Evidence for Design #2: How life began

There is no design
Utterly stupidity
Your comment will be met with "the appearance of design is evidence for design".

"Appearance of design" can be anything the creationer chooses. Appearance is the subjective standard for creationers.

Therefore, standing on the beach looking across the water yields the appearance of a flat earth. The earth is thus flat.
Seymour Flops

DNA for only life as we know it
However , organisms is other Star systems may use something different
Sure thing: "Darwinian evolution requires molecules, such as RNA and DNA".
Oh. So I said "Darwinian evolution, "not "life."

So, I was correct.

Seymour Flops

DNA for only life as we know it
However , organisms is other Star systems may use something different

So, you may agree with noted Darwinian Richard Dawkins' idea that an alien civilization seeded life on Earth. Which is possible if the aliens were intelligent enough to design life suitable to thrive and evolve on Earth.
Oh. So I said "Darwinian evolution, "not "life."

So, I was correct.
Only if you know of any life not subject to, I won't say the E word, adaptation.

So, you may agree with noted Darwinian Richard Dawkins' idea that an alien civilization seeded life on Earth. Which is possible if the aliens were intelligent enough to design life suitable to thrive and evolve on Earth.
How did the aliens come to be?
Only if you know of any life not subject to, I won't say, and the E word, adaptation.
Darwinian evolution starts with life on Earth already extant. If there is any other life on Earth or anywhere else, that is unknown, the idea of Darwinian evolution would not apply. All known life "adapts," and "evolves" under very broad definitions of those words, meaning that offspring are not genetic copies of parents.
How did the aliens come to be?
You would have to ask noted Darwin proponent and ID opponent, Richard Dawkins. It's his idea, not mine.
Now page 2 of another fraudulent, ''Proof of the a. ''gods'', b. ''space alien designers'', c. ''6,000 year old flat earth'', and no proof, evidence or even coherent sentence from the fraudsters.
Darwinian evolution starts with life on Earth already extant. If there is any other life on Earth or anywhere else, that is unknown, the idea of Darwinian evolution would not apply. All known life "adapts," and "evolves" under very broad definitions of those words, meaning that offspring are not genetic copies of parents.
True. Abiogenesis is not a part of Darwinian theory.
A more intelligent reply would be an explanation of how DNA was first formed on Earth. Unless you agree with Richard Dawkins that it must have formed elsewhere.

But, I get that you're doing the best you can . . .
Well that might be the most idiotic thing you have said yet.

We have many possible explanations for abiogensis. Again, unbeknownst to ignorant religious dummies.
This may be more evidence against Darwinism that evidence for design. But, since design was the default belief until Darwin came along, it amounts to the same thing.

Darwinian evolution requires molecules, such as RNA and DNA that reproduce themselves consistently, with occasional copying errors that are themselves reproduced, and which occasionally have genetic instructions for a trait that will be of benefit to survival and/or reproduction. Pretty powerful stuff is DNA.

So where did DNA come from under Darwin? You can't think like that! Assume the existence of DNA and then Darwinian evolution becomes understandable. One key Darwinist proponent believes that it may have been space aliens that put DNA on Earth. The rest ignore the topic completely.

Sorry, Darwiniacs! Your "theory," is dead in the water from the get-go. No DNA, no evolution. Your fully naturalistic explanation for the variety of life on Earth is either not fully naturlistic or not an explanation.
I've the ancient alien christians come on board and talk as if ANCIENT ALIENS claims are what any scientist actually believes. Ancient aliens are nuts and so are the christians who can't grasp that Darwinism isn't a theory but a fact.

Basically DNA does not copied exactly from one generation to the next. What happens is that some dna changes causes a tiny adaptation that gives the creature it affects an advantage over others that allows it to BREED more like itself. This trait is passed along giving the offspring the advantage over what was orginally there. AS the trait moves along----those with the new adaptation mate locking in the new trait.
A more intelligent reply would be an explanation of how DNA was first formed on Earth. Unless you agree with Richard Dawkins that it must have formed elsewhere.

But, I get that you're doing the best you can . . .
So because we haven't figured out where it comes from yet, that means it was an invisible superbeing who made it? That's all you've got? Seriously brah, stfu and go sit down.
Oh, good.

Name three of the best, that you are willing to defend.
The obvious argument for the supernatural designer’ist would be to offer evidence making a compelling case for supernatural / space alien designers.

But like all these “Pwoof of gods / supernatural designers” threads, the purveyors of fraud never make a defendable case.

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