Everyone mocked Al Gore for his SS "Lockbox"

I have no idea what your talking about so no and for the record I could find so many better things to mock Gore over.
What difference does it make? Either way someone has to raise taxes and hope it raises revenues, cut spending or borrow more money.
He was mocked for being Al Gore, not the silly "lockbox..."
The SNL Debate, one word to sum up your campaign

Again a Bush win. The real question to the OP is why wasnt it in a lockbox to begin with, FDR, what a dumbass
The federal govt steals out of SS anyway to pay for general expenditures. This was just another assorted gimmick on top of the ponzi scheme.
Oh yeah it was funny until we had 2 wars off the books and tax cuts for the wealthy. Now the only "solution" is to take it out of the poors ass.
Oh yeah it was funny until we had 2 wars off the books and tax cuts for the wealthy. Now the only "solution" is to take it out of the poors ass.

Yeah Democrats never start wars....suuuuuuure
And you're the guy that wants taxes raised yet supports people evading them like the plague....atleast my rich folks are honest and say they hate taxes, yours talk out of their asses
Here's what I see everytime John Kerry talks about taxes....
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Hmmm, interesting but do go on.

If SS was in a lockbox, we'd all have it when we retire.

However, since it is being borrowed from so much, who knows if it'll be there.

Then again, remove the income cap on SS taxes and it's all set.
I thought it was Hillary with the lockbox...

Oh yeah it was funny until we had 2 wars off the books and tax cuts for the wealthy. Now the only "solution" is to take it out of the poors ass.
Your lockbox went the same way as paygo, when the guys with the (D)s were pissing away the OASI fund and running up the debt.

Nope...Not a dime's worth of difference.

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