’s name became the terrifying bogeyman of the Stalinist Soviet Union during the Great Purges of 1936-1938, as one after another Communist Party leader was accused of supporting the exiled renegade. In the United States, on the other hand, Trotskyism enjoyed support of influential critics and intellectuals, some associated with the journal Partisan Review, and many of whom were Jewish.

During his period of exile, with the rise of Nazism and state-sponsored anti-Semitism, Trotsky began responding more openly to Jewish issues. In several interviews, he reaffirmed both his opposition to Zionism and his support for Jewish workers making common cause with workers of the countries in which they live. He also recognized the centrality of Jewish workers to the socialist movement in America, and the potential importance of organizing in Yiddish.

As Trotsky became louder in his criticism of Stalin, Stalin became more committed to silencing him. On August 21, 1940, Ramon Mercador, a Stalinist agent who had infiltrated Trotsky’s Mexico City community of socialists, killed him with an ice pick.

Trotsky’s most important biographer, Isaac Deutscher, coined the phrase “non-Jewish Jew” to describe Trotsky and his generation of universalist thinkers. Like Rosa Luxemburg (“Red Rosa”), who was murdered in 1919 for being too far left of the emerging socialist order in post-World War I Berlin, Trotsky’s life was cut short for being a loud-mouthed socialist. Despite his aversion to any self-identification as a Jew, Trotsky’s biography of universal ideas, constant physical movement, and dramatic assassination, reads like a very Jewish 20th-century story.

You have people in this Country TODAY, many young some a lot older who are embracing Socialism, You are too stupid to understand it

In a letter to Stalin in 1932 — six years after Lenin's death — Anna Ulyanova, Lenin's older sister, wrote that their maternal grandfather "came from a poor Jewish family and was, according to his baptismal certificate, the son of Moses Blank." Blank was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine. In her letter, Ulyanova said her brother "had always thought highly of Jews." She also urged Stalin to reveal Lenin's Jewish background, concluding that "it would be wrong to hide it from the masses."

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Again, you stupid Pollack; his GREAT GRANDFATHER was Jewish
You mean Kosher Izrael Gelphand's idea?

Backed financially by Kosher Jacon Schiff.

As well as led by partially Kosher Lenin & fully Kosher Trotsky?

Trotsky had some jewish ancestry----Lenin had virtually none-----however
YOU ARE CHOCK FULL OF IT------Jesus was so jewish his dad was related
to King David. -----but no one knows where he found mary

Lenin was 25% Kosher
Trotsky 100% Kosher.

Lenin's GREAT GRANDFATHER was Jewish who later converted and you are a POLLACK :ahole-1:

In 1896, Bronshteyn joined a small cell of underground socialists in Odessa. Since socialism was illegal, he was arrested two years later by tsarist police and eventually exiled to Siberia, a common punishment for political prisoners. In 1902, Bronshteyn, who now went by the name Trotsky as a means of masking his identity in exile, escaped and ended up in London where he met Georgy Plekhanov, founder of the Social Democrats, the Marxist party that would spawn the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. In London, Trotsky also met the future leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin. Trotsky, Plekhanov, and Lenin worked together on the Social Democrats’ newspaper Iskra (The Spark), the future Pravda, mouthpiece of world communism.


In 1905, during the first leftist attempt to overthrow the tsars, Trotsky returned to Russia and in St. Petersburg he organized the first revolutionary soviet–a city council run by popular election. This was the socialists’ attempt to organize rule from below, by the workers of the city, rather than from above by the tsars. At age 26, Trotsky was appointed president of the Petersburg soviet. After the tsars agreed to relinquish autocratic power and set up a parliament called the Duma, ending the 1905 revolution, Trotsky, whose politics were still too radical, was again arrested, imprisoned, and exiled to Siberia. However, he managed to escape once more, this time to Vienna.

Trotsky worked as a journalist in Vienna, and he eventually became an editor of the underground Pravda. He kept a close eye on Russian affairs, and wrote bitterly about the 1913 Beilis trial, when a Jewish factory owner, Mendel Beilis, was put on trial under false charges that he ritually murdered a Christian child around the time of Passover. Trotsky argued that the case proved that tsarist Russia was intrinsically anti-Semitic, and the only solution to anti-Semitism in Russia was to overthrow the regime.

With the outbreak of World War I, Trotsky began another nomadic period. He moved to Zurich in 1914 and then to Germany, where he was briefly imprisoned for opposing the war, which socialists understood as a conflict between imperial capitalist leaders, being unnecessarily fought by the working classes of each nation.

In 1915 he moved to Paris, editing the socialist weekly Nashe Slovo (Our Word), but he was expelled from France for anti-war activities. After a short stay in New York as the editor of the socialist newspaper Novy Mir (New World), Trotsky returned to Russia in 1917. He joined the Bolsheviks in St. Petersburg and established the magazine Forward (Vperyod), related only to the more famous Yiddish-language Forverts by their socialist politics.

Come the Revolution!

In October 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government, and Trotsky’s politics became mainstream.

The establishment of the Soviet Union exposed Trotsky’s ambivalence about his Jewishness. At first Trotsky refused a high position in the Bolshevik government, because he thought it would not serve the interests of the new communist regime if too many Jews occupied important positions. He ultimately accepted, and during the civil war that broke out after the Bolshevik takeover, he became head of the Red Army and a member of the Politburo, the decision-making body of the fledgling government.

In the chaos of civil war, new waves of anti-Jewish pogroms broke out throughout Ukraine, and Trotsky considered, but ultimately rejected, the idea of organizing special Jewish sections within the Red Army. When the Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Jacob Maze, asked Trotsky personally for extra security to protect Russian Jews from these pogroms, Trotsky answered that he was a Bolshevik and did not consider himself a Jew.

Silencing the Renegade Socialist
After Lenin’s death in 1924, a fight for power among leading Bolsheviks ensued, and Joseph Stalin strengthened his own position in the government. Stalin and Trotsky differed on some fundamentals of the communist revolution. While Stalin concentrated on the development of communism in the Soviet Union, Trotsky was dedicated to the belief that Russia should catalyze worldwide communist revolution.

In 1926 Trotsky was expelled from the Politburo because of these differences of opinion. In 1927, he was exiled to Kazakhstan, and then two years later, from the Soviet Union.

Trotsky lived in Turkey (1929-33), France (1933-35), Norway (1935-36), and finally found asylum in Mexico (1936-1940), where many socialist Jewish exiles from Nazi Germany and elsewhere had settled. By then, Trotsky had become one of the world’s most outspoken critics of Stalin and his political system. In 1938 Trotsky established the Fourth International, a socialist, anti-Stalinist international movement.

Trotsky’s name became the terrifying bogeyman of the Stalinist Soviet Union during the Great Purges of 1936-1938, as one after another Communist Party leader was accused of supporting the exiled renegade. In the United States, on the other hand, Trotskyism enjoyed support of influential critics and intellectuals, some associated with the journal Partisan Review, and many of whom were Jewish.

During his period of exile, with the rise of Nazism and state-sponsored anti-Semitism, Trotsky began responding more openly to Jewish issues. In several interviews, he reaffirmed both his opposition to Zionism and his support for Jewish workers making common cause with workers of the countries in which they live. He also recognized the centrality of Jewish workers to the socialist movement in America, and the potential importance of organizing in Yiddish.

As Trotsky became louder in his criticism of Stalin, Stalin became more committed to silencing him. On August 21, 1940, Ramon Mercador, a Stalinist agent who had infiltrated Trotsky’s Mexico City community of socialists, killed him with an ice pick.

Trotsky’s most important biographer, Isaac Deutscher, coined the phrase “non-Jewish Jew” to describe Trotsky and his generation of universalist thinkers. Like Rosa Luxemburg (“Red Rosa”), who was murdered in 1919 for being too far left of the emerging socialist order in post-World War I Berlin, Trotsky’s life was cut short for being a loud-mouthed socialist. Despite his aversion to any self-identification as a Jew, Trotsky’s biography of universal ideas, constant physical movement, and dramatic assassination, reads like a very Jewish 20th-century story.

You have people in this Country TODAY, many young some a lot older who are embracing Socialism, You are too stupid to understand it

In a letter to Stalin in 1932 — six years after Lenin's death — Anna Ulyanova, Lenin's older sister, wrote that their maternal grandfather "came from a poor Jewish family and was, according to his baptismal certificate, the son of Moses Blank." Blank was born in Zhitomir, Ukraine. In her letter, Ulyanova said her brother "had always thought highly of Jews." She also urged Stalin to reveal Lenin's Jewish background, concluding that "it would be wrong to hide it from the masses."

Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com

Again, you stupid Pollack; his GREAT GRANDFATHER was Jewish
Sobie runs on hate.
I give up-----did paul do the first PUSTULE?
The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.

the book of revulsions? one of the johns?
The Book Of James...
Chronologically closest to Jesus.
You’ll never guess what James has to say about The Law of Moses.
But it’s all there in Black & White and so it was placed at the end of the Canon.

Jesus reformed your Moses, properly.

The Founding Father of Christianity is Jesus,
the Founding Father of the Synagogue of Satan is Judas Iscariot.

What's so hard to get?
That you’re intellectually dishonest based on the NT.

The last in the Canon was the first one written.
There’s a reason Constantine, the Murderer has it placed at the end.

the book of revulsions? one of the johns?
The Book Of James...
Chronologically closest to Jesus.
You’ll never guess what James has to say about The Law of Moses.
But it’s all there in Black & White and so it was placed at the end of the Canon.

Jesus reformed your Moses, properly.

The Founding Father of Christianity is Jesus,
the Founding Father of the Synagogue of Satan is Judas Iscariot.

What's so hard to get?
That you’re intellectually dishonest based on the NT.

Mentally and emotionally disturbed.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

I don't read John Grisham. It doesn't mean I hate lawyers.

I just hate bad writing.
You mean the New Testament writers could take some writing classes? Well it depends if they can get some discount on the fee for those credits, since they are not core modules. I would imagine though that they have repaid all their student loans during these past 2019 years though.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

I don't read John Grisham. It doesn't mean I hate lawyers.

I just hate bad writing.
You mean the New Testament writers could take some writing classes? Well it depends if they can get some discount on the fee for those credits, since they are not core modules. I would imagine though that they have repaid all their student loans during these past 2019 years though.
The NT is a bad case of repetitive desperation.
I trust you’ve read The Book of James.
Zionism is that jews want to move home to Israel.
if only that were all it was

Interesting. What else does Zionism do? I mean in addition to denying Christ and God in general? Which every Jews does?

check your grammar. What does "which every jew does" mean
in the statement you wrote?

Jews hate the New Testament. Christ is in the New Testament. So Jews don't read the New Testament. So Jews hate Christ. So Jews deny Christ.

You’re right.,,, We do deny it. Another Hypocrite who doesn’t believe in freedom of Religion
When asked about other Religions who don’t believe the Morons have no answer
Speaking of morons, here's a multiple choice for you:

When a Jew immigrates to Israel he has to demonstrate

__ a) his mother was a yenta (Jew is a race)
__ b) he goes to synagogue (Jew is a religion)​

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