Evidence of CIA role in forging Obama's birth certificate

A born in Kenya Obama is much more likely to get a free ride to Ivy league schools than a born in Hawaii Chooming C student.

So it makes sense that he would continue to allow people to believe that until it was no longer convienent

Laughing....more likely according to who? The same hapless soul that imagined Obama claimed he was born in Kenya.....but can't find anyone to back the claim but himself?

Worse, Obama had said publicly and repeatedly in numerous publications that he was born in Hawaii. Making your story stupid in addition to fact free.

Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, that would make him the first birther

Trump told his wife that Trump gave a blow job to Putin.

I heard it from the same person that told you Obama said he was born in Kenya.

AND WHEN U DONT BOTHER TO LISTEN OR WATCH you will forever remain clueless

The evidence is conclusive.

Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a forged document.

The State of Hawaii affirmed 3 times that the information on the document was accurate and matched their original vital records. So your working theory is that it was a 100% accurate forgery?

That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

So we have the State of Hawaii, the Registar of Hawaii, the Republican GOvernor of Hawaii, and the Head of the Department of Health of Hawaii.....all affirming that the documents match the original vital records and the information is accurate.

And the 'Cold Case Posse' who has never so much as seen the original vital documents saying its a fraud.

Laughing......birthers are dumb.
AND WHEN U DONT BOTHER TO LISTEN OR WATCH you will forever remain clueless

The evidence is conclusive.

Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a forged document.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s ‘Cold Case Posse’ holds an urgent press conference revealing forensic evidence that proves once and for all that Donald Trump was right about Obama’s birth certificate.

The document is a fraud.

Share this video with those who refuse to accept the undeniable evidence that Barack Obama is a ghost President.

so you are saying that Trump is a liar now?

Mr Trump said at a campaign event in Washington: "President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.
AND WHEN U DONT BOTHER TO LISTEN OR WATCH you will forever remain clueles

Share this video with those who refuse to accept the undeniable evidence that Barack Obama is a ghost President.

ANOTHER video? We just caught you lying about your last video.


Holy fuck, dude....really? You suck at video editing. The audio doesn't match the video. Here's the unedited original from a 2009 speech talk to students in Istanbul.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking and none of your made up editing. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

Nothing you've claimed. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie. But this time we're supposed to believe you, liar?
The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.

If course it did. o_O Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? Frankly, I don't care what you think or believe. We have crossed this topic before, so this is no new claim by me. I've offered you the truth, FWIW as much as is possible on a social network, but I won't violate professional confidences by giving you the forensic examiner's name because if a bunch of you loons started looking his website up and bothering him, he'd never forgive me. But I know what I know.
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WASHINGTON – Mike Zullo, the lead investigator with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, was in Washington D.C. again on Monday, meeting with several high ranking VIPs who arranged for the conference so Zullo could present the entire criminal case and answer questions regarding Obama's forged birth certificate.

According to Zullo, the investigation has been ongoing and the Cold Case Posse continues collecting evidence.
Obama fraud | July 10, 2013 | Sonoran News

AND THEY were from that point to NOW still investigating that is why this story came out TODAY dufis.

How could they still be investigating- when Arpaio has been out of office and fighting to stay out of jail.

Just like Mike Zullo.

We all remember Mike Zullo right?

The man who got paid a book advance by WND- before he started his 'investigation' and then was paid thousands of dollars by a Birther while he was supposedly an investigator for the Maricopa Sheriff's office?
A born in Kenya Obama is much more likely to get a free ride to Ivy league schools than a born in Hawaii Chooming C student.

So it makes sense that he would continue to allow people to believe that until it was no longer convienent

Laughing....more likely according to who? The same hapless soul that imagined Obama claimed he was born in Kenya.....but can't find anyone to back the claim but himself?

Worse, Obama had said publicly and repeatedly in numerous publications that he was born in Hawaii. Making your story stupid in addition to fact free.

Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya, that would make him the first birther

Actually, I believe the first was Michelle herself in about 2006-2007 when before a college audience she referred to Barry as being a student from Kenya who had risen through the ranks to make it to being a US Senator!
Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............

Sooner or later you and Alex Jones will be sharing a padded room in a sanitarium.

Sorry to BUST YOUR BUBBLE, Tas, but I know for a fact that the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH presented the world amidst all the scandal (which was not a birth certificate, two different things) was fraudulent, tampered with, modified, and I have sat beside / personally know the document expert in Hawaii who examined the birth record and testified under oath in a court of law that it was a fake.

Really, I don't make this shit up. If you think I'm full of it here, go back through my history from several months ago. I know there was at least one other time I attested to these facts last spring or summer and you will see I said exactly the same thing then as now. If that's not good enough for you then I'm sorry. I have more to consider than just proving a point to a bunch of strangers on some internet forum, many of which wouldn't believe it no matter WHAT I provided!
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Sooner or later the CIA will show proof and sooner or later the CIA will have to come out and admit it in public because the CIA are a bunch of FK UPS............

Sooner or later you and Alex Jones will be sharing a padded room in a sanitarium.

Sorry to BUST YOUR BUBBLE, Tas, but I know for a fact that the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH presented the world amidst all the scandal (which was not a birth certificate, two different things) was fraudulent, tampered with, modified, and I have sat beside / personally know the document expert in Hawaii who examined the birth record and testified under oath in a court of law that it was a fake.

The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.

So your working theory is a 100% accurate fake? That's the stupidest damn thing I've ever heard.

And cite the 'document expert in Hawaii'. Not yourself.

No that is what your MORON MSM told you asses and you believed it all. As usual.

LOL- unlike you Konspiracy Kooks, I actually go to the source.

The State of Hawaii itself says you are fucking idiots. They are just somewhat to polite to say it that frankly- but pretty much anyone can see that as they typed it they were thinking- as everyone else does- that Birthers are fucking idiots:

View attachment 165707

You've proven nothing, jackass. As I've said before, the live birth record is NOT equal to the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, does not PROVE Obama was born in Hawaii and an original BC was NOT offered because there isn't one. And the live birth record offered and attested to by the state was fraudulent, altered to meet the needs as found by independent expert testimony. I suggest you read this for further clarification on the differences between a certificate of live birth and a real, official birth certificate:

Difference Between Birth Certificate And Certificate Of Live Birth

If Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussain Obama was really born in Hawaii as a true, natural born citizen, they would have provided a copy of the original birth certificate which is the legal, official record and the ONLY ONE THAT COUNTS.
The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.

If course it did. o_O Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE?.

LOL....the governor of Hawaii when Barack Obama was running for office- and for the first two years he was in office was:

Linda Lingle- Republican- and the Hawaii campaign chairperson for "Elect John McCain"

Former Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican, has been quoted as saying, "I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records at the Department of Health. We issued a news release at the time saying the president was, in fact, born at Kapi'olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that is just a fact.

The first Hawaiian official to certify Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and that his BC was authentic was a Republican- appointed by Linda Lingle.

Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, says she has personally viewed the president's original vital records and verified that he was born in Hawaii.

God you Birthers are ignorant, stupid and such liars.
The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.
Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? ....... I've offered you the truth

LOL- you lie was caught in the very same post you claim you have offered the truth

Linda Lingle (née Cutter; June 4, 1953) is an American politician, who was the sixth Governor of Hawaii from 2002 until 2010. She was the first Republican elected governor of Hawaii since the departure of William F. Quinn in 1962
They won't believe this one either just reposted today from Julian Assasange.

LOL Birthers will believe anything that is posted on the internet.

This, from a guy who just posted some bullshit jpeg he took off the internet.

This from me- who knows how to go to the State of Hawaii's website and download documents- rather than your bullshit story.

Tell us again about this court your buddy testified in- under oath- tell us more....


AND WHEN U DONT BOTHER TO LISTEN OR WATCH you will forever remain clueles

Share this video with those who refuse to accept the undeniable evidence that Barack Obama is a ghost President.

ANOTHER video? We just caught you lying about your last video.

Holy fuck, dude....really? You suck at video editing. The audio doesn't match the video. Here's the unedited original from a 2009 speech talk to students in Istanbul.

Notice the high resolution, the clean audio that matches the people speaking and none of your made up editing. And here's the transcript:

Obama Holds a Town Hall in Istanbul

Nothing you've claimed. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to lie. But this time we're supposed to believe you, liar?[/QUOTE]

Birthers got to lie, lie, lie
The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.

If course it did. o_O Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE?

The governor who affirmed the authenticity was a Republican, you retard.

What does that prove, you IMBECILE? Hawaii is the one of the most left-leaning and democratically-connected states of the fifty! You saying every republican out there is as pure and unbought as the driven snow? McCain is a Republican---- believe everything he tells you? You think putting a republican governor in a blue state suddenly changes the rest of the entire state? What has having Trump in office changed of the way Washington works? All the governor affirmed was that it was an authentic (real certificate of live birth! You can get one of those in 5 minutes and fill it out to say anything. My link makes that clear. Now all you need is some idiot (or crooked) politician to affirm it as an authentic record! Especially if you have Washington on the phone bitching to get it done. And it will be! But it does not legally prove anything.
This, from a guy who just posted some bullshit jpeg he took off the internet.

The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.
Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? ....... I've offered you the truth

LOL- you lie was caught in the very same post you claim you have offered the truth

Linda Lingle (née Cutter; June 4, 1953) is an American politician, who was the sixth Governor of Hawaii from 2002 until 2010. She was the first Republican elected governor of Hawaii since the departure of William F. Quinn in 1962


And this after MONTHS AND MONTHS of obstructing and fighting NOT to produce it!

If there is an original BIRTH CERTIFICATE of Barry Obama showing HE WAS BORN AN AMERICAN CITIZEN in Hawaii, then WHERE IS IT? Why don't you show it? Why wasn't it used? Why wasn't a copy given? WHY DON'T YOU ADMIT YOU ARE PART OF THE COVER-UP OF THE BIGGEST CRIME COMMITTED IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES that a hostile FOREIGNER assumed the role of US President for eight years despite numerous efforts by hundreds of people and a dozen organizations to bring that lie out publicly, that the ACTUAL DOCUMENTS were legally compelled and brought before an independent examiner, found fraudulent, and that fact has been suppressed EVER SINCE!

Your "official Hawaii document" is WORTHLESS and doesn't mean shit in a court of law. It's just a note from one person saying another person claims something! You are less than stupid, fool, you are too bad a liar to be an accident. But please admit you really think your JPEG proves anything because I want to sell you a few acres of land in Florida! :lmao:
The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.

If course it did. o_O Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE?

The governor who affirmed the authenticity was a Republican, you retard.

What does that prove, you IMBECILE? Hawaii is the one of the most left-leaning and democratically-connected states of the fifty! You saying every republican out there is as pure and unbought as the driven snow? McCain is a Republican---- believe everything he tells you? You think putting a republican governor in a blue state suddenly changes the rest of the entire state? What has having Trump in office changed of the way Washington works? All the governor affirmed was that it was an authentic (real certificate of live birth! You can get one of those in 5 minutes and fill it out to say anything. My link makes that clear. Now all you need is some idiot (or crooked) politician to affirm it as an authentic record! Especially if you have Washington on the phone bitching to get it done. And it will be! But it does not legally prove anything.

What that proves is that you lied when you said that 'eveyr election in the State of Hawaii is 100% Blue.

You lied.

But- that is what Birthers do.

Birthers got to lie, got to lie, got to lie.
This, from a guy who just posted some bullshit jpeg he took off the internet.

The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.
Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? ....... I've offered you the truth

LOL- you lie was caught in the very same post you claim you have offered the truth

Linda Lingle (née Cutter; June 4, 1953) is an American politician, who was the sixth Governor of Hawaii from 2002 until 2010. She was the first Republican elected governor of Hawaii since the departure of William F. Quinn in 1962

No you said every election was Blue.
Here is your quote: Birtherboy: Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? .

The state of Hawaii elected a Republican Governor. Who appointed a Republican Director of Health

What does this say about a jackass like you?

That you are another lying Birther.

Birthers got to lie
Birthers got to lie
Birthers got to lie
This, from a guy who just posted some bullshit jpeg he took off the internet.

The State of Hawaii affirmed the information on that certificate was accurate.......3 times.
Ever check to see that in every election the State of Hawaii isn't 100% BLUE? ....... I've offered you the truth

LOL- you lie was caught in the very same post you claim you have offered the truth

Linda Lingle (née Cutter; June 4, 1953) is an American politician, who was the sixth Governor of Hawaii from 2002 until 2010. She was the first Republican elected governor of Hawaii since the departure of William F. Quinn in 1962

Your "official Hawaii document" is WORTHLESS and doesn't mean shit in a court of law. It's just a note from one person saying another person claims something! You are less than stupid, fool, you are too bad a liar to be an accident. But please admit you really think your JPEG proves anything because I want to sell you a few acres of land in Florida! :lmao:

Actually that document is an officially posted document by the State of Hawaii. But if you weren't a fucking idiot Birther you would know that.

Every statement by the Director of Health and Registrar of Voters of Hawaii is a legal statement.

Unlike the steaming pile of bullshit that Birthers consume every day- because unlike lying Birthers- I rely upon the facts- and official documents.

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