Everyone Hates The New Tax Reform Package

It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
Pelosi is so fake she ditched her snowflake gathering they were supposed to have yesterday. Cause nobody showed up to her obstruction event. Great sign of change!
YES starve the beast Make disparity between the rich and others greater than ever And what will you repubs say when they come for your SS and medicare OR your parents ?? Blame Obama Blame Hillary ?? lol I can't wait

Make disparity between the rich and others greater than ever

You bet your whiny ass.
Exactly why the American people will toss your elitist ass out in 2018

Gotta love a clown like this-)

People don't like it? Where are the people who do not like it? BLUE STATES, and those in the red states that don't like it, will be overwhelmed.

So what does that mean?

The blue states remain blue, (shocker) and the red states remain red. (shocker also) But where are the seats that will change hands? Red states, from Dem to Republican. Why? Because those areas have the LOWEST state income taxes, thus will feel the biggest gain in income. So, while we will probably lose 2 or 3 seats we hold in California, we will gain the 10 in places like Indiana, Wisconsin, etc.
I know polls mean nothing to republicans but they do have dems winning back congress and maybe even the senate

but they do have dems winning back congress and maybe even the senate

Between those polls and the polls that had Hillary winning.......we're doomed!!!
This tax bill will hurt seniors, the poor, and the middle class while giving the top 2 % money they dont need.

Trumpies thinks that spells victory for the GOP in 2018. Ha!
/----/ Who died and left you Arbitrator of What People Need and Don't Need?
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
/----/ And all it took to defeat the smartest woman in the world was an imbecile. BWHAHAHAHAHA
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
/-----/ The only ones calling Bush dumb is you loser Libtards. No one gets to that office by being dumb, not Bush, Clintooon, Trump or Obozo. They may have politics the other side doesn't like but that doesn't make them dumb.
The reputes just handed the Dem the congress in 2018.
WAy to kick yourselves in the ass.
/----/ Really? How so? By next November the economy will be roaring ahead. What are dems gong to run on? "Let's go back to 2% GDP, higher UE and illegals pouring over the border? Yeah, that will work.
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip roaring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.

What would you consider evidence that it was a "rip roaring success"?
/-----/ I didn't say WAS, it hasn't even been signed it into law yet but the market is already reacting positive to the news..
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip roaring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.

What would you consider evidence that it was a "rip roaring success"?
/-----/ I didn't say WAS, it hasn't even been signed it into law yet but the market is already reacting positive to the news..

Sorry if I was unclear, what I meant was, what will the evidence be to make it apparent that this bill was a rip roaring success? Does the market need to climb even faster than it was before today? Does job creation need to get back to at least the same level it was at the 48 months prior to Trump taking office?
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip roaring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.

What would you consider evidence that it was a "rip roaring success"?
/-----/ I didn't say WAS, it hasn't even been signed it into law yet but the market is already reacting positive to the news..

Sorry if I was unclear, what I meant was, what will the evidence be to make it apparent that this bill was a rip roaring success? Does the market need to climb even faster than it was before today? Does job creation need to get back to at least the same level it was at the 48 months prior to Trump taking office?
/----/ From an expert:
Daniel O'Loughlin, Financial Accountant || Economics Major
Answered Apr 22 2016
Tell-tale signs of a booming economy include:

~5% Unemployment Rate: An economy where the unemployment rate is around 5% is doing very well. Economists and policy makers regard this rate as "full employment".
>5% Inflation Rate: We could say that an economy is booming if inflation has been above 5% after a few consecutive years. Governments aim for a constant inflation rate of 2%.
>10% Yearly GDP Growth: If GDP grows at this rate, then the economy is booming. GDP growth is the best indicator of a booming economy in my opinion. An example of this is China, who have experienced double-digit GDP growth since the 1980s. However, GDP growth of this scale for this long is peculiar and is the reason behind the growing speculation into a Chinese economy collapse.
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip roaring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.

What would you consider evidence that it was a "rip roaring success"?
/-----/ I didn't say WAS, it hasn't even been signed it into law yet but the market is already reacting positive to the news..

Sorry if I was unclear, what I meant was, what will the evidence be to make it apparent that this bill was a rip roaring success? Does the market need to climb even faster than it was before today? Does job creation need to get back to at least the same level it was at the 48 months prior to Trump taking office?
/----/ From an expert:
Daniel O'Loughlin, Financial Accountant || Economics Major
Answered Apr 22 2016
Tell-tale signs of a booming economy include:

~5% Unemployment Rate: An economy where the unemployment rate is around 5% is doing very well. Economists and policy makers regard this rate as "full employment".
>5% Inflation Rate: We could say that an economy is booming if inflation has been above 5% after a few consecutive years. Governments aim for a constant inflation rate of 2%.
>10% Yearly GDP Growth: If GDP grows at this rate, then the economy is booming. GDP growth is the best indicator of a booming economy in my opinion. An example of this is China, who have experienced double-digit GDP growth since the 1980s. However, GDP growth of this scale for this long is peculiar and is the reason behind the growing speculation into a Chinese economy collapse.

Ok then, we already have the unemployment rate so now once we hit > 10% GDP and > 5% inflation we will know the tax bill was a rip roaring success.

I can live with those metrics

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
/----/ And all it took to defeat the smartest woman in the world was an imbecile. BWHAHAHAHAHA

You can change the narrative all you want. It doesn't change the fact that Trump is stump dumb.
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
/----/ And all it took to defeat the smartest woman in the world was an imbecile. BWHAHAHAHAHA

You can change the narrative all you want. It doesn't change the fact that Trump is stump dumb.
/----/ Hildabeast beat the smart socialist Bernie but couldn't whip a stump dumb. BWHAHAHAHA
It is kind of funny how you Trump lemmings and FoxNews keep calling it a tax reform bill when there is no reforming of anything.
/----/ Oh I agree with you 100% on that. There is little if any reform but it is a first step and once it becomes apparent that it's a rip raring success it will become easier to get true reform passed. Trump has 7 more years to get it done.
7 more ? Please dear Jeezus don't let that happen
/----/ We had to suffer 8 years of Slick Willie and another 8 for Barack Obozo. Your turn now, deal with it.

We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
/-----/ The only ones calling Bush dumb is you loser Libtards. No one gets to that office by being dumb, not Bush, Clintooon, Trump or Obozo. They may have politics the other side doesn't like but that doesn't make them dumb.

Actually all I said is that dubya was Boooosh the dumbest. It just makes him dumber than the rest of the Booooshs.
We all had to deal with Booosh the dumbest, how did you like that?
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
/----/ And all it took to defeat the smartest woman in the world was an imbecile. BWHAHAHAHAHA

You can change the narrative all you want. It doesn't change the fact that Trump is stump dumb.
/----/ Hildabeast beat the smart socialist Bernie but couldn't whip a stump dumb. BWHAHAHAHA

Because Trumps base is fumber than him. Try and keep up simpleton.
You have no idea how foolish you make yourself look with remarks like that. No one can achieve the office of President and be stupid, not even your lard and master black jughead.

Trump, that's proof enough of an imbecile getting office of POTUS! You lemmings are really, really dumb!
/----/ And all it took to defeat the smartest woman in the world was an imbecile. BWHAHAHAHAHA

You can change the narrative all you want. It doesn't change the fact that Trump is stump dumb.
/----/ Hildabeast beat the smart socialist Bernie but couldn't whip a stump dumb. BWHAHAHAHA

Because Trumps base is fumber than him. Try and keep up simpleton.
"Try and keep up" - classic libtarded remark when they have been whipped! Hows that tax cut doing ya? you gonna pay more right?

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