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Everything Trump: The Donald Trump Thread

And Mexicans are just like Bruce Jenner. Even though the GOP is anti gay and anti Mexican the Mexicans will forgive if they make rubio the nominee. Just like blacks voted for Obama and women will for hillary. Even Republican women want to see the first women president.
The left freaked when Trump stated the truth because welcoming illegals is how the left restocks the Democratic Party with new uneducated and unskilled future voters. Voters who will be forever dependent on government. Voters who will reliably vote Democrat. . Because Democrats always promise more and more free shit. Why not? It's free!!

Trump simply dared to state statistical facts exposing the high criminal element among the illegals flooding across our border. I'm glad he refused to back down. We need more brave men like Trump, not another crop of metro-sexual eunuchs that are afraid of their own shadows.....
The left freaked out? You mean every Republican running for president?

The truth is as soon as these illegals become legal citizens you'll start courting them because a lot of Mexicans are small business downers socially conservative people. Religious so gullible and easily led.

It's just right now you need to use them to rally the white base. That's why jeb rubio is your ticket.

Trump is going to FUCK the CONS the FUCK UP! Trump may be a nut but the man is brilliant. Soon they trash on the right will be calling him a RINO even though he's more conservative than the rest of the pack.
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.
No Trigger Warning Needed: This post contains few facts and is mostly opinions. Anything factual will be highlighted in blue.

In spite of the media bashing the Donald is receiving from both the left and the right he remains strong in the polls. It his been said that if you let a liar talk long enough he will eventually tell the truth. The Donald told some major birther lies and the President with grace and style spanked him like a bratty child. Obama was gentle because he knew one thing; Trump was only doing what other Republicans do; he was appealing to the base.

IMO, Trump is a breath of fresh air because he is following the wisdom of John Wayne who said, "A man ought to say what he thinks" Trump did and now everyone is getting all politically correct. Did Trump tell the truth about Mexicans? Well that is hard to say but it is true that the Obama administration has deported a whole lot of undocumented Mexican for criminal activity. The Donald has put the Republican between a rock and a hard place. They are attacking Trump as a way to whore for the Hispanic vote and eventually the like many other Republican that have no core they will flip flop on the issue of immigration like McCain did following a precedent of Ronald Reagan's amnesty program.


The Donald In The Debates:

Who knows what he is going to say or do? Will the GOP be able to reign him in? I doubt it and as to what he will say I suspect that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and I expect him to have a lot of dirt on Jeb Bush.

Who will Trump clobber? Jeb Bush

Will his debate performance boost his already high poll numbers? Yes

Will Trump get the most applause lines? Yes by far.

Who will Trump bash the least? Rand Paul

IMO Donald Trump is dumb like a fox. He's manipulating the media like a master because he is a master. Trump has surrounded himself with smart people and his tactics and strategies are creative and effective. Trump is a business man who knows his customer/base and he's playing them like Jascha Heifetz played his violin.
He he did such a great job, an illegal immigrant got deported five times. Then a liberal police force let him go, and he killed an innocent woman.


Since you brought it let's compare Bush's record on Illegals to Obama's.



A word to the wise. I fact check and I out liars. Don't lie again.
So that illegal immigrant didn't kill that girl?

OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.
What's your attraction to pedophilia?
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.

You probably would do something stupid like that. How about laying a mine field? I bet you would love that too. I've got bad news, you minority-oppressing sociopath. Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever.

Mexico is a major trading partner of the US. I know a lot of Mexicans who are here legally and they are outstanding people and a big plus for America.
No Trigger Warning Needed: This post contains few facts and is mostly opinions. Anything factual will be highlighted in blue.

In spite of the media bashing the Donald is receiving from both the left and the right he remains strong in the polls. It his been said that if you let a liar talk long enough he will eventually tell the truth. The Donald told some major birther lies and the President with grace and style spanked him like a bratty child. Obama was gentle because he knew one thing; Trump was only doing what other Republicans do; he was appealing to the base.

IMO, Trump is a breath of fresh air because he is following the wisdom of John Wayne who said, "A man ought to say what he thinks" Trump did and now everyone is getting all politically correct. Did Trump tell the truth about Mexicans? Well that is hard to say but it is true that the Obama administration has deported a whole lot of undocumented Mexican for criminal activity. The Donald has put the Republican between a rock and a hard place. They are attacking Trump as a way to whore for the Hispanic vote and eventually the like many other Republican that have no core they will flip flop on the issue of immigration like McCain did following a precedent of Ronald Reagan's amnesty program.


The Donald In The Debates:

Who knows what he is going to say or do? Will the GOP be able to reign him in? I doubt it and as to what he will say I suspect that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and I expect him to have a lot of dirt on Jeb Bush.

Who will Trump clobber? Jeb Bush

Will his debate performance boost his already high poll numbers? Yes

Will Trump get the most applause lines? Yes by far.

Who will Trump bash the least? Rand Paul

IMO Donald Trump is dumb like a fox. He's manipulating the media like a master because he is a master. Trump has surrounded himself with smart people and his tactics and strategies are creative and effective. Trump is a business man who knows his customer/base and he's playing them like Jascha Heifetz played his violin.
He he did such a great job, an illegal immigrant got deported five times. Then a liberal police force let him go, and he killed an innocent woman.


Since you brought it let's compare Bush's record on Illegals to Obama's.



A word to the wise. I fact check and I out liars. Don't lie again.
So that illegal immigrant didn't kill that girl?

OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.
What's your attraction to pedophilia?

No Trigger Warning Needed: This post contains few facts and is mostly opinions. Anything factual will be highlighted in blue.

In spite of the media bashing the Donald is receiving from both the left and the right he remains strong in the polls. It his been said that if you let a liar talk long enough he will eventually tell the truth. The Donald told some major birther lies and the President with grace and style spanked him like a bratty child. Obama was gentle because he knew one thing; Trump was only doing what other Republicans do; he was appealing to the base.

IMO, Trump is a breath of fresh air because he is following the wisdom of John Wayne who said, "A man ought to say what he thinks" Trump did and now everyone is getting all politically correct. Did Trump tell the truth about Mexicans? Well that is hard to say but it is true that the Obama administration has deported a whole lot of undocumented Mexican for criminal activity. The Donald has put the Republican between a rock and a hard place. They are attacking Trump as a way to whore for the Hispanic vote and eventually the like many other Republican that have no core they will flip flop on the issue of immigration like McCain did following a precedent of Ronald Reagan's amnesty program.


The Donald In The Debates:

Who knows what he is going to say or do? Will the GOP be able to reign him in? I doubt it and as to what he will say I suspect that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and I expect him to have a lot of dirt on Jeb Bush.

Who will Trump clobber? Jeb Bush

Will his debate performance boost his already high poll numbers? Yes

Will Trump get the most applause lines? Yes by far.

Who will Trump bash the least? Rand Paul

IMO Donald Trump is dumb like a fox. He's manipulating the media like a master because he is a master. Trump has surrounded himself with smart people and his tactics and strategies are creative and effective. Trump is a business man who knows his customer/base and he's playing them like Jascha Heifetz played his violin.
He he did such a great job, an illegal immigrant got deported five times. Then a liberal police force let him go, and he killed an innocent woman.


Since you brought it let's compare Bush's record on Illegals to Obama's.



A word to the wise. I fact check and I out liars. Don't lie again.
So that illegal immigrant didn't kill that girl?

OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.
What's your attraction to pedophilia?

I think you mean my mission to make Republican synonymous with pedophile. If you would like to learn more click this link Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum The thread shows that Most Pedophiles are Republicans.

What do you think of the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? Are you OK with the fact that most Child Molesters Are Republicans?

If you were the Republican party chairman would you continue to keep the GOP the Party of Pedophiles?

Are you OK voting for a Republican knowing that he has a good chance of being a baby raper?
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.

I'm afraid it's all too late to stop it now. We watched Obama open the flood gates for illegals and called them, Refugees. they were advertising for people to care for them with a monthly stipend, of course with TAXPAYERS monies.

they were flying and busing them all over the country. And we saw what happened when on town tried to prevent the buses from stopping in their towns. they were called every name in the book by Democrats and their citizen followers. Just like they are doing now with Trump. the citizens don't care enough anymore. We have sanctuary cites, some states giving them Drivers licenses, California went all in on them giving them all the benefits that was suppose to be for American citizens. I posted this earlier and not a peep out of the left.

while you all are going ape shit stupid over Trump. Other elected Politicians are STEPPING OVER YOU TO GIVE Illegal immigrants JOBS you should have had

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


by Warner Todd Huston11 May 2014949

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”

“DREAMers and DACA recipients are assets that we need to nurture and develop like precious natural resources for the benefit of the entire community,” Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) says in the announcement. “They are an integral part of Chicago’s workforce of tomorrow. Once again, the City of Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are leading the way on the inclusion of our immigrant communities.”

The announcement goes on to lament the “barriers” that illegal alien teens find to gaining city jobs:

In December 2012, the Chicago New Americans Plan highlighted barriers that DREAMer students faced, including language barriers and information gaps about the opportunities available to them. These impediments have in the past served as an obstacle for these students and their families, in some cases preventing them from accessing critical enrichment programs.

ALL of it here:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

so it was easy for Obama and his party of snake commies to put the final nail in our coffins. and his TRANSFORMATION will have been a success
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.

You probably would do something stupid like that. How about laying a mine field? I bet you would love that too. I've got bad news, you minority-oppressing sociopath. Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever.

Mexico is a major trading partner of the US. I know a lot of Mexicans who are here legally and they are outstanding people and a big plus for America.

I know, we send them our middle class manufacturing jobs and they send us their dirt poor uneducated welfare recipients.
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.

I'm afraid it's all too late to stop it now. We watched Obama open the flood gates for illegals and called them, Refugees. they were advertising for people to care for them with a monthly stipend, of course with TAXPAYERS monies.

they were flying and busing them all over the country. And we saw what happened when on town tried to prevent the buses from stopping in their towns. they were called every name in the book by Democrats and their citizen followers. Just like they are doing now with Trump. the citizens don't care enough anymore. We have sanctuary cites, some states giving them Drivers licenses, California went all in on them giving them all the benefits that was suppose to be for American citizens. I posted this earlier and not a peep out of the left.

while you all are going ape shit stupid over Trump. Other elected Politicians are STEPPING OVER YOU TO GIVE Illegal immigrants JOBS you should have had

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


by Warner Todd Huston11 May 2014949

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”

“DREAMers and DACA recipients are assets that we need to nurture and develop like precious natural resources for the benefit of the entire community,” Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) says in the announcement. “They are an integral part of Chicago’s workforce of tomorrow. Once again, the City of Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are leading the way on the inclusion of our immigrant communities.”

The announcement goes on to lament the “barriers” that illegal alien teens find to gaining city jobs:

In December 2012, the Chicago New Americans Plan highlighted barriers that DREAMer students faced, including language barriers and information gaps about the opportunities available to them. These impediments have in the past served as an obstacle for these students and their families, in some cases preventing them from accessing critical enrichment programs.

ALL of it here:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

so it was easy for Obama and his party of snake commies to put the final nail in our coffins. and his TRANSFORMATION will have been a success

Its a contest to see which party can give more handouts to the illegals Dem's or Rep's. Meanwhile blacks are being housed in prisons and government gulags, surviving off government cheese and a few crumbs. You would think they would get a clue.
He he did such a great job, an illegal immigrant got deported five times. Then a liberal police force let him go, and he killed an innocent woman.


Since you brought it let's compare Bush's record on Illegals to Obama's.



A word to the wise. I fact check and I out liars. Don't lie again.
So that illegal immigrant didn't kill that girl?

OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.
What's your attraction to pedophilia?

He he did such a great job, an illegal immigrant got deported five times. Then a liberal police force let him go, and he killed an innocent woman.


Since you brought it let's compare Bush's record on Illegals to Obama's.



A word to the wise. I fact check and I out liars. Don't lie again.
So that illegal immigrant didn't kill that girl?

OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.
What's your attraction to pedophilia?

I think you mean my mission to make Republican synonymous with pedophile. If you would like to learn more click this link Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum The thread shows that Most Pedophiles are Republicans.

What do you think of the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? Are you OK with the fact that most Child Molesters Are Republicans?

If you were the Republican party chairman would you continue to keep the GOP the Party of Pedophiles?

Are you OK voting for a Republican knowing that he has a good chance of being a baby raper?
Pedophilia= Bill Clinton. You want his bitch as president. I rest my case.
Back when the people CARED and was more engaged in the politics of our elected asses and this Federal Government. Someone like what Rham Emanual is doing
in the above article. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens
He would have been kicked out of office and tried FOR being a traitor to the Amercian people and our country. Now they stand on a pedestal announcing how they are going to piss all over the legal citizens in this country. and the people do NOTHING
It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.

Poor uneducated unhealthy Mexicans are a net drain on our economy you fool. If we want to open our doors to more immigrants lets court educated disease free people who can support themselves...oh wait that's exactly what our legal immigration policy does.

These elected asses can't have that. they won't be able to Manipulate them as easily into voting for them or buying their BS. I mean look how the Democrats manipulate their base of voters. They came out dumping on Trump, demanding apologies, etc and their cult followers marched right on it as if on orders. We had to have 15 threads by the left on him....SHEEP/TOOLS. So much so they don't even see what is being done to them by these politicians.

That's the big problem, both Dem's and Rep's are pandering to these illegal criminals taking their side over US citizens when they should be deporting their ass and securing our border. I'd roll tanks down to the border and setup machine guns then inform Mexico if it doesn't stop trafficking illegals into the US right freaking now I'd push into Mexico 20 miles to create a buffer zone.

I'm afraid it's all too late to stop it now. We watched Obama open the flood gates for illegals and called them, Refugees. they were advertising for people to care for them with a monthly stipend, of course with TAXPAYERS monies.

they were flying and busing them all over the country. And we saw what happened when on town tried to prevent the buses from stopping in their towns. they were called every name in the book by Democrats and their citizen followers. Just like they are doing now with Trump. the citizens don't care enough anymore. We have sanctuary cites, some states giving them Drivers licenses, California went all in on them giving them all the benefits that was suppose to be for American citizens. I posted this earlier and not a peep out of the left.

while you all are going ape shit stupid over Trump. Other elected Politicians are STEPPING OVER YOU TO GIVE Illegal immigrants JOBS you should have had

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


by Warner Todd Huston11 May 2014949

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”

“DREAMers and DACA recipients are assets that we need to nurture and develop like precious natural resources for the benefit of the entire community,” Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) says in the announcement. “They are an integral part of Chicago’s workforce of tomorrow. Once again, the City of Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are leading the way on the inclusion of our immigrant communities.”

The announcement goes on to lament the “barriers” that illegal alien teens find to gaining city jobs:

In December 2012, the Chicago New Americans Plan highlighted barriers that DREAMer students faced, including language barriers and information gaps about the opportunities available to them. These impediments have in the past served as an obstacle for these students and their families, in some cases preventing them from accessing critical enrichment programs.

ALL of it here:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart

so it was easy for Obama and his party of snake commies to put the final nail in our coffins. and his TRANSFORMATION will have been a success

Its a contest to see which party can give more handouts to the illegals Dem's or Rep's. Meanwhile blacks are being housed in prisons and government gulags, surviving off government cheese and a few crumbs. You would think they would get a clue.

yes, we are all getting screwed over these Illegal Invaders just walking into our country. But it hurts black people the most, as their Unemployment is sky high and these invaders are taking their jobs AND all our jobs. I don't see a good ending anymore
I think Donald Trump is playing a GOP role of the rich bigoted white asshole... for cash. He's out to represent. Not that Trump would ever stoop low for money.. After all, the more sterotyped and repugnant he can make the GOP look by example, the more votes walk away from that party.

A sudden potential wave of hispanic catholic voters and then "voila!!" Trump says incredibly insensitive and racist comments about hispanics "as a GOP candidate"...one of the frontrunners no less, so he is quintessential by his position. There seems to be quite a similar effort too, aimed at black voters; trying to alienate them from the GOP. D. Roof sure helped that one.

Weird how if Trump was really into winning he would've walked that blunder back just a little. But no, he's doublin' down. And making other GOP candidates think that's a good idea. Clever.

Just musing.....and the GOP sits silently by, believing trump to be an authentic candidate and D. Roof to be an authentic non-gay white racist confederate flag bigot. I mean..sometimes when you hear hoofbeats, it actually could be a zebra, especially if you're in a wild country safari like a heated and crafty political battle with very high stakes.
Last edited:
No Trigger Warning Needed: This post contains few facts and is mostly opinions. Anything factual will be highlighted in blue.

In spite of the media bashing the Donald is receiving from both the left and the right he remains strong in the polls. It his been said that if you let a liar talk long enough he will eventually tell the truth. The Donald told some major birther lies and the President with grace and style spanked him like a bratty child. Obama was gentle because he knew one thing; Trump was only doing what other Republicans do; he was appealing to the base.

IMO, Trump is a breath of fresh air because he is following the wisdom of John Wayne who said, "A man ought to say what he thinks" Trump did and now everyone is getting all politically correct. Did Trump tell the truth about Mexicans? Well that is hard to say but it is true that the Obama administration has deported a whole lot of undocumented Mexican for criminal activity. The Donald has put the Republican between a rock and a hard place. They are attacking Trump as a way to whore for the Hispanic vote and eventually the like many other Republican that have no core they will flip flop on the issue of immigration like McCain did following a precedent of Ronald Reagan's amnesty program.


The Donald In The Debates:

Who knows what he is going to say or do? Will the GOP be able to reign him in? I doubt it and as to what he will say I suspect that he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and I expect him to have a lot of dirt on Jeb Bush.

Who will Trump clobber? Jeb Bush

Will his debate performance boost his already high poll numbers? Yes

Will Trump get the most applause lines? Yes by far.

Who will Trump bash the least? Rand Paul

IMO Donald Trump is dumb like a fox. He's manipulating the media like a master because he is a master. Trump has surrounded himself with smart people and his tactics and strategies are creative and effective. Trump is a business man who knows his customer/base and he's playing them like Jascha Heifetz played his violin.
I'm going to say this one nice thing about Donald Trump. He has united its all in agreement and I am as liberal as they come I want every illegal Mexican out of the country by the end of the month

It's a lot more than Mexicans here illegally but the Mexicans are good for the economy and they are generally more law abiding. What I would like to see is Texas secede and in a few years those idiot there will fuck things up so bad they will be begging Mexico for help.
Illegals aren't good for anything community. Individual greed maybe but that's it. If you have to cheat to be in business go out of business.

The solution would be to levy criminal penalties against people who hire them illegally. The problem has slowed and there are more deportations than ever and less returns due to better border security.

Mexican work their asses off and they are happy to do it. They are here for work because Mexico is as corrupt as Texas. The have increased our GDP.
Deported 5 times. So I guess he counts as 5 people on your statistics. He kills a lady in a Sanctuary town.
San Francisco prosecutors charge illegal immigrant with killing woman at pier Fox News

There are nearly 167,000 convicted criminal aliens with final orders of removal who are still in the United States and “currently at large.” This number appears to be directly related to the Obama administration’s lax deportation policy, with deportations from the interior of the United States down 34 percent during the past year.
Obama Administration Has Released 167 000 Illegals With Criminal Records

Don't believe everything the liberal media feeds you.
Now that I have beaten back the CON trolls back to Trump.

There is only one other business person in the GOP field and that is Carly Fiorina and when you compare the two as business people Trump beats her like a pimp beats his worst whore.

Trump has created a lot of jobs whereas Carly costs jobs and ruins companies because she's an idiot and Trump isn't.

A new two-minute video has surfaced on the Internet showing Tea Party candidate Carly Fiorina speaking to news media about her record of exporting American jobs overseas. The video is called Carly Fiorina is a Job Killer and begins with Fox News Reporter Chris Wallace interviewing Fiorina whom he tells, “The facts are that you laid off more than 30,000 American workers and many of those jobs went to India and China.”

Fiorina is running for U.S. Senate in California and has spent about $6.5 million of her own money to try to win the seat against Senator Barbara Boxer, who holds a 7-point lead over Fiorina. Tea Party candidate Meg Whitman has spent over $140 of her own money to win the Governor´s race against Jerry Brown. Whitman is trailing brown by over 10 points in the final days of the election.

The video includes a number of former employees and members of the news media commenting on Fiorina´s record. They include the following:

>> Carly is a job destroyer, not a job creator.

>> She said, “I only regret I hadn´t fired more people faster.”

>> 30,000 jobs lost.

>> It was outrageous that at a time she was laying off tens of thousands of Americans to save money, she´s spending multi-million dollars on a new Gulf Stream [Jet] and the other extravagances for her own personal enjoyment and wealth.

>> Fiorina had HP [Hewlett Packard] buy 5 corporate jets to ferry her around the world.

>> She left with a $45 million dollar golden parachute while 20 thousand of her employees were laid off.

>> Fiorina raked in over $106 million while laying off 30,000 workers.

>> Fiorina is shown in a debate responding to a question saying, “This is the 21st Century. Any job can go anywhere.”

>> When she means “compete globally” she means to whoever has the lowest wages, that´s where the jobs are going to go.

>> I think she could do even more damage and this time at the expense of the taxpayers.

donald trump has declared bankruptcy 4 times.

If he has no problem with defaulting on his debts and letting others pay for what he does, what will he do to America?
OMG ONE illegal alien killed one person that most mean that they all kill people. That's exactly the kind of laughable logic I'd expect from a brainwashed, Bible-banging tool of the Religious Reich.

How do you feel about the fact that most pedophiles are Republicans? They are. If is used your retarded and dishonest logic I would say all Republicans are pedophiles.

Its not just one you moron and you damn well know it. Please tell us why you take the side of illegals who are criminals from a foreign country over your fellow American citizens who are being murdered, raped, robbed, and ripped off by illegals.
Now that I have beaten back the CON trolls back to Trump.

There is only one other business person in the GOP field and that is Carly Fiorina and when you compare the two as business people Trump beats her like a pimp beats his worst whore.

Trump has created a lot of jobs whereas Carly costs jobs and ruins companies because she's an idiot and Trump isn't.

A new two-minute video has surfaced on the Internet showing Tea Party candidate Carly Fiorina speaking to news media about her record of exporting American jobs overseas. The video is called Carly Fiorina is a Job Killer and begins with Fox News Reporter Chris Wallace interviewing Fiorina whom he tells, “The facts are that you laid off more than 30,000 American workers and many of those jobs went to India and China.”

Fiorina is running for U.S. Senate in California and has spent about $6.5 million of her own money to try to win the seat against Senator Barbara Boxer, who holds a 7-point lead over Fiorina. Tea Party candidate Meg Whitman has spent over $140 of her own money to win the Governor´s race against Jerry Brown. Whitman is trailing brown by over 10 points in the final days of the election.

The video includes a number of former employees and members of the news media commenting on Fiorina´s record. They include the following:

>> Carly is a job destroyer, not a job creator.

>> She said, “I only regret I hadn´t fired more people faster.”

>> 30,000 jobs lost.

>> It was outrageous that at a time she was laying off tens of thousands of Americans to save money, she´s spending multi-million dollars on a new Gulf Stream [Jet] and the other extravagances for her own personal enjoyment and wealth.

>> Fiorina had HP [Hewlett Packard] buy 5 corporate jets to ferry her around the world.

>> She left with a $45 million dollar golden parachute while 20 thousand of her employees were laid off.

>> Fiorina raked in over $106 million while laying off 30,000 workers.

>> Fiorina is shown in a debate responding to a question saying, “This is the 21st Century. Any job can go anywhere.”

>> When she means “compete globally” she means to whoever has the lowest wages, that´s where the jobs are going to go.

>> I think she could do even more damage and this time at the expense of the taxpayers.

donald trump has declared bankruptcy 4 times.

If he has no problem with defaulting on his debts and letting others pay for what he does, what will he do to America?
Trump has filed bankruptcy 0 times. Get your facts straight.

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