Everyone keeps saying what foreigners saw and thought of the attack on the Capitol but they leave out the most important thing.

The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
5 people died
Lots of people are going to prison

Murder of a police officer is just the top of the list.

Lots of people are going to prison. Make book on it.

A handful perhaps but that'll be about it. Shame the criminals that burned cities for years weren't held to the same standards. 30 murders alone in the past year by Antifa & BLM
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Eurotrash are egotistical and arrogant as hell but for the most part ain't worth shit. Euros are so damn smart they had the world's best economy but squandered it on war and then had to go on to American welfare just to survive. Then the dumbshits went Socialist and that took away their souls and caused dismal economic growth. Now they have let the Muslims and other Third World trash flood into their countries and that is as big a fuck up as Americans allowing Illegals to come to the US.

Are they smarter than our Democrat voting ghetto asshole welfare queens, Moon Bats and Illegals? Most likely but that is not much of a bragging right.
If you only visited or lived in europe you wouldn't say what you said. I'm not European and I love the US as my adopted country but Europeans in GENERAL are smarter, more educated, healthier and have a better quality of life...now pay attention to the word in GENERAL.
..but they don't know as much as Americans about American issues!!!!

Americans don't know jack shit about American issues. Especially conservative Americans who get their news from the Billionaire right wing media. FOX News lies to you daily. I've tried to watch FOX and I cannot last 5 minutes. Because nothing I have heard in that 5 minutes has any basis in fact, logic and reason. It's just attacking the left.

Throughout the campaign, interviewers asked Trump about his plans for his second term. He had none. When asked how he would revive the economy, he talked about how great the economy was before the pandemic. When asked about the pandemic, he said you were "rounding the corner" or it was "going to disappear".

Your President sent a mob to attack the House and Senate, and fight for his election. People died. Your business community are refusing to provide financial support for the lawless Republican Party which has actively enabled the President in his stubborn refusal to accept the results of the election, and House members are demanding they be allowed to bring guns onto the floor of the house.

Trump is finished. Not just as President, but as any kind of political force. His brand is done too. No one will do business with him. No one will loan to him. He'll be fending off debt collectors, and court cases for tax evasion and fraud, plus sedition is a minimum 20 years in federal penitentiary. I wonder if they'll let him take his golden toilet in with him. A nice touch to remind him of "home".
sounds like you will have TDS for the rest of your life
penitentiary----hahahahhahahahah TDS for sure
you must have nightmares of Mr Trump
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
5 people died
Lots of people are going to prison

Murder of a police officer is just the top of the list.

Lots of people are going to prison. Make book on it.

A handful perhaps but that'll be about it. Shame the criminals that burned cities for years weren't held to the same standards. 30 murders alone in the past year by Antifa & BLM
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Eurotrash are egotistical and arrogant as hell but for the most part ain't worth shit. Euros are so damn smart they had the world's best economy but squandered it on war and then had to go on to American welfare just to survive. Then the dumbshits went Socialist and that took away their souls and caused dismal economic growth. Now they have let the Muslims and other Third World trash flood into their countries and that is as big a fuck up as Americans allowing Illegals to come to the US.

Are they smarter than our Democrat voting ghetto asshole welfare queens, Moon Bats and Illegals? Most likely but that is not much of a bragging right.
If you only visited or lived in europe you wouldn't say what you said. I'm not European and I love the US as my adopted country but Europeans in GENERAL are smarter, more educated, healthier and have a better quality of life...now pay attention to the word in GENERAL.
..but they don't know as much as Americans about American issues!!!!

Americans don't know jack shit about American issues. Especially conservative Americans who get their news from the Billionaire right wing media. FOX News lies to you daily. I've tried to watch FOX and I cannot last 5 minutes. Because nothing I have heard in that 5 minutes has any basis in fact, logic and reason. It's just attacking the left.

Throughout the campaign, interviewers asked Trump about his plans for his second term. He had none. When asked how he would revive the economy, he talked about how great the economy was before the pandemic. When asked about the pandemic, he said you were "rounding the corner" or it was "going to disappear".

Your President sent a mob to attack the House and Senate, and fight for his election. People died. Your business community are refusing to provide financial support for the lawless Republican Party which has actively enabled the President in his stubborn refusal to accept the results of the election, and House members are demanding they be allowed to bring guns onto the floor of the house.

Trump is finished. Not just as President, but as any kind of political force. His brand is done too. No one will do business with him. No one will loan to him. He'll be fending off debt collectors, and court cases for tax evasion and fraud, plus sedition is a minimum 20 years in federal penitentiary. I wonder if they'll let him take his golden toilet in with him. A nice touch to remind him of "home".
sounds like you will have TDS for the rest of your life
penitentiary----hahahahhahahahah TDS for sure
you must have nightmares of Mr Trump
Nah, I am Trump's nightmare.

A loyal republican.
Loyal to my country.
Loyal to the Constitution.

But a Republican who recognizes a lying sack of crap when I see one. I recognize his little crap sacks too.

The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
5 people died
Lots of people are going to prison

Murder of a police officer is just the top of the list.

Lots of people are going to prison. Make book on it.

A handful perhaps but that'll be about it. Shame the criminals that burned cities for years weren't held to the same standards. 30 murders alone in the past year by Antifa & BLM
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Eurotrash are egotistical and arrogant as hell but for the most part ain't worth shit. Euros are so damn smart they had the world's best economy but squandered it on war and then had to go on to American welfare just to survive. Then the dumbshits went Socialist and that took away their souls and caused dismal economic growth. Now they have let the Muslims and other Third World trash flood into their countries and that is as big a fuck up as Americans allowing Illegals to come to the US.

Are they smarter than our Democrat voting ghetto asshole welfare queens, Moon Bats and Illegals? Most likely but that is not much of a bragging right.
If you only visited or lived in europe you wouldn't say what you said. I'm not European and I love the US as my adopted country but Europeans in GENERAL are smarter, more educated, healthier and have a better quality of life...now pay attention to the word in GENERAL.
..but they don't know as much as Americans about American issues!!!!

Americans don't know jack shit about American issues. Especially conservative Americans who get their news from the Billionaire right wing media. FOX News lies to you daily. I've tried to watch FOX and I cannot last 5 minutes. Because nothing I have heard in that 5 minutes has any basis in fact, logic and reason. It's just attacking the left.

Throughout the campaign, interviewers asked Trump about his plans for his second term. He had none. When asked how he would revive the economy, he talked about how great the economy was before the pandemic. When asked about the pandemic, he said you were "rounding the corner" or it was "going to disappear".

Your President sent a mob to attack the House and Senate, and fight for his election. People died. Your business community are refusing to provide financial support for the lawless Republican Party which has actively enabled the President in his stubborn refusal to accept the results of the election, and House members are demanding they be allowed to bring guns onto the floor of the house.

Trump is finished. Not just as President, but as any kind of political force. His brand is done too. No one will do business with him. No one will loan to him. He'll be fending off debt collectors, and court cases for tax evasion and fraud, plus sedition is a minimum 20 years in federal penitentiary. I wonder if they'll let him take his golden toilet in with him. A nice touch to remind him of "home".
sounds like you will have TDS for the rest of your life
penitentiary----hahahahhahahahah TDS for sure
you must have nightmares of Mr Trump
Nah, I am Trump's nightmare.

A loyal republican.
Loyal to my country.
Loyal to the Constitution.

But a Republican who recognizes a lying sack of crap when I see one. I recognize his little crap sacks too.

......you are only loyal to your babble crap idiocy ...Mr Trump has done nothing wrong.....the DEMS are the ones who have NOT accepted the 2016 election----they have been trying to get rid of an ELECTED official--THEY and you are the liars and AMerica haters
I am Trump's nightmare
I'm sure Trump knows you exist and is terrified...

The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
Our democracy is done. The Dim NAZIs killed it.
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
5 people died
Lots of people are going to prison

Murder of a police officer is just the top of the list.

Lots of people are going to prison. Make book on it.

A handful perhaps but that'll be about it. Shame the criminals that burned cities for years weren't held to the same standards. 30 murders alone in the past year by Antifa & BLM
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Eurotrash are egotistical and arrogant as hell but for the most part ain't worth shit. Euros are so damn smart they had the world's best economy but squandered it on war and then had to go on to American welfare just to survive. Then the dumbshits went Socialist and that took away their souls and caused dismal economic growth. Now they have let the Muslims and other Third World trash flood into their countries and that is as big a fuck up as Americans allowing Illegals to come to the US.

Are they smarter than our Democrat voting ghetto asshole welfare queens, Moon Bats and Illegals? Most likely but that is not much of a bragging right.
If you only visited or lived in europe you wouldn't say what you said. I'm not European and I love the US as my adopted country but Europeans in GENERAL are smarter, more educated, healthier and have a better quality of life...now pay attention to the word in GENERAL.
..but they don't know as much as Americans about American issues!!!!

Americans don't know jack shit about American issues. Especially conservative Americans who get their news from the Billionaire right wing media. FOX News lies to you daily. I've tried to watch FOX and I cannot last 5 minutes. Because nothing I have heard in that 5 minutes has any basis in fact, logic and reason. It's just attacking the left.

Throughout the campaign, interviewers asked Trump about his plans for his second term. He had none. When asked how he would revive the economy, he talked about how great the economy was before the pandemic. When asked about the pandemic, he said you were "rounding the corner" or it was "going to disappear".

Your President sent a mob to attack the House and Senate, and fight for his election. People died. Your business community are refusing to provide financial support for the lawless Republican Party which has actively enabled the President in his stubborn refusal to accept the results of the election, and House members are demanding they be allowed to bring guns onto the floor of the house.

Trump is finished. Not just as President, but as any kind of political force. His brand is done too. No one will do business with him. No one will loan to him. He'll be fending off debt collectors, and court cases for tax evasion and fraud, plus sedition is a minimum 20 years in federal penitentiary. I wonder if they'll let him take his golden toilet in with him. A nice touch to remind him of "home".
sounds like you will have TDS for the rest of your life
penitentiary----hahahahhahahahah TDS for sure
you must have nightmares of Mr Trump
Nah, I am Trump's nightmare.

A loyal republican.
Loyal to my country.
Loyal to the Constitution.

But a Republican who recognizes a lying sack of crap when I see one. I recognize his little crap sacks too.

......you are only loyal to your babble crap idiocy ...Mr Trump has done nothing wrong.....the DEMS are the ones who have NOT accepted the 2016 election----they have been trying to get rid of an ELECTED official--THEY and you are the liars and AMerica haters
I am sorry for your delusions. It must be tough going through life completely unable to distinguish reality from the obviously Cheeto driven fantasies that drive your life.

There is, however, a cure. Stop sucking the cheeto. Yes, there will be a withdrawal period and maybe you''' have to go lick a few spicy doritos but, if you want to, you can get through this.

Doesn't really matter though.

No matter how much cheeto you suck Trump's impeached, will be convicted, never allowed to run again, then, thrown in a nice safe supermax for the rest of his life.

You'll just have to get your cheeto fix at the Kwik-e Mart.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.

There aren't multiple versions of reality. There is only one. 130 Republican House members voted to invalidate a legal election. They voted to accept Trump's Big Lie.

Those people are the ones who refuse to accept reality.
Trump, the ultimate reality TV star.

I give him credit. Donald Trump Destroys America has been a hell of a TV show. Best TV series ever!!! More compelling than Breaking Bad. But I say this as a non-American, from the safety and security of my guaranteed income for life, indexed to inflation, universal health care, #53 in deaths per million of population, #1 Best Country in the World to Live In.

Many of my American family and friends are suffering badly, and have lost loved ones. One of my dearest friends, got trapped in Cleveland visiting her parents over Thanksgiving, and is still there. Half of her family has had the crud since Christmas as a result of Christmas gatherings, and one of them is doing very poorly at the moment.
There is an alternate universe out there somewhere, where President Trump is being added to Mt Rushmore.

If there's an objective reality we humans lack the capacity to know it. All anybody can do is have their subjective interpretation of reality.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.
It treason to violently dispute reality.

You lost in court. Like al gore did, disappear.
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.

There aren't multiple versions of reality. There is only one. 130 Republican House members voted to invalidate a legal election. They voted to accept Trump's Big Lie.

Those people are the ones who refuse to accept reality.
In the future the first thing I want to know about a republican is does he think the election was rigged. If he does then I know he lives in an alternate reality and I’ll treat them accordingly.

And every republican candidat needs to be asked this question. A litmus test
You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.

There aren't multiple versions of reality. There is only one. 130 Republican House members voted to invalidate a legal election. They voted to accept Trump's Big Lie.

Those people are the ones who refuse to accept reality.
In the future the first thing I want to know about a republican is does he think the election was rigged. If he does then I know he lives in an alternate reality and I’ll treat them accordingly.

And every republican candidat needs to be asked this question. A litmus test

The other question every Republican should be asked is "Do you believe tax cuts pay for themselves" and if they answer "Yes", I'd say "Next!". Or do you think Milton Friedman is a great man? Again, if the answer is "Yes", he or she is gone.

There's a new book out called "Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America", which I'm going to be reading next, when I get a new iPad next month.

You know history? Wasn’t trumps coup attempt very similar to hitlers attempt in the 20s? Hitler went to jail for it and still was somehow able to take over ten years later. We shouldn’t downplay what he did. It was treason.

It's not treason to believe you were cheated and bitch about it on Twitter.
Dims believe it's treason to dispute their version of reality.

That's how thoroughly deluded they are.

There aren't multiple versions of reality. There is only one. 130 Republican House members voted to invalidate a legal election. They voted to accept Trump's Big Lie.

Those people are the ones who refuse to accept reality.
In the future the first thing I want to know about a republican is does he think the election was rigged. If he does then I know he lives in an alternate reality and I’ll treat them accordingly.

And every republican candidat needs to be asked this question. A litmus test

The other question every Republican should be asked is "Do you believe tax cuts pay for themselves" and if they answer "Yes", I'd say "Next!". Or do you think Milton Friedman is a great man? Again, if the answer is "Yes", he or she is gone.

There's a new book out called "Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America", which I'm going to be reading next, when I get a new iPad next month.

Gone from where?
The people spoke, a few of them took it too far and the world watched.

Including those who mock democracy. Problem is democracy is still standing and our government didn't have to kill everyone or imprison them for that to occur.

Was this situation acceptable? Of course not but at the end of the day our democracy is still standing.

Of course internally we are & will always squabble about the state of our democracy and many believe it to be dead already. Having that or any opinion of it doesn't make it so.

One final point for me is that it ultimately doesn't matter what some foreigner thinks or says. Their thoughts are not necessary for our prosperity. The sooner we realize that the better.
5 people died
Lots of people are going to prison

Murder of a police officer is just the top of the list.

Lots of people are going to prison. Make book on it.

A handful perhaps but that'll be about it. Shame the criminals that burned cities for years weren't held to the same standards. 30 murders alone in the past year by Antifa & BLM
..foreigners don't know shit about us and vice versa
They do trust me.
I grew up overseas and I knew a lot about the US more than many Americans till this day.

Europeans in general know a lot about the US, collectively they are more educated than the average American and in a written test about the US I would put my money on them to score higher. Education is the difference, we have a shitty system.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Eurotrash are egotistical and arrogant as hell but for the most part ain't worth shit. Euros are so damn smart they had the world's best economy but squandered it on war and then had to go on to American welfare just to survive. Then the dumbshits went Socialist and that took away their souls and caused dismal economic growth. Now they have let the Muslims and other Third World trash flood into their countries and that is as big a fuck up as Americans allowing Illegals to come to the US.

Are they smarter than our Democrat voting ghetto asshole welfare queens, Moon Bats and Illegals? Most likely but that is not much of a bragging right.
If you only visited or lived in europe you wouldn't say what you said. I'm not European and I love the US as my adopted country but Europeans in GENERAL are smarter, more educated, healthier and have a better quality of life...now pay attention to the word in GENERAL.
..but they don't know as much as Americans about American issues!!!!

Americans don't know jack shit about American issues. Especially conservative Americans who get their news from the Billionaire right wing media. FOX News lies to you daily. I've tried to watch FOX and I cannot last 5 minutes. Because nothing I have heard in that 5 minutes has any basis in fact, logic and reason. It's just attacking the left.

Throughout the campaign, interviewers asked Trump about his plans for his second term. He had none. When asked how he would revive the economy, he talked about how great the economy was before the pandemic. When asked about the pandemic, he said you were "rounding the corner" or it was "going to disappear".

Your President sent a mob to attack the House and Senate, and fight for his election. People died. Your business community are refusing to provide financial support for the lawless Republican Party which has actively enabled the President in his stubborn refusal to accept the results of the election, and House members are demanding they be allowed to bring guns onto the floor of the house.

Trump is finished. Not just as President, but as any kind of political force. His brand is done too. No one will do business with him. No one will loan to him. He'll be fending off debt collectors, and court cases for tax evasion and fraud, plus sedition is a minimum 20 years in federal penitentiary. I wonder if they'll let him take his golden toilet in with him. A nice touch to remind him of "home".
sounds like you will have TDS for the rest of your life
penitentiary----hahahahhahahahah TDS for sure
you must have nightmares of Mr Trump
Nah, I am Trump's nightmare.

A loyal republican.
Loyal to my country.
Loyal to the Constitution.

But a Republican who recognizes a lying sack of crap when I see one. I recognize his little crap sacks too.

You are no loyal Repbulican, you fucking NAZI asshole.

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