Everyone remember that Joe Biden, not the Orange Man Bad, was going to bring R-S-P-E-C-T(Obama's spelling) back to the US. This just in...


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
resident Joe Biden took the stage at APEC on Thursday in front of other world leaders, where he butchered the name of the venue and refused to mention a US business for fear of mispronouncing it.
Videos shared on social media show Biden looking confused as he stood for a photo-op at the conference in San Francisco.
Not only does Joe Biden butcher everything he reads from the teleprompter and off script, but has butchered the United States into a 3rd world country. Alas, at over 33.7 trillion dollars of national debt, it is only a matter of time, when the greenback becomes worthless, just like our president...
brandon checks all the democrat boxes:

pedophile.... check
rape.... check
dumber than a fence post.... check
congenital liar.... check
coward.... check
natural born grifter.... check
hates America.... check

Above and beyond the call of duty resume stuffers:
Can't read above a 3rd grade level and stutters like child with a head injury
Dragged his 11-12 year old daughter into the shower with him and now she's a pill-popping zombie
Raised a junkie that fucked his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and then molested his 14-year old niece
Promoted the baby-sitter to the bedroom under suspicious circumstances
Flunked 3rd grade.... we all remember that kid
6 draft deferments for "childhood asthma" (which doesn't show up on x-rays)
Cheated through college

Thanks Dominion!

congrats dominion.jpg

Not only does Joe Biden butcher everything he reads from the teleprompter and off script, but has butchered the United States into a 3rd world country. Alas, at over 33.7 trillion dollars of national debt, it is only a matter of time, when the greenback becomes worthless, just like our president...
And yet the international community still didn't laugh at him like they did tRump.

There's your respect.
brandon checks all the democrat boxes:

pedophile.... check
rape.... check
dumber than a fence post.... check
congenital liar.... check
coward.... check
natural born grifter.... check
hates America.... check

Above and beyond the call of duty resume stuffers:
Can't read above a 3rd grade level and stutters like child with a head injury
Dragged his 11-12 year old daughter into the shower with him and now she's a pill-popping zombie
Raised a junkie that fucked his dead brother's widow before the body was cold and then molested his 14-year old niece
Promoted the baby-sitter to the bedroom under suspicious circumstances
Flunked 3rd grade.... we all remember that kid
6 draft deferments for "childhood asthma" (which doesn't show up on x-rays)
Cheated through college

Thanks Dominion!

View attachment 860446
Careful dude, you wouldn't wanna end up as a defendant in that slander trial.
Careful dude, you wouldn't wanna end up as a defendant in that slander trial.
Are you fucking high again? cum drunk?

You're a ridiculous fuck... and I enjoy laughing and pointing at you.... don't ever change.


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