Evidence suggests Obama admin spied on candidate Trump and Campaign long before FISA request was ...

It’s illegal to spy on Americans without proper warrant from an entity like the FISA Court. More and more evidence is being uncovered that suggests the Obama Administration not only spied on citizen and Presidential candidate Donald Trump but did so before obtaining their bogus warrant through the FISA Court to do so.
Evidence Suggests Obama Admin Spied on Candidate Trump and Campaign LONG BEFORE FISA Request was Presented to FISA Court

There is and it will be nothing better than to see these two " clinton and obama" sent up the river maybe we as a nation if we pray hard enough that is exactly what will happen. But as in years past we know more than likely these two losers will never see a day behind bars.

It's pathetic how many losers actually voted for this dumb sob , and then wanted to vote for Clinton on top of it. They've done more crimes than many of us even know about.
The author of your link lost credibility with that "warrant based on theSteele dossier" nonsense. The revelations in the FISA memo debunked that. Also...your amateur author seems to think Obama selected a FISA court judge. Hip people know that the Chief Justice of SCOTUS chooses FISA judges from a pool of Federal District judges...not the president.
“When the U.S. Attorney General determines that an emergency exists, the Attorney General may authorize the emergency employment of electronic surveillance before obtaining the necessary authorization from the FISC, if the Attorney General or their designee notifies a judge of the court at the time of authorization and applies for a warrant as soon as practicable but not more than seven days after authorization of such surveillance, as required by 50 U.S.C. § 1805.” Lynch could proceed without warrants. HERE COMES THE BOOM!

Nice post. Too bad it had nothing to do with what I said.
#40 makes some interesting points.

1.) "Insurance Policy" does resonate with the (un-named [italics]) medical charity in Colorado in the Bill Clinton-Frank Giustra story (Uranium One), which is quite investigation-worthy.

2.) We didn't notice before this that the Secret Service link to the Arab Son is also the Turkish link to Russian expert, Christopher Steele, because Steele did a stint in Samara, to which Chuvash is a neighboring region. Former Secret Service employees include Chuvash experts, no doubt about it.
So why did the author in the link think Obama appointed a justice to the FISC? That's what the stupid MF wrote. I don't care if he linked the WSJ or the Holy Bible ...he didn't know what he was writing about.

And if you think a former bodyguard who might have overheard something, is a credible informed source, you're a dope. BTW I'm fairly sure he was sworn to secrecy so he's flirting with jail time if he doesn't keep his loose lips under control.
It’s illegal to spy on Americans without proper warrant from an entity like the FISA Court. More and more evidence is being uncovered that suggests the Obama Administration not only spied on citizen and Presidential candidate Donald Trump but did so before obtaining their bogus warrant through the FISA Court to do so.
Evidence Suggests Obama Admin Spied on Candidate Trump and Campaign LONG BEFORE FISA Request was Presented to FISA Court

There is and it will be nothing better than to see these two " clinton and obama" sent up the river maybe we as a nation if we pray hard enough that is exactly what will happen. But as in years past we know more than likely these two losers will never see a day behind bars.

It's pathetic how many losers actually voted for this dumb sob , and then wanted to vote for Clinton on top of it. They've done more crimes than many of us even know about.
Clinton and Obama will be tried and executed for treason and sedition right after the budget is balanced
Wonder why black people will still vote for Democrats, after they nominated some POS thug criminal from Chicago who is a traitor and murdering sociopath to be the first black 'President', over the many thousands of great black people they could have nominated who are none of those things. Black people should be lynching the DNC, Sharpton, and all the rest of the scum who made such fools out of them and crapped all over their historic moment.
Weird. When did Republicans ever need evidence to make wild conspiracy claim?
Why was Page survailed? There should be damn good evidence in order to tap a phone of an American citizen...are you so partisan that you have lost all respect for our right to not be listened in on by some rouge FBI agent with a grudge?
This question must be answered by the FBI and the FISA judge and it had better be a good one...

The job of the FISA court judge, picked by chief justice roberts, is to decide if there is damn good evidence in order to tap a phone. Not you, not me, not the justice dept, not the FBI, not Comey, not Rosenstein, but the FISA Court judge.

Trump won't let you see the reasons silly willy.....

Pres. Trump stopped the release of the democrat's counter memo, listing the reasons allegedly for top secret content.

Nunes KNEW the real top secret reasons could NOT be revealed, and set you up for his #releasethememo propaganda scam.... that could never be proved or disproved in public.

The job of investigating criminality in the FISA Court warrants has always been done in secret, by the Inspector General.
he job of the FISA court judge, picked by chief justice roberts, is to decide if there is damn good evidence in order to tap a phone
The judge was lied to...not given all the pertinent facts in the case...this is why Brennen Clapper and Comey are being recalled to testify...those three dudes are in deep shit if they are not truthful this time...
Weird. When did Republicans ever need evidence to make wild conspiracy claim?
Why was Page survailed? There should be damn good evidence in order to tap a phone of an American citizen...are you so partisan that you have lost all respect for our right to not be listened in on by some rouge FBI agent with a grudge?
This question must be answered by the FBI and the FISA judge and it had better be a good one...

You are the partisan one. Page has been buzzing around the Russians and that goes back to 2013. Why would Trump hire such a person. There is no evidence that it has anything to do with a grudge.
Now the only issue is whether or not Sessions starts indicting the scum or joins the coverup, and whether Trump lets them get away with the crimes or not.
I don’t get that guy. Should never have recused himself.

Yes he should have recused himself. Sessions played a major role in Trump's campaign and Justice Department guidelines prohibit that.
he job of the FISA court judge, picked by chief justice roberts, is to decide if there is damn good evidence in order to tap a phone
The judge was lied to...not given all the pertinent facts in the case...this is why Brennen Clapper and Comey are being recalled to testify...those three dudes are in deep shit if they are not truthful this time...

I suppose the judge told you that. A Star Chamber run by Republicans will not save Trump.
I suppose the judge told you that. A Star Chamber run by Republicans will not save Trump
Trump's not going anywhere...I can't believe you still harbor hope for his demise...that's foolish....Given all the new information we have gotten this week alone should be enough to make you run and hide like the rest of your libs on this board...

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