Everyones favourite football hooligan/drug dealer/fraudster/wife beater in trouble again

THe point is that you find it more offensive that I use the term, "white children" to discuss a massive crime committed against white children,

Except the crimes were committed against children of all colours and religions, the MSM just chose to highlight the "whitness" of some of the victims, as did (and still do) right-wing racists and religious bigots everywhere.

Do you have a link to support that claim? Because the information I have seen has been mostly very vague on that, and if my understanding of the victims being all, or nearly all white, is incorrect that does change some things some.

Sure, no problem.
Rotherham: ‘It’s sad that it’s taken something so horrific to give voice to these girls’
Muslim Women Network
Jay Report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham

Normally in this type of situation, I would demand that instead of a link, or worse a series of links, that you show me where the point is.

BUT, I really wanted this information, because I have looked and not been able to find it, so I looked at your links.

THe first one, is the only one on topic.

It refers to the victims of the Rotherham Ring as "mostly white", and then wanders a bit, and then starts talking about other girls, non white girls being preyed on by older men.

The context IMPLIES that there might be overlap between the rotherham ring and the set of predators that they are referring to, but the claim is not actually MADE.

And, there is nothing I saw about who many non-whites, if any, were molested by the rotherham ring.

So, "mostly white"? Does that mean 51%? Or does that mean 1399 white girls and one black?

This is a reoccurring issue I have with protections for minors. I understand the reason for it. But we as a society need these answers so that we can understand the problem(s) we are facing.

THe other two links, make the case that while the Rotherham Rape Ring was going on, other people were committing other crimes, sometimes against young girls.

It is silly of you to post them. I will not insult your intelligence by explaining why.

I don't think the numbers are available. I think the numbers have been suppressed by the UK government to hide how bad it is.

Given that the identities of the victims are kept secret, to protect them, it's not surprising. The important points to note are that child sex exploitation, in the UK at least, is not limited to Asian men (Muslim or otherwise). in Fact around 90% of child sex abusers and gangs are White men. It's not about race or religion, it's about control and profit. You need to read the Jay report and other reports available on the internet to grasp the true nature of CSE in the UK.

Steven Yaxley-Lennon, didn't care about the victims, he just wanted to pursue his racist agenda, fact.
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.
THe point is that you find it more offensive that I use the term, "white children" to discuss a massive crime committed against white children,

Except the crimes were committed against children of all colours and religions, the MSM just chose to highlight the "whitness" of some of the victims, as did (and still do) right-wing racists and religious bigots everywhere.

Do you have a link to support that claim? Because the information I have seen has been mostly very vague on that, and if my understanding of the victims being all, or nearly all white, is incorrect that does change some things some.

Sure, no problem.
Rotherham: ‘It’s sad that it’s taken something so horrific to give voice to these girls’
Muslim Women Network
Jay Report into child sexual exploitation in Rotherham

Normally in this type of situation, I would demand that instead of a link, or worse a series of links, that you show me where the point is.

BUT, I really wanted this information, because I have looked and not been able to find it, so I looked at your links.

THe first one, is the only one on topic.

It refers to the victims of the Rotherham Ring as "mostly white", and then wanders a bit, and then starts talking about other girls, non white girls being preyed on by older men.

The context IMPLIES that there might be overlap between the rotherham ring and the set of predators that they are referring to, but the claim is not actually MADE.

And, there is nothing I saw about who many non-whites, if any, were molested by the rotherham ring.

So, "mostly white"? Does that mean 51%? Or does that mean 1399 white girls and one black?

This is a reoccurring issue I have with protections for minors. I understand the reason for it. But we as a society need these answers so that we can understand the problem(s) we are facing.

THe other two links, make the case that while the Rotherham Rape Ring was going on, other people were committing other crimes, sometimes against young girls.

It is silly of you to post them. I will not insult your intelligence by explaining why.

I don't think the numbers are available. I think the numbers have been suppressed by the UK government to hide how bad it is.

Given that the identities of the victims are kept secret, to protect them, it's not surprising. The important points to note are that child sex exploitation, in the UK at least, is not limited to Asian men (Muslim or otherwise). in Fact around 90% of child sex abusers and gangs are White men. It's not about race or religion, it's about control and profit. You need to read the Jay report and other reports available on the internet to grasp the true nature of CSE in the UK.

Steven Yaxley-Lennon, didn't care about the victims, he just wanted to pursue his racist agenda, fact.

1. How do you know it was not about race or religion in the Rotherham Rape Ring?

2. How do you know that 90% of abusers are "white men"?

3. And how is that number even relevant? The Rotherham Rape Ring is an odd occurrence, I hope, very different, I hope, from other crimes and criminals and/or abusers. Looking at it, and the other similar rape rings as a special class of problem,could be useful.
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.

So, no balance between the right of the public to be informed/ the right of the reporter to operate, and the rights of the accused.

And it just happens to make things easier for the government...

This does not reflect well on the UK.
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.

So, no balance between the right of the public to be informed/ the right of the reporter to operate, and the rights of the accused.

And it just happens to make things easier for the government...

This does not reflect well on the UK.
Judges in the US have the same powers. Rightly so.
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.

So, no balance between the right of the public to be informed/ the right of the reporter to operate, and the rights of the accused.

And it just happens to make things easier for the government...

This does not reflect well on the UK.
Judges in the US have the same powers. Rightly so.

I've never heard of a reporter in the US being arrested for such a crime. I've heard of many juries being sequestered.

Your blind trust in a government that allows and even actively supports the mass rape of your children, is insane.
I've never heard of a reporter in the US being arrested for such a crime. I've heard of many juries being sequestered.

Canada and the UK both do this. The banning of reporting during the trial is done so the accused can get a fair trial. This is an attempt so the jury isn't biased by biased and sensationalist reporting. Afterwards, all transcripts of the trial are released to whomever wants them. The reason why Canada and the UK do this is because sometimes society goes batshit insane if they see everything during the trial, like the US did during the OJ Simpson trial.

Sequestering juries in the US attempts to do the same thing. That doesn't happen in Canada and the UK.
I've never heard of a reporter in the US being arrested for such a crime. I've heard of many juries being sequestered.

Canada and the UK both do this. The banning of reporting during the trial is done so the accused can get a fair trial. This is an attempt so the jury isn't biased by biased and sensationalist reporting. Afterwards, all transcripts of the trial are released to whomever wants them. The reason why Canada and the UK do this is because sometimes society goes batshit insane if they see everything during the trial, like the US did during the OJ Simpson trial.

Sequestering juries in the US attempts to do the same thing. That doesn't happen in Canada and the UK.

Yeah, I get that.

But, there seems to have been very little discussion of the underlying issues that led to the government of the UK not only allowing the mass rape of children, for decades, but in at least one case, actively supporting it.

IMO, in a sane world, the politicians and the parties and the policies behind such treason, should have been torn to pieces by angry mobs.

Instead, a few low level councilmen fell on their swords, and nothing changed.

It is insane.

Less reporting on the issue, does not seem like something to make it better.
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.

So, no balance between the right of the public to be informed/ the right of the reporter to operate, and the rights of the accused.

And it just happens to make things easier for the government...

This does not reflect well on the UK.
Judges in the US have the same powers. Rightly so.

I've never heard of a reporter in the US being arrested for such a crime. I've heard of many juries being sequestered.

Your blind trust in a government that allows and even actively supports the mass rape of your children, is insane.
When Silence Isn’t Golden: How Gag Orders Can Evade First Amendment Protections - Yale Law School
I asked you a question. IN your system, can your judge order the jury to be sequesterd?

You didn't ask me, but the answer is no, judges cannot "sequester" juries in the UK. They can issue what you call gag orders while the trial goes on. These are lifted once the trial has concluded.

So, no balance between the right of the public to be informed/ the right of the reporter to operate, and the rights of the accused.

And it just happens to make things easier for the government...

This does not reflect well on the UK.
Judges in the US have the same powers. Rightly so.

I've never heard of a reporter in the US being arrested for such a crime. I've heard of many juries being sequestered.

Your blind trust in a government that allows and even actively supports the mass rape of your children, is insane.
When Silence Isn’t Golden: How Gag Orders Can Evade First Amendment Protections - Yale Law School

You got a point to make, lefty, make it. A link is to SUPPORT your claims, not make them for you.
here we are in the middle of a global disaster and all Tommy can think about is what he can do to see to it that more children are raped.

sick sick sick.
2. How do you know that 90% of abusers are "white men"?

I don't. There are several issues in geting accurate data, however, the statement came from this article We need to dispel the dangerous myth that it's only Asian men who sexually assault young women "Yes Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in grooming gangs, and no, that is not a racist statement. Neither is it racist to say that when it comes to wider child abuse nearly 90 per cent of those convicted and on the sex offenders register are white men."

1. How do you know it was not about race or religion in the Rotherham Rape Ring

How do you know it was?
2. How do you know that 90% of abusers are "white men"?

I don't. There are several issues in geting accurate data, however, the statement came from this article We need to dispel the dangerous myth that it's only Asian men who sexually assault young women "Yes Pakistani men are disproportionately involved in grooming gangs, and no, that is not a racist statement. Neither is it racist to say that when it comes to wider child abuse nearly 90 per cent of those convicted and on the sex offenders register are white men."

1. How do you know it was not about race or religion in the Rotherham Rape Ring

How do you know it was?

1. I've never, nor have I ever seen anyone claiming that only Asian men were/are sexually assaulting young women. That is a total strawman, and I don't see why you want to waste time on such a stupid strawman.

2. I don't. Because I don't have good data. ANd because the right questions have not, that I have seen, even been asked. It is strongly suggested by the fact that the Ring was all "asian", and the victims seem to be, at least, vast majority white, and really, I'm not convinced that were not ALL white.

3. ANd whether it is or is NOT, needs to be established, because that changes the reaction should be.
Steven Yaxley-Lennon, didn't care about the victims, he just wanted to pursue his racist agenda, fact.

I remind you that subhuman child-raping Islamist savages, and the subhuman pieces of shit who take their side, are not a race, therefore, it is not racist to oppose them, except in the deceitful left wrong-wing use of the term.

And I remind you that at no point in this, or any other discussion, has anyone taken the side of child abusers. Steven Yaxley-Lennon is a well known racist and Islamophobe, fact.
Steven Yaxley-Lennon, didn't care about the victims, he just wanted to pursue his racist agenda, fact.

I remind you that subhuman child-raping Islamist savages, and the subhuman pieces of shit who take their side, are not a race, therefore, it is not racist to oppose them, except in the deceitful left wrong-wing use of the term.

And I remind you that at no point in this, or any other discussion, has anyone taken the side of child abusers. Steven Yaxley-Lennon is a well known racist and Islamophobe, fact.

Tommy is supporting the rabid political correctness, which is the cause of the government allowing the rape ring to operate for over 3 decades.

That might not be a DIRECT defense of child rape, but in practice it will "Defend" any other existing or future rape rings,

AND ANY OTHER CRIMES OR EVEN CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, from "asians", either current or future.
Tommy Robinson faces assault charge after Center Parcs arrest
The former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson has been charged with common assault following an incident at Center Parcs in Bedfordshire.

Bedfordshire police said the 37-year-old, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was due to appear at Luton magistrates court on 2 April and had been released on bail.

I hope the courts show some compassion. Tommy hasnt been in trouble all year.
Notice how the Left Wingers never care about the suffering of children who are the victims of Islamic Pedo Rapist.
They hate the people who stand-up to the Groomers.
Maybe Liberals don't have souls.
And I remind you that at no point in this, or any other discussion, has anyone taken the side of child abusers. Steven Yaxley-Lennon is a well known racist and Islamophobe, fact.
You child rape supporters employ any of a number of means to ensure more children are raped. The chief tool in the arsenal you use is to focus your bile on any who oppose your fellow Muslims raping British children and calling people names in order to intimidate them into silence so the rapes can continue unabated.

If your goal wasn't to ensure British Children were raped, you child rape enablers would not lie like you have been doing repeatedly in this thread in order to protect them.

The actual FACTS are that THOUSANDS of British children have been raped by Muslim men, chosen because they are British. These children are degraded in horrible ways as a sign of cultural dominance while being called "easy meat" due to their ethnicity and because the rapists know they have utter filth like you who support their behavior and are actively abetting it like you do.
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Steven Yaxley-Lennon is a well known racist and Islamophobe, fact.

Again, child-raping Islamist savages are neither a race, nor reflective of mainstream Islam, so it is neither racist nor Islamaphobic to be opposed to them.

Your remark is nothing more than an example if the usual pattern of left wrong-wing filth crying BIGOT! when you are hopelessly losing an argument.

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