Everyone hates Comey, do you?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I have to say, I feel sorry for Comey. He is hated by the right for not putting Hillary in jail, and hated by the left cuz Hillary blames him, among other, for losing the election because of his press conference right before the election that put her in a bad light.

Just imagine having a job where you knew all the dirt about the top levels of government, but were powerless to stop it or bring them to justice. Then you have to play politics to try and smoot over all the crap those at the top stir up without ruffling the wrong feathers. Does anyone remember when Flynn was fired by Obama because he ruffled the wrong feathers? He had a target on his back ever since and paid the price after being picked by Trump. I'm sure that Comey has no real incentive to be found in bed, dead of a heart attack, with a pillow over his face, neither will the next replacement. All they need to do is find some mindless stooge that will simply lay low and only hold the little people to the laws of the land.

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