Evidence of Common Descent (LOTS, across the sciences)

Still waiting for evidence of a creator...`
The universe popping into existence in an improbable manner, not being created from existing matter or energy, with the laws of nature improbably being hardwired to produce intelligence.
What is "non living matter"?
What is "living matter"?..
Dizzy yet?
A non-living thing is anything that was never alive. In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt. While many things meet one or more of these criteria, a living thing must meet all of the criteria.

The universe popping into existence in an improbable manner, not being created from existing matter or energy, with the laws of nature improbably being hardwired to produce intelligence.
Argument from Ignorance/Incredulity.

It's no less probable than a deity (pick one of thousands) popping into existence.

You are Dishonest and Stupid.

Argument from Ignorance/Incredulity.

It's no less probable than a deity (pick one of thousands) popping into existence.

You are Dishonest and Stupid.

The entire thing is a tired fallacy.

Hey.. look at the rock on the ground... therefore the entire universe was designed to make rocks roll downhill.

It's worthless.
Argument from Ignorance/Incredulity.

It's no less probable than a deity (pick one of thousands) popping into existence.

You are Dishonest and Stupid.

The universe existing with matter and being hardwired for life and intelligence is so implausible that it could have only been intentional.
The entire thing is a tired fallacy.

Hey.. look at the rock on the ground... therefore the entire universe was designed to make rocks roll downhill.

It's worthless.
I think the tired fallacy is worshipping the created rather than the creator.
A non-living thing is anything that was never alive. In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt. While many things meet one or more of these criteria, a living thing must meet all of the criteria.

So, shockingly, nothing pertinent to what Clyde actually said about living or non-living "matter." :sigh2:
Word to the wise:

Spend more time discovering and less time worshipping.
Worship isn't for God. Worship is for us. It's incredibly powerful when done properly. Worship comes from the word worthy. I worship God by showing God I am worthy of the incredible gift he has given me (i.e. existing as a being that knows and creates in an incredibly beautiful and wonderous universe/existence). How do I show God I am worthy of such a gift? By showing my appreciation for the gift. How do I show my appreciation? By using the gift; by using the talents given to me to know and create; by treating everything I do as a sacred act. My worship of God is sublime. You would never know by watching me that I was worshiping God. And you can't begin to imagine the joy, happiness, peace and success I receive because of it unless you have practiced it religiously like I have.
Nothing is inanimate.

Us lower life forms only perceive it that way.

Because we're stupid and ignorant.
So you don't believe the well defined and established characteristics of living things is a valid divider of living things and inanimate matter?

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