Everyone in the U.S. should be required to serve in the military.

Yeah cuz that's freedom. Why does 99% of this country think the answer to every question is FORCING people to do something ?
My educated, experienced and well qualified opinion being around the military my entire life from day 1.

That is your opinion.

I realize this post was 5 days ago but if you had an ounce of military you would not post that avatar of yours. Commander in Chief is Command in Chief whether you agree with him/her or not. Respect is something you learn in the military which you have none of.

Bullshit Respect is earned not jut given. You can Respect the Office or the Position....
But you don't have to respect the person. Never respected Nixon either.
Ahhhh, look at the communist rambling on....and they will chant songs for the black messiah while they wear the same uniform.

I'm guessing you admire the Khmer Rouge.

I think it would be excellent if we brought back the CCC and had mandatory service for all 18-year olds for one or two years in this service or the armed forces. Think of how much better our society would be. All segments of our society working together to improve our communities. The rich with the poor, the city kids with the country kids, all races, all classes. And we could provide them with educational opportunities and a jump start into their adulthood.

I am a military officer, deployed to Iraq, etc. I will say, GoneBezerk is just that. What an arse hat.

I like the idea of the CCC. the problem with this country is that no one has a sense of sacrifice for the good of the community. We need to teach people that living in a free society comes with sacrifice. People dont get that any more.

I look back to W after 9-11. It was a telling moment in our history. instead of mobilizing the country for a meaningful cause, he told everyone to do their patriotic duty and go to the mall. Not exactly a "blood sweat and tears" or "fight them on the beaches moment."
My educated, experienced and well qualified opinion being around the military my entire life from day 1.

I realize this post was 5 days ago but if you had an ounce of military you would not post that avatar of yours. Commander in Chief is Command in Chief whether you agree with him/her or not. Respect is something you learn in the military which you have none of.

Bullshit Respect is earned not jut given. You can Respect the Office or the Position....
But you don't have to respect the person. Never respected Nixon either.

Painting the Commander in Chief up like the Colorado movie theater shooter WAY crosses the line of acceptable. I am not up to speed on the regulations but I do believe there are some which address such conduct. Sinner shouldn't preach.
The commander in chief has killed WAY WAY WAY WAY more innocent people and children than the shooter in CT. Let's disarm the government.
You are out of your minds if you think a draft is a good idea.
Amazing the way people that call themselves free are more than willing to force other people into a 2 year commitment in the military. The very commitment could cost them their lives in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. So tell me, if your proposal became law, and your son or your daughter was drafted and sent to the mid east, how would you justify that? Would you help them flee to Canada?

this is the point. if every citizen had skin in the game, we would be far more judicious in our use of force. instead of using our military caste to go around the globe bleeding on foreign soil and not giving a damn (except for sending us girl scout cookies while we are deployed) the citizens of this country would actually think about whether or not we should go to war.
You are out of your minds if you think a draft is a good idea.
Amazing the way people that call themselves free are more than willing to force other people into a 2 year commitment in the military. The very commitment could cost them their lives in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. So tell me, if your proposal became law, and your son or your daughter was drafted and sent to the mid east, how would you justify that? Would you help them flee to Canada?

this is the point. if every citizen had skin in the game, we would be far more judicious in our use of force. instead of using our military caste to go around the globe bleeding on foreign soil and not giving a damn (except for sending us girl scout cookies while we are deployed) the citizens of this country would actually think about whether or not we should go to war.

So if we forced everyone to do some thing we would think twice about using force? Errr what? Herp a derp
lillies of the valley pathetic weaklings all of the men and women who are too coward to go to war...to kill and to be killed.... I want to vomit now!:mad:
Yeah cuz that's freedom. Why does 99% of this country think the answer to every question is FORCING people to do something ?

Even the so-called "conservatives" in this forum are hot to make everyone a slave to the government for 2 years of their life. That's what freedom is all about: becoming a slave!
I like the idea of the CCC. the problem with this country is that no one has a sense of sacrifice for the good of the community. We need to teach people that living in a free society comes with sacrifice. People dont get that any more.

Fuck you
a sense of sacrifice for the good of the community??????
Talk about communist propaganda
Just like a brainwashed second louie to believe this shit,
Living in a free society comes with sacrifice. Really????
I make my sacrifice every week when I see what the government deducts from my pay check.
While doing push ups before sunrise in the cold the drill Sergent yelled (he yelled a lot, must have been something in his childhood), "Don't complain! You volunteered for this!" -vs - Having a bunch of people hanging around bitching about how they never agreed to any of this.
Repeats of the CCC, WPA and institution of compulsory military service are all ideas.
Ideas that cost MONEY. Money we simply do not have.
There should be a draft again. And I mean for everyone. No college deferments or others. Females are equal now, right? People say, thank you for serving but they don't have a clue about what they are saying until they have been there. This should be at least two years and I don't mean reserves like "W" did during Nam days.
I guarantee that the U.S. will stop starting all the wars around the world. The pampered kids in this country will be forced to wake up and pay attention to what's going on around the world. It would enlighten and greate voters. Things would change because it would wake up the American public and give them something more important than weekends, boats, bar-b-ques, and tail-gating.
Can you imagine the entire American public getting an education beyond High School?
Anyone running for the Pres. and Commander In Chief should be required to have at least 6 years as an Officer in any branch especially in a combat role before being eligible.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." - 13th Amendment

That applies to UNPAID work.
Compulsory military service is NOT servitude.
Painting the Commander in Chief up like the Colorado movie theater shooter WAY crosses the line of acceptable. I am not up to speed on the regulations but I do believe there are some which address such conduct. Sinner shouldn't preach.

First I believe the avatar is Commander in Chief up like the Joker in Batman and not the Colorado movie theater shooter, Got that, now would you be whining about the same thing if it was Bush and not Obama? Im asking this because there is an identical picture of Bush done up as the Joker in Batman.
Still it doesn't matter Right of Free Speech and all that, which I know must really piss you off being an officer
There should be a draft again. And I mean for everyone. No college deferments or others. Females are equal now, right? People say, thank you for serving but they don't have a clue about what they are saying until they have been there. This should be at least two years and I don't mean reserves like "W" did during Nam days.
I guarantee that the U.S. will stop starting all the wars around the world. The pampered kids in this country will be forced to wake up and pay attention to what's going on around the world. It would enlighten and greate voters. Things would change because it would wake up the American public and give them something more important than weekends, boats, bar-b-ques, and tail-gating.
Can you imagine the entire American public getting an education beyond High School?
Anyone running for the Pres. and Commander In Chief should be required to have at least 6 years as an Officer in any branch especially in a combat role before being eligible.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." - 13th Amendment

That applies to UNPAID work.
Compulsory military service is NOT servitude.

Only in your mind. Lots of differing opinions on that, I do not believe we have heard the supreme court's opinion yet
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Painting the Commander in Chief up like the Colorado movie theater shooter WAY crosses the line of acceptable. I am not up to speed on the regulations but I do believe there are some which address such conduct. Sinner shouldn't preach.

First I believe the avatar is Commander in Chief up like the Joker in Batman and not the Colorado movie theater shooter, Got that, now would you be whining about the same thing if it was Bush and not Obama? Im asking this because there is an identical picture of Bush done up as the Joker in Batman.
Still it doesn't matter Right of Free Speech and all that, which I know must really piss you off being an officer

Come on. You don't really buy that 'Joker in Batman' thing. That does not really make sense. In case you didn't know people fighting for freedom gave up some of their freedom to do so.

Check all my posts from the 2004, 2008, and 2012 campaigns. I was very careful to stay within what I believed was necessary respect for the Command in Chief. I bashed the way he did his job but not the person himself and definitely not his office.
Come on. You don't really buy that 'Joker in Batman' thing. That does not really make sense.
The Obama pic as the Joker was around long before the Colorado shooter.

In case you didn't know people fighting for freedom gave up some of their freedom to do so.
Wow imagine that...... Now when was the last time the US Military actually fought a war where they were actually protecting our Freedom? (Hint: it has been at least 65 years ago)

Check all my posts from the 2004, 2008, and 2012 campaigns. I was very careful to stay within what I believed was necessary respect for the Command in Chief. I bashed the way he did his job but not the person himself and definitely not his office.
Good for you but not important.
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