Evolution of Art: Classical to Graphic (Capitalism?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Art is capitalism...right?

Anyone a fan of The Monuments Men?



Ajay Satan was an Internet-blogger studying the evolution of art from the Ancient World through the post-modern tech-media era of Facebook. He looked at the fancy and ornate chariot-war portraits from the empire of India and fables such as the Ramayana. Ajay noted that such art was a predecessor to new age expressionism-divination films such as Celebrity and Wolf. Art about 'the gods' was always considered presentations of divinity as a valuable concept in the old world.


Ajay then looked at the emergence of pedestrianism-friendly art or 'folk-art' which really began taking shape after the Beatnik and Hippie generations, when audiences demanded more lifestyle-realism even if it meant controversial presentations of everyday moral frailties (e.g., pornography). Ajay looked at some of the earlier Batul the Great, Mighty Mouse, and Batman Detective Comics. He then began looking at the development of 'pop-sensitivity' cinema in America such as Pulp Fiction, Casino, and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Ajay noted a distinct preference for behaviour-themed revolutionary storytelling in this 'secondary era' in the evolution of art.


Ajay finally began assessing various sci-fi modern art/cinema and horror-comics and horror-films such as Alien: Covenant, Jason X, The Predator, Ghost in the Shell, The Thing, and Star Trek: Into Darkness. Ajay considered how these post-modern dystopian imageries represented a new age fascination with doomsday/apocrypha-lore such as alien-invasions and species-mutations. This art was geared towards mob psychology and not towards personality-based aesthetics, and many video-games from this newest genre in the evolution of art were adapted from these works...and made millions and millions of dollars in commercial profits/sales. Commerce was literally 'financing' this new 'matrix-labyrinth synaesthesia aesthetic' in pop-culture art. It was amazing, and Ajay wondered if the poster-child comic book superhero for this new 'macro-trend' should be none other than RoboCop.


Art becoming graphic and muscularly expressive to reflect a modern fast-paced urban heartbeat confluence 'aesthetic' was perhaps rooted in socialization-mobilization events/experiences (or even 'shocks') such as the Industrial Revolution and World War II. Perhaps Alfred Hitchcock's post-WWII films about pure human psychosis reflected a growing consumer interest in sociopathy-themed storytelling. What was Orwell so worried about? Well, in any case, Ajay Satan noted that the graphically-violent new age combat-video game Mortal Kombat X featured a very modern 'apocalyptic blood-bazaar.' Capitalism had made art and folklore a thing of daring (if not always substance).


TRUMP: This is incredible, Ajay!
AJAY: I'm glad you enjoyed my art presentation, Mr. President.
TRUMP: We're satisfied we invited the right art-scholar for an evolution-presentation.
AJAY: Consumerism does not have to be mindless...
TRUMP: No, Americans genuinely care about WikiLeaks and Amazon.com.
AJAY: Quality will always be in 'high demand,' Mr. President.
TRUMP: Are you a supporter of the Food and Drug Administration, Ajay?
AJAY: You can bet I am...
TRUMP: Are you a fan of the film Casino?
AJAY: I'm not opposed to celebrations of 'capitalism rituals.'
TRUMP: Do you worry about kids playing too many video-games?
AJAY: I have faith that our modern fascination with tech/toys will not make us juvenile.
TRUMP: Yet, do you also note that commerce/capitalism can 'streamline' demand?
AJAY: Yes, trends can become very 'macro' and last for a long time in the age of trade.
TRUMP: It's easier to account for convenience and aesthetics that way; e.g., Transformers.
AJAY: Yes, Hasbro's Transformers franchise (films, cartoons, toys, books) is iconic.
TRUMP: We're fascinated by their presentation of democratic robots fighting for America!
AJAY: The evolution of art has revealed an arrow oriented towards nationalism, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Nationalism created by consumerism can still be labelled as Orwellian by critics!
AJAY: I understand that; that's why I analyse why Iron Man represents modernism sanity.
TRUMP: I see; Iron Man is both pro-Industrialization/tech and liberty-friendly....
AJAY: There's no reason we can't say, "Capitalism has made art more shiny."


The Apocalypse

Art in the age of developing commerce might seem like Scientology.


"American consumers cared about the aesthetics of capitalism and how trophies of trade and toys could be presented to make commerce feel more sexy and savvy. This was the Age of Harper's Bazaar after all..."


"An idealist named Ajay who always wore a mask was studying how capitalism could foster cannibalism and piracy. Ajay was a 'priest' of sorts, but he'd be challenged spiritually by the forces of celebrity, which made consumerism simply feel fun and not intellectual or analytical. Nevertheless, Ajay remained hopeful."


"Ajay composed various intricate/ornate works of pop-culture political cartoons meant to re-present capitalism as a system of empirical opportunism. Ajay's rivals believed he was simply a 'romantic'."


"Ajay was attacked by those who endorsed a more glamorous embracing of capitalism --- baronesses of South American empires, airline pilots working for underground celebrity secret societies, and terrorists who simply wanted to do away with capitalism altogether."


"As the flames of intrigue grew, allegiances were made, and Machiavellian anarchists were arrayed against pro-democracy crusaders in various media debates regarding the modern value of socialization and commerce propaganda. After 9/11, everyone was concerned that consumerism would simply be cast as a 'vanity'."


"Artists made representations of dark and sinister terrorists who symbolized all the modern civilization fears of complete loss of governmental control in the age of high-traffic. This was 'paranoia art' and Ajay was being shoved out of the 'scene'."


"Ajay decided to start blogging about Alaskan Eskimo human rights and the dangers of drilling for oil in Antarctica. He shifted his approach to idealistic capitalism-critique by focusing more on the natural appeal of community values in the modern era of opportunism and opportunists. Ajay's new community-oriented guerrilla-approach to political-cartoon art made him once again feel like a 'net-navigator' of populism-prose."


"As the high-priests of this new age of Wall Street werewolves became deified as diplomats of functionalism consciousness, patriots and democracy advocates such as Ajay continued to elaborate on the humanism value of endorsing liberty in the age of treasures (e.g., NASDAQ)."


"A giant evil super-computer was designed by the NSA to control convection currents and hence redirect climate-systems in North America. The NSA wanted complete control over the American homeland, so how would people like Ajay fit into this New World Order?"


"Ajay loved video games so he started blogging about video games as totems of modernism IQ and socialization optimism, since video games symbolized mob psychology as well as liberty daydreams. He who controlled social trends in this civilization controlled the popular vote."


"Art and fashion became more representative of a new urbanization meditation and hence 'streamlined improvisation' (e.g., Gap Kids)."


"Would Ajay be remembered as a capitalism cheerleader of tragically sentimental proportions or as a 'prophet' of free-speech? Ajay wondered himself if he was a wolf or a seeing-eye dog."


GOD: I think this Wall Street/NASDAQ era saw a 'Great Tribulation.'
SATAN: Will Ajay be likened to Patrick Henry?
GOD: He'll at least be compared to Thomas Nast...
SATAN: Nast should have taught at Yale.
GOD: America boasts the world's best schools.
SATAN: Maybe consumerism should make school-uniforms chic!
GOD: Kids today prefer MTV and self-expression.
SATAN: After 9/11, America felt haunted by its own commerce ambitions.
GOD: Yes, terrorism is the malady of globalization.
SATAN: Perhaps all of humanity was mobilized for this 'Wall Street aesthetic.'
GOD: Art changed...arguably for the mind and not the heart.
SATAN: I still find 'pockets' of incredible creativity (video games, fitness-gear, robots).
GOD: Robots are still merely toys, but we need more trumpeteers such as Ajay!
SATAN: Are you a fan of Bob Dylan?
GOD: I think the whole socialization-paranoia vibe will mutate into some values 'camp.'
SATAN: I wonder if the AntiChrist came and went without being detected at all...



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