Everyone making less then 25,000 per year

The problem with the government is the fact that they have placed so many restrictions and regulations on small businesses that tens of thousands of them have folded and no longer exist, thanks to the Obama Socialist Administration.

No the problem is that the Reagan administration has gutted the anti-trust laws so that larger corporations can price the little guys right out of existence, even if the initially lose money in doing so. When Walmart was busy "cratering" small retailers throughout America, they often dropped prices below cost until the competition was driven out of business and then raised prices back to their normal level. Not only did they win the competition for sales, but local retail workers had no other option but to work for Walmart on whatever terms they offered. A win/win for Walmart, but a loss for the town and its citizens.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

All they know is that somebody else is getting something for free that they themselves had to pay for.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

All they know is that somebody else is getting something for free that they themselves had to pay for.

Apparently you don't see that as a problem. Why does someone that doesn't have what I had to earn have a right to get it handed to them for nothing and it be funded by those of us willing to do for ourselves. Are you saying someone unwilling to provide for themselves deserves the same thing as those of us willing to do so?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.
Just because someone gets welfare DOES NOT mean they aren't working.Just means they aren't getting paid ENOUGH to not need welfare,therefore its their employer that's leaching off the system.
It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.

Got it. You hate the Constitution because you don't agree with it. Sorry, that's not how it works.
It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.
See there. You don't need anything from tax payers. You two figured out how to get it done so why can't everyone else? Good luck to your wife.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

I wish more folks would say what you just did.

Include work-study colleges...

  • College Of The Ozarks
  • Deep Springs College
  • Alice Lloyd College
  • Berea College
  • Curtis Institute Of Music
  • Barclay College
  • Webb Institute
8 Colleges Where Students Attend For Free - Best College Reviews
It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.

A two year nursing degree? Hope she's not my nurse if I ever need one.
It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I can agree with the OP, with one caveat. If you take this deal, you have a 5 year limit for food stamps and educational assistance.

And as for what sort of classes, skip the computer or business classes. The chances of that helping them is slim to none.

Give them training in a trade. Teach them skills such as plumbing, welding, laying brick, splicing fiber optics, or any one of a dozen vocational training classes that will give them a real job and a future.

I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

All they know is that somebody else is getting something for free that they themselves had to pay for.

Apparently you don't see that as a problem. Why does someone that doesn't have what I had to earn have a right to get it handed to them for nothing and it be funded by those of us willing to do for ourselves. Are you saying someone unwilling to provide for themselves deserves the same thing as those of us willing to do so?
You do realize you are already providing for them right? Our taxes goes to their welfare every month....this is where I don't understand republicans etc. 200 million workers in this country so the taxes going towards people in ANY situation is VERY VERY little. Why would someone want to keep paying people to do nothing but sit on their ass instead of using the carrot AND the stick? Give them the ability to attend college or a trade school etc by paying for the classes etc and they have 5 years to get the hell off welfare. Its not an option as long as you are able bodied mentally and physically. I see no downside. More tax payers instead of tax takers,more money coming into the country etc and HOPEFULLY their kids would see that their parents can make a better life and so can they!
Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.

A two year nursing degree? Hope she's not my nurse if I ever need one.
Its a legit degree. You can get a 4 year one if you want it but it makes no difference. Just costs more money etc. She has to pass the RN exam once she is done with college just as she had to pass her CNA exam. You can google it its legit 100%.

ADN vs. BSN: Which should you choose?
Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

All they know is that somebody else is getting something for free that they themselves had to pay for.

Apparently you don't see that as a problem. Why does someone that doesn't have what I had to earn have a right to get it handed to them for nothing and it be funded by those of us willing to do for ourselves. Are you saying someone unwilling to provide for themselves deserves the same thing as those of us willing to do so?
You do realize you are already providing for them right? Our taxes goes to their welfare every month....this is where I don't understand republicans etc. 200 million workers in this country so the taxes going towards people in ANY situation is VERY VERY little. Why would someone want to keep paying people to do nothing but sit on their ass instead of using the carrot AND the stick? Give them the ability to attend college or a trade school etc by paying for the classes etc and they have 5 years to get the hell off welfare. Its not an option as long as you are able bodied mentally and physically. I see no downside. More tax payers instead of tax takers,more money coming into the country etc and HOPEFULLY their kids would see that their parents can make a better life and so can they!

You morons keep harping on the amount. The amount has nothing to do with it. If it's a penny, it's one cent too much.

You assume one thing that makes your argument faulty. You assume that going means finishing and results the way you claim. If I'm going to be expected to invest in them, I need a guarantee or a refund when they don't.

They have a way to go. Either work, get scholarships, have their parents fund it, or some combination of the three. If their parent's aren't willing to do for them and invest in them, I damn sure don't see it as a good investment for me. I don't need to know them personally to know that. All I need to know is that those who do know them personally won't invest in them.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

I wish more folks would say what you just did.

Include work-study colleges...

  • College Of The Ozarks
  • Deep Springs College
  • Alice Lloyd College
  • Berea College
  • Curtis Institute Of Music
  • Barclay College
  • Webb Institute
8 Colleges Where Students Attend For Free - Best College Reviews
There are a lot of options if people are willing to put in the effort. I went through an apprenticeship so not only got paid to learn on the job but the company paid for college classes. 100% tuition paid for A's, 50% for B's and nothing for C's or below. But I guess that would be below some of the peoples standards.
Generally speaking, the starting rate is the same for an ADN or a BSN prepared nurse, but because many advanced positions require a BSN, the BSN prepared nurse does have the potential to earn more money. In 2006 the state of California conducted a survey of registered nurses. This survey showed that BSN prepared nurses have a mean income of $75,017 while ADN prepared nurses had a mean income of $70,804.

Advantages to taking an ADN program:

  • It is usually less expensive
  • It is less time consuming – You will become a nurse quicker

Advantages to taking the BSN:

  • You will have more opportunities to advance to higher positions in nursing (for example as a nurse manager.)
  • You will be prepared to enter a advanced degree program (for example, nurse practitioner, nurse midwife, or nurse anesthetist.)

How common is one over the other?

In the state of California in 2006, 46.6% of RN licenses were obtained through ADN programs, while 37.7% of RN licenses were obained through a BSN program. The rest of the RN licenses were obtained through hospital based diploma programs. This is a type of nursing program which is administered by a hospital. When completing a diploma program, one is eligible to sit for the NCLEX (the exam to become an RN), however, no degree is obtained.

See not much difference...she just wants to be an RN not a manager or NP or midwife etc AND if she does she can go back and get it. Funny thing is there is no way of telling WHAT degree your nurses you have seen did obtain.
No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

All they know is that somebody else is getting something for free that they themselves had to pay for.

Apparently you don't see that as a problem. Why does someone that doesn't have what I had to earn have a right to get it handed to them for nothing and it be funded by those of us willing to do for ourselves. Are you saying someone unwilling to provide for themselves deserves the same thing as those of us willing to do so?
You do realize you are already providing for them right? Our taxes goes to their welfare every month....this is where I don't understand republicans etc. 200 million workers in this country so the taxes going towards people in ANY situation is VERY VERY little. Why would someone want to keep paying people to do nothing but sit on their ass instead of using the carrot AND the stick? Give them the ability to attend college or a trade school etc by paying for the classes etc and they have 5 years to get the hell off welfare. Its not an option as long as you are able bodied mentally and physically. I see no downside. More tax payers instead of tax takers,more money coming into the country etc and HOPEFULLY their kids would see that their parents can make a better life and so can they!

You morons keep harping on the amount. The amount has nothing to do with it. If it's a penny, it's one cent too much.

You assume one thing that makes your argument faulty. You assume that going means finishing and results the way you claim. If I'm going to be expected to invest in them, I need a guarantee or a refund when they don't.

They have a way to go. Either work, get scholarships, have their parents fund it, or some combination of the three. If their parent's aren't willing to do for them and invest in them, I damn sure don't see it as a good investment for me. I don't need to know them personally to know that. All I need to know is that those who do know them personally won't invest in them.
And you are still having your taxes used for their welfare....you keep forgetting that. As usual when it comes to education the country will move forward WITH or WITHOUT the conservatives who hate education.
Guess you have no issue with your taxes helping foreigners in another country then right? Bit retarded. Lets help poor people in a foreign country but not a poor person here.
I know in West Va if you get TANF you only get it for 5 years and you MUST get a job,volunteer or attend school of some kind.

No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.
See there. You don't need anything from tax payers. You two figured out how to get it done so why can't everyone else? Good luck to your wife.
Oh we could use it for sure. I am already now contemplating HOW to pay for her books..may end pawning title to car for it and get it back then I ain't sure. We get medicaid already as do the kids....We will be different once she becomes a great paid worker because I know my taxes are MUCH better off being used to bring people UP instead of just giving them welfare to sit on their ass...
and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

I wish more folks would say what you just did.

Include work-study colleges...

  • College Of The Ozarks
  • Deep Springs College
  • Alice Lloyd College
  • Berea College
  • Curtis Institute Of Music
  • Barclay College
  • Webb Institute
8 Colleges Where Students Attend For Free - Best College Reviews
There are a lot of options if people are willing to put in the effort. I went through an apprenticeship so not only got paid to learn on the job but the company paid for college classes. 100% tuition paid for A's, 50% for B's and nothing for C's or below. But I guess that would be below some of the peoples standards.

The people in question have no standards.

They are perfectly willing to reach into their neighbors' pockets for the tuition money.

Nor are they educated enough for college: the Constitution makes no allowences for the government to pay for individuals' education.
No, let's let that foreign country help their poor people as they see fit and you provide anything you wish to a poor person using your money.
Do conservatives REALLY not understand that ALL of our taxes go wherever the government says and not where WE say they should go? I really overestimate the IQ of most people obviously...things I realize as OBVIOUS,must not be as obvious to everyone else which is just sad. I see the value in BOOSTING people UP with teaching them skills others I guess don't. They complain about welfare that comes from our taxes and isn't going to end but don't want to end that by pushing for the taxes to go towards teaching a skill instead of just giving away welfare.

Then you justify the government using money in a manner for which it has no authority? In other words, you oppose abiding by the Constitution?
Does constitution say we are to use money for foreign countries? Illegal wars? I doubt it. Oh and no I don't put much emphasis on the constitution I think its out dated and not clear enough. Not like our governments abide by it anyways so why the hell should we!?
Nobody said let them die. We said let them improve themselves. Preferably on their own dime and time. Then they will appreciate what they have instead of looking to us for more when they fuck around and don't gain any education or job skills.
Making min wage,need welfare to pay for food and rent and you expect the poor to pay for college? Special kind of stupid huh?
I also never said you had some right to being a 4 year full time student at a state university living in a dorm. Go take some classes at a community college while you work and live at home. Why the hell do we have to provide that for them?

That costs money as well. My wife is starting college come summer....not sure how in the hell we are gonna pay for her books yet....I got financial aid when I went for 1 semester but my books cost me over 300$....fucking rip off. It doesn't cost AS MUCH as normal 4 year college does but it still costs money and the time as well...she will be working full time,help me take care of 4 kids and our home AND going to college...should be done in 2 years with her associates in Nursing so she can become an RN and EASILY double our income per year so its worth it,its just extremely hard and stressful.

A two year nursing degree? Hope she's not my nurse if I ever need one.
Its a legit degree. You can get a 4 year one if you want it but it makes no difference. Just costs more money etc. She has to pass the RN exam once she is done with college just as she had to pass her CNA exam. You can google it its legit 100%.

ADN vs. BSN: Which should you choose?

It does make a difference. In pay and in training. I have firsthand knowledge of it. My wife is a nurse. She has a BSN, MSN, and DNP.

Having been one for over 25 years, my wife can attest to the difference between a RN and a BSN.

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