Evidence that universe created itself

Evolutionists ignore the fact that THEY need to hold themselves accountable to the very same proofs they throw at Creationists.
Every time you demand evidence you are buried in evidence. Any time anyone asks you for evidence you disappear. Get the fock out of here with this bullshit.

What evidence do you need to see? Every time i ask you this question you slither off and disappear. Ready to step up?
After you cut through all the bullshit and after you boil all the berries there are really only two possibilities:

1. The universe created itself out of nothing.

Empty phrase. I said somehow: We don' t know. The only thing we know is nothing. But what about if this is true and it is really nothing ... and god made it - as a Christian philosopher - said about 1700 years ago? (Who made by the way also sometimes very big mistakes - specially his anti-Judaism is totally unbearable - and the "attacks" aginst Epicurus, whose philosophy had been the second best alternative for him before he became a Christian. I don't like it if people don't respect their roots.)

2. There is some intelligent design to the universe.

This is now a word of a very special discussion in the English speaking world about a lot of nonsense. Whatelse than natural laws - here specially: the use of mathematics in physics - is "intelligent design"? What about if evolution made us fit to use mathematics - mathematics is a never ending game and a "universal" language for all human beings - perhaps also for ETs - which needs enculturation, socialisation and education.

The first ones make no sense whatsoever given our understanding of the Laws of Physics.

Specially the growing of entropy makes not a big sense if the universe would be a system with a positive curvature and would be closed in circles of neverending rebirths. How to reset entropy?

At least not the Laws of Physics as I was taught at an accredited university.

The second possibility is much more feasible given that the first one is impossible.

A universe without any mathematics (=music) would be for us for sure a kind of absolute hell. So the question is perhaps: Where comes the music from before the band begins to play? From the instruments? Is materialism really plausible?

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Every time you demand evidence you are buried in evidence. Any time anyone asks you for evidence you disappear. Get the fock out of here with this bullshit.

What evidence do you need to see? Every time i ask you this question you slither off and disappear. Ready to step up?
Most of the Fossils found originated from the FLOOD. How they are found and where they are found has as much to do with hydro sorting as what type of creatures they were. Most of the animals killed by the FLOOD largely became the fossils we discover everywhere. In other words, it is likely that a large percentage of the fossils found represent nearly every animal that died to a high degree. Evolutionists see them as spread over 100's of 1000's of years and with missing transitional fossils, that either never formed or were lost to erosion.
It can't be destroyed after it is created but it was created when space and time was created. The creation of energy was what created space and time.

If so: How creates energy space and time? How much space is 1g mass. How much time is this? How to convert time and/or space in energy? ... Sounds in my ears not plausible what you say here.
According to author Simon Winchester:
Irish Bishop James Ussher claimed that the 6 Biblical days of creation began 9:AM Monday the 23rd of October 4004 BC.
The eminent Bishop Ussher determined this by meticulously back-tracking events recounted in the bible, and adding up the time to arrive at a grand total.
The universe could be 'since ever'

If "since ever" means 13.8 billion years, because the first planktime of the universe had been about 13.8 billion years ago.

and 'what is' could be a new cycle.

No, because entropy grows. How should a tea-cup be anti-destroyed and filled again with tea - so it is in a new cycle able to fall down and to be destroyed again? Such a process is not fully reversible.
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Surely you dont think

Do I?

the brilliant theoretical physicists did not think

Did they?

of that before you did.


If you don't understand,

Do I?

that's because you dont understand.

¿I do?

Not because you outsmarted them.

Why for heavens sake do you say anything to me? I'm an idiot. You should not waste your time with idiots.
According to author Simon Winchester:
Irish Bishop James Ussher claimed that the 6 Biblical days of creation began 9:AM Monday the 23rd of October 4004 BC.

Was he the first who tried to quantify the age of the universe in a concretet number of years?

The eminent Bishop Ussher determined this by meticulously back-tracking events recounted in the bible, and adding up the time to arrive at a grand total.

That nearly the same what we do today - but we use not then reports from the bible about god's creation - we use directly god's creation to find out when it started. First approximation was 23rd of October 4004 BC - last approximaion was in Cern it had started 13.8 billion years ago.

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