Ex-F.B.I. Lawyer Expected to Plead Guilty in Durham Investigation

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.
FISA warrants were issued to investigate whether Trump was cooperating with Russians after he lied about extensive contacts with them. The Mueller investigation was started because Trump fired the person in charge of investigating his campaign activities. Trump was impeached because he was using US government policy to direct a smear against a chief political adversary.

None of these things happen if Trump hadn’t acted first.
Uh, huh...
View attachment 375077

You got him. Clinesmith was the mastermind of the whole thing.
No, he was just a minute piece.
Since there’s not much more to this supposed scandal, I guess that means it wasn’t that big of a deal.


The dude is just acknowledging what others have noticed.

Barr has two standards of justice. One for Trump’s friends and one for his enemies.
And lo and behold! Remember Sharyl Attkison, who knew the fbi spied on her when at cbs? Well, a former agent has admitted it was done-
Attkisson v. Rosenstein/DOJ computer intrusions *UPDATE* (PODCAST)
I update this week's court activity in my lawsuit against the federal government, Rod Rosenstein, Shawn Henry, and others over the government's computer intrusions.
The summary includes information from a former federal agent who confessed to being part of one of the spy operations against me.
The fbi has been going rogue for quite some time. It did not start just with Trump. It went into overtime with him, as he was perceived as their biggest threat.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.
Watch. Colfax is going to play stupid. That's his favorite tactic.
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.
FISA warrants were issued to investigate whether Trump was cooperating with Russians after he lied about extensive contacts with them. The Mueller investigation was started because Trump fired the person in charge of investigating his campaign activities. Trump was impeached because he was using US government policy to direct a smear against a chief political adversary.

None of these things happen if Trump hadn’t acted first.
Uh, huh...
View attachment 375077

You got him. Clinesmith was the mastermind of the whole thing.
No, he was just a minute piece.
Since there’s not much more to this supposed scandal, I guess that means it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Oh, Barr said this is small fry to what is coming...
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.
FISA warrants were issued to investigate whether Trump was cooperating with Russians after he lied about extensive contacts with them. The Mueller investigation was started because Trump fired the person in charge of investigating his campaign activities. Trump was impeached because he was using US government policy to direct a smear against a chief political adversary.

None of these things happen if Trump hadn’t acted first.
These DNC talking points have all been debunked 10,000 times already.

The dude is just acknowledging what others have noticed.

Barr has two standards of justice. One for Trump’s friends and one for his enemies.
It's the same standard, douchebag. Trump's enemies just aren't used to being held accountable. Now they are crying like witto tiny babieeeees!
Last edited:
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.

Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
Do you care about the Bill of Rights and the attempt of an administration to stage a coup?
Calling it a coup is about as stupid as you could possibly imagine.
No, that's accuracy.
Alright. Let’s explore it.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government.

How does investigating Trump’s campaign have anything to do with overthrowing a government?

Why do you suppose the phony FISA warrants were issued? Why do you suppose the Mueller investigation was started? Why do you suppose that Trump was the first President to ever be impeached without an impeachable offense or a crime committed?

It's all to get rid of Trump.
FISA warrants were issued to investigate whether Trump was cooperating with Russians after he lied about extensive contacts with them. The Mueller investigation was started because Trump fired the person in charge of investigating his campaign activities. Trump was impeached because he was using US government policy to direct a smear against a chief political adversary.

None of these things happen if Trump hadn’t acted first.
Uh, huh...
View attachment 375077

You got him. Clinesmith was the mastermind of the whole thing.
No, he was just a minute piece.
Since there’s not much more to this supposed scandal, I guess that means it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Oh, Barr said this is small fry to what is coming...
Sure he did. He’s been stringing y’all along for a while now.

The dude is just acknowledging what others have noticed.

Barr has two standards of justice. One for Trump’s friends and one for his enemies.
It's the same standard, douchebag. Trump's enemies just aren't used to being held accountable.
And yet Barr is getting Flynn’s charges dismissed.

Glorious News. The first of the criminal conspiracists who tried to undermine our Government---GOING DOWN.

I can't read the whole article, as I would never in a million years, give any money to the New York Times. Buy, they generally get the story first and SPIN it to sound like it is nothing.

More will come soon from HONEST REPORTING.

This particular FBI Co-conspirator is also a Pussy, so he will be signing like a canary trying to avoid too much time as Big Bubba's wife in a Federal Pen.


GOOD DAY FOR AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old news.
Those giving up information (cooperating) are the first to get out of the way... The bomb is about to drop big time.. This is just the beginning.
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now....(how many years has it been?)

The dude is just acknowledging what others have noticed.

Barr has two standards of justice. One for Trump’s friends and one for his enemies.
It's the same standard, douchebag. Trump's enemies just aren't used to being held accountable.
And yet Barr is getting Flynn’s charges dismissed.
Flynn didn't commit any crimes. When Comey, Brennan et. al. are indicted, are you going to be screaming for their heads like you are screaming for Flynn's?
Remember. Pleading guilty doesn’t actually mean you did anything illegal.
He actually was caught red handed.
if you are referring to Flynn, the fbi agents stated they didn’t think he had lied. He was threatened into pleading guilty, so they wouldn’t also break financially his son, as they had done to him. Big difference. Total faux comparison.

Flynn was caught red handed too.

Everyone who pleads guilty does so because of the threat of a worse sentence.

So therefore there’s no proof he did anything wrong since a guilty plea doesn’t mean a crime has been committed. That’s the stupid world we live in thanks to Billy Barr.
He was "caught" doing nothing illegal, moron. And, yes, a guilty is not proof of anything, especially when a establishment douchebag like Mueller is the prosecutor. Thousands of people who plead guilty were later found to be innocent and set free.
Great. So the guilty plea of Clinesmith is in no way validation or evidence of any illegal action.

Congrats. Our country just got dumber because of you.

You don't think that altering a document in order to get the FISA court to approve of a surveillance warrant isn't illegal?
Maybe he didn’t intend to alter it? Maybe he didn’t know that was illegal?

Of course not. He's a lawyer. How could he possibly know it wasn't legal.
Hey, sounds pretty stupid to me. But people said that Flynn didn’t know it was illegal to lie to the FBI so that’s the new standard.

He didn't know it was an official investigation. He was new to the scene. When he asked Comey if he should get his lawyers first, Comey told him it wasn't necessary. It was a few off the record questions.
New to the scene? Good grief. He's a general who reached the top echelons of military command and was appointed to highly sensitive positions. Not an idiot.

Off the record? Two FBI agents sitting in front of him taking notes suggests it's "off the record"?

Y'all have a really low opinion of Flynn's intelligence.
or flynn counted on protocol where you simply don't do what the FBI did here and therefor was at ease with the questions.

spin doctors in surgery today.
What about being "at ease" makes it okay to lie to the FBI? Nothing. Zero.

This is all spin on your part.
you have said both that admitting guilt meant you're guilty and then it also meant you may not be.

way to take a stand there, dickens.
I don't think you understand satire.

I was satirizing Billy Barr's nutty statements that feed the frenzy from the village rabble. That guy is a political hack.
i don't think you understand counter-trolling.

you wanna troll your stupid shit, i can do the same. you wanna drop bullshit and talk honestly, i can do that. i just follow the lead of the conversation.
Trolling and satire are not the same thing.

You weren’t counter trolling. You’re just being oblivious. Your posts here are little more than emotional outbursts from someone existing in a toxic media bath.

Being honest, dude needs to go to jail. He plead guilty because he’s guilty.

So did Flynn.

This is probably the biggest fish you’re going to get in your counter narrative of FBI corruption. Some low level dude that no one ever heard of. And it’s not because someone is “protecting” Comey or anyone else. It’s because there isn’t evidence to support charges against anyone else.
i'm pretty aware of what i was doing. you see, this is why it's such bullshit to talk to you. i can tell you what i'm doing and why and you go "no you weren't"

how in the fuck do you know? you don't so you're making shit up and lying.

as for my "emotional outbursts" - part of the troll man. don't really give a shit if you like it or not.
Alright man, whatever floats your boat.

You know I'm right. Deep down, you know that this is about as good as it gets for your little conspiracy theory about the FBI out to get Trump.
Think about this for a moment...

This attorney falsified public records used to obtain an illegal wire tap on a presidential candidate and then on a SITTING US PRESIDENT. This means everything they did was ILLEGAL from the get go. This makes the case solid as bedrock on everyone else.

This makes the intentional (premeditated) Fraud on the FISA court valid charges to follow up with. Given who knew and when they were told, this makes everyone in the chain right up to and including Obama and Biden culpable in the Coup.

This one case makes all the others possible. The next bomb could be 35+ indictments... And it could happen very early next week. What IF Biden is named in an indictment? What will democrats do? Biden is still just a citizen and does not gain exemption from prosecution.

I need lots of popcorn....

There was no wire tap, legal or illegal on a presidential candidate or a sitting U.S. president. Where do you guys come up with this whacked out stuff?
They spied on him, moron. These days you don't need a physical wiretap since the NSA records every phone call you make. All you have to do is get permission to access them. That's what FISA warrants are for. The claim that "there was no wiretap" is a leftwing diversion.

Specifically where was Trump spied on and when both prior and post election?
I just told you, dumbass. They went to the NSA database.

And they specifically pulled Trump's calls phone calls and pre election?
i'm sorry - can you provide the facts on this? i believe you just chided me about doing these types of things.

wow. that didn't take long.

Your haste to attack (again and again...) kind of overlooks something. I asked a question (note the punctuation?). You don't provide facts when you are asking a question. The claim is that Trump was wire tapped. I didn't make the claim. I'm only trying to keep track of shifting goal posts.
Then by all means, clarify.

And thank you. Thank you for your never ending patience and NEVER being quick to attack. You're the shining melted butter in my unworthy mashed potatoes.

You must be thinking of margarine. Seriously. Give it a rest. Try discussing the issues brought up instead of constantly focusing on the person. Damn, if I can try it you can as well. Why on EARTH would you ask for "facts" to support a question? The question is asked because there have been no facts to support the claims and there still aren't.

Why not look at that instead of go on the attack? Don't worry I'll keep on trying to ignore it but I sure would like to know what specific actions prove that Trump was directly spied on.
It's been proven Trump tower was spied on
Can you prove Trump has never been in Trump Tower? If you can prove that you made your case.
Ah, the backpedaling. Why were you all so upset that "Trump tower" was spied on as opposed to Trump? Trump tower is a wretched hive of scum an villainy, of course someone in Trump tower is going to have a wire tap.
And it's spying wiretapping is spying

Don't think I backpedaled dude. No evidence Trump himself was ever spied on either before or after the election.
as I said Trump Tower was spied on.
Now you must prove that Trump has never been in Trump Tower if you can't Trump was spied on
Those giving up information (cooperating) are the first to get out of the way... The bomb is about to drop big time.. This is just the beginning.
Any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now....(how many years has it been?)
The first indictment for the crime that was being investigated and many more to come.
Democrats are total POS.

They will deny trump was spied on and or then say it was justified because he was working with the Russians. They are so brainwashed they believe whatever fits the Democrat political line at the time.
With the indictment of Clinesmith Russia is dead
Democrats are total POS.

They will deny trump was spied on and or then say it was justified because he was working with the Russians. They are so brainwashed they believe whatever fits the Democrat political line at the time.
With the indictment of Clinesmith Russia is dead
Democrats are so stupid they bought Hillary's Russia excuse for her loss hook line and sinker. They are extremely gullible tools.
Democrats are total POS.

They will deny trump was spied on and or then say it was justified because he was working with the Russians. They are so brainwashed they believe whatever fits the Democrat political line at the time.
With the indictment of Clinesmith Russia is dead
Democrats are so stupid they bought Hillary's Russia excuse for her loss hook line and sinker. They are extremely gullible tools.
If Clinsmith makes it to November I'll be surprised.
The suicide squad will be working overtime

The dude is just acknowledging what others have noticed.

Barr has two standards of justice. One for Trump’s friends and one for his enemies.
No, not like Obama.

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