Ex-Mex President Fox Vows To Meet Trump For Lunch If He Apologizes to Mexico...& Picks Up the Check

How did Mexico "help" people cross illegally into the U.S.?

You pinheaded xenophobic bigot.
The news actually reported the Mexican govt was giving them 'Intel' on the best places to cross based on their monitoring our BPAS...
They made up brochures for illegals encouraging them to cross and where and what to do if they get caught. Here is is.

How to Cross Illegally Into the US by the MEXICAN GOV.


Your link goes to the hope page of the Mexican Foreign Ministry. Not to anything resembling what your link claims it does. And not a "brochure" on a fucking thing.
You think everybody else is as stupid as you are?
What a freaking convoluted interpretation. Fox didn't "vow" anything. He said he won't have lunch with Trump but what does it matter? He's the ex president of Mexico.
...Oh, & 'we are still paying for that wall'.


Millions of their people have illegally - with Mexico's help - flooded into the US because their country SUCKS! Our politicians have been complete SUCKERS for letting them continue to flow in and for using billions upon billions of our tax dollars to feed, clothe, house, give free medical care to, driver's licenses, jobs, etc....while Americans are demoted to 2nd Class and suffer needlessly (#VETS)!

And this arrogant POS suggests he will have lunch with Trump if he 'apologizes to Mexico' for pondering the idea of finally securing our boarders and stopping his nation of criminals from continuing to flow into the US?

I would agree to have lunch with him then have immigration take him into custody and 'deport' him. :p

If for no other reason that his smug, arrogant comments - yet there are MILLIONS of (illegal( reasons to do it, if Trump goes in as President, he needs to:

- Seize all of Mexico's monetary assets in the U.S.
- Use that money to pay for a 'serious' wall to stop illegal immigration
- Use the money to HIRE (JOBS) a ton of US BPAs (even if Temp) to help stop the drug trafficking/invasion
- Pay reparations to the victims and families of victims hurt / killed by Mexican illegals
- Give the rest of the money back only AFTER all of this is done


If they think they have it bad now and people want to leave now, imagine the 'welfare state' of Mexico cut off from the US 'teat' and no way to cme into the US. They would become the SWern version of Cuba.

Hey, Vincente, here's the answer to your offer for lunch:


Vicente Fox: Will Meet The Donald for Lunch if Trump Apologizes to Mexico, Still 'Not Paying for That Wall' - Breitbart

Feel better, drama queen?
Someone explain why a corrupt ex-president of a third world shit hole matters
You'd have to ask trump that you stupid shit, he is the one that invited him to lunch

Yo stupid fuck wit I never asked why Trump thinks he matters now did I? You're too fucking stupid to live you decrepit old coot
Hey! I thought you had me on ignore? Also, that isn't a very christian like response. Oh, that's right, you are one of those hypocrite christians.

Decrepit old coot? Far from it lard ass. LOL. You must be thinking about that older than dirt pervert deltex.
I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of that dumb, 3rd-world-toilet Mexico! In every measurable way that degenerate, worthless nation of backwards savagery is the ultimate PARASITE on the US. Fuck Mexico with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul!

Good thing for them you don't have one.
How did Mexico "help" people cross illegally into the U.S.?

You pinheaded xenophobic bigot.
The news actually reported the Mexican govt was giving them 'Intel' on the best places to cross based on their monitoring our BPAS...
They made up brochures for illegals encouraging them to cross and where and what to do if they get caught. Here is is.

How to Cross Illegally Into the US by the MEXICAN GOV.
It doesn't encourage them; it warns them of the most life threatening scenarios for Mexicans choosing to cross illegally.
How did Mexico "help" people cross illegally into the U.S.?

You pinheaded xenophobic bigot.
The news actually reported the Mexican govt was giving them 'Intel' on the best places to cross based on their monitoring our BPAS...
They made up brochures for illegals encouraging them to cross and where and what to do if they get caught. Here is is.

How to Cross Illegally Into the US by the MEXICAN GOV.
It doesn't encourage them; it warns them of the most life threatening scenarios for Mexicans choosing to cross illegally.
When Trump build the wall, those guidlines will be rendered obsolete.
How did Mexico "help" people cross illegally into the U.S.?

You pinheaded xenophobic bigot.
The news actually reported the Mexican govt was giving them 'Intel' on the best places to cross based on their monitoring our BPAS...
They made up brochures for illegals encouraging them to cross and where and what to do if they get caught. Here is is.

How to Cross Illegally Into the US by the MEXICAN GOV.
It doesn't encourage them; it warns them of the most life threatening scenarios for Mexicans choosing to cross illegally.
When Trump build the wall, those guidlines will be rendered obsolete.

So now you ADMIT your claim was bullshit, as I said.

'Bout time.

Now apply that to those bogus quotes in your sigline.
How did Mexico "help" people cross illegally into the U.S.?

You pinheaded xenophobic bigot.
The news actually reported the Mexican govt was giving them 'Intel' on the best places to cross based on their monitoring our BPAS...
They made up brochures for illegals encouraging them to cross and where and what to do if they get caught. Here is is.

How to Cross Illegally Into the US by the MEXICAN GOV.
It doesn't encourage them; it warns them of the most life threatening scenarios for Mexicans choosing to cross illegally.
When Trump build the wall, those guidlines will be rendered obsolete.

Rump will "build the wall" in the same way they'll have Rump steaks, wash it down with Rump water and pop some Rump ACN vitamins, play the Rump bored game, fly back on the Rump Shittle Shuttle (booked via GoRump) and go see the Tour de Rump or the New Jersey Generals before dining at the Rump Taj Mafuckinghal. In your wet dreams.
I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of that dumb, 3rd-world-toilet Mexico! In every measurable way that degenerate, worthless nation of backwards savagery is the ultimate PARASITE on the US. Fuck Mexico with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul!

Maybe you should leave there and come here then.

I hear it's easy. There's a motorized walkway and Playboy bunnies serving you drinks as you go.

I've never been to Mexico, you idiot! I'm American born and bred. I have no idea what incoherent point your post is trying to make.
I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of that dumb, 3rd-world-toilet Mexico! In every measurable way that degenerate, worthless nation of backwards savagery is the ultimate PARASITE on the US. Fuck Mexico with every last quantum of my yankee-doodle-soul!

Maybe you should leave there and come here then.

I hear it's easy. There's a motorized walkway and Playboy bunnies serving you drinks as you go.

I've never been to Mexico, you idiot! I'm American born and bred. I have no idea what incoherent point your post is trying to make.




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