Evolution / creation


Senior Member
May 13, 2013
This is intended for the person who was discussing evolution vs. creation with me. I do not remember your SN, so can't address it properly.....sorry for that.


(I am unable to post the picture of the Original Cover of Darwin's Book, and the Poster it gave birth to that became a part of our Public Education Systems kit for teaching Darwin's Theory, sorry for that. However, if one is honest, they will acknowledge the picture displayed from left to right............ape.....three evolving creatures growing closer to the last depiction of modern man.)

Here are some excerpts from Darwin’s Original Writings on the Origins of the Species, and the Photo that was initially the Book cover which has now been replaced with other pictures. However, for many years, both the Book and Poster replicas were distributed throughout our Public Education System, and are a matter of Record.

I am approaching this from an Ethical view, and not a Religious view, for I believe it is unethical for the Scientific Community to promote this flawed theory of evolution throughout our Public Education System. Especially when the Public Education System accepts this flawed Theory as the ONLY material they will teach………..Now, were they to ALSO teach the Belief of Creative Design, then I would be far more likely to simply say “to each his own, and at least they are teaching BOTH sides of the argument.” However, this is not what is happening, and in my opinion this is why it rises to the level of being unethical.

The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin

Excerpt from Darwin’s Book:

Analogy would lead me one step further, namely, to the belief that all animals and plants have descended from some one prototype. But analogy may be a deceitful guide. Nevertheless all living things have much in common, in their chemical composition, their germinal vesicles, their cellular structure, and their laws of growth and reproduction. We see this even in so trifling a circumstance as that the same poison often similarly affects plants and animals; or that the poison secreted by the gall-fly produces monstrous growths on the wild rose or oak-tree. Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed.

Natural Selection

Long before having arrived at this part of my work, a crowd of difficulties will have occurred to the reader. Some of them are so grave that to this day I can never reflect on them without being staggered; but, to the best of my judgment, the greater number are only apparent, and those that are real are not, I think, fatal to my theory.

These difficulties and objections may be classed under the following heads:-Firstly, why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?

On the absence or rarity of transitional varieties. As natural selection acts solely by the preservation of profitable modifications, each new form will tend in a fully-stocked country to take the place of, and finally to exterminate, its own less improved parent or other less-favoured forms with which it comes into competition. Thus extinction and natural selection will, as we have seen, go hand in hand. Hence, if we look at each species as descended from some other unknown form, both the parent and all the transitional varieties will generally have been exterminated by the very process of formation and perfection of the new form.

To sum up, I believe that species come to be tolerably well-defined objects, and do not at any one period present an inextricable chaos of varying and intermediate links: firstly, because new varieties are very slowly formed, for variation is a very slow process, and natural selection can do nothing until favourable variations chance to occur, and until a place in the natural polity of the country can be better filled by some modification of some one or more of its inhabitants. And such new places will depend on slow changes of climate, or on the occasional immigration of new inhabitants, and, probably, in a still more important degree, on some of the old inhabitants becoming slowly modified, with the new forms thus produced and the old ones acting and reacting on each other. So that, in any one region and at any one time, we ought only to see a few species presenting slight modifications of structure in some degree permanent; and this assuredly we do see.

My question directly stated “Where are they?” That is the partially evolved species that should be visible throughout the World. At least Darwin addressed this issue in his writings, although his explanation created more doubt of his Theory than dismissal of the question in my opinion. Darwin used the same argument that many of his disciples used today……..In short…….”These partially evolved, or not as superior species died off and were replaced by the more superior we know and see today. As well, the evolution of one species to another distinct species takes a very long time…”


Darwin admits that he cannot explain/prove the connections of the transformation of one species to another distinct species, and BLAMES this inability on the “lack of fossil records.” Problem with that is, it would INDICATE that the EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS has ceased, and whatever species now exist must surely be the highest form of their kind. Otherwise we would STILL have ongoing visual/scientific evidence of the evolutionary process today to view and study.

While Darwin attempts to dismiss any possibility of “creation” of specific individual species, he contradicts himself to a degree, for he DOES NOT dismiss CREATION. In honest reading of his statement regarding this, it should be apparent to all.
DARWIN: “Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed.

Note the last part of this statement: “into which life was first breathed.” This one short excerpt reveals that Darwin either knowingly or unknowingly admits that CREATION OCCURRED, and that LIFE WAS CREATED…….Otherwise how does one explain his “into which life was first breathed” statement/conclusion? For LIFE to have been BREATHED INTO something, there had to be some being/force TO BREATH THAT LIFE INTO the species.

For those who say that Darwin did not suggest man evolved from the lesser life form of ape is intellectually dishonest in my opinion. Any honest reading of Darwin’s Theory certainly confirms that this is exactly what he believed and was attempting to prove. And, in the end, realizing that HE COULD NOT prove this……….he dismissed his failure as “A LACK OF FOSSIL RECORDS.”

Not for nothing, but that appears to be a “convenient” way to excuse his failure to prove the evolution of one life form into a higher and distinctly separate life form in my opinion.
My opinion on all of this has always been and remains that there is nothing in all of Darwin’s writings, or in any publications since that cannot be better explained by replacing “EVOLUTION” with “CREATED ADAPTATION.” In that the Creator endowed His creations with the specific ability to ADAPT to whatever environment they found themselves in/subject to. Darwin himself often credits “adaptability for changes in a particular species……….and yet, cannot LINK the EVOLUTION of one life form into a HIGHER AND DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT LIFE FORM. For that reason alone, “Created Adaptability” is far more logical in my opinion than “Evolution.”

An Article Worth Reading:

Debunking Evolution - problems between the theory and reality; the false science of evolution


Do these big changes (macroevolution) really happen? Evolutionists tell us we cannot see evolution taking place because it happens too slowly. A human generation takes about 20 years from birth to parenthood. They say it took tens of thousands of generations to form man from a common ancestor with the ape, from populations of only hundreds or thousands. We do not have these problems with bacteria. A new generation of bacteria grows in as short as 12 minutes or up to 24 hours or more, depending on the type of bacteria and the environment, but typically 20 minutes to a few hours. There are more bacteria in the world than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches of the world (and many grains of sand are covered with bacteria). They exist in just about any environment: hot, cold, dry, wet, high pressure, low pressure, small groups, large colonies, isolated, much food, little food, much oxygen, no oxygen, in toxic chemicals, etc. There is much variation in bacteria. There are many mutations (in fact, evolutionists say that smaller organisms have a faster mutation rate than larger ones16). But they never turn into anything new. They always remain bacteria. Fruit flies are much more complex than already complex single-cell bacteria. Scientists like to study them because a generation (from egg to adult) takes only 9 days. In the lab, fruit flies are studied under every conceivable condition. There is much variation in fruit flies. There are many mutations. But they never turn into anything new. They always remain fruit flies. Many years of study of countless generations of bacteria and fruit flies all over the world shows that evolution is not happening today.
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The real distinction is Gradualism vs. Interventionism, the former implying some automatic process while the latter implies some direction or purpose. In their zeal to advance their secular agenda, most "evolutionists" have adopted a simplistic view of interspecies transformation that would make Darwin roll over in his grave. Darwin's direct observations were of local adaptations within species, e.g., a beak to fit a berry through natural selection. Since DNA had yet to be discovered, he was unable to identify species as we now know them; thus a polar bear was just as likely to be a type of ermine as it was to be a type of bear.
Do changes ever really happen? Are you serious? What of the the fossil record? Either you believe macro-evolutionary changes occurred or you have to believe in constant creation through the ages.
Evolution - A theory based on facts.
Creationism - A fairy tale based on nothing.
I am not sure who you were debating evolution with. I believe I had engaged in a discussion where I had clarified what a scientific theory is, as opposed to a hypothesis.

If you are interested in clarification on the theory of evolution, what it is and isn't, you should take a look at;

Misconceptions about evolution

I cannot debate evolution. *What I can explain is how the scientific process works. *And as I know how it works, I can tell you that referencing Darwin's Origin Of Species to critic it is pointless. *The Theory Of Evolution, As with most laws and theories in science, is not based soley on the work of one individual and hardly likely to be elevated to the status of Theory in the lifetime of the individual first proposing or demonstrating it. *The Origin of Species was published in 1859 and has been repeatedly and mercilessly scrutinized by science for 154 year, by tens of thousands of professional scientists, from every field of biology, in every advanced country around the globe, all of whom would have loved nothing more than to go down in history as the person that turned it on its ear.

Creationism and intelligent design were buried in the graveyard of history during the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District.

Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You might consider watching a documentary on the Dover trial as it is quite interesting. *

It was demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that creationists will lie and cheat to promote their personal agenda. *The reason you cannot get Creationism and Intelligent Design taught in a public school curriculum is that no serious and dedicated science teaching professional will subject their students to such intellectual abuse.

Unless you are prepared to study and over turn hundreds of thousands of peer reviewed (or otherwise scientifically scrutinized) papers by tens of thousands of PhD professionals over 150'years of science and then the most seminal court case in the history of modern scientific thought, along with disguising CreaIntelligent Designtionism with a whole new term, then you are just spinning your wheels.

Christianity and the Bible has been around for some 2000 years now. *Scientific thought has been around for some 400 years. *While the Bible is no doubt, along with other ancient texts, among the most important literary works of mankind, it is not a sciencific work. *

In another 1600 years, it will be long forgotton except by scolars of ancient liturature, who credit it, along side other similar texts, as the foundation for our organized social systems. *

Genesis is a nice story, science is hard. *And lacking knowledge, it is important to have something to believe in. *But when knowledge is presented, it is a foolish person that passes it up so they can continue to just believe.
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You gotta marvel at them from afar, and hate them in your home.



The findings illustrate the evolutionary prowess that has helped make cockroaches so hard to stamp out that it is jokingly suggested they could survive nuclear war.

"This image made from video provided by Ayako Wada-Katsumata shows glucose-averse German cockroaches avoiding a dab of jelly, which contains glucose, and favoring the peanut butter. For 30 years, people have been getting rid of cockroaches by setting out sweet-tasting bait mixed with poison. But in the early 1990s, a formerly effective product stopped working. Some cockroaches had lost their sweet tooth, rejecting the corn syrup meant to attract them. Later studies showed they were specifically turned off by the sugar glucose in the syrup. Scientists reported Thursday, May 23, 2013 that the key is an altered behavior of certain nerves that signal the brain about foods. (AP Photo/Ayako Wada-Katsumata)"

News from The Associated Press
Note the last part of this statement: “into which life was first breathed.” This one short excerpt reveals that Darwin either knowingly or unknowingly admits that CREATION OCCURRED, and that LIFE WAS CREATED…….Otherwise how does one explain his “into which life was first breathed” statement/conclusion? For LIFE to have been BREATHED INTO something, there had to be some being/force TO BREATH THAT LIFE INTO the species.

You are grasping at straws. He is being poetic.
Evolution - A theory based on facts.
Creationism - A fairy tale based on nothing.

I wouldn't say Creationism is based on nothing, because all that evolves had an origin.
The question of that origin is what Creationism is based upon.
Evolution - A theory based on facts.
Creationism - A fairy tale based on nothing.

I wouldn't say Creationism is based on nothing, because all that evolves had an origin.
The question of that origin is what Creationism is based upon.

Absolutely, it is Evolved and Adaptive Genesis.

The example comes from the Dover Trial where the original typed manuscript for the Intelligent Design textbook was shown to be adapted directly from the Creationist textbook. In editing the original text, the typist simply went through and replaced "creationism" with "intelligent design". Unfortunately, the typist neglected, in instances, to remove the "creationist" part, instead creating. In an example of bitter irony, the manuscript read

creatintelligent designionism​

What appears to be the case is that creatintelligent designionism wants to take evolutionary theory and add genesis to it like some proverbial appendix, a useless organ that's purpose has dissappeared into the long forgotton history of evolutionary extinct organs.
"How turtles got their shells". ?

Got me. I always thought they bought them through a shell estate broker. That or if they found an empty one, and lived in it for seven years, they could claim squatters rights.

I base it on observations of homeless snails, commonly refered to as slugs. Eventually, they get a job, rent for a while, save up a down payment, and move into one of the many empty shells that can be found in the garden.

Hermit crabs are similar, to the turtles. They claim squatters rights.
Its funny, for the past 40 years as a christian, I thought evolution was a fact. Today not so sure ever since a poster in another forum ask this question. Why would a creature with fur, strong as heck...evolve to a furless weak creature?
Its funny, for the past 40 years as a christian, I thought evolution was a fact. Today not so sure ever since a poster in another forum ask this question. Why would a creature with fur, strong as heck...evolve to a furless weak creature?

I am assuming that you are talking about the evolution of man when the question is "Why would a creature with fur, strong as heck...evolve to a furless weak creature?".
If so, then just remember that a human can alter (and to a certain extent control) his environment. Before control of fire (heat) there existed a need of fur to keep warm. Today, I can create warmth in my home to protect me from cold. I can also layer on clothing to keep me warm. My body may be weak against nature, but my mind has strength to overcome that weakness. That strength comes in many forms besides just controlling heat. I can create tools that allow me (a weak animal) to kill stronger animals-- knives, spears, axes and bows give me power to conquer animals much stronger (physically) than I am.
Evolution is not just about physical attributes, but also about superior mental attributes (the brain). For example, the largest and fastest lion will soon starve to death if he hunts for zebras in the ocean instead of the savannah.
Darwin focused on physical attributes that were beneficial to a species, and that does matter, but mental attributes also matter. Man became the top of the hierarchy using his brain, not his brawn.
"How turtles got their shells". ?

Got me. I always thought they bought them through a shell estate broker. That or if they found an empty one, and lived in it for seven years, they could claim squatters rights.

I base it on observations of homeless snails, commonly refered to as slugs. Eventually, they get a job, rent for a while, save up a down payment, and move into one of the many empty shells that can be found in the garden.

Hermit crabs are similar, to the turtles. They claim squatters rights.

'cept turtles are hatched with shells and the shells grow with them. They don't move out of one shell and into a larger one as they grow.

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