Everybody say it now........."THANK YOU TEXAS"!!!

^^Hog liver liker.^^
I got 30 seconds in. First it talks about "liberal hypocrisy", then talks about the right fighting for, get this "everybody's rights".

Yeah, the right are fighting for gay rights everyone. Because the right isn't hypocritical at all.
If anything the right wants to kill the gays.
All Texas is doing is what libs say they want. Illegals for everyone, everywhere.
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I'll try and keep this thread on track....Does any poster truly believe that the powers that control our "flow of information" in America do not favor one political side over the other? If you think it is unbiased than you are an idiot. If you are not an idiot, you are now being warned......this will not work out for you. You will not benefit. You will suffer, no matter your current situation....... The people that censor, cancel, and punish speech,,,, are never the good guys.

Like the guy states in the video, something noteworthy that IS NOT being splattered all over the news.

Why? Because it doesn't fit the Marxist/Fascist/Communist agenda of Nazicratically managed media corporations.

A big win for Texas, and a HUGE win for ALL Americans, now that precedense has been set.


Texas gives every other state a superiority complex. Thanks Texas.
Texas gives every other state a superiority complex. Thanks Texas.
I can't stand 'em, I had to grow up by exiled ones in Okiehoma and married a couple of Texass womenz to know they are unbearable when it comes to their superego and Id.
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