Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Everything. "King Midas with a curse, King Midas in reverse"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The iceberg of lies, deceit, corruption, & criminality is steadily but surely surfacing, despite the efforts of many in high places to keep it submerged. How large is the iceberg & who will be found clinging to it? The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
I hope he brings the whole thing down with him then. Open up the vaults and the hard drives. Show the public what sort of criminal corrupt shit the feds do with no accountability or worry of prosecution. See how many political whores fall and end up in prison. All he has to do is declassify the information and let the country eat it up. I guarantee the fight between democrook/republicrat voters (That would be people like me, and the bed wetters) will suddenly be between the voters and the political whores. There is a reason they don't like all the rifles. They think they're better off protected like czars.
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I don't think our growing economy and the leveling of trade rules so they are fair and beating ISSI into the dust bin of history and strengthening our border is "shit"...what is turning to shit is Obama's reputation....what is shit is Comey the clown...what is shit is Brennan and Clapper spying on the Trump campaign....
It seems like everyone who goes to work with Trump ends up regretting it, bigly.

I expect Sarah Huckabee to break out in boils any day now from having to lie for Trump nonstop. That's really got to fuck with the mind and soul of a bible thumping preacher's kid.
Amazing how much corruption surrounds Trump while he claims no responsibility
I hope he brings the whole thing down with him then. Open up the vaults and the hard drives. Show the public what sort of criminal corrupt shit the feds do with no accountability or worry of prosecution. See how many political whores fall and end up in prison. All he has to do is declassify the information and let the country eat it up. I guarantee the fight between democrook/republicrat voters (That would be people like me, and the bed wetters) will suddenly be between the voters and the political whores. There is a reason they don't like all the rifles. They think they're better off protected like czars.
I'm still waiting for the fat fuck to reveal his evidence that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.

Then maybe he'll reveal the aliens at Area 51, and the moon landing hoax.
The iceberg of lies, deceit, corruption, & criminality is steadily but surely surfacing, despite the efforts of many in high places to keep it submerged. How large is the iceberg & who will be found clinging to it? The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
You must be a clinton follower ...can't see past the end of your nose...the swamp is about to be eradicated....
I'm glad he's pissing all the libs off

oh yea, ISSI into the dust bin of history while simultaneously we have "10 terror attacks" on our southern border daily.
The iceberg of lies, deceit, corruption, & criminality is steadily but surely surfacing, despite the efforts of many in high places to keep it submerged. How large is the iceberg & who will be found clinging to it? The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
You must be a clinton follower ...can't see past the end of your nose...the swamp is about to be eradicated....

Don't be so sure of that. Mutually assured destruction would be the result. I think the military would have to take over to keep the peace. I think a lot of this is a shit show. They don't want attention paid to other things going on, so we hear about scandals and investigations that go no where.

It seems like everyone who goes to work with Trump ends up regretting it, bigly.

I expect Sarah Huckabee to break out in boils any day now from having to lie for Trump nonstop. That's really got to fuck with the mind and soul of a bible thumping preacher's kid.
Wait, you mean she looked like that to start with?
he's kicking A$$ as was needed in the government dumbshit
and when you kick A$$, some shit will come out

The iceberg of lies, deceit, corruption, & criminality is steadily but surely surfacing, despite the efforts of many in high places to keep it submerged. How large is the iceberg & who will be found clinging to it? The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.

DC has had a very bad odor since January 2017....seems the swamp quickly became an open sewer....with very lose orange shit.....
We know you don't care, you un-American idiot.
A Hillary and Obama sycophantic moron calling me un American.....That's rich...you support bringing down an elected president because he is not in your chosen party and you call me un American....you are exactly what is wrong with America and all of the shit aimed at Trump is beginning to backfire on the dems so....enjoy!....I sure will....
I was going to come up with a reply, then realized it was just another Basque troll thread.
Why the hell bother?
He will post a pro Trump thread tomorrow.

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