Everyone using the Internet including you reading this are demonstrating

how wrong anti-capitalist, pro-socialism people like Bernie Sanders supporters and ALL progressives that deride America and what has been accomplished!

When in all of humankind history have humans been able to:
1) write something that can be read by nearly half of the 7.5 billion inhabitants.
World Internet Users Statistics and 2017 World Population Stats
2) call or text to anywhere in the world instantly to nearly 7 billion cell phones
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia

So explain to me how the Internet originally a DARPA project was quickly adopted by the general population and greatly expanded the market, i.e. through that dastardly tool...CAPITALISM!

3) Now contrary to almost ALL Sanders/progressives,etc. all millionaires inherited their fortune!
a) 47% of millionaires are business owners.
b) 23% of the world's millionaires got that way through paid work, consisting mostly of skilled
professionals or managers. Millionaire - Wikipedia
Nearly 70% making their fortunes through capitalism at work!

15.7 million of the 321 million Americans or one Millionaire for every 20 Americans in 2015.

In 1870 there were around 100 millionaires in a population of 38,558,371... or a ratio of one millionaire for every 385,583 Americans.
https://books.google.com/booksid=NIOx3DQdSeUC&pg=PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=in+1850+how+many+people+were+millionaires&source=bl&ots=aMjDIiUKI2&sig=GMD49xzhCmXL16bARrAcgDqfug&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSm73AhcrTAhXoz4MKHT4rB0kQ6AEIUzAH#v=onepage&q=in 1850 how many people were millionaires&f=false

So I'd like you proponents of socialism.....
(From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World)
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World

Please counter in an intelligent dialogue as to why with the above FACTS your socialism position is
better then the American/world models of capitalism at work?
I don't agree with communism, but I also don't think Bernie Sanders's goal is to destroy capitalism, like the Soviet Union did.

The silly thing about that cell phone thing you posted is that while several countries have more cell phones than people, Russia has a lot more cell phones, disproportionately so. I don't know what conclusions about capitalism this fact brings.

In 1870 you could probably buy a candy bar for 1 cent, so I wouldn't take that millionaire count literally. Plus that Google link does not work for me.
how wrong anti-capitalist, pro-socialism people like Bernie Sanders supporters and ALL progressives that deride America and what has been accomplished!

When in all of humankind history have humans been able to:
1) write something that can be read by nearly half of the 7.5 billion inhabitants.
World Internet Users Statistics and 2017 World Population Stats
2) call or text to anywhere in the world instantly to nearly 7 billion cell phones
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia

So explain to me how the Internet originally a DARPA project was quickly adopted by the general population and greatly expanded the market, i.e. through that dastardly tool...CAPITALISM!

3) Now contrary to almost ALL Sanders/progressives,etc. all millionaires inherited their fortune!
a) 47% of millionaires are business owners.
b) 23% of the world's millionaires got that way through paid work, consisting mostly of skilled
professionals or managers. Millionaire - Wikipedia
Nearly 70% making their fortunes through capitalism at work!

15.7 million of the 321 million Americans or one Millionaire for every 20 Americans in 2015.

In 1870 there were around 100 millionaires in a population of 38,558,371... or a ratio of one millionaire for every 385,583 Americans.
https://books.google.com/booksid=NIOx3DQdSeUC&pg=PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=in+1850+how+many+people+were+millionaires&source=bl&ots=aMjDIiUKI2&sig=GMD49xzhCmXL16bARrAcgDqfug&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSm73AhcrTAhXoz4MKHT4rB0kQ6AEIUzAH#v=onepage&q=in 1850 how many people were millionaires&f=false

So I'd like you proponents of socialism.....
(From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World)
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World

Please counter in an intelligent dialogue as to why with the above FACTS your socialism position is
better then the American/world models of capitalism at work?
Richard did a decent job of debunking your claims. I'll add my two cents. I'm Belgian we are capitalistic, just like France and presumably Venezuela, free enterprise is the driving force of much of our economy. We however have chosen to adopt policies trough the government to protect it's citizens against UNBRIDLED Capitalism and we have adopted policies to give it's citizens an even playing field and protection against unforeseen events, so that whatever happens a certain level of living standard can be maintained. This means affordable universal healthcare, near free education and unemployment compensation high enough so ppl in between jobs don't become homeless people. It doesn't work perfectly but I'm willing to compare most of it to the AVERAGE American.

One question for you then.. why do these people want to come to the USA and not to the paradise known as Belgium?

View attachment 134594
Easy, because most people get their impression of the US trough TV not actual research. Hollywood in general paints a romantic picture of the US. My wife is American she decided to live here, because she feels the level of education is higher here than in the US. I've seen the US system in action through my family, who are lower,middle and upper middle class and their experiences deal with stuff that's unheard of in my country.

Well your education seems to have missed what the little red dotted line....... means under the word "trough".
I excuse you though because English may not be your
native tongue BUT please why the problem in not noticing "trough" is not a real word?
I infer you meant "through"?

And I do agree with you SOME people get their impressions of information "through" TV as evidenced by the idiots that believe Trump who married a "LEGAL" immigrant
is "anti-immigrant" as the biased MSM portrays.

Also I'd agree with your "ANECDOTAL" stories as they are just that!
You may have lived in an democrat controlled school district where "political correctness" reigns.
BUT to indict the entire US educational system speaks VOLUMES as to YOUR education.
Educated people don't make generalized statements based on anecdotal,subjective experiences.
So let's compare...

14. Belgium : At a time went the country is only ten points away from ranking in the top 10 best education systems, the country is starting to decrease educational funding.
The World’s Best 20 Education Systems Rankings Third Quarter Report - Educate Every Child on the Planet: The World Top 20 Project NOTE: decreasing funding!

Now of course the USA is ranked behind Belgium at 18th of the top 20.
Of course there is a slight difference in population: Belgium 11.29 million : USA: 321.4 million....hmmm seems there is an issue here. But I'm not the expert you are!
And of course at $12,731 per student on secondary education, the USA schools have:
And of course this is just ONE school system but:
"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
140 student languages in suburban Georgia school district

Belgium spent in 2011 less then $12,000

Belgium's three official languages are Dutch, spoken by 59% of the population, French, spoken by 40%, and German, spoken by less than 1%
https://www.oecd.org/edu/EAG2014-Indicator B1 (eng).pdf

Hmmm... 140 languages versus Belgium 3?
Again I'm just saying when considering nearly 46 times as many languages the school system confronts then the 3 languages Belgians speak does have an affect!
-You are right my experiences are anecdotal. But general conclusions can be reached using anecdotal experiences. For instance our public school system begins at 2,5 not 6 years old as is customary in the US. We have systems in place that not just offers basic education but also offers education towards a trade if a student is incapable/unwilling to go to college. He will be a plumber, electrician or something by the time he/she graduates high school. We don't have to wait to get a prescription filled when we turn it in at the farmacy. Our post-op drug prescriptions contain less or even no opioids so people don't become addicts after a surgery. There is a system in place that provides physical therapists coming to the house, so people who are bedridden actually get the care they need. These systems are available to all citizens not just those who can afford it. I can bring these things up because of my anecdotal experiences. As to my spelling error. Yes this is actually my second language, I consider myself fluent in. I have knowledge of two more, which brings my total to four. How many do you speak since you seem to draw a GENERAL conclusion about my education, using the ANECDOTAL experience of my posts?
-"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
This point is bogus. Unless you are claiming that Georgia offers education in 140 languages.
Education is offered in French, German, or Dutch depending on where you live. There are also a few international schools who offer education in English. The students hail from way more countries and speak different languages but they have to follow school in one of the 4 languages on offer, how is this different from the US?
- How is the amount of people relevant to the AVERAGE level of education? Doesn't average usually mean the amount of people is factored out? Btw, the fact that you immediately try to preempt my obvious reply that America is ranked below Belgium by coming up with justifications, shows that you yourself realise how weak the argument you're making is.
Last edited:
how wrong anti-capitalist, pro-socialism people like Bernie Sanders supporters and ALL progressives that deride America and what has been accomplished!

When in all of humankind history have humans been able to:
1) write something that can be read by nearly half of the 7.5 billion inhabitants.
World Internet Users Statistics and 2017 World Population Stats
2) call or text to anywhere in the world instantly to nearly 7 billion cell phones
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia

So explain to me how the Internet originally a DARPA project was quickly adopted by the general population and greatly expanded the market, i.e. through that dastardly tool...CAPITALISM!

3) Now contrary to almost ALL Sanders/progressives,etc. all millionaires inherited their fortune!
a) 47% of millionaires are business owners.
b) 23% of the world's millionaires got that way through paid work, consisting mostly of skilled
professionals or managers. Millionaire - Wikipedia
Nearly 70% making their fortunes through capitalism at work!

15.7 million of the 321 million Americans or one Millionaire for every 20 Americans in 2015.

In 1870 there were around 100 millionaires in a population of 38,558,371... or a ratio of one millionaire for every 385,583 Americans.
https://books.google.com/booksid=NIOx3DQdSeUC&pg=PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=in+1850+how+many+people+were+millionaires&source=bl&ots=aMjDIiUKI2&sig=GMD49xzhCmXL16bARrAcgDqfug&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSm73AhcrTAhXoz4MKHT4rB0kQ6AEIUzAH#v=onepage&q=in 1850 how many people were millionaires&f=false

So I'd like you proponents of socialism.....
(From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World)
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World

Please counter in an intelligent dialogue as to why with the above FACTS your socialism position is
better then the American/world models of capitalism at work?
I don't agree with communism, but I also don't think Bernie Sanders's goal is to destroy capitalism, like the Soviet Union did.

The silly thing about that cell phone thing you posted is that while several countries have more cell phones than people, Russia has a lot more cell phones, disproportionately so. I don't know what conclusions about capitalism this fact brings.

In 1870 you could probably buy a candy bar for 1 cent, so I wouldn't take that millionaire count literally. Plus that Google link does not work for me.

Never said Sanders wanted to destroy. He just hasn't worked in the "capitalism" system!
Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.
Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics

So I don't put much stock in his experiences!

Cell phones... true Russia has in 2015 256.1 million cell phones for 142.9 million people!
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia
But my point about cell phones is that they would have never come about if it weren't for capitalism!
Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 2.22.49 PM.png

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
View attachment 134614

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
I'm not sure about pencils. All the Eastern Block countries had their own factories, as did the US, and a bunch of Western European countries. Not as many do anymore.

While there are still some pencil manufacturers in different countries, there's even less ballpoint pen manufacturers than there used to be.

Manufacturing has gone to China, and it's not just pens and pencils. And the precise cause is likely capitalism (although I am not for communism), it's cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and there's more money to be made if it is.
how wrong anti-capitalist, pro-socialism people like Bernie Sanders supporters and ALL progressives that deride America and what has been accomplished!

When in all of humankind history have humans been able to:
1) write something that can be read by nearly half of the 7.5 billion inhabitants.
World Internet Users Statistics and 2017 World Population Stats
2) call or text to anywhere in the world instantly to nearly 7 billion cell phones
List of countries by number of mobile phones in use - Wikipedia

So explain to me how the Internet originally a DARPA project was quickly adopted by the general population and greatly expanded the market, i.e. through that dastardly tool...CAPITALISM!

3) Now contrary to almost ALL Sanders/progressives,etc. all millionaires inherited their fortune!
a) 47% of millionaires are business owners.
b) 23% of the world's millionaires got that way through paid work, consisting mostly of skilled
professionals or managers. Millionaire - Wikipedia
Nearly 70% making their fortunes through capitalism at work!

15.7 million of the 321 million Americans or one Millionaire for every 20 Americans in 2015.

In 1870 there were around 100 millionaires in a population of 38,558,371... or a ratio of one millionaire for every 385,583 Americans.
https://books.google.com/booksid=NIOx3DQdSeUC&pg=PA218&lpg=PA218&dq=in+1850+how+many+people+were+millionaires&source=bl&ots=aMjDIiUKI2&sig=GMD49xzhCmXL16bARrAcgDqfug&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSm73AhcrTAhXoz4MKHT4rB0kQ6AEIUzAH#v=onepage&q=in 1850 how many people were millionaires&f=false

So I'd like you proponents of socialism.....
(From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World)
From Venezuela to France, Socialism Is Failing All Over the World

Please counter in an intelligent dialogue as to why with the above FACTS your socialism position is
better then the American/world models of capitalism at work?
Richard did a decent job of debunking your claims. I'll add my two cents. I'm Belgian we are capitalistic, just like France and presumably Venezuela, free enterprise is the driving force of much of our economy. We however have chosen to adopt policies trough the government to protect it's citizens against UNBRIDLED Capitalism and we have adopted policies to give it's citizens an even playing field and protection against unforeseen events, so that whatever happens a certain level of living standard can be maintained. This means affordable universal healthcare, near free education and unemployment compensation high enough so ppl in between jobs don't become homeless people. It doesn't work perfectly but I'm willing to compare most of it to the AVERAGE American.

One question for you then.. why do these people want to come to the USA and not to the paradise known as Belgium?

View attachment 134594
Easy, because most people get their impression of the US trough TV not actual research. Hollywood in general paints a romantic picture of the US. My wife is American she decided to live here, because she feels the level of education is higher here than in the US. I've seen the US system in action through my family, who are lower,middle and upper middle class and their experiences deal with stuff that's unheard of in my country.

Well your education seems to have missed what the little red dotted line....... means under the word "trough".
I excuse you though because English may not be your
native tongue BUT please why the problem in not noticing "trough" is not a real word?
I infer you meant "through"?

And I do agree with you SOME people get their impressions of information "through" TV as evidenced by the idiots that believe Trump who married a "LEGAL" immigrant
is "anti-immigrant" as the biased MSM portrays.

Also I'd agree with your "ANECDOTAL" stories as they are just that!
You may have lived in an democrat controlled school district where "political correctness" reigns.
BUT to indict the entire US educational system speaks VOLUMES as to YOUR education.
Educated people don't make generalized statements based on anecdotal,subjective experiences.
So let's compare...

14. Belgium : At a time went the country is only ten points away from ranking in the top 10 best education systems, the country is starting to decrease educational funding.
The World’s Best 20 Education Systems Rankings Third Quarter Report - Educate Every Child on the Planet: The World Top 20 Project NOTE: decreasing funding!

Now of course the USA is ranked behind Belgium at 18th of the top 20.
Of course there is a slight difference in population: Belgium 11.29 million : USA: 321.4 million....hmmm seems there is an issue here. But I'm not the expert you are!
And of course at $12,731 per student on secondary education, the USA schools have:
And of course this is just ONE school system but:
"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
140 student languages in suburban Georgia school district

Belgium spent in 2011 less then $12,000

Belgium's three official languages are Dutch, spoken by 59% of the population, French, spoken by 40%, and German, spoken by less than 1%
https://www.oecd.org/edu/EAG2014-Indicator B1 (eng).pdf

Hmmm... 140 languages versus Belgium 3?
Again I'm just saying when considering nearly 46 times as many languages the school system confronts then the 3 languages Belgians speak does have an affect!
-You are right my experiences are anecdotal. But general conclusions can be reached using anecdotal experiences. For instance our public school system begins at 2,5 not 6 years old as is customary in the US. We have systems in place that not just offers basic education but also offers education towards a trade if a student is incapable/unwilling to go to college. He will be a plumber, electrician or something by the time he/she graduates high school. We don't have to wait to get a prescription filled when we turn it in at the farmacy. Our post-op drug prescriptions contain less or even no opioids so people don't become addicts after a surgery. There is a system in place that provides physical therapists coming to the house, so people who are bedridden actually get the care they need. These systems are available to all citizens not just those who can afford it. I can bring these things up because of my anecdotal experiences. As to my spelling error. Yes this is actually my second language, I consider myself fluent in. I have knowledge of two more, which brings my total to four. How many do you speak since you seem to draw a GENERAL conclusion about my education, using the ANECDOTAL experience of my posts?
-"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
This point is bogus. Unless you are claiming that Georgia offers education in 140 languages.
Education is offered in French, German, and Dutch depending on where you live. There are also a few international schools who offer education in English. The students hail from way more countries and speak different languages but they have to follow school in one of the 4 languages on offer, how is this different from the US?
- How is the amount of people relevant to the AVERAGE level of education? Doesn't average usually mean the amount of people is factored out? Btw, the fact that you immediately try to preempt my obvious reply that America is ranked below Belgium by coming up with justifications, shows that you yourself realise how weak the argument you're making is.

Yes kindergarten in USA general starts at 6 years old.
But you didn't mention this: In 2015,
38 percent of 3-year-olds, 67 percent of 4-year-olds, and 87 percent of 5-year-olds were enrolled in preprimary programs,
The Condition of Education - Participation in Education - Preprimary - Preschool and Kindergarten Enrollment - Indicator April (2017)
This refutes your first statement in that you concluded that ALL US students were behind Belgium because they didn't start till age 6.
Now as far as trade schools. Yes I agree that in the past especially 8 years there seem to be due to the pompous butts in D.C. that college was the ONLY alternative.
But how fortunate! Today Donald Trump is at a college that EMPHASIS is on trades!
And how does the pompous MSM treat this?
Who else but Trump to call for a nation full of apprentices?
Who else but Trump to call for a nation full of apprentices?
President Trump will travel to Iowa on Wednesday to highlight the need for Internet connectivity in rural areas and to promote the administration’s technology agenda, as the White House takes its policy push outside of the frenzy of the Beltway.

Trump will visit Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, home of the nation’s largest two-year agricultural college program, to view the school’s cutting edge “agricultural geo-spatial technology and precision farming” techniques.

Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
View attachment 134614

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
I'm not sure about pencils. All the Eastern Block countries had their own factories, as did the US, and a bunch of Western European countries. Not as many do anymore.

While there are still some pencil manufacturers in different countries, there's even less ballpoint pen manufacturers than there used to be.

Manufacturing has gone to China, and it's not just pens and pencils. And the precise cause is likely capitalism (although I am not for communism), it's cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and there's more money to be made if it is.

Not talking about that!
Point was you couldn't have a pencil made by an individual. You needed factories. Lead mining. A lot of factors involved that mass production and most efficiently profitable organizations did.
Richard did a decent job of debunking your claims. I'll add my two cents. I'm Belgian we are capitalistic, just like France and presumably Venezuela, free enterprise is the driving force of much of our economy. We however have chosen to adopt policies trough the government to protect it's citizens against UNBRIDLED Capitalism and we have adopted policies to give it's citizens an even playing field and protection against unforeseen events, so that whatever happens a certain level of living standard can be maintained. This means affordable universal healthcare, near free education and unemployment compensation high enough so ppl in between jobs don't become homeless people. It doesn't work perfectly but I'm willing to compare most of it to the AVERAGE American.

One question for you then.. why do these people want to come to the USA and not to the paradise known as Belgium?

View attachment 134594
Easy, because most people get their impression of the US trough TV not actual research. Hollywood in general paints a romantic picture of the US. My wife is American she decided to live here, because she feels the level of education is higher here than in the US. I've seen the US system in action through my family, who are lower,middle and upper middle class and their experiences deal with stuff that's unheard of in my country.

Well your education seems to have missed what the little red dotted line....... means under the word "trough".
I excuse you though because English may not be your
native tongue BUT please why the problem in not noticing "trough" is not a real word?
I infer you meant "through"?

And I do agree with you SOME people get their impressions of information "through" TV as evidenced by the idiots that believe Trump who married a "LEGAL" immigrant
is "anti-immigrant" as the biased MSM portrays.

Also I'd agree with your "ANECDOTAL" stories as they are just that!
You may have lived in an democrat controlled school district where "political correctness" reigns.
BUT to indict the entire US educational system speaks VOLUMES as to YOUR education.
Educated people don't make generalized statements based on anecdotal,subjective experiences.
So let's compare...

14. Belgium : At a time went the country is only ten points away from ranking in the top 10 best education systems, the country is starting to decrease educational funding.
The World’s Best 20 Education Systems Rankings Third Quarter Report - Educate Every Child on the Planet: The World Top 20 Project NOTE: decreasing funding!

Now of course the USA is ranked behind Belgium at 18th of the top 20.
Of course there is a slight difference in population: Belgium 11.29 million : USA: 321.4 million....hmmm seems there is an issue here. But I'm not the expert you are!
And of course at $12,731 per student on secondary education, the USA schools have:
And of course this is just ONE school system but:
"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
140 student languages in suburban Georgia school district

Belgium spent in 2011 less then $12,000

Belgium's three official languages are Dutch, spoken by 59% of the population, French, spoken by 40%, and German, spoken by less than 1%
https://www.oecd.org/edu/EAG2014-Indicator B1 (eng).pdf

Hmmm... 140 languages versus Belgium 3?
Again I'm just saying when considering nearly 46 times as many languages the school system confronts then the 3 languages Belgians speak does have an affect!
-You are right my experiences are anecdotal. But general conclusions can be reached using anecdotal experiences. For instance our public school system begins at 2,5 not 6 years old as is customary in the US. We have systems in place that not just offers basic education but also offers education towards a trade if a student is incapable/unwilling to go to college. He will be a plumber, electrician or something by the time he/she graduates high school. We don't have to wait to get a prescription filled when we turn it in at the farmacy. Our post-op drug prescriptions contain less or even no opioids so people don't become addicts after a surgery. There is a system in place that provides physical therapists coming to the house, so people who are bedridden actually get the care they need. These systems are available to all citizens not just those who can afford it. I can bring these things up because of my anecdotal experiences. As to my spelling error. Yes this is actually my second language, I consider myself fluent in. I have knowledge of two more, which brings my total to four. How many do you speak since you seem to draw a GENERAL conclusion about my education, using the ANECDOTAL experience of my posts?
-"We have 102,000 students here. They come from more than 180 countries, and they speak 140 languages."
This point is bogus. Unless you are claiming that Georgia offers education in 140 languages.
Education is offered in French, German, and Dutch depending on where you live. There are also a few international schools who offer education in English. The students hail from way more countries and speak different languages but they have to follow school in one of the 4 languages on offer, how is this different from the US?
- How is the amount of people relevant to the AVERAGE level of education? Doesn't average usually mean the amount of people is factored out? Btw, the fact that you immediately try to preempt my obvious reply that America is ranked below Belgium by coming up with justifications, shows that you yourself realise how weak the argument you're making is.

Yes kindergarten in USA general starts at 6 years old.
But you didn't mention this: In 2015,
38 percent of 3-year-olds, 67 percent of 4-year-olds, and 87 percent of 5-year-olds were enrolled in preprimary programs,
The Condition of Education - Participation in Education - Preprimary - Preschool and Kindergarten Enrollment - Indicator April (2017)
This refutes your first statement in that you concluded that ALL US students were behind Belgium because they didn't start till age 6.
Now as far as trade schools. Yes I agree that in the past especially 8 years there seem to be due to the pompous butts in D.C. that college was the ONLY alternative.
But how fortunate! Today Donald Trump is at a college that EMPHASIS is on trades!
And how does the pompous MSM treat this?
Who else but Trump to call for a nation full of apprentices?
Who else but Trump to call for a nation full of apprentices?
President Trump will travel to Iowa on Wednesday to highlight the need for Internet connectivity in rural areas and to promote the administration’s technology agenda, as the White House takes its policy push outside of the frenzy of the Beltway.

Trump will visit Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, home of the nation’s largest two-year agricultural college program, to view the school’s cutting edge “agricultural geo-spatial technology and precision farming” techniques.
Trump heads to heartland for tech push
Explain to me how this."our public school system begins at 2,5 not 6 years old as is customary in the US." Becomes this,"This refutes your first statement in that you concluded that ALL US students were behind Belgium"? As I pointed out in my very first post. I'm willing to compare the AVERAGE kid. I'm usually very careful of providing and saying only those things I can back up. So if you can find me saying that all students were behind Belgium, I will happily apologize for saying something I can't back up.
I have noticed that you aren't disputing the premise of what I say. You are selectively answering,misquoting, trying to justify and in general trying to deflect, but you aren't arguing the merit of your own OP. I very much appreciate you putting in your original OP your willingness to engage in a substantive argument about the respective merits of both our systems, but it doesn't work if you are unwilling to argue those things that actually compare both our systems.
Last edited:
Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
View attachment 134614

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
I'm not sure about pencils. All the Eastern Block countries had their own factories, as did the US, and a bunch of Western European countries. Not as many do anymore.

While there are still some pencil manufacturers in different countries, there's even less ballpoint pen manufacturers than there used to be.

Manufacturing has gone to China, and it's not just pens and pencils. And the precise cause is likely capitalism (although I am not for communism), it's cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and there's more money to be made if it is.

Not talking about that!
Point was you couldn't have a pencil made by an individual. You needed factories. Lead mining. A lot of factors involved that mass production and most efficiently profitable organizations did.
No, it's not lead, it's graphite. It does have to be mined. And it's even harder to make a pen than a pencil without a factory.

Communists were able to open all kinds of factories and industrialize, precisely because of the controlled economy. That's why you could buy locally produced pencils and radios and whatever else in most communist countries.

In fact, if it were not for socialist measures, the US would never have made it out of WWII. I don't mean because of the alliance to the Soviet Union, but the US economy was heavily controlled by the government.
Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
View attachment 134614

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
I'm not sure about pencils. All the Eastern Block countries had their own factories, as did the US, and a bunch of Western European countries. Not as many do anymore.

While there are still some pencil manufacturers in different countries, there's even less ballpoint pen manufacturers than there used to be.

Manufacturing has gone to China, and it's not just pens and pencils. And the precise cause is likely capitalism (although I am not for communism), it's cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and there's more money to be made if it is.

Not talking about that!
Point was you couldn't have a pencil made by an individual. You needed factories. Lead mining. A lot of factors involved that mass production and most efficiently profitable organizations did.
No, it's not lead, it's graphite. It does have to be mined. And it's even harder to make a pen than a pencil without a factory.

Communists were able to open all kinds of factories and industrialize, precisely because of the controlled economy. That's why you could buy locally produced pencils and radios and whatever else in most communist countries.

In fact, if it were not for socialist measures, the US would never have made it out of WWII. I don't mean because of the alliance to the Soviet Union, but the US economy was heavily controlled by the government.

No question about FDR's communist control of the economy during that time.
Think though how much more quickly effort/risks/rewards process had been adopted rather then the strict government controls?
There is hardly ANY innovation generated by government. Governments contract to have creativity, development but when was the last market
accept concept or product or service developed only by government controls? Even the pencil was NOT developed under government controls but by a risk
taking individual!
Around 1560, an Italian couple named Simonio and Lyndiana Bernacotti made what are likely the first blueprints for the modern, wood-encased carpentry pencil. Their version was a flat, oval, more compact type of pencil. Their concept involved the hollowing out of a stick of juniper wood. Shortly thereafter, a superior technique was discovered: two wooden halves were carved, a graphite stick inserted, and the halves then glued together—essentially the same method in use to this day.Pencil - Wikipedia
Here is a simple illustration:
Can you as an individual sit down and make the following?
View attachment 134614

I guarantee you can not make one let alone Three.
No way could you make the exact same type of pencil by hand! NO way!
And then sell it for pennies?
Now non-capitalist countries can develop and manufacture but NO WAY COULD they compete with the market place and capitalism to provide the start up to make it work!
Please prove me wrong!
I'm not sure about pencils. All the Eastern Block countries had their own factories, as did the US, and a bunch of Western European countries. Not as many do anymore.

While there are still some pencil manufacturers in different countries, there's even less ballpoint pen manufacturers than there used to be.

Manufacturing has gone to China, and it's not just pens and pencils. And the precise cause is likely capitalism (although I am not for communism), it's cheaper to manufacture elsewhere and there's more money to be made if it is.

Not talking about that!
Point was you couldn't have a pencil made by an individual. You needed factories. Lead mining. A lot of factors involved that mass production and most efficiently profitable organizations did.
No, it's not lead, it's graphite. It does have to be mined. And it's even harder to make a pen than a pencil without a factory.

Communists were able to open all kinds of factories and industrialize, precisely because of the controlled economy. That's why you could buy locally produced pencils and radios and whatever else in most communist countries.

In fact, if it were not for socialist measures, the US would never have made it out of WWII. I don't mean because of the alliance to the Soviet Union, but the US economy was heavily controlled by the government.

No question about FDR's communist control of the economy during that time.
Think though how much more quickly effort/risks/rewards process had been adopted rather then the strict government controls?
There is hardly ANY innovation generated by government. Governments contract to have creativity, development but when was the last market
accept concept or product or service developed only by government controls? Even the pencil was NOT developed under government controls but by a risk
taking individual!
Around 1560, an Italian couple named Simonio and Lyndiana Bernacotti made what are likely the first blueprints for the modern, wood-encased carpentry pencil. Their version was a flat, oval, more compact type of pencil. Their concept involved the hollowing out of a stick of juniper wood. Shortly thereafter, a superior technique was discovered: two wooden halves were carved, a graphite stick inserted, and the halves then glued together—essentially the same method in use to this day.Pencil - Wikipedia

This is not true, as anyone familiar with tech developments will tell you - government has had a big hand in just about every field, from materials to mathematics to agriculture to medicine to communications including radiowave, internet and space tech.

Private enterprize is excellent at creative proliferation and adoption of technologies but when it comes to base tech research it's crazy to exclude all the stuff public funding paid for.
No question about FDR's communist control of the economy during that time.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it communist, socialist maybe.

There were still big businesses not owned by the state, religion was not outlawed or discouraged.

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