Ex DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Says Jeh Johnson Lied Under Oath About Offering Them Help Over Hacking


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I just bet the reasons that the DNC didn’t want anyone else messing around their server was maybe it had something to do with Seth Rich. Or maybe there was more ‘hidden Hillary emails? Or maybe there was a lot of information on how they were going to ‘use voter fraud to take Bernie out’...and did. Nevertheless, the Democrats are starting to eat their own.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Just Accused Jeh Johnson Of Lying Under Oath
Comey testified in January that the DNC refused requests to examine the servers. I don't remember a dust up then. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Curiouser and curiouser......
The DNC refused to allow the FBI or any police force to examine the servers because they knew they were not hacked. It was someone from within their own organization that released the emails.

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