Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh apologises for helping elect 'Unfit Con Man'

Tumblin Tumbleweed

Platinum Member
Mar 16, 2015
Former Tea Party clown Joe Walsh is having buyers remorse about supporting the Orange Virus.

Writing in The New York Times, Walsh said:

In Mr. Trump, I see the worst and ugliest iteration of views I expressed for the better part of a decade. To be sure, I’ve had my share of controversy. On more than one occasion, I questioned Mr. Obama’s truthfulness about his religion. At times, I expressed hate for my political opponents. We now see where this can lead. There’s no place in our politics for personal attacks like that, and I regret making them.”

We are way past the time for mea culpas. Too little, too late. Words are cheap, Joe. The damage is done.

Tea Party Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh Apologizes For Helping Elect ‘Unfit Con Man’ Trump
Must have been bitten by Morning Joe.....Walsh has been going to the dark side for over a year now, so much so I now listen to John Bachelor at 9PM....Lots of audience loss....you would think a guy whose job depends on audience would stay with a proven combination.
Former Tea Party clown Joe Walsh is having buyers remorse about supporting the Orange Virus.

Writing in The New York Times, Walsh said:

In Mr. Trump, I see the worst and ugliest iteration of views I expressed for the better part of a decade. To be sure, I’ve had my share of controversy. On more than one occasion, I questioned Mr. Obama’s truthfulness about his religion. At times, I expressed hate for my political opponents. We now see where this can lead. There’s no place in our politics for personal attacks like that, and I regret making them.”

We are way past the time for mea culpas. Too little, too late. Words are cheap, Joe. The damage is done.

Tea Party Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh Apologizes For Helping Elect ‘Unfit Con Man’ Trump
You need a tampon?
"We now see where this can lead. There’s no place in our politics for personal attacks like that, and I regret making them.”

As if Dimocrats haven't been personally attacking their opposition !!
These fucking weasels never find their conscience until after they leave office.
Walsh can't even support his own children...deadbeat dad. He's no man

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

Hilarious considering you were pushing this dirtbags shit back in 2015.

LOL Go get'em. If Lynch isn't aware what the First Ammendment is all about she should resign immediately

Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’

A former U.S. congressman urged Attorney General Loretta Lynch to arrest him after she warned on Thursday that her office would take a more aggressive approach to those spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric.

“I think Islam has a real freaking problem, alright?” Former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh said in a video posted to his Facebook page. “There is a cancer in Islam, and if they’re not going to learn to assimilate, I don’t want them in this country.”

“You got a problem, Loretta Lynch, with me saying that? Then throw me in jail,” Walsh, a conservative talk show host, argued. “I think Islam is evil. I think Islam has a huge problem. I think most Muslims around the world are not compatible with American values. I don’t want them here.”

Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’

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