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Everything Trump: The Donald Trump Thread

Fat Bastardo

Senior Member
Jun 19, 2015
No Trigger Warning Needed: This post contains few facts and is mostly opinions. Anything factual will be highlighted in blue.

In spite of the media bashing the Donald is receiving from both the left and the right he remains strong in the polls. It his been said that if you let a liar talk long enough he will eventually tell the truth. The Donald told some major birther lies and the President with grace and style spanked him like a bratty child. Obama was gentle because he knew one thing; Trump was only doing what other Republicans do; he was appealing to the base.

IMO, Trump is a breath of fresh air because he is following the wisdom of John Wayne who said, "A man ought to say what he thinks" Trump did and now everyone is getting all politically correct. Did Trump tell the truth about Mexicans? Well that is hard to say but it is true that the Obama administration has deported a whole lot of undocumented Mexican for criminal activity. The Donald has put the Republican between a rock and a hard place. They are attacking Trump as a way to whore for the Hispanic vote and eventually the like many other Republican that have no core they will flip flop on the issue of immigration like McCain did following a precedent of Ronald Reagan's amnesty program.


The Donald In The Debates:

Who knows what he is going to say or do? Will the GOP be able to reign him in? I doubt it and as to what he will say I suspect that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and I expect him to have a lot of dirt on Jeb Bush.

Who will Trump clobber? Jeb Bush

Will his debate performance boost his already high poll numbers? Yes

Will Trump get the most applause lines? Yes by far.

Who will Trump bash the least? Rand Paul

IMO Donald Trump is dumb like a fox. He's manipulating the media like a master because he is a master. Trump has surrounded himself with smart people and his tactics and strategies are creative and effective. Trump is a business man who knows his customer/base and he's playing them like Jascha Heifetz played his violin.
Think of The Donald as The Bernie of The Republican Party.

Speaks truth and is vilified for it.

Which is why it would be so nice to have them both on the ballot in 2016.

Truth is so unique these days.

Sadly so.
True. The Donald will force the corporately-owned candidates (all of them basically) to talk about issues that they would rather gloss over.
My gawd. the left is like a chihuahua. ANKLE biters. you kick and kick to get them off and they are so stupid they come back for more

what a pathetic life

I guess it keeps them having to talk about the THree WHITE losers they have running for President

TWO almost a 100 yrs and one hardly anyone every heard of
There's another thing John Wayne said. "Life is tough. It's tougher if your're stupid."

Something the modern GOP learns every day.
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Think of The Donald as The Bernie of The Republican Party.

Speaks truth and is vilified for it.

Which is why it would be so nice to have them both on the ballot in 2016.

Truth is so unique these days.

Sadly so.

Truth itself is vilified these days. The Republicans have nothing to fear but truth. The Donald is bringing it! He's bringing it!

It is interesting that you mentions Sanders for a so called leftist he and Rand Paul share common ground. I only wish Paul didn't lie so much and could be more pragmatic.
Everything is already going to hell in a hand basket. Go ahead and vote for him.

We need a non-politician in the White House. Something has got to give!
I just want to know what criteria he uses when he picks his wives out of the beauty pageant line ups. Does he take them for test drives? How many does he go through before he picks the winner? Does he select a new one before he dumps the current issue?
I just want to know what criteria he uses when he picks his wives out of the beauty pageant line ups. Does he take them for test drives? How many does he go through before he picks the winner? Does he select a new one before he dumps the current issue?

You make it sound like he's Mickey Rooney. How many times has Trump been divorced? (Idjit!)
There's another thing John Wayne said. "Life is tough. It's tougher if your're stupid."

Something the modern GOP learns every day.

I don't attack the GOP per se. They are simply appealing to their demented base so they have to lie and say ugly things because that is what their base wants to hear. The blow the dog whistle to gin up support from the lowest of the low which is the Republican voter and not the Republican candidate. People like to blame Hitler for the holocaust but Hitler could not have done it without the support of a whole lot of Germans. Hitler was less evil than his supporters.

My grandfather earned 4 battle stars in WW-2. After serving if North Africa, Italy and France he served during the occupation of Germany as an interpreter. He executed Nazis. When they found one and they found a lot of them there were no trials. They got a bullet to the back of the head. They purged the the German gene pool of the Nazi gene. Maybe the same thing needs to happen here.

Never under estimate the power of a large group of very stupid and evil people. i.e. the Repubican base.
Think of The Donald as The Bernie of The Republican Party.

Speaks truth and is vilified for it.

Which is why it would be so nice to have them both on the ballot in 2016.

Truth is so unique these days.

Sadly so.
That's a nice story. If Bernie starts making a mockery of the Dem primary you might have a point.

Nutters love the Trump/Sanders comparison. That is....until the nation gets a good look at Bernie and realizes that said comparison is retarded.
I, uh, had to walk around the building a couple laps so my head wouldn't explode when someone said Trump speaks the truth.

That was just too much irony for one day, so I had to punch some puppies to keep in good standing with the ASPCA.
I just want to know what criteria he uses when he picks his wives out of the beauty pageant line ups. Does he take them for test drives? How many does he go through before he picks the winner? Does he select a new one before he dumps the current issue?

You make it sound like he's Mickey Rooney. How many times has Trump been divorced? (Idjit!)

Mickey Rooney was divorced a lot.

How many times was Gingrich and McCain divorced? Gingrich said of one of his wives that he was not pretty enough to be the wife of a president. Trump speaks highly of his ex wives. Also Trump is not a pedophile and unlike Jeb none of his wives were criminals and none of his kids were convicted criminals like Jeb's daughter Noel and Rand Paul's son, ...AND.. none of his daughters got themselves knocked up like Bristol Palin did twice. None of his wives every killed anyone like Laura Bush did.

Trump has never been arrested or convicted of a crime like Bush, Cheney and Romney.

Trump has a lot more morals than most of today's Republicans and that is a fact. Trump said of the Mexicans that are coming here illegally that a lot of them are criminals depending on what your definition of a lot is he was in his own mind was telling the truth. While I know that the vast majority of Mexicans would make splendid American citizens Trump would not agree at least when it come to the GOP base. Trump has to say what the lowlifes want to hear.
Think of The Donald as The Bernie of The Republican Party.

Speaks truth and is vilified for it.

Which is why it would be so nice to have them both on the ballot in 2016.

Truth is so unique these days.

Sadly so.
That's a nice story. If Bernie starts making a mockery of the Dem primary you might have a point.

Nutters love the Trump/Sanders comparison. That is....until the nation gets a good look at Bernie and realizes that said comparison is retarded.

Trump is the ringmaster for the Republican clown show. He's got the seals barking and the elephants walking in lockstep as thy march in single file with their trunks up the the other one's ass while Trump rides the lead elephant Jeb off a cliff and jumps off to watch the train wreck.

Trump is playing the media and his opponents. I have a sneaking admiration for him even though he's a pompous ass.
Think of The Donald as The Bernie of The Republican Party.

Speaks truth and is vilified for it.

Which is why it would be so nice to have them both on the ballot in 2016.

Truth is so unique these days.

Sadly so.
That's a nice story. If Bernie starts making a mockery of the Dem primary you might have a point.

Nutters love the Trump/Sanders comparison. That is....until the nation gets a good look at Bernie and realizes that said comparison is retarded.

Trump is the ringmaster for the Republican clown show. He's got the seals barking and the elephants walking in lockstep as thy march in single file with their trunks up the the other one's ass while Trump rides the lead elephant Jeb off a cliff and jumps off to watch the train wreck.

Trump is playing the media and his opponents. I have a sneaking admiration for him even though he's a pompous ass.

I hope that you don't have a blog.......Capt. Obvious. :laugh:
LOL, so SCREW you American citizens.


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


by Warner Todd Huston11 May 2014947

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”

“DREAMers and DACA recipients are assets that we need to nurture and develop like precious natural resources for the benefit of the entire community,” Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) says in the announcement. “They are an integral part of Chicago’s workforce of tomorrow. Once again, the City of Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are leading the way on the inclusion of our immigrant communities.”

The announcement goes on to lament the “barriers” that illegal alien teens find to gaining city jobs:

In December 2012, the Chicago New Americans Plan highlighted barriers that DREAMer students faced, including language barriers and information gaps about the opportunities available to them. These impediments have in the past served as an obstacle for these students and their families, in some cases preventing them from accessing critical enrichment programs.

all of it here:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

go back to wailing over TRUMP trump trump
There have already been several deleted posts. Please follow the rules for this forum. Thanks
I just want to know what criteria he uses when he picks his wives out of the beauty pageant line ups. Does he take them for test drives? How many does he go through before he picks the winner? Does he select a new one before he dumps the current issue?

You make it sound like he's Mickey Rooney. How many times has Trump been divorced? (Idjit!)

Mickey Rooney was divorced a lot.

How many times was Gingrich and McCain divorced? Gingrich said of one of his wives that he was not pretty enough to be the wife of a president. Trump speaks highly of his ex wives. Also Trump is not a pedophile and unlike Jeb none of his wives were criminals and none of his kids were convicted criminals like Jeb's daughter Noel and Rand Paul's son, ...AND.. none of his daughters got themselves knocked up like Bristol Palin did twice. None of his wives every killed anyone like Laura Bush did.

Trump has never been arrested or convicted of a crime like Bush, Cheney and Romney.

Trump has a lot more morals than most of today's Republicans and that is a fact. Trump said of the Mexicans that are coming here illegally that a lot of them are criminals depending on what your definition of a lot is he was in his own mind was telling the truth. While I know that the vast majority of Mexicans would make splendid American citizens Trump would not agree at least when it come to the GOP base. Trump has to say what the lowlifes want to hear.

You're F'd up!

Maybe I should have warned you that posts after the OP might contain facts and I was insensitive not to warn people like you that there may be some facts in some of the posts of mine and others. I know how much those of you on the right hate facts. From now on I will post this warning. WARNING FACTS TO FOLLOW

Here is how it will work.

FACT: Donald Trump was never arrested or convicted of a crime. Bush, Cheney and Romney were.

FACT: Donald Trump is not a pedophile even though he is a Republican like Dennis Hastert

FACT: Donald Trump never talked shit about his ex wives unlike Gingrich

FACT Donald Trumps kids have never been arrested for a crime unlike Jeb's Daughter Noel who was for crack and forging prescriptions.

FACT: None of Trump's wives every tried to smuggle goods into the US like Jeb's wife did.

FACT: Trump's father never ran a pedophile sex ring out of the Whitehouse like Jeb's father did.

FACT: None of Trump's brothers lied us into a war.

FACT: As far as anyone knows Trump has never been involved in tax fraud like Romney.

FACT: Trump is not a vulture capitalist. Trump creates jobs unlike Romney who outsources.

FACT: None of Trump's daughters have ever gotten knocked up unlike Bristol Palin who got knocked up twice and hypocritically preaches abstinence.

See how that works? So when you see the warning WARNING FACTS TO FOLLOW don't read any further because of your allergy to facts.
you mean the party of family values! LOL

I just want to know what criteria he uses when he picks his wives out of the beauty pageant line ups. Does he take them for test drives? How many does he go through before he picks the winner? Does he select a new one before he dumps the current issue?

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