Evidence that universe created itself

However, real science is limited to only that which is observable and repeatable.
Like fossils. We observe them. We find the same ones in the same rock layers. I know you think you sound smart right now, but you don't. You sound very stupid and would get laughed out of science class.
You misrepresented me.

I did do what?

That was poor manners.

Slowly you make me angry. You called me a liar. I was so nice not to scalp you because you said so.

I still gave you the courtesy

:lol: - I don't remember any US-American in the moment who ever knew what is courtesy. I did not even know that such a word exists in your culture and language.

of saying you may be mistaken.

It is not my problem if you don't like to understand what others say.

You are very sensitive.

Sure, asshole. It's everyone's right to be sensitive. I understand very well why the Catholic canon Nicolaus Copernicus published after his death what he found out, although his sisters and brothers tried to convince him to publish during his lifetime. I have a similar problem. I have to tell something about a relativelly unimportant theme which combines arts, psychology and physics - but I fear the reactions of all the uneducated idiots, like you are one. Let it be to speak with me furthermore.

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However, real science is limited to only that which is observable and repeatable. If it isn't, it is just as scientific to believe that GOD did it.

More easy: God did it. But this is not the question of natural science. The question for natural philosophers is how god did it. I was for example very astonished to find the character of god in the expansion of the universe - what somehow shows everywhere we are able to find god.

So says the entirescientific community. Which doesn 't matter to you, because you rely on ignorant, superstitious iron aged people for your science.
There are most certainly CHRISTIAN Scientists who would disagree with you. And whose to say that you're not superstitious believing life originated from rock.
More easy: God did it. But this is not the question of natural science. The question for natural philosophers is how god did it. I was for example very astonished to find the character of god in the expansion of the universe - what somehow shows everywhere we are able to find god.

The Bible says that GOD spoke and it happened. I have no problem with discovering what elements are found in various things. I do have a problem with people who theoretically make things up in order to circumvent GOD ---- because they wish to, and then label those who believe in GOD as idiots, morons, superstitious, and unscientific. And then work to exclude the "morons" from their club.
There are most certainly CHRISTIAN Scientists who would disagree with you.

In the USA everyone disagrees with me. I'm a German. In Germany I would understand under "Christian scientists" people who are very correct, friendly and engaged in social problems. In your country I imagine people who cry loud and aggressive. By The way : The pope is somehow a Christian scientist.

And whose to say that you're not superstitious believing life originated from rock.

¿Rock? ... A big corn of dust from the stars. And dust is the same matter as you are, isn't it? And one day your body will be dust again - will be most little particles. And the rock which you are now was 20 years ago a totally other rock. Your rock flows. Everything flows.

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The Bible says that GOD spoke and it happened.

And the physicist Anton Zeilinger said in the beginning of the third millenium "In the beginning was the word" and added some more words, why he said so. Very interesting.

I have no problem with discovering what elements are found in various things. I do have a problem with people who theoretically make things up in order to circumvent GOD ---- because they wish to, and then label those who believe in GOD as idiots, morons, superstitious, and unscientific. And then work to exclude the "morons" from their club.

So you have what problem exactly?
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*or mistaken. Probably mistaken? Language barrier maybe? Dunno.

Let it be to try to speak with me any longer. Go and play with your dirt anywhere else. The Sahara could be a good place. Greatest sandbox of the world. A lot of place to "write in the sand" = "to think". Same to you ding.
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"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - The Late Carl Sagan

Tell that to a pretentious, condescending, know-it-all atheist.

"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth." - Teddy Roosevelt

So true. So incredibly true. Leftists/atheists project their bitterness, their hatefulness, their anger on those of us they relentlessly call "religious extremists" and "anti-scientific." Lies all, but lies are their métier. Lies are their sine qua non. Debate with them is pointless because of Brandolini's Law.

"The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it."

"The universe has always existed." B.S.

"We're smarter than you." B.S.

"We're always right because we're always smarter than you." - B.S.

atheists leave more.jpg
"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - The Late Carl Sagan

Tell that to a pretentious, condescending, know-it-all atheist.
Or to a wailing religious dumbfuck like you, who insists on absolute knowledge of things for which they have not a shred of evidence.
So says the entirescientific community. Which doesn 't matter to you, because you rely on ignorant, superstitious iron aged people for your science.
Doctors once all believed washing one's hands to deliver a baby was entirely unnecessary. As a result many mothers died needlessly, and a doctor who suspected the obvious had his career ruined by the "scientific" establishment. GOD isn't ignorant and even IF you could prove ignorant, superstitious, iron aged people wrote the Bible. They certainly seem to have a whole lot insight than much of what evolutionists living today call "proof".
"Nothing is known for certain except in pure mathematics." - The Late Carl Sagan

Tell that to a pretentious, condescending, know-it-all atheist.

"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth." - Teddy Roosevelt

So true. So incredibly true. Leftists/atheists project their bitterness, their hatefulness, their anger on those of us they relentlessly call "religious extremists" and "anti-scientific." Lies all, but lies are their métier. Lies are their sine qua non. Debate with them is pointless because of Brandolini's Law.

"The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it."

"The universe has always existed." B.S.

"We're smarter than you." B.S.

"We're always right because we're always smarter than you." - B.S.

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In your case, "religious extremist'' seems entirely appropriate.

"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough – I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Doctors once all believed washing one's hands to deliver a baby was entirely unnecessary. As a result many mothers died needlessly, and a doctor who suspected the obvious had his career ruined by the "scientific" establishment. GOD isn't ignorant and even IF you could prove ignorant, superstitious, iron aged people wrote the Bible. They certainly seem to have a whole lot insight than much of what evolutionists living today call "proof".

I clicked on Nipper's post, curious as what he was replying to because the moron he replied to is on my Ignore List due to his inability to contribute anything but vulgarity, hatefulness, and ignorance. It is a disgrace to this forum that they allow such filth to spew their lunacy.

I have credentials, money, worldwide travel, and successes that the filth could only dream about.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man." Nipper, please do not respond to him again. If you do, I will add you to my Ignore List.
Doctors once all believed washing one's hands to deliver a baby was entirely unnecessary.
Due to abject ignorance, not due to science. Science is how we learned that is a bad idea, and we did so quite in spite of fools like you. You would have been the jackass saying, "Bacteria? Then why can't I see them? This is atheist delusion!"....

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